CB2 chastises, patronizes and attacks a trans person who had the audacity to not agree with them 100%

107  2018-03-30 by TaylorSwiftOfRdrama


I think poor snappy is still down, so here's this

Oh look, the philosophical musings of every idiot that thinks they have everything figured out.

so close! so so so close /u/Princess-Kropotkin so so close to really knowing onebunself


Calling non binary people "special snowflake dumbfucks" is pretty transphobic.

Can you explain this to me? What about calling people who want to be cute with medical professionals bad names suggests to you that in the op's heart of hearts he really dislikes trans people?



"No, I can't and am literally shaking with rage rn but I'm going to pretend like I'm doing OK despite my plethora of mental illnesses and lack of financial stability."

Wow I'm a trans woman and I won't stand for your transphobic dismissal of my experiences.

This "person" is named after the shittiest boss in Bloodborne, don't expect anything better.

imagine not thinking maria is the best boss of the dlc

ugh now im angry

Ludwig is the best boss in the game fight me bro

it fucking plays videogames too, fucking ewww

Yeah. Should have changed your user name to "LivingFailure" so it fits your prime status better, u/ClocktowerMaria.

Yeah dipshit so am i. I think you should understand that taking a conversation between two trans people outside of what it was was dumb

Okay. How do you know who is trans and who isn't here? Thats awfully presumptuous of you. A lot of people keep it on the down low because certain a good number of trans people embarrass the rest of them on a regular basis. How do you think so much trans drama ends up in Drama? It isn't just TERFs and Nazis, believe me.

my point is that the user linked and I had a conversation, nothing more nothing less and linking it elsewhere is stupid

claiming you were born with the wrong genitalia and thinking you can pretend being a girl simply by taking pills and by chopping off your dick is pretty stupid too, but you don't see me whine about it!


She should just pray the trans away. It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and trans Steve.

Okay, I admit I misread the thread. What I thought you said made a lot more sense than what you actually said. You come from a subreddit that talks about other people's conversations and are now complaining that people are talking about your conversation in another subreddit that talks about people's conversations. I want you to think this through.

I came from a sub commenting on a post? Sure people comment cherry pick on CB2 but those people are bad at using the sub.

Cherry pick? The drama started right at the top of the chain comrade. Saying that you said something dumb in a particular comment isn't cherry picking because all people are saying is that you said something dumb.

Just kidding I'm not trans. I was suicidal in my teens, that's as close as I came.

Are you a cute trap?

Probably doesn’t even have a penis. Smh.



I'm a nan shagger and I won't stand for you not accepting me shaggin' yer nan m8

Lmao tranny

/u/LGBTreecko no they didn't. Not sure why you're so mad at that post.


Calling non binary people "special snowflake dumbfucks" is pretty transphobic

No, acting like non-binary genders should be taken seriously is pretty transphobic because it lumps people with serious and real medical conductions in with people who think wearing makeup makes them a new gender. You might as well say making fun of the transracial is transphobic

Almost like the mainstream conservative party is literally as we speak attempting to ban trans people from military service.

No doubt in part because people like you want to lump in otherkin and other LARPers with real trans people.

Forreal. Their politics are becoming so convoluted and incoherent that they can't even differentiate between their protected groups anymore.

Have some weird gender confusion issues? IT MUST BE A TRANS ISSUE. Make fun of people who conflate gender and gender expression for attention? YOU MUST HATE TRANS PPL.

None of those faggots even care about the groups they "advocate" for; they simply use marginalized ppl as pawns in their intra-white status competition game.

on the other hand this kind of stuff gives us things like the TIA dictionary

This but unironically.

It's a bunch of spoilt kids trying to piggy-back on the experiences of actual trans people to feel special without actually going through any of it. Just like how every sufficiently "woke" straight girl has to be "queer".

CB2 supports trannycide confirmed.

WTF I love CB2 now?

Oh wow, you had a perfectly good opportunity to spew a slur and you missed it. Is your little sub becoming overrun with femicommie SJWs?


A broken man worth nothing of value.

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

CB2 = 14k subs

Drama = 52k subs

Our little sub indeed.


It must really hurt to see a trans person thinking as an individual instead of swallowing your bullshit with a soup spoon.

Don't worry. There will be other opportunities to white savoir.

im trans

How does that contradict what he wrote?


I feel like having an important operation like, you know changing sex, do deserve a box in a medical form.

Especially with how much hormone therapy can fuck with other treatements.

They should just specify the box is for biological sex and then have another area for medical conditions where you can list trans, hormones, post-op etc.

Eh, if you are in the middle of an hormonal therapy, treatement should probably be more inline with whatever sex you are going to end up with than the biological sex you have right now.

But I am not a doctor, so whatever.

Nah there's pretty huge differences between, for example, natural female hormones produced by the ovaries and estradiol-only HRT. I mean "MTF/FTM on hormones" and "MTF/FTM post-op" should really just be distinct medical categories as far as treatment based on biological sex goes.

Fair enough. I have no clue whatsoever on the subject.

They probably should put a male female and a blank case so people can talk about their eventual sex change and wether they are doing one right now and so on.

That sounds like a pretty good solution. You know idiots will write in zhekin or whatever, though.

