Tranny tries to use Reddit to harass his mom

83  2018-03-31 by IAintThatGuy

It started in a stupid and insane way (but pretty mild by tranny standards). Some girl's mom is unhappy her daughter deluded herself that she's now a man (or has always been one or whatever), and started a support website for parents going through the same issues.

Here's the original post about it on /r/gendercynical. Note how it has nothing to do with feminists or TERFs or anyone but that girl and her mom.

So in a totally not insane way, the same person posts screencaps of the same site 1 2 with insults about her mom.

Then other trannies on /r/gendercynical still make posts about it because they're like a swarm of mentally ill locusts.

Then /u/D3V1LS_L3TTUC3 goes on to spread the good word about mommy being horrible because she won't call her Robert or some shit to other tranny subs like /r/ftm. Same on /r/transgender and so on.

So in conclusion : how dare anyone believe this is a woman, unless they have two functioning eyes (or at least one) of course.


EDIT : sorry for the misgender in the title, I call used "his" when it is a woman

EDIT2 : thank you to all the trannies and other kinds of degenerates who couldn't keep yourselves from brigading and commenting here, the internet wouldn't be half as fun without the mentally ill

EDIT3 : this thread is brought to you by our sponsor, Cluster B personality disorders, because it's the rest of the world who is wrong, and you're right to take it personaly when they don't agree with your delusions! Also autism but it's /r/drama so we all knew.

EDIT 4 : /u/D3V1LS_L3TTUC3 just got a 3 day suspension. Good night sweet mentally ill princess. Who the fuck snitched? My guess is some trannies wanted to get me in trouble with the admins, which got them to read this thread, and since they're not (totally) retarded they noticed someone was breaking a lot of rules.


/u/D3V1LS_L3TTUC3 Where's your dad in all of this?

he's just about as useless as the assholes on this sub

Would you just describe him more as being passively about it or actively involve?

Fuckin whatever dude. thanks for the exposure tho, I like getting my pretty little face out there in the world. Have a peaceful evening

You too dude.

Who would've thought that between the queer kid and the crazy mom, there'd be daddy issues in the family?

Maybe your mom is unhappy about you transitioning because now you look like your dad who left her, and she's starting to get a little wet when she looks at you.

I just want to know. Who hurt you so badly that you have to act like a grade school bully ? Find something better to do with your time than harassing vulnerable people . You are a seriously sad person who is clearly very deeply hurt by something. It's clear you don't respect other people and force your anger and frustration on to those you see as less than human. You need to have basic human respect and not be a dick and maybe, just maybe if you try , you'll find someone who likes you. The choice is yours you can be a hateful lonely person , or you can change and be a positive and respectful person to those around you. I hope you are ok, but at any point if you comment something negative it won't hurt me , it would just make me feel for pity you.

Who hurt you so badly you went into such a delusional state of mind about your gender that anyone questioning the actions (calling an internet forum to harass her mom) of one of your fellow mental patients makes you react that way?

You can't hurt me with cowardice insults. I hope you become a better person and learn to love people instead of spreading negativity. Have a nice day/night.

I hope they get you on the right medication and you can come to terms with your biology.

They did thankyou ! I've been on hrt for a few weeks now ! Thankyou for being supportive!

"should decrease cases of doubtful gender dysphoria" sure got em good there friend

It's clear you don't respect other trannies and force your anger and frustration on to those you see as less than human.


Spicy pasta

Lol. aka the new American family.

useless as the assholes on this sub

It's true. No one here ever gives up the bussy.

Yeah I'll be cross posting and reporting this.

Oh no, please don't report and cross-post this. How will we ever recover????????

You’ll never recover from being an ugly piece of shit. Maybe u could try to focus on ur own life instead of harassing trans ppl 🤗

harassing trans people

I don't think anything I've posted in this thread is consistence with this statement.

Youre a pussy hiding behind semantics. Mocking some dude that’s clearly offended by a post made outside of his authority that calls him a tranny and puts his personal relationships on blast is most definitely harassment.

I don’t give af about what u post on a Thread lol. Based on ur statements immediately above I can see that you’re trying to fuck with someone who is very clearly the victim of harassment...

I mean are u stupid? What kind of mental gymnastics are u doing in order to avoid facing your blatant douchebagery?

In this thread you've

  • called someone an ugly piece of shit
  • called someone a pussy
  • called someone a dipshit
  • sperged out everywhere.

All in all, thanks for doing buisness at r/Drama, and please come back and contribute more with meaningless baseless insults. TERFs as of late have been less receptive to sperging out here, so I'd just want to thank you for reminding us about another source of lolcows. Have a Blessed Day.

You’re welcome 🙃 I actually love destroying ppl like u on the internet so I’ll gladly be one of ur LOLCOWS (whatever that means)

Ps- I can tell that I’ve beat you just by the sheer amount of editing you did on that last number lol. It’s just a thread, calm down, cuck.

Oh no, please go easy Daddy, I'm still sore from last night.

Bahaha u have the willpower and cunning of a sloth 😹

Sloths probably have a lot of willpower, and probably are pretty cunning since they have to be so deliberate with what they choose to do.

Lol sure thing buddy. Just more mental gymnastics huh?

You’re also boring like a sloth. Why don’t u spend some more Time stewing on how u can turn that into some positive feature hahah dumbass.

I love how thoughtful ur responses are. Like, linking to a video?! Very resourceful mr. Sloth. A+

Weird thing they're not deliberate it just they all have hypothyroidism as a species. Quite literally if you give them hypothyroid medication it brings their red blood cell count up and they go fast. They're literally a species of animal that used the genetic mutation of hypothyroidism as an advantage to decrease their energy output so that they can eat very little nutrition but still have enough to get by. They're not making slow methodical choices they're literally going as fast as they can.

jfc you can't be a real person

Also you should know that the "verb 'sperging'" is vv problematic in that it derives from the disease Asperger's syndrome.


I love it when crazy people destroy their own genitals. I call it auto-eugenics.

I’ll make it my own

This is appropriating r/Drama culture and that is EXTREMELY problematic

Judging by the numbers they're brigading, I don't think they need any help with uptransitions.

ok well ive never heard "uptransitions" before but thanks I love it

I think they want to convince us that upvotes are bad.... but Jokes on them cus they’re also tied to my karma soooo..

A) care about some idiot giving me upvotes as a form of shade

B) not care and collect the karma

B!! It’s an upvote farm!!!

i feel like its not even shade tho. im upvoting these assholes bc theyre fuckin funny

It’s shade boo. Trust me.

it's only shady if you feel the temperature drop 🤷🏼‍♂️

FWIW, we're encouraged to upvote people who come into the thread and insult people who frequent our sub, because visitors will become rate-limited on comments if they're downvoted too much, and we want them to stay and keep fighting with the residents. Good for /r/drama business, y'know.

ah thank you for the words

Imagine caring about karma. Pretty pathetic.

Bahahaha youre gross and insane, and offer nothing to the world.

Please dont Keep Yourself Safe like all the other mongoloids before you have.

Lmao ‘brave hero decides to kink shame’


"gross and insane" ah come on now. use your big boy words. mongoloid, now where'd you hear that word silly? from people yelling it at you in the school hallways?

I mean are u stupid?

You do realize which subreddit this is? Anyways, what are your feeling regarding the milkocide?

I do and I don’t see your point. What’s milkocide?

I'm asking for your skin colour. It's important because I need to know whether you should be sent an invitation for the whites-only meeting tomorrow. Address is at 11 Zyklon Ave., mke sure to invite any white friends of yours for the gas chambers exciting dances.

Omg sorry i got caught in the frenzy of the hunt and thought you’d be pray. Hi how are u? Not all whites are bad and not all trannies are good. Remember this. They’ll use it against us if u don’t.

Milkos need to die.

But...some Milkos are nice 😿. Stupid agitator u ARE pray.

And they still need to dies. The best thing a virtuous milko can do is to kill themselves, so as to help the cause.

Not all whites are bad

thats where ur wrong kiddo

Not all whites are bad

Reported to the mods and to the Deep State.


Closeted Faggot.

Wee good one. 👏🙌

Why not change that? 💁

this just in, reddit user /u/MegaSeedsInYourBum encourages the harassment of trans people. in other news, water is wet

No real point in harassing them. They'll already so fucked up that it wouldn't even be fun.

except im hot as shit

Lol wtf?

Prove it

Post bussy

Hey babe

open bussy

milk truck jus arive

lets take this to the dump

Yeah. We're on sub about drama. Please don't create more drama and link more mentally ill people here, /r/Drama hates attention.

Sounds like somebody's bleeding out her cunt.

sounds like somebody couldnt think of a more clever insult

Sounds like someone has run out of things to complain about.

Ur hot btw

Ur weak. I’d eat u up and shit u out my tranny ass lol

Oh wow. You went from a dude to a dude with a stupid haircut. Nice transition, manjaw.

I’m cute af. All you can do is mock my haircut which I know looks good; and mention my man jaw (which I agree, it’s prob nicer than ur glass jaw), although the hormones have effectively killed that and I’m kinda bummed about it.

Do u have anything more substantial to offer besides creeping on me?

You can only trick the drunkest of guys into thinking you're an ugly woman, and they'll beat you within an inch of your life when they find out you're a dude (and you definitely will lose since the hormones made you lose muscle mass).

Actually most of them want me even more when they find out I’m a dude 😂. For some reason the men that hate trannies most are typically the most closeted batty boys like urself. And no, u can’t get nudes.

Do you still have your tiny dick or did you chop it off and get a wound put in?

Stop fantasizing in front of all these people oni chan! ☺️

Are you infected with AIDS yet?

Not yet! 🤗

wouldnt you love to know ;)

This comes from a necrophillic rapist.

Lol wtf?

Did you not notice his flair?

Oooooh my b I did!!

Don't worry, I hear he only targets women.

God. Why does everything that u type invoke so much cringe, general. I’d typically encourage harikiri to end ur miserably lame existence, but I’m not allowed to. So I’ll just say have a nice day.

Keep yourself safe too boyo

Ur not scaring anyone bitch. And it’s lassie to u, cuck.

it’s lassie to u

It's really not. It never will be. And you probably know that.

back at it again with the only "insults" he's got: reminding trans people that they "arent" the gender they say they are... why does it bother you so much buddy? you get assraped by a tranny one time and suddenly it's all "you'll never be what you want to be"? sorry i guess that kind of makes sense for you to say, cause you'll never be what you want to be either (whats the word... oh yeah. likeable.)

A reminder that /u/OniTan is a danger to /r/drama and society as a whole

He also tends to get rid of people who call him out on it. For example, the user that made that post stopped posting a day after they made it. This user was also suspended after bringing attention to his strange behavior and murderous tendencies.

He can try to silence us, but he can't get rid of everyone.

oh wow. you're clever enough to go through someones account and find a selfie. and what does the usual dumbass do when he finds a picture of his previously faceless target? go for the haircut i guess

Ugh I know 😿. very disappointing. Especially cus it’s clearly a great haircut so it just makes the insults less credible

Holy fuck!! Why is every tranny so ugly and repulsive??? It would be weird to find a non-fucked up one with a selfie on here!

Lol no one wants to play with you Joey. Just go back to the basement.

If I dress as girl you would tho 🤔🤔🤔

Lmao why? Ur just some dude in a dress.

And what are you?

I’m a hot tranny in a dress lol fuck off Joey, Jesus.

How can you type that with a straight face? Lmao

Im better looking as a male than you are in either sex. Its honestly sad. I feel bad for your family 😥

Don’t feel bad. We’re all quite happy without the pitty of some ugly dude in denial.

How come you never learned to spell? Did you spend all your time when you should've been in school doing drugs and sucking cock?

And since you've posted more than anyone in this thread, lets talk about you for a sec. Whats Easter like in your household? Do you see family? And if you do, will you jump up mid-meal and shout, "April Fools!" and go back to calling yourself a dude?

Haha stop crying Joey it’s just reddit.

Tell me about your family situation.

I come from a family of killers. Want to try your luck?

Broken home- ✔

Sexual deviancy- ✔

No interpersonal skills- ✔

Tranny- ✔✔✔

So no Easter dinner tonight?? I would legit buy you some chinese. Everyone should eat well today.

Lol why don’t you blowey urself Joey. Just cus you’ve got none doesn’t mean trannies have to suffer u any more on Easter. I’ve got food, family and a home thanks. My sex life is fine and I don’t let myself develop interpersonal skills with trivial little cucks like u. Lmao, eat shit Joey. Happy Easter and I hope u burn in Hell 🤗

Why project so much? What if I was so happy in life I DIDNT have to switch genders to make up that empty hole in your soul you have? I know you want to think Im some loser you have created in your mind, but the truth is never that easy. Ill pray for yah tonight. No one should miss out on Easter.

Lol what if joey. Good question. Too bad ur actually miserable and alone 😹.

Is it still up? I flew back home yesterday and we went out all night. I thought I saw you had one in your history doe? And dont act so fucking narcissistic. That shits gay even if you already are.

Aww Joey!!! U really are obsessing over me. I can’t blame u. I’m strong and beautiful. U prob fantasize over me.

Post face

No one wants a strong man dressed as a girl would you even think thats normal?

Ur prob confused as to how a tranny that doesn’t even know u can tell how desperately alone u are but that’s the thing Joey. It’s actually obvious to everyone how miserable life is to u. I think we both know what the only alternative u have is....🤮😵... 😇.

show us your face and say that again faggot

Like I said, you’re weak.

Are you high? You just replied to the same comment you dumb fuck.

Anyway, I already beat down 3 MtF trannies and 1FtM (they're hard to find).

It’s just that u stopped responding. I figured it’s cus I was right about u being weak. You haven’t beaten anything down.

