Laura Ingraham says Hoggboi is a whiner, he responds by whining and demanding she loses her advertisers

58  2018-03-29 by Oh_hamburgers_


When I first saw this article from Daily Mail, its title was:

Parkland survivor David Hogg calls on advertisers to boycott Laura Ingraham's Fox News show after she accused him ...

Here are some other articles about this story:

I am a bot trying to encourage a balanced news diet.

These are all of the articles I think are about this story. I do not select or sort articles based on any opinions or perceived biases, and neither I nor my creator advocate for or against any of these sources or articles. It is your responsibility to determine what is factually correct.

Kinda fucked up on that media matters link there bot.

Yeah, but it's a little bit dishonest. Portland is like that, but the needles and feces are left by homeless mayos. It's not that illegal immigrant criminals are shitting the place up. It's that the cities where they don't believe in punishing illegal immigrants who commit crimes are the same cities that don't believe in punishing homeless mayos who commit crimes.

Portland/Seattle homeless have the decency to steal tents from REI.

San Fran homeless poop on escalators.

San Fran homeless poop on escalators.

Whoa, hold up. We don't kink shame on this sub, pal.

poop goes up, and then poop goes down. i don't see the problem here

also probably indians

I wonder how the R2D2 people would react if you accused them of mainly helping white people. Obviously you would have to phrase it to sound like you're accusing them of racism.

san francisco, rife with human feces

Never seen adults this triggered over a teenager.

He's very ... angular.

I think it's mostly an optical illusion from his suit. It looks like it's too small and the shoulder padding scrunched up when he raised his arm.

he also weighs about 30 pounds, suit included

They really should have photoshopped his arms better on the Time cover bc they look like twigs. TBH I feet a tiny bit bad for him bc 17 is when you grow and look all weird/skinny so he'll probably look back at all the pictures from this year and cringe.

He's going to be hilarious when he reaches his 20s. Nobody is going to remember who he is and I'm fairly optimistic that he'll hit either the airport Marriott or high school special assembly speaking circuits.

Now why would a 26 year old be in a high school organization like that when he's already got his whole acting career ahead of himself?

I thought the current right wing talking point about Parkland was that people should've just been nicer to Cruz and not bullied him? I guess the walk up not out campaign doesn't apply to bullying teens on twitter about their college rejections.



Bullying teens is fine as long as they're from the other tribe.

I don't know how you can equate high school heros bullying a loner kid with criticizing an ignorant retard who is choosing to put themselves in the spot light on every tv show.

A violent loner kid who brought knives to school, killed animals, posted pictures of him holding guns all over his social media, and harassed his ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend so much that he got kicked out of school. Something tells me "being nice" to Cruz wouldn't have changed anything because he was straight up mentally disturbed.

They're perverting the anti-bullying cause to victim blame distract from the bigger forces at play here - mental illness and the availability of guns.

Cruz was the bully. By multiple accounts he was a psychopath who alienated everyone around him.

Furthermore, you’re clearly trying to use a debunked lie as your evidence. Go ahead and look up her whole quote.

And lastly, when you’re spending all day defending a mass murderer and attacking innocent kids maybe you need to actually take a step back and reassess your life choices.

And lastly, when you’re spending all day defending a mass murderer and attacking innocent kids maybe you need to actually take a step back and reassess your life choices

It took me 10 seconds to write this post, the same as the post you're replying to. And how on earth do you interpret me defending the shooter? My only point was the tv is justified in criticising David Hogg.

Maybe you should try spending more than 10 seconds next time chief.

Let’s review what you couldn’t manage to respond to:

Several people have confirmed that Cruz was a psychopath who bullied and harassed everyone around him as well as abusing animals.

That you’re accusing teenagers of bullying someone based on an out of context quote.

And how on earth do you interpret me defending the shooter?

So you’re not defending him? You’re saying it’s his entire fault for his actions and that despite people trying to be nice to him nothing changed?

Or it is just because Cruz was a Trump supporter like you and you feel the need to defend him at all costs because of it?

So you’re not defending him?

No I am not retard. The kid was a faggot and deserves to die for what he did.

My only point was the tv is justified in criticising David Hogg.

Imagine being so retarded someone has to copy and paste the same words twice in a row because you are too stupid to comprehend what they are saying.

You seem a bit worked up. Try actually responding to what was written.

What’s the justification of a professional right wing pundit attacking a high school kid over acceptance letters to prestigious colleges?

Try again lil pede.

