"The "I vote against my own interests" starter pack"

188  2018-03-30 by icefourthirtythree


Incoming! Be patient.

Hope you're having an awful day!

Maybe you'd like me if you got to know me

Fucking Paiposting gets me every time.

Only good comment in this thread.

Imagine getting legitimately butt-frustrated about a starter pack meme

This starter back should have included a "I support consumption taxes" sticker tbh.

Why do you hate poors so much?

I don't? I hate poor conservatives that screech about "handouts."

I have a friend I've known since the age of 13 that is on every form of government aid under the sun right now and he's constantly posting on FB about "welfare leeches."

I hate poor conservatives

You heard it here first, folks

why wouldn't you tho? They are trash that should be gassed

>not wanting to gas both sides

...are you even a radical centrist at all? 😒🤨

I want to gas the whole world because humanity is a mistake, but the topic at hand is poor conservatives

Carry on then 👍 ⛽️💨👷🏻‍♂️👨🏻‍🌾

I wouldn’t mind “gassing” them with pot smoke from a joint. Make the world a peaceful place with the green stuff.

DUDE WEED LMAO 😂😂😂😂🚬🚬🚬💊👌🏻👌🏻👍🏻

If poors were worth anything they wouldn't be poor.

Have you met the poors?

Consumption taxes did nothing wrong.

That’s funny, I thought it was Bernie’s fault trump won!

Bernie can still win! Buy my mixtape for a link to my podcast about it!

No Jill Stein's.

Jill fucking stein should be executed

This but unironically. Her antivax positions are dangerous to everyone.

That is literally the only criticism I ever see, so ...

I mean, her other positions like wifi is bad are crazy, but this is both crazy and dangerous.

Maybe because it is objectively bad.

She has pretty weird GMO policies too, but spreading misinformation about vaccines actually kills people.

she cost hillary florida.

100k votes for jill stein that would have given her florida, and ended this circus of tears.

"What are my best interests?" - Dumb illiterate Trump voter

"Whatever we decide for you." - Enlightened Democratic Chad Intellectual

You wouldn't expect a preschooler to make decisions for a college student!

(unless that preschooler wants to repeal the second amendment)

Yeah we wouldn't want to amend the Constitution,now, would we?

Get rid of 2, 13, 19 and 21 and we'll finally have a great country

Get enough support behind it and then most the country would agree.

get most of the country behind it and most of the country would agree

Ed, post a good rare thonk here pls


We should absolutely enact every amendment proposed by preschoolers, yes.

The preschoolers are talking about anything that threatens the 2nd a.

You don't know enough woke 3 year olds then dude.

You may be right

Lol, you tards are gonna get your guns taken away by kids. Nice job white people.

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Daddy-Hogg take my high energy!

how hot preschooler are we talking about?


idk have you seen college students today?

bring back philosopher kings

...but unironically

How can you bring back what never happened, though? Philosopher kings was an interesting design that never made it into the real world.

philosopher kings

Well, they changed the name to "Benevolent Dictator."

The Benevolent Dictator occurs about as frequently as True Communism; ie for about a year or two before somebody is like "wait I don't HAVE to put up with this shit? Cool."


I honestly don't understand why Park Chung-hee isn't in that list.
He is literally the dictator that dag SK out of the shithole they were in before his election.

dictator elections 🤔🤔🤔🤔

As one could guess, he wasn't a dictator before he got elected. Not in the first few years after it, though.

Glad to see my boy Tito on that list. I lived with a Bosnian guy in college who came to the US as a refugee and we had a MASSIVE poster of Tito in our living room thanks to him.

Do you even Marcus Aurelius bro?

Marcus Aurelius and I guess Lenin were sort of philosopher kings.

but weren't they elected by votes and not actually kings?

Bring back absolute kings

the 5% should rule the other 95%

Since when did the GOP give a crap about the working class though?

Never, but they usually aren't on tape talking to rich bankers about how much they hate working class people.

Have you forgotten Mitt Romney already?

(Also when did that happen with the Dems)?

Have you forgotten Mitt Romney already?

I'm not at all ashamed to answer yes to that question.

(Also when did that happen with the Dems)?

Clinton's "basket of deplorables" speech.

Trump: Illegal immigrants are all rapists and murderers! Trump supporters: He's just telling it like it is! Hillary: A large portion of Trump supporters are racist and backwards. Trump supporters: HOW COULD SHE SAY THAT!?!?!

They don't send their best.

"They" aren't sending anyone.