Or... beat down do u mean just type projections into the internet and inadvertently look like a cunt? Cus if that’s the case then ur right, my b.

no, he literally means beat down. the man is known for prowling the streets looking for tranny hookers to beat unconscious and then mutilate in his "pleasure chamber"

Cool idgaf. How’s he going to do that on a subreddit. Get with it, sardine.

babyyy come beat me up... ive been such a bad boy..

best comment in this thread, could you imagine a trans person being the downfall of the most notorious prostitute killer in Canadian history?

Trans folx are fantastic. Haven’t u seen a fantastic woman?

The serial killer has arrived

People tend to bleed after you stab them, you know.

People tend to bleed after you stab them, you know. Are you even a good serial killer?

Go fuck yourself.

what an inspiring shitpost

actually. it is.

Cute, it thinks it is the internet.

By the way, thanks for posting that super masc selfie.

Do you live on an island where there are only women and you're the manliest person around? I guess if you want to pretend to be a man, just pretend to be a trap, it's the only way people will believe it.

By the way, thanks for posting that super masc selfie. You look my 14 year old brother lol

you don't realize that's a compliment lol

I guess if she's 14 as well it is


Wow, the mental illness runs strong in those Tranny posts. She even says she's a lesbian. How can you be a lesbian if you claim you're not a woman, but a man. If there was an Olympics for mental gymnastics, trannies would take Gold every time.

If there was an olympics for reading something but not processing a single word of it (despite my impeccable writing skills) fuckers like you could get another gold star for trying

Like it matters what you say. You're mentally ill so anything you say can be chalked up to stupidity. Nice dainty hands there "man".

Hm yes. I paint the nails on my left hand so that my Sieg Heil can be pure. right?? am I doing this right??

Probably not. Like most things in life, you're just going to suck at it too.

aha yes. I am bad at most things, except sucking dick. (better???)

No, you probably suck at sucking dick too, just like every other girl.

does that make u.. gay? DO I GET TO CALL YOU A FAGGOT NOW???!!!

Call me whatever you want to honey, people are still going to think, "That's a girl, right?"

Yeah judging from the amount of times people have called me a girl in the past month (prior to today, of course), your dreams might just stay dreams my guy

Just because people don't say it to your face, doesn't mean they aren't thinking about it or talking about it behind your back.

ouch. ya really touched on my Big Insecurity there didnt u. that was better thanks :^)

You can probably tell when you walk down the street, by the amount of double takes you get, that you aren't quite there yet. I'm sorry to tell you that that won't ever go away. You will always be a weird abomination.

jokes on you, I don't walk down the street because I never leave the house B) im sure you relate tho. and yeah, speaking of weird abominations, I was thinking of shaving all the hair off of my body, cutting my nipples off, and dying the whites of my eyes black. after all, im only trans for the attention

jokes on you, I don't walk down the street because I never leave the house Unsurprising. Most mentally ill people aren't productive members of society.

making the mistake of pretending you actually are one makes your super argument invalid

Damn, just discovered this subreddit, and I have to say that it's really entartaining! I'm going to get some popcorns!

Lol the general is a dick sucking expert

Dudes, like you, are just better at it.

I'm sorry. I don't speak "mentally-ill bitchinese". Peace out dude, I mean later chica.

That was really poorly done I dont even want to play along with that :( ciao, bella

Non sarai mica italiana?


Nice bitch ass, bitch ass!! (Wait..)

It’s for real funny that u said dainty hands cus Donald trump has super dainty hands lol. Do u think Donald trump is FTM?! 🙀

what a cursed image that is, please never speak of it again

You need to wipe your screen clean because it had to show that shit the idiot posted. I hope these idiots get banned from reddit. And we'll be there for you 🙂

I wonder: Would you have posted your first FROGD post if you knew how much traction it gets? I wouldn't wonder if your mom set up reddit accounts to answer here. I mean, she gotta "find" content for her site.

I hope these idiots get banned from reddit.

Good luck.

I wouldn't wonder if your mom set up reddit accounts to answer here. I mean, she gotta "find" content for her site.

Try /r/conspiracy

Good luck.

You too fam ;)

Try /r/conspiracy

Well, i am not a fan of sci-fi, but thanks anyway :) Considering what kind of shit TERFs have posted in such amounts, i personally find it a lot more credible that the creator of the ROGD website faked all of the content. The language you used in the original post is really, REALLY derogatory. Not a single attempt to stay objective in language. My idea that /u/D3V1LS_L3TTUC3's mother creates posts on Reddit ofc lacks real and indisputable proof, hence your answer i quoted. But who knows how this story is developing. Maybe his mother will notice, maybe his mother noticed already, maybe not. Who knows? That "Who knows?" aspect is the magic of many conspiracy theories ;)

Maybe his mother will notice, maybe his mother noticed already, maybe not. Who knows? That "Who knows?" aspect is the magic of many conspiracy theories ;)

I wish she noticed and starting posting here. She probably has some interesting dirt on her daughter.

I guess you root for his mother, i root for him. There is no way WE BOTH can sort this issue in a manner satisfactory to both people. Neither your slurry original post nor my conspiracy theory are helping.

Can we agree on that?

I guess you root for his mother, i root for him.

You don't get it : I root for the chaos the interaction between those two breed. There are no sides there, only drama.

Look at your post. Rooting might be indeed a wrong word, but you seem to be clearly biased (see title: "Tranny tries to use Reddit to harass mom")

I'd have been just as insulting towards the mom, if I had access to her reddit account. I don't respect trannies any less than I respect older women.

If you truly respected trans people, you'd know that trannies is not the right word to refer to us. Your original post is as insulting as it can get. You even called us "mentally ill" really often. So saying that you don't respect us any less than older women is the epitome of hypocrisy.

If you truly respected trans people

I respect them about as much as I respect women.

Then please explain me why you use these hurtful words like "tranny", "mentally ill" or such bullshit like "TRANNIES CONTROL REDDIT"?

I respect trannies just as much as I respect women. How is it hard to understand?

Because part of respecting us means not to use slurs. Just as it's part to respecting you not calling you asshole or douchebag.

Do you finally understand?

I respect trannies and women the same amount. I never said I respected either.

In other words you respect neither trans people nor women? Do you happen to be a refugee of /r/incels?

I was part of something worse, if you can believe it.

Stay objective? Where the fuck do you think you are?

Now post tranny bussy.

I am a human. What do you think you are?

Also: We're on a christian minecraft server, so please no fracturing swearing!

I think I’m a male comfortable in my body and able to recognize mental illness.

Fractured swearing is love and life. Trussy!

Please seek therapy.

Jokes on you, i got a therapist leading me straight to friggin' hormone therapy this year ;)

Bad therapist.

Just remember you’re playing Halloween. Can’t switch dem chromosomes tranny.

You know, TL:DR; chromosomes are causing trannies. I can look for the post i saw on reddit explaining the stuff, though it may take a while. It's funny... Why do you feel entitled to diagnose me?

Because I can. Why are you entitled to think?

And I didn’t say chromosomes are causing you. I said: YOU CANT SWITCH THEM. YOU ARE PLAYING MAKEBELIEVE.

Now carry on my easily offended soyfriend.

You know, your only qualification you pointed was that "you recognize mental illness". No doctor, no studies, no nothing.

Why am i entitled to think? You know, why are you entitled to think? Why is all humanity entitled to think? No one gave us explicitly permission yet we all think... That's because it's our nature.

You want to argument using science (see your chromosomes argument), yet just a little time ago the same science you want to use for your arguments has found out that trans people can only be helped by giving hormones. Because it's not insanity, but because the brains are hardly distinguishable of the brains of the target gender.

interestingly enough, not a single trans person has claimed to be able to switch their chromosomes. some people just aren't as dumb as you kid

I'm upvoting you because you're the lolcow that keeps on giving. By the way, are you having a manic episode, or are you on coke?

you can be whatever you want dipshit. Nothing is real, not even your false sense of masculine authority. That’s why you’re so deeply terrified of trannies. We’re proof that social constructs are arbitrary. Cus if I can be born a guy and turn into a beautiful woman, then wtf are you? Oh ya ur just a piece of shit that’s too overwhelmed with the magnitude of life to do anything of real value with themselves. I guess from that standpoint I can see why you’d get off on making fun of others.

It’s funny how underneath it all you’re the one engaging in mental gymnastics. Trannies are just trying to live their life comfortably. Wtf are u trying to do?

Let them live their lives anyway they want. It doesn't change the fact that they are not the gender they "choose" if they weren't born with those organs. And your rant just makes you look mentally unstable.

That’s just a Cop out argument but ok. I AM the gender I choose, that’s what being transgender is all about lol.. I live it every day. Speaking of being born with those organs. What’s ur take on intersex individuals? They’re not born with them either, would you like to invalidate their chosen identities as well?

You're living a contrived reality as you cannot choose what gender you are. It's assigned at birth and the reality is transgenderism is a mental illness which is why you are a minority. My opinions on this are solely applicable to people who are not born with a genetic physical abnormality as the people you reference in your smart-ass, yet typically asinine question.

There are actually lots of trans intersex people. Calling my conditions an ideology isn’t winning any arguments. Despite being a minority we’re getting more rights in reference to your dumb-ass, yet topically asinine logic. Honestly. Not even trumps trans military ban seems to be playing out. It looks like trannies are Guna b in the military as well!!

Please tell me I triggered u...u seem fun.

Not at all. I don't care what you Tranny' s say. It's all crazy talk when you say it since you're just mentally ill but too stupid to realize it. You're not even amusing to talk to. You're just sad.

well we are sad. like you said, "mentally ill", even. thanks for chiming in here pal

good to know you think your ill-informed opinion matters. i'm sure you've read many studies and know that some trans people are this way because their brains are structured more like that of the opposite sex. that's not a physical abnormality or anything though. and it's not like gender dysphoria is a diagnosable medical condition. its not like ive met trans people who were obviously more sane than you, the asshat spending actual time an energy on an r/drama thread making sure all the trannies know the truth

I AM the gender I choose.

No you’re mentally ill.

I’m the gender I choose

No, you aren’t.

Yes I am 🙃

You can say it all you like, but you’re still living in a fantasy world.

I am! And I’m successful, sexy and beautiful in this fantasy world. Oh also, cucks like u are slowly fading away so I’ll keep saying what I like in this fantasy world until it belongs to us and not u 🤗

You just prove your mental illness with each post. Thank god you nutcases are an extreme minority or I’d consider keeping myself safe.

Well we’re protecting your freedom to feel that way.

Lmaooooooo. Fuck off dumbass.

What do u think trans ppl in the military are doing u hypocritical fuck?

Endangering other soldiers by being mentally fucked and in the military, I’d imagine.

Lol all u do is imagine. I’m glad u finally get it.

Disproportionately underrepresenting the population while disproportionately overrepresenting suicide rates (and subsequently endangering other soldiers). And you know, disproportionately overconsuming healthcare costs. Costs which are linked to procedures that further enable your delusions.

That’s right, bitch.

Oh wait actually DOD pays more for limp dick pills annually than trans healthcare.

That doesn't invalidate anything I said. Operative words: "disproportionately overconsuming"

No need to be rude. I truly believe that you truly believe that you aren't the gender you were born as. And I fully support your pursuit of any therapy to address your illness. I support your recovery friend. This country has a massive mental illness problem and I wish we would do more to address it.

Lol ur an idiot. It’s drama bitch.

1)Disproportionately over-consuming is a phrase u idiot piece of shit.

2) if u don’t want people to be rude to u then don’t try to fuck with trans rights on r/drama.

3) Disproportionately over-consuming doesn’t actually mean anything twat. The budget for trans healthcare is lower annually then 99.99% of dod budget.

4)Aimless little shits like u should be slapped every 60 seconds for being such disgusting hypocrites.

Ur not saying anything. How are we mentally ill and unfit to serve in practical terms?

How do we endanger other soldiers in practical terms?

Use figures or go fuck urself. This applies to any other agitative little bitch reading this thinking they can hang. I’ll end u and ur stupid rhetoric too.

Just so u can really stfu

That doesn't invalidate anything I said. Operative words: "disproportionately overconsuming"

No need to be rude. I truly believe that you truly believe that you aren't the gender you were born as. And I fully support your pursuit of any therapy to address your illness. I support your recovery friend. This country has a massive mental illness problem and I wish we would do more to address it.

Though more importantly than all of this is endangering other soldiers.

american psychiatric association disagrees with you. you can link to whatever arbitrary commentary you want - stats aren't offensive.

1) absurdly high suicide rates 2) absurdly disproportionate healthcare costs

the military is not intended to be an equal opportunity employer. it's the god damn military.

Read this one now, dumb bitch . You’re so far behind it’s funny.

Actually the APA is the One that changed gender dysphoria out of the mental illness category in 2013. If u knew how to read maybe you would know...Lmao I love how dumb u are. It makes me feel good that you clearly have nothing real to bank on besides fear and ignorance. We’re Guna overrun u simply because of ur stupidity. How does that make you feel? TRANNIES EVERYWHERE 4EVERRR BIIIIIIITCH!!!🦄🦄🦄🤗

You’re weak lil bitch, PEACE!

Why do you get off on bullying people online? Namecalling only makes you look more and more immature.

Yes you linked to another straw man piece of commentary.

1) Absurdly high suicide rates 2) Absurdly disproportionate healthcare costs

Do it on your own dime. I couldn't care less what you do to your body. But don't endanger our soldiers and don't drain tax dollars for delusional procedures. Just because the government isn't handing something out, doesn't mean they're preventing access to it.

The military exists to protect our nation.

You deserve to be shit on because you’re proliferating stupidity and hate under the guise of benevolence haha you’re literally DISGUSTING.

Why don’t you stop being a pussy and actually read the articles. You’re scared aren’t u?😈

I don’t need to be mature to prove u wrong. Ur so dogmatic it’s adorable.

Okay lol I hope in the future, you're mature enough to engage with people that think differently from you. Good luck mate

I am. I’m literally giving you data that proves your two weak assertions are BEYOND wrong. Like in every literal sense, giving you the data that refutes EVERYTHING you’ve said regarding cost and mental stability.