What is your sex :



Did you have had or are having a changement of sex if yes explain it:

[Blank case]

Perfect, tbh. Except

Did you have had or are having a changement of sex if yes explain it:

Did you have had or are you having a seizurement while writing this sentence?

What would be the correct way to write this phrase? English is not my first language.

Have you undergone or are you currently undergoing sex-change treatment? If yes, please explain:

Or something along those lines. "Did you have had" does not make sense under English grammar rules. It would probably best be said as "Have you had". Also, are you by any chance a native French speaker because "changement" is not a word in English, but it is one in French? ;)

Yeah, french. Now that you point "changement" out, it does feel out of place.

Thanks for the correction, tho.

Trans healthcare is actually pretty interesting and is a pretty young field. But the short answer is treatment depends on a lot of things. Some will be more similar to the birth sex, while other will be more similar to the transition sex. Other times it depends on where they are in the transition.

Uh. The more you know.

Yeah I completely agree, you can respect someone's gender identity and still be medically factual.

Trans person: I was born a man but I feel like I'm a woman, so that's that.

Anyone not part of the trans cult: I don't believe that makes you a women. I think you're still a man, because sex actually matters even if it's different from gender.

Transperson: Holy shit you just said you want me to die, stop dehumanizing me

Pray the trans away. They need trans conversion therapy.

The problem is, trans activists want to expand the definition of "man" and "woman" to include transgender people, but this isn't useful or natural for 99% of earth's population.

Personally, when I call a trans woman a "woman", I'm doing it for "her" benefit; I don't actually place "her" in the same category I place an actual woman. My brain just won't let me do it, and there's nothing I can do about that, and there's nothing wrong with that.

Are trans women men? No, they're trans women (somewhere in between man and woman) And that's fine -- just know forcing people to use the "correct" pronouns won't alter the categorical distinctions we naturally make.

Me: Well I didn't, but I do now.

Seriously the level of screechy melodrama from these LARPing men is unreal.

The user in question posts in /r/GenderCritical if you go through their history. He's one of the weirdo token TERF trans people they like to bring out to prove how non-bigoted and tolerant they are.

Or maybe he actually just disagrees with the retarded histrionic trans dogma and GC is full of some crazy shit but it's the only place he can discuss such beliefs without being screamed at/banned/etc.

Thank you. :p

No problem. One of my best friends is a sane trann and she gets this same retarded screechy bullshit whenever she's like "hey maybe we shouldn't rape people." or whatever else that's against dogma.

It can be pretty wild what they consider traitorous or transphobic

We have another thread going right now where they're REEing about someone using gender neutral pronouns for a trans runescape NPC. It's pretty great.

Glad you're thinking for yourself and all, but do watch out you don't go too far the other way and start following everything the GC folks say. They can be pretty batshit themselves sometimes.

Total agreement. I find GC hateful and sickening most of the time, but occasionally you'll get a decent thread where some more reasonable moderate people are voicing

i'm there are places you can discuss that which aren't rad fem man hating psychopaths.

Gender is bullshit

Oh my lawdt I got doxxed fuuuck

There is only one gender

Your post history heavily implies that you harbour conservative views and your stance on the trans community being too political enables the transphobic opinions on gender critical. Whether you want it or not, TERFs will use your anecdotes as ammo to spread their ideology. People may be calling you an Ernst Rohm but here’s a better term: a useful idiot. For some reason or another, you’ve been sold the innocent and naive narrative that you can be LGBT and conservative without an inch of self-awareness/self-reflection to the ideologies that these people espouse. “ Political” is a dogwhistle for “I don’t like when X is shoved in my face”. Your supporting a group of people that spread misinformation about trans people. Mental illness, autogynephilia, TERF logic, child transitioning is child abuse to name a few. You might be a moderate person but the reality is a lot are implicitly discriminatory towards minority groups and your experiences as a trans person could be enabling hatred and prejudice the group to which you belong. Furthermore, when you as a trans person face difficulty in your transition, who in your conservative circle do you turn to because you’re naive in thinking that most conservatives are going to give a shit about HRT, passing, SRS? Conservatives may like you based on merit, personality, shit that makes them avoid bringing trans issues up but they do not want to hear about your actual experiences as a trans person because they deem as “political”.

Way to spam the hell out of the thread

DON'T you UNDERSTAND that you're an UNCLE TOM guilty of THOUGHTCRIME and EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW that your EXPERIENCES and opinions are INVALID because it's not the SAME as THEIRS?!?!?!?!?



It's pretty astonishing how on one hand you have a group of people who vehemently resent people not immediately acquiescing to their pronouns and general ideology, as if just starting a discussion with them is an act of bigotry, yet they immediately doubt that you're trans and basically demand proof saying as much.... all because your worldview doesn't fall in line with their rigid snowflake insanity. So much for the open minded acceptance of the left.

All that said, I DEMAND PROOF. SHOW ME YOUR BONAFIDES. You were issued a lanyard and password upon entering the trans matrix, if you do not produce them for inspection in a timely manor I will report you to Milo Stewart.

/u/ClocktowerMaria lumping non-binary people with trans people is pretty transphobic.

Also the whole ticking female but putting /genderqueer to be both kind of proves the person as a dumb snowflake fuck. Like the kind of trash that claims to be "queer" yet exclusively dates the opposite sex.

i love it when white middle class people explain to minorities why they should be offended over something while attacking them.