This is pedantic.

Why do you hate poor people?

Illegals aren't people or they would be legal.

They smell bad

If they were quality people, they wouldn't be poor.

Trump: Illegal immigrants are all rapists and murderers!

Only he never said that.

You're right, he just said the vast majority are rapists and murderers and drug dealers. Just like Hillary called a large portion of Trump supporters racist idiots. Just two people telling it like it is. No need to get so PC about it.

lol no he didn't you dumb fuck

Calm down.

I said the naughty word, my apologies.

/u/shimmy_shimmy_ya doesn't need to spin it because what Trump and Hillary said was not the same. She called half of Trump's supporters deplorables. He said that Mexico is ending rapists and murderers but that "some" might be good people. Some < half.

But please continue getting triggered over words that were said almost two years ago.

Lol shut up you whiny faggot

Are you capable of reading? Donny said that only some Mexicans were maybe good people. That implies that most/the majority are not.

Nope I can't read. Makes Reddit really tough, but somehow I manage. Are you capable of understanding context or nah? This whole conversation is fucking retarded, I don't care about politics anyway.

Yeah this argument is pretty dumb tbh

Imagine still unironically defending Daddy. Maintain your safety.

I can't hear you over the sound of a roaring economy.

I can't hear him over the largest stumbling noises the market had made in nearly a decade.. Trade war anyone?

Trade war anyone?

Oh noez! I mean its not like they NEED the US market! Jesus fucking christ.

The US accounts for 12% of global imports. You're important, but you aren't that fucking important.

half of 50 million people are all racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic and Islam's phobic

Don't think so

people that are willing to break the law to illegally enter a country are not a problem, nothing about that undermines legal immigrants

Don't think so

That doesn't mean that I think Trump is never wrong and that MUH ILLEGAL RAPISTS. Trump has been caught lying and saying what he thinks his people want to hear all the time.

Sure some of his followers are retarded mayos but not 25 million of them. More like all of them. Even Hillary's lot.

Hey, she's just telling it like it is.

stop being PC


His point is that republicans can dish it out just fine, but not take it. I spell this out to you because you seem to lean republican in your opinions, so you may very well be retarded.

Let me spell this out for you: laugh out loud.

It means that I found it funny. This is in large part because I was able to laugh at myself due to not being a Chad radical centrist.

Trump only likes legal rapists, duh

Don't think so

You are right, that does seem a bit small.

Which ones vote?

Illegal immigrants are all rapists and murderers!

fake news. He said some are good people.

I don't hate Jews! My lawyer is jewish, see?

The best part about that is that he wasn't even Jewish lol. He converted and became a practicing Christian so it just goes to show that Roy Moore and his wife probably believe in that nazi jewish blood is what really makes you jewish type stuff.

Maybe if Trump and Hillary are really easy to compare then Hillary was also a shit candidate.

Wah libby cry over minority's crime rates. Whitey made em do it!

Its okay to be white. Please dont shoot up my school.

I don't understand who this comment is supposed to be insulting towards.

Of course you don't understand you're barely even human

Muh white fragility. Does it get tiring to have to have people constantly reassure you that your pasty skin color makes you better than others?

Whitey so fragile he conquers the world and leaves you g

But she was right though.

Clinton's "basket of deplorables" speech.

Lol, imagine still crying about this.

Shillary: You're deplorable

Brave, strong conservative: Holy shit. My mom came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mom but I'm literally in shock from the speech tonight. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is she calling us deplorable? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe that she could be so mean. I want a future to believe in. I wanted Hillary to be president and fix this broken country. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought she was a great candidate???? This is so fucked. I can't believe that liberal snowflakes would do such a thing. This is why Trump is going to win.

Conservatives: people these days are way too sensitive. These snowflakes need to toughen up and not get so upset about mean words.


Romney is an establishment globalist cuck.


Scary smart and their fancy words frighten me bigly, so I support the biggest idiot I can think of.

Yes, I am very scared of transgender communists and their beautiful, totally not-insane minds.

As a non-retard


First of all,

No they're much to busy raping their maids and fucking 14 year olds

no one cares enough about paul ryan to get him on tape tho

WHAT?!? Bitch republicans shit on unions CONSTANTLY and they are the largest groups of working class people in the nation, jesus fuck how can people actually be THIS stupid?

Wait. Do Dems care?

since their entire party rhetoric was designed to appeal to the working class???

Since lowering taxes bro. Oh wait, creating jobs and letting people keep more of their money is "bad" now.