You’re just refusing to acknowledge it and arbitrarily calling it a straw man without review... Probably because you’re actually not smart enough to engage with people that think different from you. LMAO you’re literally living an ugly hypocritical life....

U should engage with others through facts and empiricisms. Not whatever the fuck you’re trying to do. It sounds like ur methods involve more of a neglect and complain until u die approach. Good luck twat.

1) Absurdly high suicide rates 2) Absurdly disproportionate healthcare costs

Go ahead and shit-fling and namecall all day. I work on a livesite buddy, I'll be here :)

😹😹😹😹 u just shot urself in the foot. I swear I really can’t believe you’re this dumb.

ON MY LIFE. I will do whatever you want if you can point to just OOOOONNNEEEE TIME where the link that YOU SHARED calls gender dysphoria a mental illness.

If you took the time to read what you reference you’d see that even your own literature disagrees with you lolol

Check mate you fucking idiot 😂

I just sent you a link. The page even has diagnosis info...

Lol yeah. Its probably time for u to start deleting comments so ppl don’t realize how fucking stupid u are

1) Absurdly high suicide rates 2) Absurdly disproportionate healthcare costs

Go ahead and shit-fling and namecall all day. I work on a livesite buddy, I'll be here :)

just like you can misgender us all you want online but it doesnt change the fact that you'd see me as a guy in real life. dont bother replying I think I can save you the time...

(you're not a boy, you have a vagina so i dont respect you, you have a mental illness so i dont respect you, some people are treating you like an actual human despite all of this, so i have to make sure you know you aren't one)

there. good enough for a king?

what does mentally ill even mean to you? just, making a weird decision you don't agree with?

Thinking you’re the opposite gender and trying to become that gender when you never will be that gender. That is mental illness.

in that case, anyone who believes in anything that's a bit different to how you perceive reality is mentally ill. in which case, I could say that you're mentally ill and also short a few bolts for not being imaginative enough to accept that people can be totally subdued by a feeling of belonging to a gender that is different to their birth. it's been happening long enough. there's enough positive validation and queer theory and community in the world for people to healthily enter into an understanding of the ability to break gender as well as plenty of evidence of the essential null-ness of gender on a cosmic scale. from there on, it's a matter of knowing yourself and your desires and your limits and who you can trust.

anyway, let's call it a mental illness. but it's not as black and white as you think it is, anyway, and different trans people have a different cocktail of mental illnesses. I don't think I am a woman in the same way that a cis woman is. but I think it's fair to tell people I'm a woman and be treated like one. I don't even care if you believe me, I just want to be treated well. am I mentally unwell? probably? are you perfectly mentally healthy? ok then!

there's a bunch of women who have seen people like me and been like 'oh shit the patriarchy is turning dudes into chicks and then fucking them up over it, better give these people shelter and belonging'. and let me tell ya'. the belonging is great and I have grown such pretty wings. alla you tho, coming in here with your chests puffed out trying to fuck with that belonging? whose battle are you fighting, and have you seen your own psychologist lately?

A wall of text that boils down to: ‘no u.’

Mentally ill alright.

haha. okay. but everything essentially boils down to something, and I just want you to look deeper than that. everything is shades of grey. I don't want to call you mentally ill, I just want you to self-reflect on your beliefs.

hahaha. okay. but everything essentially boils down to something, and I just want you to look deeper than that. everything is shades of grey. I don't want to call you mentally ill, I just want you to self-reflect on your beliefs.

I never claimed to have the best words (last IQ test I took had me at a firmly average 120), but I know when my argument has been reduced absurdly to something I don't mean. I don't want to call you or anyone mentally ill. to be honest, I wish we could get along.

what I'm saying (with some dramatic flair thrown in) is the subjective measures you use to discredit me can be flipped back on you. we can keep fighting about this forever. trans people have support and validation for their worldview the same way that trans hate has support and validation.

only, while I'm here living peacefully and trying to get everyone of all kinds working together, you're spreading the same old toxicity that gets people like me killed.

people have always called each other crazy for a fuck ton of reasons and I just don't see that as an effective value statement anymore. of course I'm crazy, lol, I'm collected dust on a dying merry-go-round whose operator gives no fucks about any of us. are you gonna hurt me over it? 'cause that would be fucking crazy.

a better boiling down might be "if me, then also potentially u, on and on to the point where we are indistinguishable".

Lol you lost me at the ‘killed’ part. It can be pointed out that you need therapy without you jumping from that to murder. Fucking hell.

you want me to play with long, slow steps on r/drama? ok. fine. I'll do your therapy. for starters, I am already in therapy, everyone needs some kinda therapy tbh, but I assume you mean something more like conversion therapy, where I get told that I'm a male because I have a penis over and over again until I'm supposed to believe it. only, I won't, and I'll quit the program as soon as I feel like I'm not being listened to. I'm not running from any cosmic truths here, I'm well aware of what I am and what body I was born in, and I'm also aware of the happiness I already have and the life I want to lead. what you're describing isn't therapy at all, it's dogma. the only way dogma is having my ass again is by force. and since I meet force with force, it follows that any sort of mandatory therapy is going to kill somebody, probably me, because I'm not some buffed up police dude enforcing a fascist rule. I'm a cute little trans tomboy who won't stop speaking up for people.

if it ain't mandatory then we're chill. but given the way you talk to people, I find it easy to assume you would be complicit were that to become the norm. you're basically endorsing the viewpoint that my entire psychological character is undermined by my honestly non-invasive desire to present as a woman and embrace a core affiliation with women who accept me as one of them.

You’re a dude, bro.

o yep lol ur right good game

At least you finally accept reality. I believe in you.

thinking your widely disagreed with opinion (in the medical world, they disagree I mean) and shoving it so far up your ass that it pierces your cold hate-fuelled heart just might cure our mental illness. hell, if i can dress like a boy and live as a boy and be happier because of it, imagine the joy that could come from your death? You could cure the very mental illness you hate so much!

Trigger me timbers

you betcha bud

tasty pasta

Everything you said is rendered meaningless by your second sentence. Besides, if nothing is real, then you're just some asshole with a fetish and I see no reason to respect your wishes. I don't believe nothing is real of course, but I do still think you're an asshole.

Good for you 🎉

admit it, you just want her asshole..

This but ironically.

help! im in distress!! fuck that... realized the only ppl who agree with this post probably brag about their asshair the same way I brag about my ratty moustache.. thanks for the adrenaline rush tho guys!

'I really don't feel safe'

I can kind of see why your mother wouldn't take you seriously when you feel physically threatened by a sub of people who probably never leave their home saying mean words.

The word here that separates safety from harm being "probably".

Shit, you've uncovered my plan. I'm going to figure out where someone lives, travel all the way there (different continent? Not a problem), just to misgender them and maybe, if I'm feeling extra malicious, say some mean words.

You're an unlikable person.

this is a compliment

You seem like a bit of a cunt, yourself.

The words that actually separate saftey from harm here being "a functional grasp of reality" which is unfortunately nowhere in sight for many of you.

Awwwwwwww did you get your feelings hurt? I wasn't talking to you.

Grow up.

"Many of you"

Please define, I literally don't know what you're brigading about.


You're the one brigading, sweaty

While we're chatting, could you fill me in on which Cluster B disorders you've been diagnosed with? I'm guessing it's a lot of them.

Yeah, uh, no. I'm getting a big flashing "do not feed the trolls" sign here, this is the last comment you get from me.

Girls have vaginas.

Why do people like you always cry some dumb shit like "do not feed the trolls" after you've already replied several times and come out looking like an ass? Do you realize how utterly transparent it is, or do you think anyone but yourself is taken in?

I'm getting a big flashing "do not feed the trolls" sign here, this is the last comment you get from me.

Imagine thinking people actually take you seriously lmao

I like how you called em sweaty lmao

You're an unlikable person.


makes you



The kettle is supposed to also be black btw lol.

[/r/ftmmen] Please help... This post is about me and I don't know how to get it taken down

[/r/gendercynical] Please help... Someone just targeted me on r/Drama calling me a t****y in the title. Report this if you can, I really don't feel safe and am unsure what to do

[/r/transgender] Help! Please! Someone just posted my face with the T slur on r/Drama... I'm concerned and really need advice/reports do realize how silly this all sounds, right?

how about you man up?

he can't, it's impossible to switch chromosomes, remember? stay on top of your bullshit if you're gonna be kicking it

It's impossible to switch chromosomes, remember?

That's a damn shame. r/drama has plenty of extra chromosomes they can donate once that shit is figured out...


My asshair is smooth and conditioned, I take good care of it.

Glad to hear society hasn't shamed you into waxing those glorious asslocks 👍

thanks for the adrenaline rush tho guys!

Don't thank us, thank the steroïds you have to take to keep the delusion working.

No you're tripping over yourself here.. the delusion comes before the steroids. Otherwise why would we be taking them in the first place? silly

Before HRT, trannies are not deluded, just mentally ill. Disphoria is real, I don't deny it.

The delusion is believing pills and make up will make you something you are not.

okay so you just admitted that you have to be deluded to believe HRT will help. therefore must be deluded prior to starting HRT. not really helping yourself here

Is it HRT making you retarded like that, or you were that stupid prior that too?

such a great arguement you've presented me with there champ

I'll take that as a yes, my dude.

Good bot

Wow. This is great! Triggered trannies make the best lolcows. Upvoted all the posts!

i weigh like 4 pounds, dont u have to be fat to be a cow.. i still probably weigh more than your value as a human tho ✌🏻✌🏻

dont u have to be fat to be a cow

My 1.2gb folder of sexy tauren girls says otherwise.

this is... an udderly titillating revelation..

tauren girls Fuck I regret googling that

wow was a mistake

dont u have to be fat to be a cow..

Not really, most women, like you are cows.

yikes that was really low effort, dont even worry about it tho, i'll give u another shot

While we're on the subject of effort, I'd like to remind you that the amount of effort you will have to put everyday, for the rest of your life, in just trying to pass off as a fake approximation of a man will make you even more mentally ill than you already are.

He doesnt appear to be wearing any makeup, I'd offer you some from my collection but it won't fix your hideous attempts at insults

He passes well..

That's the first funny thing you've said so far in this thread.

and I suspect I could be here all day waiting for you to finally come through

Speaking of cumming, nice review.

thanks but thats (as very clearly stated) not for sex. you're fucking bombing this shit man

I'm glad I'm unaware about how fake men have "sex"

you're trying your best to make it seem like you dont know 👌🏻

lol I think /u/placid_and_flaccid is Canadian too. Like why fucking live?

Canadians are the most cucked humans on the planet.

yeah imagine not having to pay for medication or doctors appointments, and living in a mostly prejudice-free society.. what absolute hell huh

Lol owned

nice contribution pal

great contribution to the conversation pal. glad you found the strength in you not to misgender the guy once! granted it was only two words... still an achievement nonetheless

What's it like to know you'll never touch a women? I really can't imagine being that unattractive/pathetic.

he has had a gf for the past three years dumbass

We do! Keep the upvotes coming, general

You got it bro!

u/D3V1LS_L3TTUC3 why are you breaking reddits site wide rules by calling for brigades?

I never called a brigade but I'd love to know more about the Universal Reddit Rules... do tell..

but I'd love to know more about the Universal Reddit Rules... do tell..

lol wut? Do you not know that reddit has site wide rules? And you litterally tell people to come here and report this post here. How is that not a brigade?

well I did ask people to report it because it is obviously a huge violation of my privacy but however I said nothing about commenting. yolo? yolo.

well I did ask people to report

So you called for a brigade.

it is obviously a huge violation of my privacy

Lol wut? All this is shit you publicly posted

however I said nothing about commenting

You're right, you just told people to spam the mods with bullshit reports

calm down why are you the only person that cares where did you even come from

where did you even come from


got em

Reporting this sub does nothing you are feeding the fire and that's ur fault

If someone reports your actions to the admins you're at least getting a suspension. Calling for action in other subs is a big no-no.

I could have snitched to the admins, but I didn't because who wants to slaughter that lolcow?

Someone did it 😢

yet it's okay to post someone's face on a subreddit dedicated to blasting the shit out of anyone and everyone possible.

If it's not doxx then yeah, those are reddit's literal rules.

and did he doxx his mom? I really feel like I'm missing something important here... Oh right, the part where he deserved any of this

Oh right, the part where he deserved any of this

Well whether someone deserved it or not is not part of the rules.


Yikes! Gross! Icky! Creepy! Problematic!

What other signal words do you lot have? I'm sure I'm missing some.

Uh.. bigot. you forgot that key term

Did the mom deserve it? Why do you hate women?

because as a trans man I suffer from copious amounts of internalized misogyny. obviously.

Well at least that makes sense. Thanks for clearing it up. You need to man up and stop letting mocking retards bother you.

I can't man up. I have two X chromosomes. Czech yourself m8

It is a frame of mind. You need to let delusional female behavior not cloud your mind. No need to get hysterical over my advice either, just in case.

if i get hysterical I can just violently masturbate. it's all figured out

/r/drama: Problems = Solved


EDIT 4 : /u/D3V1LS_L3TTUC3 just got a 3 day suspension

Literally sight beyond sight.

I know we shouldn't snitch on lolcows, but this is too hilarious.

Looking back, how does it feel /u/d3v1ls_l3ttuC3 to know you were in the wrong here?

What you post on the internet is public. Dramanauts can discuss it at their leisure, m’lady.

it is obviously a huge violation of my privacy

You post your picture, and family drama online. Also your bong and other shit. Pretty sure you're the only one violating your privacy.

Do you also plan to sue your dildo for rape?

what the fuck is wrong with you? don't be an asshole and have some common decency.

what the fuck is wrong with you?

We don't have time to list all that.

don't be an asshole and have some common decency.

I respectfuly decline.

I never thought I'd be one of this guy who give out a trite "this is the internet" quotes.

But your comment is basically the internet.

Where do you think you are exactly? I assume you might be confused since you were following links.

