Say anything you want. Do not kneel.

19  2018-03-29 by TiresomeJester




You gonna write that essay or nah?

u mad bro

I'm so triggered I'm gonna make a post on drama because a mod was mean to me

I'm so triggered I'm gonna ban you because you were mean to me

It's only a temp ban to test your literacy. You wanna come back? Just write the essay.

i'm glad ur not mad bro

How many times are we gonna do this same song and dance? You've been banned like a dozen times over the past year and keep getting your accounts remoced by admins. Let's just fuck already.

This account is 5 years old. 3 years older than your sub. Who do you think I am?

You're my arch nemesis, Bussy Boi

All over game of thrones?

This keeps getting sadder and sadder for the OP, tell me more 😍

He makes doodles on looseleaf paper then posts them on reddit

Is it true love?

when even your shitty drawings trigger people. oh to be alive.

Nah, just trying to find you a date boo. Maybe if someone plays with your butthole you'll give in to your long held desire to lick dunk's.

Lol you're a colossally triggered, completely bussy blasted, virgin cumskin

Even worse than OP, whom I was about to criticize for really low tier, retarded drama.

Shut the fuck up mayo soyboy

I dunno about the rest of /r/drama, but I love you already. I would suck your asshole completely clean anyday.

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Haven't I already seen this episode?

Is the second time this guy has made a post about you?

Actually I think it's the third time he's done it here. He got banned last October and keeps coming back with new accounts.

He was really active in the incel subs too. This is a sad, lonely, mentally unstable person.

You're out of your mind. This is a 5 year old account.

In 2 days it won't be an account at all

im glad ur not mad bro


if it makes you feel better, i woudln't ban you even if you were mean to me

I will continue you ban you and your army of alts. I'm very petty

How many people have you banned in your paranoia

  1. In a row.

a dozen apparently

I can see why you didn't want to write the essay. You are not at an 8th grade level

You've been banned like a dozen times over the past year

You can't even understand the words that you write. It's no wonder I got banned.

You can't understand what it's like to be a straight white mayo. As a straight white man I am literally the most sexist, racist, homophobic entity that can possibly exist. I am the standard to which all other discrimination is compared.

When I exhale millions of people all over the world die of oppression. I once said hello to a woman and she internalised her misogyny so much that she become a cis man.

My gaze turns the Elder Gods into PoC and then oppresses them out of existence (this is why you have never seen Cthulhu). There were too many black people in Game of Thrones so I blinked and in doing so rewrote the universe so they were all slaves. I am the source of the Higgs Boson that gives fat people their shame.

I am the alpha male and the omega man. I am the beginning and the end of all prejudice. And every other straight white cis abled thin wealthy man is me as well, united across any distance by quantum entanglement (which we created for that express purpose).

TL;DR: My very existence is oppressive.

i love how you have to respond, even if it's just copy paste

How dare you accuse me of plagiarism

Post bussy

Donate to my pateron

(((Patreon))) lol no

Assholes can be licked without kneeling. Don't be so unimaginative.

discrimination against the retarded

Don't tell my parents but this made my peepee hard

What was the original image