Some sort of weird debate about fascism produces a fun little pasta or at very least snappy quote

17  2018-03-29 by ChipChippersonAMA


I made the comment, AMA

How did you become so awesome?

Chicken or beef ramen noodles?


I feel like I'm one of the few who prefer chicken

I’m honestly not sure what it is about the beef, i just get more full from it

How are you contributing to the mayocide?

Kill yourself

That isn’t really a question

That isn't really the answer

The answer was yes and paying to our Patreon, by the way.

When did you learn of your retardation?

When did you learn you hated your own race?

Which race would that be?

I’m assuming you’re white, if you aren’t, then the statement doesn’t apply.

Sounds like you're a racist tbh

I mean yeah pretty much.

You seem pretty sharp.

That's what my mama told me

When I saw American Pie: Band Camp for the first time

Are traps gay?

Traps are indeed gay.

Ok. cums

The transperson who hurt you? How big was their cock?

Right, because all right wing do is project? No right winger is allowed to have a legitimate opinion on normalized mental illness.

Massive. Gotcha.

because all right wing do is project?

And whine about $ThingTheyDon'tLike is perverse and degenerate and will destroy le family unit

Can you take a bath with your favorite toaster plz, thx bby.

As fun and convenient as that sounds, I’m gonna have to pass.

What are you doing for the mayocide then, beside shooting your school that is?

I don’t go to school, I managed to graduate without a single mass murder. To be honest I don’t understand what you mean by mayocide.

Exterminating the white race. The one and true goal of r/drama, beside mandatory gay sex.

I’m pretty sure that’s not true, but even if it was it sounds like I’m last person you need around here.

Don't worry, all of us are white too.

Well, beside the amerimutts, of course.

You can start by killing the Jewish whites and then we'll kill you.

so wait, what’s degenerate about him? you never answered the question

Your self mutilation and the normalization of which is a risk to the family unit and therefore the fabric of the nation.

There won't be any families anymore? Aren't you being a little too dramatic here?

You don’t have to destroy families completely to harm society significantly. Look at the black community, the lack of a nuclear family in most black households has had a disaster plus effect on the success of young blacks. That’s a cultural problem.

Tendies or nuggies

Tendies are the official way to eat chicken for National Socialism

If no one wants your degeneracy then we’ll probably quarantine an island in the middle of nowhere specifically for your kind.

Did you mean Australia here?

I was thinking more along the lines of Midway Atoll or Wake island in the Pacific

No seriously, thanks I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

How to tell when someone is lying about laughing.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


Your mental illness is perverse

Says the Nazis

You are no different than pedophiles

Aside from not fucking kids

Your self mutilation and the normalization of which is a risk to the family unit

If being trans is a risk to the family unit so is tattoos and piercings. Also how the fuck are dick girls a threat to the family unit? And what the fuck is so great about the family unit?

and therefore the fabric of the nation

And therefore the world

We’re going to forcibly put you on a plane, boat, raft, anything and send you to literally anyone who will take you

Oh god that would be amazing. I can just picture it, on monday the Nazis send everyone they don't like to Canada and by Friday the American dollar is worth less than the Yen

If no one wants your degeneracy then we’ll probably quarantine an island in the middle of nowhere specifically for your kind.

This is really funny considering no western country wants to take in Nazis

I like that pasta since it's vague enough to be used in many different contexts.