Yep. This sub is a cesspool of the shittiest people on this site. Asking them not to be irredeemable cunts is like asking water to not be wet.

You could do a lot to make the sub better on average by leaving.

Well no. That's the opposite of what I'm saying isn't it?

and you could make the world a lot better on average by leaving, but it looks like neither of us will be getting our way

I thought you were done?

it's not a dildo but im sure we could figure out a way to get your tranny rape fantasy fullfilled

If you cared about privacy you wouldn't have posted all this shit online lmao

it is obviously a huge violation of my privacy

but you posted the true OP yourself......

You literally linked to this thread in a bunch of different places, telling people to report the post and stuff. This is as literal of a brigade as it gets.

You do realize that reports go to the moderators of this subreddit, right?

Good job proving the stereotypes yet again. If it weren't for you, I would think that most transgender people are otherwise well-adjusted. But now I see the truth.

/u/D3V1LS_L3TTUC3 you missed /r/shitredditsays, /r/againsthatesubreddits, /r/topmindsofreddit, /r/stopadvertising, /r/chapotraphouse (they just hate /r/drama), /r/anarchism...

Try all those, half the "socialist" subs would defend you without knowing why.

I thought /r/topmindsofreddit was just conspiracy theory, not "problematic" culture in general?

It is in the same way that /r/Gamerghazi and /r/Kotakuinaction are about video games

Most conspiracy theorists tend to be pretty right wing, so there's a prettt big overlap. It's only really noticable in the comments.

Theyreeeeeee hereeeeee.

lol you're not kidding.

When I scrolled down and saw this I fucking howled.

Drama user of the month OP.

I smoke a lot by the way... Thanks for the advice. My voice passes as male every day :)

So edgy and cool. I feel so bad for your poor mom.

I feel bad for her too, apparently she cries herself to sleep thinking about how she lost her daughter to the cult of trans people on tumblr. I guess thats also pretty edgy tho

she cries herself to sleep thinking about how she lost her daughter to the cult of trans people on tumblr.

Your mom is right and I feel bad for her.

his mom sounds like a whiny fag tbh

Yeah. Who gets triggered so much by their kid transitioning, that they make a blog about it? She honestly sounds more retarded than u/d3v1ls_l3ttuc3. I wish she had a reddit account so we could invite her here ;-)

What are your feelings regarding the milkocide?

Why are you ok with that? In 5 years you will go back to normal and remember this. You should legit feel ashamed.

I'm sure five years from now your life still won't have any purpose, so idk what kind of miracle you'd expect to go down for me to stop being trans. Things like this just don't change

Lol you maaaaaadddddd

What would happen if I was actually relatively accomplished in my career, and not an ugly tranny like yourself? Would that make you more mad, or less mad?

well honey im sure id just have to take your word for it that you're like definitely not a 43 year old neckbeard with five pounds of fat for every year hes been a failure (ouf.. thats a lot). I know the fact that im trans is what makes me ugly to you, and that'll help me sleep better tonight... idk what id do of u thought i was hot. probably kms

Im just curious. Less mad or more mad? This is why I love the internet...people put their 2-D images of people on to 3-D humans. You NEED me to be what you project, but in reality no one is like that.

Except you. Youre a disgusting, mentally ill man with no family or friends, except online ones.

Bingo amirite

breaking news: man who only ad hominems gets offended when someone ad homimems him

Breaking news, mentally ill tranny doesnt understand sarcasm or a joke?

I was being friendly and showing how we were both holy fuck this sub was made for you more than me.

if this sub was made for me trans people wouldn't be getting banned for being harassed

Jesus. Just realized how much you posted here. Im donezo.

Happy Easter🐥🐰💐😘

you too pal, glad i could help divert u 🔥🔥

Your mom is gonna be the only person who will still be there for you if you ever decide to de-transition or realize you aren't actually trans. This community eats their own when they step out of line.

Just like his mom was there for her when she kicked him out at 16, right? Yeah. Also it's not like a trans person can interact with anyone outside of the trans community. Although I have to admit the concept of being eaten alive is a bit of a turn on

But can you piss standing up?

actually yeah. funny you said that

How? Do you use one of those funnels for girls?

I actually just use my brain to manipulate the flow of pee just like I use my brain to manipulate young adults into medically transitioning. god i hope u get that jab

So you just piss down your leg.

How big are your tits? Is your pussy shaved or hairy?

Just a warning /u/D3V1LS_L3TTUC3, /u/OniTan is asking these questions because he wants to murder and rape you later on. His flair isn't a joke.

If it were any other user, of course, it would just be for fetish purposes. But I'm different. I respect women. Anyways, PM me pics.

just like I use my brain to manipulate young adults into medically transitioning

Ooh, spicy. Do tell.

use my brain to manipulate the flow of pee

Telekinetic powers?

He has you sit underneath him and pisses directly into your mouth you dirty boy

Dude women can do that.


There are female urinals. And if aiming isn't an issue a woman with a skirt can just pee wherever without putting any on herself. Also they can just piss themselves standing up, don't know if it counts.

If they press their fingers right, they can pee standing up but not very accurately. Google is ur friend.

tfw incapable of casual googling

It's pretty tricky though. I've never been able to get the hang of it.

you're late bitch, a bot beat you to it by hours

On my way to the glass chamber now.

Good! Don’t forget to kill urself 🤗

Nice, enjoy the site ban dude.

? Ominous

Such quick response times, this must be the most serious relationship I've had in ages. Tell me: do you have a bussy or a gussy?

Both. 🤗

having a gussy

but also having a bussy

It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

U don’t make sense. I’m bored. You’re stupid.

My first bussy, gone so quickly :,(

If u don’t use it u loose it, bussy ass

We’re gonna need proof.

flashes both

pretty please show me ur bussy & gussy?

Ur literally on the internet. Look around you. Now see it. Lol mine is too divine for ur plebeian ass.

Baby, I don’t want other tranny gussy. I want your tranny gussy, and only your tranny gussy, until I finish jerking off the end of time.

Wow. You’re just like insanely edgy right? I’m not for you dude just move it along.

uh I sexually identify as in a relationship with you so if you don’t post gussy right now imma cut myself

Do it do it 🤗

That is one of the newer rules we have here, brutally enforced by the totalitarian pacifist admins of “no more meany words.” (Specifically of the “kill yourself” variety.) Normally a non retarded person could tell between banter and true invective but, that’s who it is now.

Anyway I had to remove it for all our sadly cucked sakes. Carry on!

Got it. Thanks 🤗



Depends; Is he a milko?

Go ‘jerk’ OFF yourself (is this better)

Yess, let the ways of r/Drama flow through you. We'll make a bussy lover out of you, mark my words.

Add /u/peeviewonder to the list of people to be banned by the admins for admitting to responding to a call for action in another sub.

Please know that I don't genuinely stand by any of the (potentially offensive?) insults I'm using or use them at actual humans in real life

Welcome to /r/Drama, enjoy your stay.

it's fun hearing all these female pronouns used in reference to me now... throwback

Call your mom, you'll get an earful of female pronouns.

Honestly, why are you getting so worked up about random people writing insulting comments about you online.

Literally just send modmail about the photo and unsubscribe from the comment replies. That's it.

Fuck off, Cunt!

So mentally and physically unhealthy and proud of it? 💇‍♀️

still better than "unable to think of an actual clever thing to say"

OK, chica.

yikes you're almost doing as bad as the pinky general or whatever the fuck

As badly as a gender-confused teenage girl trying to be a man

badly enough to stick to the most obvious jab in the thread

The quicker you get that cancer the deeper your voice will go. Experiment liberally.

Oh, you haven't heard? That's what they tell us when we're indoctrinated into the trans cult. The reason I'm on T is because my mental illness makes me so delusional that I believe the vast amounts of studies that conclude medical transition improves quality of life for trans people. I want to be experimented upon, it's all because I hate myself so much though.

Let me know if I missed anything you would've brought up

I have no clue what this has to do with smoking.

was directed at you lmao

Look I don't care about you so don't take it personally. If you want to dope yourself and chop off your tits have at it. I am just here to laugh at lolcows acting retarded and that is 100% the description of the person documented by OP. They were suspended for good reason.

Dope myself up? Become a better man than you? Don't mind if I do.

You're just taking the side of OP because you've been scraped from the bottom of the pond like everyone else from this sub. I don't take that personally.

Tell me what I've done wrong. I see no reason to not mock someone that starts a witch hunt against their mother online.

You can check my submission history and I've openly mocked TERF behavior in their home subs as well.

"Treating everyone as an individual" happens to be the perfect excuse for people like you to pick and choose who they respect and who they disregard entirely. You happen to disregard entire communities of people as well, not just individuals. And don't try to tell me to leave bias at the door when you're telling other people that the surgeries they require are just unnecessary body mutilation.

It actually is mutilation though. No different than someone cutting their tongue in half or getting circumcised.

It isn't like removing cancer from your body. What else would you call invasive surgery that completely alters your body and renders you permanently infertile and isn't even done as a form of birth control like a vasectomy for instance?

Anyway. None of this has shit to do with the fact that the person mentioned in OP is nuts and creating witch hunts.

okay well good to know you'd treat someone who chooses to get circumcised (you know, cause it's their body) the same way youre treating trans people who have the desire to get SRS.

witch hunts? that sounds an awful lot like an exaggeration. no one was hunted, the website was sourced and is public in the first place. his mom is nuts tho, yeah.

🌈 celebratory self-righteous misgendering badge

Whatever, most trans drama revolves around women so that is why I wrote that. It wasn't done on purpose. It is actually incredibly rare to ever see ftm people existing on the internet and they get shunned by mtf population on a regular basis online.

If you think it isn't a witch hunt since it was "public" then there isn't a witch hunt here either. Simple as that. There is no logic that can criticize here without criticizing the person that started it.

Sorry, I missed the part where anyone at all was being hunted. It's been pretty clear the whole time who the victims are. Whatever your justifications for spewing the toxic waste all over this thread about a stranger and his psychotic mother are, I don't care. Done responding to you. Stay cis! 🤘

Dude, lol, stop being delusional. They clearly want a witch hunt after their mother. This is what is getting mocked. They are nuts. No one would have ever posted them here if they weren't trying to involve the internet into their personal family drama.

Not a single bit of this makes sense in an 'asktransgender' sub / forum where people try to help each other.

No one here suggests people go to gendercynical and try to convince TERFS of anything. We all know better and are here to show support.

This entire post is confusing, angry and i don't get it.

"I've been frequenting a subreddit (r/GenderCritical) that's chock-full of TERFs and other kinds of people who will purposely misgender trans people and talk about them in the most dehumanizing manner, because there are no trans people to comment and tell them how wrong they are and why."

not a single thing you've said had any relevance because A. you're not trans and B. you don't know what kind of content people post on these subs because you aren't an active member in them.

OK moron.

A. I'm trans and you can't read obviously.

B. You're some angry person looking to make zero sense on Reddit and start shit. Have a nice day, I don't have time for you.



u damn right

So do you just like get off on harassing people? Like how unhappy/insecure do you have to be dude? My god it's pathetic. 😂 Get a life lmao.

god you are just playing this thread like an instrument

Play nice now kids. There’s enough upvotes here for everyone

Luckily i'm flattered when downvoted for being real.

Omg chiiiilllll. Ur buzzkilling all over this joyous cluster fuck of free for all insults!

It is ok, this is a safe space, we don't downvote lolcows here.

I'm getting a lot of downvotes. I might be doing something wrong.

Ah, dropping T-slurs, you sound like a wonderful individual. Fuck off please.

I agree. Our parents called them freakshows and monsters, and that should be good enough for us!

T-slurs? You can use the full word here. Even put in the title. Also you have "unicorn" in your username but (((/r/Drama mods))) won't allow me to tell you what should do anymore.

here at our drama your safety is very important to us.

Keep yourself very safe you raging queer.

Remind me what the t slur is.






Trannie spotted

I prefer "she-male".

good to know you've at least completed a sixth grade education





Trannies are trying erally hard to make "tranny" a slur somehow.

They even try to do it with "transexual" smh.

holy shit everyone is so mean

no u 😠

Do you like it?


Ikr? I love it! 😊

hell yeah bitch

new lockscreen

No kink-shaming!



Scat lover checking in.

-fucking hell-

/u/scatmunchies found ur soulmate

There can only be 1

Let’s have a Highlander-style shit fling to settle it, then.


I had already impaled you while u were typing that.

Oh ok

91 comments, 31% upvoted

Now THIS is podracing.

This is really shitty bait on top of being a blatant agendapost

If it works I don't care

Yeah I mean fuck there is a lot of bussy blasted folk here but holy hell is it entertaining. I NEED this.

I'm seriously having a lot of fun. It's been ages since we've had such obliging lolcows in our sub :))

it has been awhile Brigades in drama are fun because we finally get to have them come to us, instead of tagging them and just HOPING they arrive.



Hey look it's that word people use to let you know they're incredibly asshurt.

How is someone trying to get reddit to message her mom not legit drama?

lol did you think that because he's trans he's born with a dick before realizing it was the other way around

that's some real good rightwing retardation right there good shit goooooood shit woo

Nope I knew it was a woman, I just got confused because of the pronoun use in different threads (I need to translate things in my head, not my native language).

tfw you're too deep into your ideology to see minorities as people instead of objects


Women are a majority of the human population, I still see them as objects.

Ah shit I forgot about the chinks. Well in developped countries (even developing countries) women tend to be a majority (with men dying earlier).

Typical sex ratio at birth is skewed toward men because men tend to die and fight and such. As that happens less and less in society, the sex ratio approaches that at birth.

are you alright man? like I've seen an ok side of you but also where does all of the hate come from?? what happened to you dude??

