MLP, Star Wars, and Warhammer fans argue over which universe is more powerful

21  2018-03-30 by AchtungMaybe


The one where they are all gassed

How is Star Wars even in the running, even with the bullshit in the newer movies?

MLP has the excuse that it uses cartoon logic, and Warhammer is deliberately over the top.

... I mean heh, nerds!

I don't paint toyz, but I kinda like 40k shit. It just seems so over the top ridiculous.

I was surprised that I got into it, I was mildly curious and it seemed like a fun hobby, plus I've got a nice bit of disposable income, which helps.

Like the fact the space elves hate fucked a rape god into existence.

The real question is why do people like MLP? It's the shittiest show imaginable and only idiots like it.

Star Wars hasn't been good since Disney, and I don't know what a Warhammer is.

40k is basicaly Deus Vult in space

Okay, so how the fuck does that compare to MLP? All MLP is about is a bunch of pink ponies doing nothing but bullshit, and a flock of seagulls.

Wow, they managed to rip off DBZ in the worst way possible, and still managed to make it boring as hell. That's not something anyone does on accident, that takes talent.

it's an homage, jeez. You don't seem to be a fun person to be around.

Unironically defending a show about pink ponies

Have you ever considered drinking bleach?

Not really. Have you ever considered that most people reading our little chat here will think you are the one who has issues, not the guy who only thinks that MLP is a decent cartoon?

If you think this is drama, you lot make Keemstar look good by comparison.


Editing your comment? I hope the xenos or, emperor preserve, the inquistion get you

Fine by me.

Sounds like something a heretic would say tbqh

We’re generally radically neutral here, but even we have strong feelings about the fact that is WH40k > SW.


Imagine being this retarded ^

Nce work there, chief. Must have had all 5 brain cells firing to come up with that one

Thank you daddy!

Startards breaking out that EU lore in a weak attempt to find a way for a tiny Star Destroyer to beat a 12km long battleship more heavlily armed than a Sith Empire fleet.

Snoke's flagship with go down to being rammed.

All nerd memeing aside, that's a kickass costume.