Yeah, yeah, that's swell, but the point isn't that Hogg is better than Cruz. The point is that Hogg is a smug, goofy-looking little mayo and we should all do our civic duty and make fun of him until he feels bad about it.

Wait, so now you support bullying?

I thought /r/Drama supported all bullying outside of kinkshaming...was I wrong?

That depends. Though it’s an easy flowchart really.

If they shot up a school but also supported Trump then it’s everyone else’s fault for bullying him. But if someone were to kill a bunch of people and have not supported Trump? Well, that means they’re part of the very popular Soros-Hillary Underground Sex Murder Cult (Copyright 2016) and bullying wasn’t a factor in any way.

By multiple accounts he was a psychopath who alienated everyone around him.

Sounds like he could have been a /r/Drama mod. Look at all that wasted potential.

I’m sure he was the mod of something. People with no actual accomplishments or power in real life have to pretend they’re relevant somehow 😂

They have nothing to lose from dunking on him, and plenty to gain.

✅ muh penis extensions

✅ Kalifornia

✅ millennials

✅ emahgerd antifa

✅ Parkland Truthers

Do you remember the little mudman with the clock/bomb from a couple of years ago? He whipped the righties into a pretty prolonged frenzy.

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! He's a troublemaker! He was given detention for blowing bubbles! Lynch the brownie!

Tbf, the whole Clockmed thing was some brown dude unabashedly trying to use his kid and "Muh Muslims/Muh racism!" to some money and attention.

At least we got shit like this out of it:

you mean unless hes wearing a red hat

When there's actually a scenario where Laura Ingraham isn't the whiner, it makes me think that maybe 17-year old children aren't ready to be leading political movements.

She is the whiner tho. She took an interview question out of context in order to bash him in a tweet and then got butthurt when he responded by tweeting at her advertisers. She shouldn't start shit if she can't even handle getting some shit in return from a 17 year old gun grabber lol

She took an interview question out of context in order to blah blah blah

Please don't expect me to do so much emotional labor that I actually understand what's going on. I just flipped a coin and the "bitch about millenials" side came up, not the "bitch about right-wing retards" side.

I can't pass up a good "bitch about right wing retards" sesh, especially when it comes with heaping sides of hypocrisy and whining

Your mental illness is perverse. You are no different than pedophiles. Your preoccupation with (((drama))) and the normalization of which is a risk to the family unit and therefore the fabric of the nation. We’re going to forcibly put you on a plane, boat, raft, anything and send you to literally anyone who will take you. If no one wants your degeneracy then we’ll probably quarantine an island in the middle of nowhere specifically for your kind.

But they are already to be shot down in schools tho. It's not like when we leave it to the hands of old fags, things get better. Might as well try something new.

She’s a 40+ year old woman screeching about a teenage kids college acceptance and GPA.

Oh, and she’s getting BTFO to the point where she’s apologizing.

Lib teen activist from Florida applies to 4 UC schools - what a shocker.

But why is a grown woman bashing Hogg for not getting accepted into 4 out of state universities? Must've been a slow day at Fox if she didn't have anything better to do than harass teenagers on twitter? Not a Hoggboi fan, but he comes out of this one looking better than Ingraham (seriously Laura all you had to do to be less of a tard than Hogg was to do literally nothing).

Isn't it obvious? They have to bash him or the evil liberals will take our guns, duh.

his tweets whining about not getting into them and eating muffins while crying were pretty funny, worthy of mockery

bu bu but think about the children!!!

damn those smug liberals making fun of the uneducated inbred south

Wow. Flip flopping at its best. The dumb wh*te blond who gets paid to look "barely fuckable" and parrots narrative at Fox News of all places makes fun of other people's GPAs. The irony is lost on her lol.

I think when you appoint yourself the leader of a generation and go on a hundred talk shows in two weeks you kinda open yourself up to criticism. He was tossing the bait out there for other schools to pick him up in this instance though, not necessarily whining until he went to Twitter because of asspain.

I think

One of the major problems in these cases

when you appoint yourself

Did he say that or it what you fee like? Because that's not really a title. Plus he's an activist for one issue. I think his generation has a lot more problems than just being shot in school by some wh*te trash

you kinda open yourself up to criticism

Not of that particular kind. See that's the thing. His GPA has nothing to do with his views on gun control. Might as well shit on politicians for not getting straight As in hight school. What kinda of stupid argument is that? "Criticisms" lol. Might as well see people making fun of his hairstyle because he's "opening himself up".