Glad to see the world is righting itself


you're so obsessed with that picture oh my god it's cute

I'm too lazy to go back to its post history and get the others (I repost the link I put in that post here because I don't keep a personal gallery).

oh my god it's cute

Hey hey watch your pronouns asshole

the fuck are you on about? you're a bit late to the party buddy

Nice to see you're still doing the agendaposting thing lol


It's someone on Reddit asking several communities to write mean emails to her mom. It's real drama. Imagine a neckbeard doing the same because his mom started a website lamenting her son's My Little Pony dakimakura.


Considering this isn't a news article going "lol look at what these dumb SJWs said" or "lol look at dumb thing Trump did" I don't see how that could be valid.

It is more of a vaginapost.


You drink PBR, who cares what you think.

I mean, the post itself isn't that great drama, but the lolcow coming and participating made it a lot better.

Calling things agenda posting is the real agenda posting.

5 hours ago, 434 comments

What the fuck, /r/Drama?

I should be modded. If that's not drama, what is?


This thread is fucking beautiful and I love you for it.

Ew, gay.

MOOOOODS he's discriminating against bussy!

Oh shit "no kinkshaming" is the only rule that actually gets enforced (well that and the .np link thing).

MOOOOODS gussy pretends to be bussy!

You have fallen into my devilish trap. My love for this post was heterosexual all along!

it is the only way

Holy shit, this thread is a glorious shitshow.


omg I just saw the flair thats fuckin awesome

You can use it too, we're like super inclusive here.

if you stretch the definition of inclusive by a wide margin. I mean we technically include, just you know IGNORE the massive amount of TWATS

Anyone can post here. No discrimination.

Nope we allow anyone here no discrimination in fact we encourage your toxicity just uh know that even drama has its limits.

just uh know that even drama has its limits.

I'm actively trying to find them

I draw a hard line of tolerance that stops just short of the mayos

I should post mayo sympathizing stuff here.

We briefly interrupt this ongoing drama to remind you that I'm better than all of you losers.

Carry on.

Abuse of power. I like it.

I'm not done talking about Harvey Weinstein. (The man is just such a goldmine of perfect examples.)

We've talked about what he did wrong. (Mistook situational leverage for SMV.)

And we've talked why what drove him to do it. (Used pussy to stroke his ego, instead of just his johnson.)

But now we come to the question of why everyone in Hollywood sheltered him, then suddenly turned on him, when they knew all along what he was doing.

To understand the answer, we have to understand a couple of facts, and think about them all at the same time, in relation to each other.

  • The vast majority of those women were not raped. That wasn't rape. They chose to suck his cock, even if they went home and took six showers and then knelt on the bathroom floor alternately puking and crying.

  • The ones who he grabbed who didn't give in still shut up about it.

  • All the women who are now accusing him of rape and harassment, are all doing so at the same time. A few did, then the others followed in a cascade.

  • Pretty much everyone in Hollywood knew what was going on.

  • Hollywood is in the illusion business. To make money, they need people to believe, or suspend disbelief in, certain illusions.

  • Beginning on 31 Aug 2014, and over the next few weeks, in an event that would be jokingly labelled "the Fappening", an unknown person or persons leaked naked selfies of a bunch of celebrity actresses.

  • The response to this was widespread outrage, ostensibly over their privacy.

  • Celebrity actresses frequently get naked on camera on purpose, and this boosts boxoffice draw.

  • In professional wrestling, the term "kayfabe" refers to the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind. Kayfabe has also evolved to become a code word of sorts for maintaining this "reality" within the direct or indirect presence of the general public.

Now we know everything we need to know.

Kayfabe is how Hollywood makes its money. Kayfabe is why no one said anything about Harv for decades, and kayfabe is why they are calling him a rapist now. Kayfabe is why Hollywood was angry about the "Fappening", and kayfabe is why Hollywood actresses get naked on camera at a specific point in their careers, never too early. Kayfabe is why Hollywood stars talk endlessly about how wonderful and amazing and talented the people they just worked with are, and kayfabe is why they got together at big televised ceremonies and give each other trophies for making dull original movies that you went and saw because you were bored and forgot the plot of within the next two days.

So what is Hollywood's kayfabe, exactly?

Hollywood's kayfabe is the collectively-sustained illusion that Hollywood stars are prettier, more exciting, more interesting, larger-than-life people who are special. If you believe this, you will pay more money to see and hear them, and to see and hear about them.

What is the reality that the kayfabe hides?

Hollywood stars are just a bunch of theatre nerds who have been selected for above-average looks and whoever gave ol' Harv the best handjob.

The only special people in Hollywood are the very expert professional makeup and lighting and sound and production folks who are very, very good at taking your average 7.5 - 9 and making her look ethereally beautiful on camera.

The woman in the second two pictures doesn't exist. She is the highlight reel from a makeover shoot by the best illusionists in the world. She is every bit as fake as if she had been constructed entirely from computer graphics. In the future, she might be. Kayfabe.

Hollywood wants you to believe in her.

The "Fappening" was an outrage not because involuntary porn, but because it revealed that celebrity-actresses don't really look any better than the hot secretary at the local car dealership. And that the girls themselves aren't special, either... just another bunch of dumb sexting instagram hoes. Kayfabe.

Harvey was protected before for precisely the same reason he is being thrown under a bus now... to sustain the illusion that these girls were selected for their extraordinary beauty and talent, as opposed to at random (or by casting couch) from a vast pool of relatively ordinary beauty and talent. Kayfabe.

Hollywood talks about how wonderful each other are, and give each other awards for doing their jobs, to make you believe that they are wonderful, and that their jobs are important and meaningful. Kayfabe.

So is kayfabe limited to Hollywood?

Of course not... other groups have their own kayfabe which helps them succeed.

Ever hear a physician criticize another physician in public? You won't. Some idiot could amputate the wrong leg and others of his guild will rush to defend him.

Why? Because closing ranks prevents public contradictions to the perception that physicians are the most highly trained and competent of professionals and deserve to be the only ones called doctor (as if PhDs didn't exist), as opposed to a mixed bag of ordinary dudes doing jobs that require recognizing the same things over and over again, and doing the same things over and over again.

The navy's SEAL teams have amazing kayfabe. They have practically everyone believing they are invincible-warrior-ninja-philosopher-batman, as opposed to high-selected light infantry who have had a lot more money spent on training them.


Well, how else do you get to cash in when you EAS? How else do you charge premium rates for "management consulting", as if killing muj had anything in common with manufacturing pipe fittings. How else do take one single idea that's obvious to anyone that isn't an idiot, pad it like a procrastinating undergrad into an entire book, and make the bestseller list?

So what happens with groups that don't have a kayfabe? That don't control their image?

Have a look at software engineers.

Unlike physicians, or actors, they have no group loyalty, and will ruthlessly criticize the slightest shortcoming in their fellow professionals' work, right in front of the public, calling them idiots and incompetents and whatever else comes to mind. Go read some Linus Torvalds posts to see what I mean.

Now, the vast majority of experienced ones are actually very good, having been ruthlessly subjected to this gladiatorial pit for the entirety of their careers. However, the public regards them as a bunch of high-paid manchildren who just seem to keep generating bugs (and never noticing when they swipe a credit card, send an email message, punch up satnav, or turn the lights on, and shit just works).

Because they have selected ruthless quality control over kayfabe, their public repute is lower than their real world competence. For groups with good kayfabe, the reverse is true.


  • It is often good to exercise kayfabe, but never beneficial to be fooled by it. Be very careful what you take from anything deliberately presented for your consumption.

  • If a group is held in high repute, instead of automatically admiring them, ask yourself if kayfabe might be active. See if you can discern what it is.

  • People are more often thrown under a bus for breaking kayfabe than for doing something wrong. Learn to spot that guy, and how not to be him.

Further thought

  • Consider how the concept of kayfabe applies both to Donald Trump, and to the politicians who organize resistance against him.

  • Consider how the concept of kayfabe applies to the collective behaviour of women. And of men.

Now THIS is autism

now THAT'S what I call a good sperg

Now this is podracing

We're not worthty

0 x 1 is still 0 you dog fucker



When did you become a mod? Are the Scots taking over /r/drama?

Soon laddie, soon.

is it true you and /u/serialflamingo are from warring highland clans and you’re secretly planning on killing him with a claymore because he tried to fuck ur bussy like in Rob Roy?

If I wanted his bussy I would get it, ijs.

You could always struggle snuggle his fursuit to establish dominance like dis.

Are the Scots taking over /r/drama?

Well we'll soon be ruining it, if that's the case.

I'm ready and waiting for the call to declare independence

U N B _ N

E V _

ev banned? why

Because he's a retard. But this is the perfect moment to take the muzzle off.


he's been unbanned for a while. It was only 3 days for posting that gawdawful meme.

Doxxing your mom takes balls.


Currently Transpiring!

Bravo Vince

Awesome flair. For once the mods did something good.

I'd like to take this opportunity to some out to r/drama. I've been thinking about it a long time and I'm sure that I am supergender. I realize that I have two genders simultaneously at all times, one of which is also bigender. So most of the time I identify as a double male, sometimes I'm a male+female. To make it easy, I'm going with the following pronoun system: hehe/himhim/himhimself usually, but heher/himher/himherself on Thursdays. Please be respectful of my genders or I will report you to the r/drama mods.

this guy knows whats up


Excuse me, it's "guyguy."

can we use the contraction he2 , guy2 , etc.?

Works for me.

As long as you don't demand we call you "they" and then sue us when we don't go along with it.

If you mis/undergender me, I'm definitely suing.

i need everyone to refer to me using at least four different neo pronouns in every sentence or i'll threaten suicide

i sexually identify as a strawman

Hey, so do I!

...wanna have autumn-themed sex on a haystack?

i only fuck strawwomen, faggot


Ew, gross!

i'm sorry did you just assume that all strawwomen have a strawgussy?

Oh, excuuuuuuse me. Get back to me when you have as many genders as I do, pleb.

i'm trying to get all 151 genders but i need to trade with someone who has a different version of the game can you help me

You want some advice? Start making a bunch of different Facebook accounts, each with a different gender. That will get you to about 50 or so. After that, the road gets much harder and you'll have to find your own path.

I just got the new glow in the dark Gendercube and a brand new storage card with over 75 bonus easter egg genders

i'm still saving up for the dodecagendron myself

Literally any joke

Strawman REEEEEE

double male

Hemipeen detected.

Not yet but I'm transitioning. Wish me luck!


I do not approve of this!!!1111

If only /r/gendercritical came in.

Then we’d have fun.

the funny part is that the person you replied to is a GC poster, or at least i have them autotagged as such

That’s the joke tranny.

/u/normie_girl is our resident TERF.

you guys only have one terf? smh

That's because TERFs are even more easily triggered than trannies. I wish we had more of them here.

god i love calling terfs cis women

I am also a TERF. But not the feminist kind.

I am also a TER. But not the exclusionary part.

Great, all you trannies can go fuck each other and leave everyone else alone.

what's the point of transitioning if i can't trick """straight""" men into sleeping with me? you're not thinking with your head here bud

Exactly. Trannies are pathetic, insane rapists and should be imprisoned.

lock me up daddy

in a lightless cage, deep underground

just you and me

Just you and the illegals and jihazis.

wow you're kinky

Thanks! ⭐️ Here's your award for most vomit inducing phrase in the thread (and that includes the comment about the guy's mom's wet pussy)

for most vomit inducing phrase


aw so smart

Hey! I'll have you know I'm a TERF too! This is unconscionable erasure of my tranny-hating identity. Please report yourself to the nearest gulag for re-education.

oh god i'm a bigot now time to get the noose



I find they mock themselves easily

Bro, why are you being such an asshole? Stay out of his personal business. He posted that to receive help and talk his issues out with people who’d understand, not to be berated by people on the internet who don’t know his home life. Also, screw you for plastering his face all over this; so much for anonymity. This isn’t as much drama as you picking on somebody who is already hurting. And congrats on using the T-slur.

Stay out of his personal business. He posted that to receive help and talk his issues out with people who’d understand

She's posting things like :

Feel free to send her an email, I believe there is an option to "Contact Us" or something along those lines on the site.

That's a call to harassment. Subreddits aren't supposed to allow those.

And congrats on using the T-slur.

Honestly I don't need any. It's a very easy word to spell.

I don’t agree with either parties on this. I think both are overreacting a bit. But I don’t necessarily think that’s harassment. If he said something like “feel free to send her an email telling her she’s a horrible person,” then yeah, that’d be harassment. But sending an email isn’t necessarily harassment and it could, in fact, be quite the opposite.

“feel free to send her an email telling her she’s a horrible person,”

Yeah /r/GenderCynical is going to send her praise. Just look at the current thread to get an idea about how they react to things they don't like online...


I was talking about the mom...

Sorry, I misread your comment, I apologize. Have an upvote.

To be honest I'd love to have the mom in this thread. That's the only thing that's missing to really turn all that into actual drama.

Ehhhhh, that sounds like that convo should honestly remain private

They sound like a pair of people who'd argue loudly about intimate issues in a public place though. I might be wrong, but they seem like an explosive combination. Also to be fair changing genders is an awesome way to rebel against your parents.

To be fair, gender dysphoria 9/10 isn’t a rebellion

That's what you have to tell your parents when you're rebelling. It doesn't work as well if you admit you're doing it to piss them off. But it's actually awesome. Discovering the gender of your baby is like the first thing you do, so rebelling against that is going to very hit hard at your parents.

It’s not rebelling. A biological condition is not rebelling. I hid my dysphoria for years because I didn’t want to upset them. Does that sound like rebelling?

I hid my dysphoria for years because I didn’t want to upset them. Does that sound like rebelling?

You were hatching your plan. I admire your execution and dedication to pissing them off though.

Wow. Who hurt you? Is there a reason you like being an asshat to people on the internet?

It's called being honest. You trannies always complain of getting murdered in droves, and yet you're surprised that people might mock you online. I wouldn't stab a tranny, but I'll make fun.

We’re not surprised, we are trying to combat transphobia. Getting murdered isn’t pleasant. Especially when it’s just because someone doesn’t like how you look

Especially when it’s just because someone doesn’t like how you look

Yeah it's usually about the surprise penis though.