Get out commie, GET OUT!

Sometimes taxes are needed for things, like education infrastructure, military and law enforcement. The gop’s recipe for job creation is trickle down economics that doesn’t work and letting corporations fuck up the environment. And their tax cuts are mostly for the rich.

You realize that the just because the upper class gets a tax cut as well doesn't mean the whole system is fucked right? Percentage wise, the middle class are the biggest recipients of it. Not to mention the stimulation of the economy and true unemployment rate is going down. Yes I realize taxes need to go to things, but taxes don't need to go to everything. Government waste is rampant in the US, and you shouldn't root for it. Also the US is a service based economy, meaning services are going to grow more than any other sector of the market in terms of growth.

Government waste is rampant in the US, and you shouldn't root for it.

$700 billion in military spending

I mean, realistically, maybe not.

The difference though, is that they at least feigned interest... and if people believe their methods will achieve that, then why blame them for voting GOP?

Compare that to Clinton who didn't even visit half of these people and said nothing to them... is it really a surprise they didn't vote for her?

She shouldn't have had to visit them. She's a Democrat, she's going to help them out!

So it was about hurt feelings then.

How fucking stupid are you?

/>Says the /r/drama poster

I think the issue is that most Dems don't either.

This, but unironically.

The virgin rural vs the chad urban

Need to take it one step further. The virgin urban and the Chad suburban.

They are definitely voting for their own interests

Its just that their interests are really, really dumb

"i think we should have guns because its the only time i feel powerful in my miserable life, and i fantasise about shooting schoolchildren because the fantasy of economic and personal success is too unattainable" - nra members

"I think we should ban all guns because the crushing realization that I'm the only one responsible for my personal safety is too much for me right now I can't even"

Look at all the people upvoting you thinking it's sarcasm.

republicans - promise to bring jobs to rural areas

democrats - promise to spend 100 trillion dollars on ebin programs like high speed internet for new joisey

Republicans - lie

Democrats - higher minimum wage for fat southern mom's to pour mountain dew down their kids gullet.

Radical centrism? In MY r/drama?

It's more neutral than you think.

Raising the minimum wage isn't radical centrism. It's radically stupid.

2/10 not neutral enough.


This is you brain on american conservatism

But most economists are mayo

Oh please, point me to an economist that says that rising minimum wage is the solution. I'm waiting with baited breath.

Economist would like to have no minimum wage.

I know that's why I was making fun of Sargent Retard.

pretending like industries, landlords, and utilities won’t see a min wage spike as a reason to raise their prices

There are statistics.

forgetting humans are so predictable that economists have modeled that response a billion times and still don't think an inflation matching increase to the minimum wage will have a negative measurable effect on the economy.

big brain man say chief should give more berries



Except for the fat southern moms that get laid off because off the increased minimum wage. They promised things will be better for everyone and the economy will improve and flowers and candy for all despite supply and demand making it impossible.

At least republicans are respectful enough to admit they are science deniers

Are we still pretending the parties are really different

This guy has it figured out


The retards of Reddit are.

Only one party has shown itself to be the party of blatant economic irresponsibility.

Of course. One side bombs the Middle East much less hard than the other does

Both sides are not the same, you can see that in the voting record

Republican-Voting against your best interests against your will. Democrat-Voting against your best interests with your will.

really making me think.... 🤔 🤔 🤔

Except that's not true, like at all.

Stop perpetuating the lie that both sides are equally bad, one side is for literal racism

Stop perpetuating the lie that both sides are equally bad, one side is for literal racism

well yeah, that's why we're voting for it

Yes, Democrat's anti-white agenda has been well documented, that's why I vote for them.

What anti white agenda?

So you have finally seen the light about the democrats?

Hey man, not all Democrats are racist.

Oh good point, the democrats did fight awfully hard for slavery and against civil rights.

Fuck Republicans but Democrats make everything about race and are very guilty of the bigotry of low expectations. I'd say most Dems are more racist than most Republicans, but they're not as forward about it.

Republicans: niggers black people and latinos commit more crimes bc of genetics or whatever

Democrats: idpol bullshit

But yes the dems are totally more racist

you'd say that, but you'd be wrong. :)

as in, your last will and testament?

/u/Ronald__Dump do you mostly find happiness in the suffering of others?


is this because your white trash mother drank heavily during pregnancy and based fentanyl is ravaging your local community?

Replace fentanyl with meth and you're correct

don't worry it will be there soon to take the pain away

It's difficult to be original and creative in criticism of Trump.