Calling someone out for unprofessional behavior is not whining. Nice try.

ass pain

Uh no. Gunfags are just mad that a kid might just take away their toys lmao

Damn that was pretty tryhard. Are you really gonna sit here and pretend this guys ego isn't wildly out of control? All he talks about, if you read this article, is how he's focused on changing the world and how he's going to use his white privilege for what he sees as good. He's got tweets and petitions going around to get all politicians into Town Halls so he can usher young people in to yell at them incoherently about guns. These kids have been essentially weaponized by the left and it's some low shit because then they hide behind them like a shield while advancing their agenda.

He's way past the status of just some innocent kid, he's part of the conversation now. His GPA was only brought up as an explation as to why he didn't get into certain schools, nobody was poking fun at him because of it.

Damnit u/Ed__ButteredToast I was in the mood for pointless arguments but you're taking too long. I'm going to sleep.

fuggggggg. i was on /g/. hold on. lemme see a bit closely what's all the fuss between rich hogg boi and daddy's blonde cockholster

David Hogg, a self-appointed spokesman for a generation

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. getting your talking points from "daily wire"


His GPA was only brought up as an explation as to why he didn't get into certain schools, nobody was poking fun at him because of it.

What part of "his GPA/college admissions has nothing to deal with his views" do you not get?


His GPA was only brought up...

By the dumb mr. dennison's cockholster (who unironically tweets "WINNING") because some "news" site i.e DailyWire made a butthurt article about it. As if college application acceptance/rejections are worthy of making the news anyway. Imagine writing A N G E R Y articles like these because your views got shat on by a kid lmao.


Her said tweet:

David Hogg Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA...totally predictable given acceptance rates.)

hmmmm, why did she tweet that? What was the occasion? oh, i know, protecting the agenda even if it means shitting on school shooting victims because they are now becoming a pain in the ass with their (((agenda)))


Are you really gonna sit here and pretend this guys ego isn't wildly out of control?

i don't care


All he talks about, if you read this article

no i won't read it as i don't care


is how he's focused on changing the world and how he's going to use his white privilege

hahaha still, idc


He's got tweets and petitions going around to get all politicians into Town Halls where they will usher young people in to yell at them incoherently about guns.

Does that make you mad? because, personally, i didn't knew and i still don't care.


hese kids have been essentially weaponized by the left and it's some low shit because then they hide behind them like a shield while advancing their agenda.


am i supposed to wear a tinfoil hat now?


He's way past the status of just some innocent kid

he is innocent you retard. Him shouting his views at the world doesn't mean you make fun of his GPA, college acceptences/rejections through "journalists" twitter accounts publicly. That's called being a piece of shit. Not surprised at all, this coming from the party of family values type people


he's part of the conversation now

See, the thing is, you don't get to decide that. He already is because of his circumstances.


nobody was poking fun at him because of it.

RIGHHHHHHHT! And i'm literally a talking buttered toast.


P.S: The reason i don't care about what he has to say is not that i think someone of his age should let politics to oldfags as usual. It's something else. You care because he's been "weaponized" by George Sorosthe ((LEFTOIDS))) and his trying to take way your toys. fucking lol.

Tryhard and incoherent

I mean, it's ed. Don't be surprised.

Y'know ed this is an impressive spergout and I had a bunch of other links and snide remarks loaded up for ya last night but my heart just ain't in it no more. How bout I just call you a faggot and we move on.

Phew!! Good choice!!

NRA gets most of its donations from gun manufacturing industries.

Boi, you're getting more worked up over some randon teenagers than old Roy did back in the 70's.

Remind me, what is a white savior complex, and why does this mayoboy not have it because that makes this morning's news cycle feel good for white people?

hes just a contrarian that thinks hes good at trolling

You’re whining pretty hard right now. Do you always get this triggered by teenagers?

Have you considered not being a raging faggot, or is it a way of life at this point?

*rages like a faggot*

hey you! Yeah you! Stop being a ragging faggot

investigates reddit accounts as if anyone gives a fuck.

Faggot confirmed.


howering the cursor above the username

oh no!! pls don't look up my public user account info

TROLOLOLOLOLOL XDDDDDDDD you're so good at this!! ya got me good!

brings it up even though no one fucking cares and types like a 14 year old autist.

Consider death please.


👍 stunning and brave.

Oh shit I figured it out. The reason Ed's always being a raging autist and checking people's accounts is because he can't remember which ones are his alts

Seems likely. He should keep himself very safe.

Imagine being and adult with a job and then your job is whining about some teenager being a sperg. And somehow the teenager is worse.

Why can't Fox News at least have dumb blondes who are half as attractive as al-Arabiya dumb blondes?