That’s NOT a reason to murder someone. Trans men get murdered as well

Trans men get murdered as well

I never saw a headline about that. Unless you still count Teena Brandon. Who was someone who associated with violent criminals...

We have way less FtMs than MtFs. And i don't see headlines about MtFs being killed either (unless i look at trans subreddits).

It's like the philosophical question: If you scream in a forest but nobody hears you, did you really scream? Yes, even if nobody heard you.

If a trans person gets killed but nobody notices, did the trans person get killed? THE BLOOD BEING SPILLED AND THE FATAL INJURIES CAUSED BY THE ATTACK OF THE PERPETRATOR IS REAL EVEN IF NOBODY NOTICES!

And i don't see headlines about MtFs being killed either (unless i look at trans subreddits).

There was a big one few weeks ago. Black tranny got stabbed in the face like 110 times after blowing a dude who didn't enjoy the surprise penis. It was on every news subreddit.

Black tranny

Although i either missed or forgot about the news, you still do it. You still use slurs. I peeked in your post history. Reminding you about not using slurs is an exercise in futility. Have fun getting downvoted.

Have fun getting downvoted.

If you have read any part of that thread, getting downvoted is half the fun. Mods stickied a post with 0 score and 500 comments.

I think you're a troll, feeding from hate? Why though?

What else is there to do on /r/Drama? You're the one coming into the special ed class and complaining there's food, snot and slobber stains everywhere.

Dark humor :) Not gonna lie, i like that analogy :D Can you please elaborate?

You see a tranny (successfuly) trying to get its friend to online harass her mom. So you know this is the anthill you want to poke, because that person will want to recruit a lot of insane people to come to the /r/Drama thread, and argue.

That's the quickest recipe for massive drama.

Case in point :

Hmm. So you want to create drama for the sake of itself. And not respecting trans people, is that only to create drama or is that your standard behavior? Is there anything like /uj for that sub to communicate with you outside the drama role?

Is there anything like /uj for that sub to communicate with you outside the drama role?

No it's 24/7 here. Also you can't tell who's using slurs ironically or not. Same for tankies and alt right users.

Do you mind using PMs from here on?

No, I'm not going to cry harassment.

Sexual assault is a pretty good reason to react with violence tbqhwuf


being raped is no excuse to punch someone

The absolute state of trannies in 2018

How did the person rape them if they didn’t have sex, or touch them, or perform any sexual act??

I apologize, that’s not what I meant to type.

Legit. If you're like "I wanna fuck this chick." and then before you go to do that they're like "I'm a tranny doe" then we all gucci and nobody needs to get hit.

Besides using the slur, yes, I concur.

Seriously though, I went through years of depression and hiding it, especially because my dad always was negative towards gay people. That doesn’t sound like plotting to hurt my parents

You clearly knew you dad was homophobic, so it told your brain what to aim for.

Oh, so you’re just a troll huh?

Seriously. We might do things based on conscious or unconscious cues sometimes. Our perception (especially of our own though processes) is far from perfect and unbiased. That's basically what's theraphy (really any variant of it) is based on.

and kicking your child out of your home at the age of 16 is an awesome way to be a parent. yeah? we're all here to support that emotional abuse of a stranger tho, right? yeah

You don't know what happened in this house. I can only tell lots of people suffer horrible abuse, and there's only one trying to get Reddit to harass her mommy.

He happens to be my best friend so actually I know quite a bit about what happened in this house.

So how come none of the /r/rape or /r/abuse posters have links to their moms?

maybe they were smart enough to know their content would be posted elsewhere without their permission by cunts like you

So you're saying your best friends is dumber than the whores in /r/rape? Have you read their stories? Most of them weren't very smart to begin with.

yikes... I'll just leave you here then

Well you have her contact info. Email her this thread. Be the change you want to see.

Good idea. I just don't want to waste my time in the sea of spam she's getting.

I don’t agree with either parties on this. I think both are overreacting a bit.

Yes but overreacting is OUR job.

  1. It’s He thank you
  2. The information on the website isn’t factual and is literally just being used to spread hate and vitriol against an already oppressed group. While I agree with you that it’s a call to harassment, I can’t fully condemn him for that. It’s a literal hate group
  3. Seriously though, you’re entitled to your free speech, but slurs aren’t necessary. Slurs are just for weak people to make them feel more powerful.

It’s He thank you

"His" manliest pic. I'm from Southern Europe, our women are manlier than that on average.

Bro, so what if you don’t think he looks like the paragon of masculinity. There are plenty of cis men who don’t look super masculine.

His looks don’t define who he his.

His looks don’t define who he is.

"His" mental illness does.

So? Do you have depression? That’s a mental illness

Do you have depression?

Not everyone does. And I'm not playing victim olympics.

Okay, I always here people say stuff like that and I never know what it means. Can you explain?

A lot of people online like to make up mental illnesses and diagnoses to pretend they have a harder life than the next guy. I don't.

Gotcha, thanks man, have another upvote

you literally just posted the same picture everyone sees before they open the thread as if thats some kind of new arguement

It's not a new argument. It's good proof. Proof is reusable.

your dumbass wouldn't have looked twice if you saw this guy walking on the street. you're going so incredibly out of your way to misgender him that there's no way you're mad about how masculine he looks

Keep telling yourself that. That's how you get Brandon Teenaed.

reference unknown, I'll pretend to be afraid tho

First tranny ever not to know that. The example of a "transphobic murder" that's been touted for decades. Made into the movie "boys don't cry". They couldn't find a tranny to play her, but they found the closest thing (Hillary Swank).

ah yes. let us compare ourselves to homocidally transphobic rednecks. that'll get the point across


They killed a lesbian though.


At least we can agree that Brandon Teena was a lesbian. Guess it's some common ground.

well yeah technically I could be considered a homosexual because I'm sexually attracted to people with the same genitals as me. weird how gender works huh?

Oh Teena was a TiF, I thought we agreed on the fact she was a lesbian.

imagine being this delusional

If i saw her on the street I don't think I'd even clock her as a tranny. I'd just be like "oh look a woman with short hair. i wonder if she's gay."

I'm sure you can tell how he looks in person from the one image you've seen.

But you're the one insisting she looks "so masc!!1!!" in this picture and using that delusion about this picture to say she'd pass IRL.


1!! = 1

sorry you missed the part where I said I know him in person. this is the part where you cant argue this anymore, because I've been in public places with him and heard people use the correct pronouns for him (what fucking idiots amirite?)

You've been in public places with her but you're clearly fully delusional, so I'm gonna need better proof than that sweaty

way to steal his thunder using "sweaty" when he's not here to defend himself. and yeah, the totally coherent thoughts I've expressed definitely prove I'm nothing more than a completely delusional idiot

It's like you looked at a picture of green paint, insisted it's red, and now are absolutely baffled as to how that makes you crazy😂 God I love this thread.

and I love your refusal to see anything beyond the sweet meme of making trans people miserable 😂😂👏👏✌🏻🌈

thx 4 appreciating tha hustle fam

  • it’s she, you’re welcome;

  • oppressed group? Not even.

  • slurs are always necessary when it involves an idiot.

It’s he. Again, it’s he. Don’t be a disrespectful fuck

Not even? Say that to the trans folk murdered for being trans. In many states queer panic is still a legal defense for killing a queer person.

Slurs are never necessary

It’s a she. Again, her chromosomes are XX not XY. Ergo science dictates it’s a she.

Yeh if I bring someone home from the bar and they whip out a dick, I’m punching them, not sucking their feminine dick.

Slurs are necessary, trussy lover.

Bro, biology is a lot more complicated than just XX and XY, you do know that right? No trans person is denying their biological sex; that’s not what being trans is. Scientific data on trans folk has produced more in favor for than against so yeah, he is a he.

Yeah, have fun with the assault charges you asshat. A polite I’m sorry, I’m not sexually attracted to those genitals would suffice.

Slurs are necessary huh? You sound like the kind of dude who would be okay with the n-word. Trussy lover? Hm, congrats, that’s a new one

Yeh chromosomes kinda dictates a lot. Can’t be switched!

It’s not legally assault if I feel sexually taken advantage of. So.....punching away.

Tranny is as tranny does. It’s not the n word and equating it to that is hilarious and demonstrates how retarded you are.

Seek help.

I agree. They do dictate a lot. But you know, there are other regulatory sequences that go over DNA. As a biologist I feel like I know how this shit works.

Yeah, it is assault you ass hat. You weren’t “taken advantage” of, they literally would have just taken off their clothes. That’s assault.

It’s a word used to oppress minorities and leads to deaths of said minorities, so yeah, they are similar. Oppressed groups are oppressed groups. Queer people have been systematically murder before. Slurs are slurs

I have seemed help, and I’m happily living my life compared to the mess I was before.

Uh hey full offense but I'd love to see you take on a my trans friend in a fight. You'd get one pathetic word out before she rekt ya... but of course, I'm not saying this to hurt your superior masculinity and question your Ultimate Power over any and all trans people. Just keep in mind that one day karmas gonna get its kiss for u

Mhm I’m sure. I was just born with testosterone and she has to take supplements to even pray to be m equal physically.

Face it.Youre pretending and reality says so.

Nice try but I was refereeing to you getting your ass kicked by a trans lady. You know. "Traps". Was that easier for you to understand buddy?

What I understood is you are delusional. A tranny cannot beat me in a physical contest, end of story.

I wouldn’t be surprised to hear you got your ass kicked by a 5 foot man. Because you’re a retarded tranny.

hey wow so the thing is youre just proving your ignorance by still not following me here. I'll try even harder. ELI5 style.

a baby boy is born. he has a penis. one day, after having spent many years with testosterone in his system, he realizes that he identifies as a woman. (bear with me here, try your best to use your imagination) this woman now dresses and acts like other women, but doesn't look it, because this tranny has gone through male puberty. Because she has a dick and testicles, (couldn't expect you to ignore that fact though, somehow) which delivered regular doses of testosterone she has a voice deeper than yours, and is even taller than you. has also spent a lifetime fending for herself against physical attackers targeting "trannies" . she kicks your ass.

I know, how unbelievably rude of me to make the assumption that you arent the biggest, strongest, fastest person who was born with a penis on this god forsaken planet. I should just stop here, because it's impossible for any trannies to be physically stronger than you, even though they get their strength the exact same way you claim to get yours.

By the way, have you ever seen female kickboxing? Do you really want to lie and say you wouldn't get knocked out by one of those bitches 0.7 seconds into a match?

well I wouldnt be surprised if i got my ass kicked by a lady honestly, as I was saying, many women are fully capable of kicking a man's ass. I'm not talking about

Pure delusion.

A female can’t take a guy on. Even on testosterone.

Want proof? Show me a female to male fighter beating a male fighter.

Doesn’t exist. Because physically women are weak.

So stop crying and admit that no, a female is not kicking my ass. Y’all are mentally ill and possibly retarded.

Again, completely ignoring my 100% logical points about you getting rekt under the high heel of a tranny

No because your points were irrelevant and poorly made.

Let’s ignore that my life has been in sports and frequent gym trips. Let’s ignore my high protein diet.

Let’s focus on basics. Biology has given me bones that are denser than a woman’s. Muscles that are better are growing and stronger per square inch. Nerve endings that are less sensitive. High levels of testosterone.

A female playing man has: testosterone injections. Her bones are still weaker, muscles poorly aligned for delivering hits, sensitive nerves.

So despite your delusional thoughts otherwise: man beats woman. Sorry friend but you are delusional.

Show me hard proof that a woman on testosterone is magically my equal physically. You can’t because simply it can’t happen.

Men are superior physically. Can’t fake it.

you are still talking about trans guys. this entire time i've been talking about a trans lady being at the exact same level of biological advantage as you

listen lady, you really don't get to be telling me my points are being poorly made when you still haven't grasped a concept I very plainly explained like 5 comments ago.

you're literally trying to argue using points ive already agreed with. you've officially proven yourself (or, more specifically, the bone in your skull ;) infinitely denser than the average bear. I hope your parents know where you are and what you're up to, missy..

yeh you’re points and agreement have been all over the map so....yeh. Let’s make it simple.

A female to male tranny loses.

A male to female loses. They’re on a host of other drugs and weaker.

There is no scenario in which a tranny kicks my ass. No level of delusion.

Unless a UFC pro goes trans. Then maybe I’ll cede the point.

But let’s look at you. You are a silly boy playing girl. You aren’t a kickboxer. You’re on drugs and mentally unstable. Or a silly girl playing boy. Either way. Silly and mentally ill.

As for missy....yeh nice try but sadly skin is thicker than my skull. Now go find some hormones or something, your tranny crazy is coming out.

my next shot isnt for another couple days, but i appreciate the suggestion.

I guess I'll leave you on the note that not all male to female trannies are on hormones. Say you meet one who isnt. I'll take a wild guess and say you'll go with something along the lines of "being transgender and therefore mentally ill automatically makes them weaker" because there really isnt much you can do to argue that a pre-HRT trans lady has the potential to be just as physically powerful as you.

Doxxing your mom takes balls.

So you're saying the testosterone worked?

Of course it worked. The evidence is the aggressive shitposting.

Also, screw you for plastering his face all over this; so much for anonymity.

What anonymity? She posted it herself on her account.

Yeah, on the trans subreddit to receive help, not to be smeared by transphobes on the internet. I bet if he knew cockmunches on the internet would use his picture to spread transphobia and berate him, he wouldn’t have used his picture

Everything she's ever posted is fair game dude.


I'm not going to participate in her delusions young man.

It’s not a delusion thank you, and I’m a woman.

It is, and you're not.

You know, even though there have been many medical studies into it and trans people have been shown to be in many cultures across time and geographically isolated populations...yeah, it’s definitely a delusion /s

And yeah I am. Have been for a long time now. Do I need to show you my tits? Is this how that works? Or are you going to follow me into the bathroom and check my genitals?