Make it funny next time.

This time, I got it, I'll mispronounce his last name, that'll do it, and Trump will definitely resign.

Yeah man...Did you know his last name was really... DRUMPF?!?!

Groinal Bump

lololol DRUMPF THAT IS GENIUS maybe we'll put that on late night talk shows, and maybe Blumf will resign this time. There is no way we're actually unfunny hacks who try way too hard to push an agenda at all.

I really don't mind an agenda...as long as it's funny. It's hard to do, though.

That's why I added the terms unfunny and hacks, and "try way too hard" because that's the problem, everyone that has to bash Trump does so in the laziest way possible, even recycling jokes about Republicans from 2009.

Good point. Cleverness is an increasingly rare trait.

“Anyone who doesn’t like daddy is a liberal shill with an agenda and NOT FUNNY!!1!”


1! = 1

Shills of any kind are not funny.

Where's that copypasta like "Listen up, you bigoted subhumans..."

we should just go paste that as a response to every single post on /r/politics

They already do it unironically.

Voting Democrat has worked so well for urban cities, only several unarmed black nuns shot dead for jaywalking today.

So what magic wand do republicans have that get rid of crime in cities?

Needs more gun massacres.

Republicans are all evil and should be exterminated.

This but unironically. Them, along with the Democrats, are the Turks of autistic political debates on Reddit, and should be impaled.

enlightened liberal: "lol stupid drumpf supporters voting against their own interests."

>enlightened liberal votes Democrat

>enlightened liberal gets shot by eight million blacks living in third-world Democrat cities

>enlightened liberal gets denied college because his skin wasn't brown enough

>enlightened liberal gets denied financial sector job for not being jewish enough

>enlightened liberal gets denied speech because he's mansplaining

>enlightened liberal loses kids in custody case because he doesn't have a vagina

>enlightened liberal has house broken into and gets attacked because he doesn't have a gun

>enlightened liberal gets killed by illegal immigrant who was deported twice for violent felonies but was sheltered in sanctuary city


>vote Democrat
>die a martyr for 'progress'

Well, i dont want to be a martyr but i also dont want to be a fucking fag like you. Are there any other options?


Thats too much effort.

Cultural Christianity.

Hm being a martyr for 'progress' suddenly sounds a lot more appealing.

It's like poetry, it rhymes.

enlightened liberal votes democrat enlightened liberal receives a tax break when trump wins enlightened liberal already graduated from a top school and has a good job

The end.

As an "enlightened liberal", I really don't remember any of those things happening, other than voting.

I like how H1-B and fake degrees rhymes.

Jesus it’s like a rant from an unhinged party conspiracy theorist drunk off their ass

the voting against your own interests meme is retarded

someone please explain to me what exactly my interests are

someone please explain to me what exactly my interests are

Being a retard.

In that case hes completly right

This argument is always stupid. Like, I am fairly certain people know what's best for them. Getting a job and saving up? Fuck that lets ride that government tit all the way to death!

Democrats demand people rely on the government above all else, it's something they worship.

people know what they want but Democrats worship the government and run child prostitution rings out of a magical DC basement

Rly makes u think 🤔🤔🤔🤔

No one worships the government. That is such a stupid straw man.

Shouldn’t they have put a picture of a white woman on there?

Gotta have muh truck.

The Mass Triggering of r/Drama 2018


What if I am interested in nothing??????????!!!??

Imagine how smug you'd have to be to A) claim to know the interests of millions of people you've never met that live in radically different areas than you and B) claiming to know that the policies you favor will work out exactly like you think they will even though experts in all of political science and economics can't remotely predict these things with accuracy.

What's cringe is that these stereotypes are opposite. Exit polling showed Trump voters tended to be more wealthy than Hillary voters.

I'd rather be a rich redneck than a broke liberal living in a city slum waiting for bernie to give me my UBI.

Isn’t that what literally every politician does though?

Yes, which is why they are all stupid (except Mommy and Daddy)

lol Im probably voting for trump in 2020 because I like standard capacity magazines and hate the estate tax.

Implying you have enough money to be impacted by estate tax

If your net worth is actually over 5.5 mil (11 mil if married), I would hope you have better things to do than mod /r/Drama

Who gives a shit

If Kanye doesn't run I may have to vote glumbf.

I'm voting third party because it causes a massive REEEEfest on both sides.

How is voting for a bunch of free-trade, anti-white liberals in our interests?