"Redditors who cares about women's rights are racists because the sexist people have brown skin"

20  2018-03-30 by SonyXboxNintendo11


He's not wrong tho

Same with all these based inbreeders screeching about how England and Sweden is over run by muzzie curry monsters raping ever grandma insight. It's fucking hilarious

ahaha is this another one of those things youre irl passionate about


It's nice to know that it'll always be possible for someone like u/heffelflopper to mine easy karma from redditors who can't deal with the fact that sexism among the world's brown people is hilariously worse than it is among white people.

wh*te people caring about women's rights


Your own gif depicts a woman laughing along with a group of men while drinking, an act that would be a crime in many brown-hued corners of the world :(

Speaking of brown stuff, anybody notice a rapid decline in curry/chink spam?

I only use Youtube for Taytay videos and livestreamed Dragonball episodes so I don't know what you're talking about.

Ummmm the usual spam vids posted in r/drama? RIP /u/tayaba419

Oh yeah there is less of that lately I guess.

It's kind of nice that the r/relationships spam is gone tbh.

I'm guessing the Admins did something good for once.



/u/ComedicSans tell him who banned all those curry spam posting fags 😎

But the curries just create new accounts.

Not smart enough. Plus they don't just spam in drama so we're good for until they realize that

But how am I supposed to keep up on my Indian dramas now?

I know right, its not like women's rights aren't inherently western mayo values

Somebody please tell me the rights that women don’t have in the western world. Please show me where the oppression of women in the western world is today.

Well, for starters, just look at r/drama:

Blatant unequal distribution of bussy/gussy on a weekly basis.

I don’t know what that last sentence means. I just found my way over here bc some asshat making this argument linked to here.

Quoit theory confirmed

It's pretty obvious to me that the sports subreddits lean heavily SJW cause the people in these subreddits are the people who for whatever reason can't talk about sports with normies.