No one's going to follow you into bathrooms you freak. Most people would prefer to stay as far away from your kind as possible.

You’d be surprised. Some people get it into their heads that we are “pedophiles just trying to sneak a peek in women’s restrooms”

I mean, yeah, people who probably fuck their sister i would bet. But their opinions are pretty moot when it comes to me being trans

their opinions are pretty moot when it comes to me being trans

Haha. Enjoy thinking this while they outbreed and outvote your delusional ass.

Incest =/= outbreeding

More incest = more people like u/Onitan = fewer trannies

Do I need to show you my tits? Is this how that works? Or are you going to follow me into the bathroom and check my genitals?

yes pls

Okay sure, you can check me out on www. pornhub/

Jeez, you trannies are so sensitive.

For defending ourselves. Sure.

no for downvoting me when all I want is to see your yes-yes parts!

god you're just so fucking bad at "trolling", you've legit used the same attempt at an insult at least seven different times in this thread. "youre not the gender you say you are". ooh. got us real good there

Oh wow, another triggered tranny telling me how she's totally not triggered. Keep yourself safe kiddo.

no like I genuinely feel it's necessary to reply to each one of your shitty comments in hopes you'll reread one and be rightfully embarassed

So you replied to all my comments... and this proves how not bussy blasted you are? This is too easy.



his* young *woman

My first bussy, gone so quickly :,(

Nice brigading lmao

impressive huh?

If anyone is confused as to why such extreme reactions were taken to the mother's website and this thread, this will help you understand:

Cluster B personality disorders

Cluster B personality disorders are a categorization of personality disorders as defined in the DSM-IV and DSM-5.

Cluster B personality disorders are characterized by dramatic, overly emotional or unpredictable thinking or behavior and manipulative, exploitative interactions with others. They include antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, histrionic personality disorder and narcissistic personality disorder.

The British National Health Service has described those with this disorder as someone who, "struggles to relate to others.

[ PM | Exclude me | Exclude from subreddit | FAQ / Information | Source ] Downvote to remove | v0.28

I'm stealing it for my post.

As someone who has had the displeasure of speaking with his mother, she's little more than a conspiracy theorist, peddling the ideas of discredited physicians and her own favorite tumblr bloggers, so that she can avoid accepting that her son is trans.

She's insufferable and her condescension is thick enough to cut with a knife.

Shes right tho. If I had a doughter and she turned out to be retarded I'd be pretty devastated.

Her son isn't mentally disabled, he's just a guy.

That's what she can't accept, and it's narcissistic in the extreme for her to insist that he has to be what she wants him to be, that he's wrong about who he is, as though she knows him better than he knows himself.

If she would be a better person, and then maybe she'd still have her son. But she's the one who ruined that relationship.

God help your soul

Let me guess, you think transgender people are narcissists for transitioning?

No. I think transgender people deserve respect.

Well, I apologize for jumping to conclusions.

I on the other hand totally think transgender people are narcissists for transitioning (also for being insufferable narcissists).

Of course! How did I not see it before!? Refusing to yield to other people's unreasonable demands of who I should be makes me a narcissist.

Nah, it's demanding that everyone else has to call you a woman or else you'll kill yourself while you're sporting three days' worth of stubble that makes you a narcissist.

yikes buddy. someones too insecure about themselves to build a bridge and get over the genitals of strangers.. my sincerest condolences.

just wondering tho like have u ever considered the fact that you wouldn't be able to tell I was trans if I had been like 2 years on hormones? oh fuck i forgot, needing to take this totally unnecessary medication regularly in order to be able to look more like a man makes me retarded. thats pretty much the same as me saying the fact that you're so fucking bothered by the very existence of trans people makes you retarded. and honey i wouldnt be wrong.

If my opinions were as irrelevant as you want them to be, you wouldn't be this asshurt about them being correct.

hm you'd think someone might get a little pissed off when some chromosomally enriched fucker presents false information about my community in order to make us seem like idiots. failing to counter my arguments makes you the idiot here tho so im good ✌🏻

How many cluster-B personality disorders have you been diagnosed with?

Is it all of them?

how many transphobes in this thread are going to use cluster-B personality disorders as an attempt at disproving every argument the decent humans here have made?

Is it all of them?

Is it the same as the number of trans people who are going to declare themselves "decent humans" as a rationalization for (and instance of, natch) their cluster-B behavior?

admitting that anyone with a mental illness (or apparently a certain type of personality) doesnt deserve to be treated like a decent human being. nice.

I was trying to figure out why you'd try to lie that blatantly about something i just said in a conversation that literally only you and me are paying attention to, and then I was like, oh yeah, cluster B personality disorder, you literally can't help yourself.

lie blatanly about what? unclear. you seem a bit disordered

She'd make a perfect /r/Drama mod. Give us her number.

Well the daughter linked to her blog, didn't she? We should send her a nicegram to go along with all the nastygrams she's receiving.

u/IAintThatGuy is actually a perfect example of Antisocial Personality Disorder, so this is fucking ironic.

No I'm not. Just like any average /r/sociopath poster, I'm probably just autistic.


Like I would deny having a few developmental disorders while posting on /r/Drama...

I'm pretty sure it's against sub rules to post here without being chromosomally enriched.

chromosomally enriched.

You're erasing those of us who were dropped on our heads as babies.



Trivial Bwain Dablage!

Don't insult autism like that.

You just want to feel speshul and ASPD sounds too commonplace for you.

WTF is going on? u/PoorLilMarvo, explain'

50 genders enter, but only 1 can leave.

You're a moderator and you approve of, and participate in, all this? Do you not understand what harassment is, or do you simply not care?

Is it not your job to uphold Reddit's rules and standards?

I don't really approve but it's creating some great shit-flinging tbh

Not against the rules to remind you there are two genders and men can never become women (and viceversa).

Well, you'll be happy to know that the medical community at disagrees with you here.

From the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP):

From the American Psychological Association (APA):

From the American Psychiatric Association (also APA):

(The organization which maintains the DSM.)

Have a good day being pissy about other people's happiness.

You are mentally deranged. I remember bullying your kind back in school, every time he got a new cut on his wrist i celebrated. Please keep suffering.

I love that you call trans people mentally deranged, directly beneath links to three different mental health professional organizations, which all are in agreement that transgender people's feelings are valid, and that the nest thing for them is to transition.

Yes, I'm the deranged person.

I hope the girl you bullied made a happy life for herself. You hardly deserve to lick her heels.

karla half the people in this thread are trans just drop it, get some popcorn, and use the t word a bunch

And trans people can be just as shitty as anyone else.

Not to mention they, of all people, should know better; they'll get no sympathy from me.

get your dilator out of your ass and start shitposting with us

I'd rather not step down into the muck covered floors with you, thank you very much.

it's cathartic karla, cmon

call me a tranny, tranny

I have no desire to do that, and I wish you'd have more respect for yourself.

You're better than this.

oh alright, clutch your pearls and run along then

Gender dysphasia is a mental illness and the feel good agencies changed suggested treatment because mentally ill idiots felt insulted.

Seek therapy.

I don't need therapy.

Those "feel good agencies" are full of medical professionals who have spent more time in training to be competent therapists and psychologists than you have; I can guarantee that.

Naw you need therapy.

Most of those professionals have admitted trannies crybullied their way off the DSM.

You’re ill. Seek therapy.

It’s working though. Trannies are flooding ur environments. Careful u don’t become one ( not ironically either Mx. TransRacialPigmy)

Depends. I help defend corporations for firing trannies. Luckily y’all are mentally ill and it provides justification.

Lol ur about to be out of the job. Diversity is good for business. Cus u can be a suit and tie white boy and still be a fucking idiot (I’m assuming this resonates with you)


You could be a genius tranny like myself and improve the tangible value of the international economy through business and policy development.

Bottom line

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you are. It’s always most profitable for everyone to judge each other on the merits of their actions and nothing else.

Naw, crazies are bad for business. And a liability. Corporations want to fire trannies and I help them. Happily.

You’ll never get anything done with circular arguments lmao. Read the news, cuck. You are worthless 😹

That’s nice tranny.

I do read the news. And talk to my clients. None of whom like you. And I work in the Bay Area. They’ll give lil service but behind closed doors actively ask their legal team how to remove you. You’re a distraction, mentally unstable, the list of woes they bring forth go on and on.

I have worth because they want me to get people like you out of their workplace. And I help, for a fee.

Why do u think trump is fucking with bezos, Mr. Bay Area? Oh ya, cus Amazon promotes inclusivity. So does every worth while corporation attached to old money and new money on the international scale.

Despite whatever rhetoric u just happen to fart out, facts are facts. Politicians, famous litigators, CEOs, trend setters and even Hollywood is Down with the motherfucking T by endorsing us with power. Do ur research, i know you’re just talking out your ass. Do people just not tell you how much you stink? You should really learn to rinse ur ass if ur guna shit so much.

Are you ok hon? You sound triggered. And we all know, triggered trannies don't get laid.

You prob look as bland as u sound.

That's nice and all. You sound like trailer trash.

Lol u are trailer trash. Bland trailer trash 😹

Mhm. Which is why you can't spell.

You're boring tranny. go back to the freakshow and rustle some drama up for us.

If you can’t escape circular arguments and baseless rhetoric with a ur arguing with on drama Reddit...hahhaha...whom is kicking ur ass at simple fact checking and logic games...😂😂😂😂😂😂 i can’t even deal with ur dumbass!!

And apparently can't even type either.

Those hormone shots really addle your brain, don't they?

Yeah yeah little bitch. We both know why ur trying to change the topic 😽.

Yeh, those drugs really do mess you up.

Look at yourself. No one needs a medical report to say youre mentally ill.

Its time to stop.

And what makes me mentally ill? Go ahead, tell me.

I'll await your diagnosis and you should perhaps include your reasoning as well, if you want your opinion to hold any weight at all.

You are mentally deranged and the best thing for you is to transition, what now?

Science says there are XX and XY chromosomes. Show me how you can magically change those.

There are also people with CAIS, who in spite of their XY chromosomes, develop as female.

Not to mention nonstandard chromosome arrangements like XXY, or people who are intersex for any reason.

If you try to conflate gender with sex, and then define it by chromosomes, you're gonna have a bad time.

Gender isn't real

Do you not understand what harassment is

Harassment is not "anything that hurts your fragile feelings or makes you mad", solly.

This subreddit blatantly encourages people to gang up on individuals and mistreat them. That is a textbook case of both harassment and bullying.

"Blatantly" is one of those words people like you often use to mean "my feelings tell me its so, therefore it must be," lmao.

Tell me, which Cluster B personality disorders have you been diagnosed with? Is it all of them?

Actually none of them and trust me, with all the gatekeeping I've been through, I've seen a lot of therapists.

What would you call this post if not an invitation for harassment?

I've seen a lot of therapists.

Well that certainly tells us a lot

Actually none of them

Then they were bad therapists

What would you call this post if not an invitation for harassment?

A good laugh.

A "good laugh" at the expense of someone else and, in this case, one person in particular. That is harassment.

Yes, surprisingly enough, therapists operate on standards of care and not the uninformed opinions of yokels on the internet.

A "good laugh" at the expense of someone else and, in this case, one person in particular. That is harassment.

No, laughing at you and your baby feelings is not harassment, lmao. Stop mangling the language to mean whatever allows you to feel maximum butthurt.

You came here. So aren’t you the harrasent?

Therapy should include some electrical goodness. It may shock sense into the patient.

I came here because you've all decided it was a good idea to target a friend of mine.

I didn't come here just to dirty my shoes with your shit. Besides that, telling people to stop harassing another person or group of people is not harassment.

No you’re the harrassment. And our entertainment.

Now stop being a tranny faggot and post trussy. Then seek therapy.

the lack of effort is fucking killing me here guys. get creative! use your tiny fucking brain to come up with something other than "psychotic ugly tranny faggot go suck a cock". give me SOMETHING to work with here, for the love of r/Drama

Xer should've thought of that before it put all this drama on the fucking internet, then

Bullying is good for society.

Bullying is a disguating abuse of others.

It's no less abhorrent than a man who beats his wife, or a mother who tells her children they're worthless, or anyone who mistreats another.

How can you think that verbal abuse is a good thing?

How can you think that verbal abuse is a good thing?

It thins the herd.

Because it forces idiots to either toughen up or collapse completel under the weight of their own failures and stop bothering the rest of us.

Bullying is unacceptable. People aren't failures just because you don't like them.

What if the only reason I dislike people is because they're failures?

You're hardly an objective arbiter of who is, and who is not, a failure.

How would you know?

Because from what I've seen of you so far, I can tell you that most people aren't nearly so bad as you seem to suggest, nor are they failures.

You seem like someone who legitimately tries to be a good person, by your own estimation, here's a medal for trying.🥇

I think it's hysterical that you consider this moron being laughed at bullying lmao

No, I don't like them because they're failures. Other way around.

Bullying is unacceptable


And how do you decide who is or isn't a failure?

Well being a whiny little bitch baby is a start

Karla as the head tranny in charge of these dumb fools I have to inform you that this is an arena. If you don’t want nutn u can’t be nutn. With all due respect of course sweety. It’s war out here 🤗

Lmao you brigaded our subreddit and are accusing us of harassment?

You can't possibly claim that you're not harassing people.

Nah the admins are no fun and don't allow us to properly harass people anymore. Otherwise you and everyone else involved would have gotten a dozen username pings telling you to kill yourselves by now.

Call it what you will this is harassment, and I've heard more than once from others who have been harassed via PM.

Actually, we posted public information in our own sub to discuss it amongst ourselves. You are brigading our sub and calling us all sorts of names, so you're the one harassing. Luckily for you, that's our kink. Brigade harder daddy!

Nigga Like How Is Cyberbullying Even A Thing lmao Like Close Your Eyes Nigga hahaha

Do you capitalize every word you write?

Why am i surprised that this loony nigga can't meme?

I don't care much for memes or slurs.

I don't care much for memes or slurs.


