WARNING: Starbucks is known to the State of California to cause /r/Drama

36  2018-03-30 by MantisTobogganMD_PHD


Obviously this is an Anti-Wiccan conspiracy.

Does anyone pay attention to those warnings? They’ve got to be on tons of shit people know don’t actually cause cancer.

They’re completely pointless and nobody should pay attention to them. They’re at fucking parks and beaches.

sometimes. someone was once looking at sunglasses at my store, saw the warning, asked if i knew what the chemical was and if the sunglasses caused cancer. i just was like "idk read the sign."

Best part is they’re also on tons of things that do cause cancer.

DNA is the main cause of cancer.

They should put a warning on that.

The judge is a complete retard! He deserves to die of cancer and burn in hell. I hope his family also gets cancer and his wife cheats on him. This is gross and stupid tyranny that he will answer for come judgement day.

Title should be: Warning, living in California is known to cause autism.

Typical California retardation

Still superior to your state, whatever it is.

I live on the Moon, you fucking retard.

So you live on a soundstage in the Mojave Desert?


/s??? In my r/drama??

what a fucking noob!

pre 50k user subscribers, OUT OUT OUT OUT!!!

Disagree, as someone who lives in California I have to say this state sucks.

I guarantee you, it only gets worse when you leave.

Prop 67 has not saved a single life. It has however made a lot of plaintiff attorneys wealthy.