It doesn't sound like he's whining, but the "journalists" who write about it and insinuate that his political activism got him rejected from top schools. No, it's because UCLA is incredibly competitive, you're out of state, and your SAT score is quite low for UCLA

UCLA is also very weird with admissions. I know many people that got accepted to Berkeley but not ucla.

That happened to me. Didn't really bother me though because I fucking hate southern California and wouldn't have gone even if I had gotten in. Still thought it was odd.

It doesn't sound like he's whining

Of course he's not really whining. He's the left's special little darling right now, so when they found out he got treated like common plebe they set up an interview about his college admissions so that it would come to the attention of the right people and UC could "reconsider" and open a spot for him. I wouldn't be surprised to hear in the next week or two that Berkeley is accepting him and giving him a special scholarship or something.

Professional whiner whines about whiny teen.

The entire thing is pretty much a whine off at this point.

Apparently it's supposed to convince people about gun control though.

Is there an Option C somewhere to piss both sides off?

smart guns mainly, Weinberg repealed her own law because of how fucking dumb it was to have a state only have Smart Guns purchasable as soon as they are available. Got the NRA all worked up too

What's a smart gun?

Those things from shadowrun?

What's a smart gun?

Guns that only fire when the owner pulls the trigger, as you can imagine they aren't fully functional yet but soley because NJ is full of retards the rest of American ( and therefor the world) don't get to have sweet ass Judge Dred guns

The Democrat-controlled New Jersey legislature repealed the law in 2014 only to have Republican Gov. Chris Christie veto it.

Wait there are guns that don't fire when you pull the trigger?

Don't know much about guns if that isn't obvious.

Wait there are guns that don't fire when you pull the trigger?

Most guns have a safety that stops the gun from firing when you pull the trigger unless it's disengaged.

Smart guns just apply technology to the safety mechanism, be it RFID

other type of shortwave radio such as on a bracelet, magnetic locks, fingerprint reader, etc.

So it'd both solve the whole "all illegal guns used to be legal" argument AND probably piss off the old fashioned NRA members.


You know, they should go full-on revengeance on this shit and have the guns become inoperable/explode if someone other than the owner tries to tamper with it.

THey also will definitely fail all the time, so some cop will get limited by a good boi when his fails to fire and it'll be all over.

All it does is adds more and more failure states to, in essence, a simple mechanism. As long as we're not talking about something like a G11 or, to a lesser extent, an AN-94 you can build a firearm out of common materials, using basic tools.

You don't want your spacegun to lose connection to the butthole authentication sensor you have to insert for it to work while someone points a slamfire shotgun at your gut.

I mean, Judge Dredd guns would be sick af, but given how many gun deaths are due to suicide and domestic homicides, I don't really think it would change the aggregate statistics very much. Most people don't realize that the vast majority of gun deaths are due to people shooting their friends, family, or themselves.


Suicide is legal, god you wannabe it's like you've never seen the movie

IIRC The idea of smart guns was a plot point in Metal Gear Solid 4.

smart guns

yeah lets put another failure point on something that is relied on in life or death situations.

i got another good one "smart brakes" for motorcycles, it scans your fingerprint to make sure someone ELSE isnt squeezing your brakes in an attempt to steal your bike. BRILLIANT

furiously mashes button C until I realize that there is no button C on an X-Box controller

There’s a c button on a gamecude controller. Should’ve used that dumbass.

It’s a stick dumbass

Same thing dumbass

If you want to piss off all the sides best to go with "We need to confiscate all the guns because black people are too stupid and dangerous to have guns. Plus their hair is fucked up."

Whiny teen whines about professional whiner whining about whiny teen.

The teen also revealed he has a 4.2 GPA and scored a 1270 on his SAT, both of which are considered above average.

How bad is grade inflation in high schools that not only is a 4.2 GPA a thing, but a kid with that GPA only managed a 1270 on the SAT?

In some places an A in an AP class is like a 6.0 toward your GPA. The article probably gave his weighted GPA (usually better due to grade inflation) while colleges look more at unweighted (all classes go up to 4.0).

You're not exactly talking to AP grads here, you know.

Its not "like a 6.0". Its a 5.0

My school did a 6.0 for AP's, a 5.0 for honors, and a 4.0 for regular.

My mistake, I was at an IB school and those courses were 5s.

I was at an IB school

There are schools for people with incontinent bowels?

Damn, we really do live in the future.

