Men don't need safe spaces apparently.

60  2018-03-29 by DowntownWrongdoer


The titty bar is a male safe space.

Not from horny single moms looking for a good man to rise her children.

Iā€™m still free tonight bby. The kids are with my mom. Call me. šŸ†šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’¦

To many boobs of the matriarchy being thrust in your face, plus the prices in the champagne room are ridiculous.

When the devil tried to tempt Jesus in the bible he took him to the Spearmint Rhino.

The Peppermint Hippo?

That one was owned by the Egyptians.

Makes sense.

The Spicy Cock

Gay male saunas. Let all your malenesz hang out and breathe deep the sweaty toxic masculinity.

Fully recommend it. Good for the soul. And good for the bussy.

Men are different from women! They really shouldn't need to talk about their issues unless they're complete pussies. Men truly thrive and become their best selves when they avoid these feminine behaviors.

u/pe3brain u/seeking-abyss u/TAKEitTOrCIRCLEJERK

Pinging people for the purpose of stoking inter-subreddit drama is very womanly behavior tbh.

You're wrong. The paragon of manliness, Daddy Trump, does it all the time on twitter.

Stop being a misogynist.

Stop getting beat by your husband.

But I kinda like it when Daddy gets a bit ruff.

Don't kink shame us!

Drama is a femme-only space u fucking idiot

True, real men are stoic. This is more how highschool girls behave.

Wow get out of here with your sexism. Guessing you're also a white supremacist

Hey everyone, could someone who are still polite, ping that asshole ( I'll link you to a baby animal pick for it).


/u/seeking-abyss voicelesshoodwinker would like to speak with you.

/u/voicelesshoodwinker go unload on your face.


This had nothing to do with you fam..please no bully ā˜¹

I meant that martholomeow dude. It's ok, I'm gonna do it myself later, could you delete your comment?



Oh my bad, you meant /u/Martholomeow.

/u/Martholomeow voicelesshoodwinker wants to yell 'atcha. (via vigorous debate.)

Hey u/Martholomeow do you want to meet a really cool friend of mine?

Manocide when?

To be fair /u/breshark she's right. Do the right thing and end menslib as a space now. You don't need to exist. In fact we'd all be better off if you stopped existing.

Menslib isn't a male safespace anyway. The majority of users are women and transguys (not being a terf, just saying).

And the rest of the users are so emasculated you honestly can't call them "male" with good conscience.

The linked male feminist dude literally posts in /r/Polyamory and /r/NintendoSwitch. šŸ˜‚

Real post? Where?

The picture by itself is already hilarious though. Soyboys all look the same, glasses, balding, shitty beard, and that stupid open mouth. Why do they do that anyway? Looks retarded.

e: I looked up the username. Not real, so disappointed.

Real post? Where?

Not entirely, but it's real in my mind. ;^)

Childfree seems like such a sad sub. Like they're lacking something in life and are desperately trying to fill that hole. Can't quite put my finger on it though.

/r/dogfree is even better

They lack a healthy alternative to conventional family life (which they hate), so they define themselves by their opposition to the thing they secretly fear they're missing out on.

It's a miserable way to live. You see it in the MGTOW community also; instead of just living a healthy single life, they have to sit around circlejerking with other sad fucks in order to constantly reaffirm their decision to stay single.

True, but you have to admit children are super annoying shits a lot of the time.

Oh, I totally feel you and I probably won't have kids. But I'm okay with that possibility.

It's like being an atheist or a vegan, you can be childfree without being the type of person who hangs out and posts in /r/childfree

this is the post-truth era so yes, it is real. yes, he did say that. yes, he is loving the cuck lifestyle. and yes, he does think Bernie still has a chance.

Yes it means i like to play video games, i have sex with lots of beautiful women (very often two or three at the same time) and i don't have a bunch of screaming kids to waste my time and money on.

It's ok to be jealous, i understand. I'd be jealous of a guy like me if i were you too.


I'd be jealous if:

  • I believed you
  • I liked getting cucked
  • I was 14-years old and thought that sounds like a fulfilling lifestyle

Why don't you believe me dude? Is my lifestyle so amazingly fantastical that you can't even believe it's real? Well it is. Women tend to like feminist men, and they like to show me by getting in bed with me and taking turns sucking my cock. Seriously. I'm one of those polyamorous men like you see on tv. I live with multiple women in a big house and no i don't happen to be a cuck. My wife doesn't have sex with other men. She has sex with me and our girlfriends. You've seen those porn scenes where it's a guy with two girls haven't you? Well i can tell you from experience that position where one woman is sitting on your face while the other one is fucking you isn't actually as good as it looks because you can't see the two of them making out because it's too dark under all that pussy.

Actually seeing what i just wrote i agree it does sound kinda hard to believe. Sometimes i have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. But it's real dude! I'm a very lucky guy.


I just found new pasta!




Lol, amazing. Youre amazing!

Um... What is this place?

/r/drama read the sidebar

Why don't you believe me dude? Is my lifestyle so amazingly fantastical that you can't even believe it's real? Well it is. Women tend to like feminist men, and they like to show me by getting in bed with me and taking turns sucking my cock. Seriously. I'm one of those polyamorous men like you see on tv. I live with multiple women in a big house and no i don't happen to be a cuck. My wife doesn't have sex with other men. She has sex with me and our girlfriends. You've seen those porn scenes where it's a guy with two girls haven't you? Well i can tell you from experience that position where one woman is sitting on your face while the other one is fucking you isn't actually as good as it looks because you can't see the two of them making out because it's too dark under all that pussy.

Actually seeing what i just wrote i agree it does sound kinda hard to believe. Sometimes i have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming. But it's real dude! I'm a very lucky guy.

How many video games do you own?

inb4 "the whole world is a safe space for teh menz"

I need a safe space from women with the lads so I can fart and let my gut hung out and get only positive judgement.

/u/Martholomeow :

I'm a man who is a feminist

How have you decided to control your disgusting male urges? Have you overcome your genetic proclivities towards rape? As you frequent /r/Childfree have you undergone voluntary castration yet?

Is there anything we can do to help the cause? Maybe donation for your inevitable surgery? We care, really we do.

/u/buttR0cket there is no such thing as male sexual assault victims. Men are inherently sexually insatiable so are always open for sexual contact. You can't assault someone that's begging for it every minute of the day. It's gross you guys try and muddy the talks of rape culture that exists within the patriarchy and steal the spotlight from women

I said that men don't experience constant harassment from women. What's antagonistic about that very obviously true statement?

/u/Martholomeow Maybe women do harass other men and the reason women avoid interacting with you is because they're instinctively repulsed by you?

I said that men don't experience constant harassment from women. What's antagonistic about that very obviously true statement?

/u/Martholomeow Maybe women do harass other men and the reason women avoid interacting with you is because they're instinctively repulsed by you?

You doubleposted.

That's how he owns the libs twice as hard

Feminists think women are so pathetic lol.

It makes the raping easier.

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I remember some college was trying to open a men's center. But feminists blocked it cause they said men would plan rapes there.