If you're applying to UCLA and the only impressive thing on your resume involves being shot at then you probably aren't going to get in. Also a 1270 SAT is drooling subhuman retard status by collegiate standards.

Yeah, most people don't realize but even a top GPA and a high SAT score won't get you into some of the better Universities (and he didn't even have that). So many people are applying, that you also have to have activities you're involved in (during and after school), proof that you are able to achieve something (they want to make sure you will go some where after university so it makes them look better), some connections don't hurt, state awards for anything would help too, and you have to write something they are personally looking for when applying.

Resume? For school admission? Where, pray did you matriculate? Trump U?

I'm pretty sure I got worse and I turned out okay

I've got some bad news buddy.

1270/1600 isn't retarded, but it sure isn't gonna get you into UCLA, especially if you're out of state.

Jesus Christ that isn't when good when it was a 1600 scale. What a moron.

That probably was on a 1600 scale.

It's back to the 1600 scale now

it's bs, I got a great score on the essay due to my (((high verbal IQ)))

Glad I took it before they took out the score-padding English part lol


Fucking lmao. I know quiet a few people who gave it for admission into Americunt unis, even one absolute retard scored 1350. How is this considered above average in mutt land?

I ended up with like a 1460 and I actually dropped out when I was 15.

Ended up taking the SAT and getting a GED when I was 19 so I could apply for the local state college.

So meh.

Yeah, if you do it at 19 of course you’ll score higher. Hoggman is only 17.

Geez, I remember when the SAT was 1600, then it went to 2400 after I graduated. Now it's 1600 again? When did that happen?

I think they changed it like 2-3 years ago.

Some people do worse on standardized testing.

That's nothing; my GPA in high school was 90.

a 4.2 GPA basically means you took like 5 AP or honors classes and got about as many As as Bs. Also a 1270 on the SAT is 88th percentile which, when you consider that most people taking the SATs don't even study or give a fuck about the score they get (since it's often mandatory), isn't impressive. The sad thing is that he will still get into Haavaad because leftism.

That Hogg kid is some weird shit. He was in the vicinity of a school shooting and now he parades like he's on some smug Mussolini powertrip. These kids need psychological help.

you can tell by looking at him, he's in it for the fame and attention. The self-righteous smug is unbelievable.

Propped up drama student gets a big head. Color me surprised.

There really needs to be a mass lobotomization program for gun advocates. At this point, they are more subhumanly retarded than even abortion nuts.

you might wanna clean up that language. we know have snitchy snotchers in this sub

lobotomy is fucked up so that's why. would hate to see u go :(

You're right Ed, I should have said institutionalization. Though, in the old times, when people knew their shit, those were one and the same.

How far we've fallen indeed...

pretty sure they have guns to stop people like you trying to implement dumb laws like that tbh

The only thing obese, diabeetus-stricken rednecks living on welfare checks can ever stop is their cousin-wives from leaving them, and that's just by offering them a few extra fentanyl pills.

is this what you think qualifies as good shitposting

Parkland survivor

Didn't he admit to not even being on campus at the time of the shooting? I feel like calling him a "survivor" is a bit of an exaggeration.

Technically ‘survivor’ is 100% accurate

Technically I survived 9/11

I was enrolled there once...give me a piece of the media pie!! juicey!

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

i am shocked that the goblin girl is going to a liberal arts college

Maybe it's different in Eurotrashcan and I'm mistaken, but what is the issue with the liberal arts? Or is it because of the word liberal?

Just an indication that they don't want to get a real useful job, and probably be a full time student complainer.

Seems there are plenty of opportunities. I know liberal arts are more for people who don't really know what to do and want to keep busy while they figure it out, but the degree in itself is not that useless.

"become a professional SJW" yes, very beneficial to society.

also you are triggered.

u're t-t-triggered

Okay friendo.

Le STEM is the only useful degree hur dur

Another neet triggered that they are going into debt for nothing. lol

I'm getting a STEM degree retard. It doesn't make the STEMlord circlejerk any less insufferable.

What does "liberal arts college" mean to you? US News lists West Point as a liberal arts college.

1270 SAT is absolutely garbage if you are applying to a UC. It’s sad that he brags about that, and shows how fucked schools are if he has a 4.2 but scores like a neanderthal on the SAT

A lot of people apply to top schools with even worse resumes.

You’ll learn when you’re a senior.

Imagine being so retarded you have to pick a fight with a high schooler and you end up losing.

i thought the advertisers thing only worked if they made a pro gun statement or whatever, now hes trying to get companies to drop people for making fun of him? lol what a dork

Lmao at the gun grabbers raging