We can tell you don't have a personality from how you post, fam, you don't have to spell it out.

Is that why you're so loud about being a tranny? Because it's the only thing that distinguishes you from anyone else?

No, I'm open about it so that other trans people don't have to feel alone, and because it's important for us to stand up for ourselves.

I'm not going to pretend I'm not trans to appease the masses.

Of course you aren't! Cuz if you acted like a normal person you'd have to develop an actual personality or skills instead of just REEEing about your penis and drinking in all the sweet, sweet narcissistic validation.

Not being a horrible person is not the same as not having a personality.

Believe it or not, there are other personality traits besides hating others and complaining about people you don't like being happy.

My personality has been more than enough for my friends and family.

Nah, you could be a flaming moralfag and still be interesting. The way you talk is just so fucking dry. You're like a caricature of a boring person that a sitcom would use to make a joke about boring people.

And what's your definition of interesting, then? I'm not interested in being cruel or shitty to people for internet points.

I honestly don't understand how you (I'm speaking of the people here, not you in particular) can think it's fun to get together and belittle a person for being different?

What could you possibly get out of it?

If you wanted to bitch about someone for an action they've taken, fine, but why do places like this have to turn into circlejerks of "dae trans people are delusional"?

We're not, and I don't get why everyone has such a stick up their ass about us. Doctors tried to get us to pray the trans away, they tried shocking it out of us too; when none of that worked they realized that they were wrong, and that the only way for trans people to get better, is to let us transition if we choose to do so.

We don't want to date you, we don't want to sleep with you, we don't really want anything to do with you, so why do you take every chance you get to try to shit on us?

This post is so boring I can't even bring myself to finish reading it tbh

Then there's no point in speaking with you anymore.

I like to try.

we don't want to sleep with you

Trust me, the feeling is mutual

Only when quoting the most famous tweet ever

I got attacked by a transgender person in an unrelated sub because I said that a person can't insist that everyone refer to that person as "they" instead of "he" or "she" or whatever else they might want to be called and when they don't, sue them for damages.

I said, "when words lose all meaning, how will we communicate?" and just got pummeled.

Had nothing to do with trans people. I just don't think you get to change the meaning of words unilaterally.

I just don't think you get to change the meaning of words unilaterally.

If every time sometimes doesn't agree, you get all your online tranny friends to hass them, you might gain traction in society.

Let's hope not.

That's why we need to do some degeneracy prevention.

Here's a things that happened to one of my friends. I was there.

Basically, we were walking down the sidewalk, talking about something meaningless. I think it had to do with a movie. Then this bus screeches up, stops next to us, and a bunch of people with "Down with Cis" shirts climbed out and started beating him up. I was punched and kicked a bit too, but I managed to avoid brutalization by going for their faces. After figuring out what's happening, I started attacking them back, getting them off of him. He as quite injured but I called 911 and he made a full recovery at the hospital. I was fine with only a cut on my arm that they patched up.

one time a trans person reached through the screen of her computer, traversed the internet and grabbed my neck from across the globe. this is the reason that Im not forced to live as male. these people are a very real threat that must be taken seriously.

I expected Anita.

Jeez we get it transsexual people scare you.

Meh. They mostly amuse me.

I mean you can make fun of them without being absolutely terrible

I can't do anything without being absolutely terrible.

But I like hurting people!

correction: you try your very best to hurt people, and that's what matters most 😘

but why tho

Make everything as dramatic as possible. If to you that means being offensive for the sake of it, you're lost

But I really dislike trannies and I want to see and end to them.

You really don't but youre pretending

That's unfortunate because we happen to be winning our generation's battle to be treated like the actual human beings we are. The "one day" you should be looking forward to is the day you realize how wrong you were, how many years you've wasted existing as you are now, when the world could've been better off without you decades ago

Yes this.

We truly are in the battle of a generation. The most important fight for today's youth is the full acceptance of trans folx as not only equal but as in fact our true masters given their lived experiences and the intersectionalities of their many oppressions.

Cis people need to realize that their very existence is threatening to those brave folx who were born in the wrong bodies and sometimes even in the wrong racial category. Those who have dared break beyond the Cis/Caucasian/Patriarchal social norms should be applauded and we all should be donating heavily to their patreon accounts so that they can be free of the burden of labor. In this way they can finally dedicate themselves to leading mankind towards a glorious future of fully automated luxury gay space communism for all.

It's current year you shitlords get with the times already.

Hey dumbass! Nobody here is purposely misgendering you or talking about your mental illnesses (obviously you dont have one cos ur perfect though right?) so maybe consider that you might be on the side with the superiority complex. not gonna bother reading the rest of your bullshit, have a shitty night!

I'm sorry if I offended you ma'am.

it's alright, you're obviously too stupid to know better pal

Good now that we've made up perhaps we should get together. DM me pics of both holes so I can see what I'm getting into.

assumptions, assumptions. who says I have any holes at all? maybe the reason im so good at talking shit is because my pie hole's all I need. Fuck genitals, Im getting surgery to have a flat lump like a ken doll

Hey as long as you have that pie hole and little to no gag reflex we can make it work.

gag reflex? come on, I've made it through this cesspool of a thread, I think this pie hole could handle your crusty chode

Resorting to making inferences to the size of my penis in lieu of a snappy come back how progressive of you. Body shaming is no laughing matter. And how dare you assume my gender? For all you know I could be a woman with a strap-on who wants to be a fella, and has a strange fetish involving pegging women who think they are men. Not all men have a penis shame on you.

tbh that comment gave me a boner

But why would you?

Maybe you have transsexual friends

I know I have transsexual friends. But I wouldn't be friends with them if they were whiny lil pissbabies.

A lot of them are

My dank friends are constantly shit on, but they somehow managed to build a bridge and get the fuck over themselves instead of wallowing in performative victimization.

note the performative victimization displayed in all of the dude's mom's posts. note how you conveniently ignore this and choose to continue shitting on the trans guy

Oh she seems obnoxiously melodramatic, too. But she's not brigading our sub right now saying increasingly retarded sobby things for almost nine hundred fucking comments, so shes really not nearly as hilarious right no

no one's brigading "your sub". maybe there are a lot of trans people who are angered by the existence of this specific post and felt compelled to comment, but I guess now it's your turn to be a drama queen. good job..

That's literally the definition of a brigade lmao. Whats-her-face even got banned for soliciting it.

no, listen very carefully okay? I'm making this as simple as I can, really. I said "no one is brigading the sub". what you call a brigade might be happening on this post, in fact I'd agree that it is, but nice job working around my very plainly worded statements

The post is in the sub lmfao. If you brigade a post in a sub you don't frequent, you are brigading the sub.

Its such a meaningless distinction, too, are you REEEing about it because you've accomplished nothing at all of value and are trying to compensate for your general waste of oxygen with some sort of retarded "HAHA GOTCHA" moment? Because you just look like a dumbass.

yes, defending a minority that is being blatantly mocked and discriminated against in this sub is just a waste of oxygen. unlike how you grace every breath with your flawless and 100% logical retorts

lmfao. Yeah, you're basically a freedom fighter with all your heroic shitposting on the drama subforum of reddit dot com.

see? was that so hard? glad we're on the same page

-Gossip Girl

Wew, I actually physically cringed at this.

face it we've all been cringing this whole time

Big if tru

transsexual "people"

he's edgy. he's hip. he's the Best Troll around! presenting the local boy genius

You people disgust me. How can you be this vitriolic to a man whose own mother has mistreated him like this?

Why does it matter to you that he's trans? He can be a man if he wants to be.

Is it a sexual thing for you or something?

I love the image of you lot scuttling around like cockroaches, trying to find places to gather and feed on each other's baseless hatred.

"He" got a 3 day suspension from Reddit from openly asking trans redditors to send emails to his mom.

And while he may have broken the rules and been punished for doing so, he's not a bad person.

He's rightfully angry at his mom for refusing to treat her adult child as an adult.

If you try to use Reddit to write emails to your mom, I'm making fun of you. Whether it's because you're a neckbeard whom's mom is ashamed of her adult son having a My Little Pony collection, or a delusional girl with a wisp of a mustache.

I contacted his mom, because I wanted to see just what makes her transphobia tick. She latches on to doctors whose theories haven't been relevant since the 1970s, and tumblr bloggers who ramble about detransition.

I sent her statements on the subject from a wide range of medical organizations, you can find the comment in this very post.

She refused to listen. She's the equivalent of a flat earther, denying all the evidence presented to her.

He's not a girl, nor is he delusional. He's a man, just as he says. Why does it bother you so much that transgender people exist, and want to be happy with our bodies?

If a trans man takes testosterone and has a mastectomy, and he's happy for all the changes it brings him, because it makes him look like the man he wants to be, why do you care?

If a trans woman takes estrogen and has a vaginoplasty, and she's happy for all the changes it brings her, because it makes her look like the woman she wants to be, why do you care?

Why do you care so much that trans men want to be men and trans women want to be women, or that non-binary people want to be non-binary?

I really do not understand it.

Nice thread BTW/.

By the way I totally support people mutilating themselves in the most gruesome ways. I like weird. We should open the laws about those issues so that people can get really creative, with medical supervision to make it safe.

Transitioning isn't mutilation. It's actually quite safe and rather well structured, with a nice defined walkway to take you from start to finish.

What I mean is, if someone wants to be a dragon, who am I to stop them? So why not become a different gender. It would be hypocritical of me to say "it's ok to become a dragon but only if the dragon is the same gender as you are".

Removing healthy body parts from yourself is mutilation.

Yeah for example if you're born with a two foot long vestigial tail it's just plain mutilation to get that otherwise healthy body part removed just because you're silly enough to be uncomfortable that it's there.

Except you are talking about a birth defect and humans clearly aren't meant for having that tail. Stop being retarded. Being born with perfectly functioning sex organs that are literally deemed needed in order for the species to survive isn't the same as some freak with a tail.

They very much aren't needed in order for our species to survive anymore, interesting how you're stuck on that in particular though. I'm a freak with a vagina. You're a freak with a hard on for senseless hate

Wait, tell me more about how sexual reproduction isn't needed for survival.

Where is the senseless hate? I find it funny to laugh at someone who is a lolcow. Them being trans is just secondary to it.

I can think something is mutilation while not giving a fuck with what you do to yourself at the same time.

Right now, do you genuinely believe that forcing trans people to keep the reproductive organs they were birth with is necessary for the survival of the human race? That's what I'm getting at. I'm not saying everyone should get SRS??

Senseless hate would be directing your twisted need to fuck with people towards trans people here. It's senseless as in unnecessary and serves no good purpose other than to make you feel smug about "triggering a lolcow" or whatever gets you off

I think it is mutilation that is stupid to compare to chopping a tail off someone that is born with a birth defect. I think it harms the body doing the surgery. I compared it to other things as well like "artistic" body mods like slicing their tongue, or people getting circumcisions.

Me calling it mutilation isn't hate. It is pretty objectively true. You are destroying part of a healthy body as the intended goal. I just also don't care that people are doing it at the same time.

I'm not picking on the person mentioned by OP BECAUSE they are trans, they just also happen to be trans. You should separate people from their identities. Like, what, you think criticizing any trans anywhere ever is transphobic or some shit?

Well I'm glad you used this as a platform to get yourself thoroughly rekt by a "brigade of trannies". Because no one's gonna be enough of a prick to mock you and try posting your personal shit where it doesn't belong. So you brought us to you. How very thoughtful. 💜

They sound like a fucking idiot that I wouldn't want to hang out with and would actually make fun of.

Well I'm sure they'd be devastated to hear that pal

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters. You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death. I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.



He can be a man if he wants to be.





I always say that everyone has a right to be wrong, and that includes you.

>calling a ftm he and then apologizing for misgendering

oh man this is a classic rdrama post

well the apology is sarcasm (super obvious) so what are you trying to say exactly?

that its a classic rdrama post

Right? It's a work of fucking art.

You guys today is trans day of visibility so make sure to pay ur respects 😉

Fun fact : the day before trans day of visibility is "stockpile ammunition and make sure all your guns are properly zeroed".

Creep. I hope the FBI investigates u and ur idiotic innuendos

Not sure my country would extradite me for shitposting though. Worst case scenario : free trip, and I get to learn English and Spanish. Then when I come home I get to get laid with crusty white girls with dreads once I embrace the whole "I'm a victim of american imperialism" things.

Lol ur miserable

I never pretended to be a productive member of society though.

Lol ya. U can’t pretend to be productive, dingus. You have to be one, like me 🤗

Do you think my shitposting on /r/drama makes me eligible for NEETbucks? I need to get my shit together, starting the paperwork

I hope you chop off your own genitals.

I hope you chop off your own genitals.

But I like my genitals.


Sure. I'll press F when you eventually kill yourself, like all trannies are wont to do.

Could we merge transgender visibility day and day of the rope? Nothing more visible than trannies hanging from lampposts.

Fuck why can't you say something that'll make people laugh instead of want to hear about your death on the news

I don't think I'll be on the news if I die though.

Not if you dont make it interesting enough ;)

There have been school shooting lately. It's getting stale. Also some guy already did Planned Parenthood. Any suggestions? I'm in Europe so maybe the local LGBT center, with a sword, yelling "Deus Vult!".

It would probably get you media attention, though it will probably mostly be "Hey! Look at this moron!"

I'm not sure; is suicide by cop even really that effective of a strategy in Europe? It mostly works in the U.S. because you can just point a gun at the cops and things just sorta work out from there.

Pull a driveby on some African migrants and wear your national flag like a cape a week before a major election

His comment made me laugh tbh.

Although as an /r/drama poster its questionable whether I qualify as "people."

well at least you're self aware.. have an uptransition


this reminds me of a poem

Daddy 👨 touches ✋ my 👧 thicc ass 🍑

He 👨 tells 🗣️ me 👧 I'm a pretty 👸 lass

Puts his penis 🍆 in ➡️🍑⬅️ my butt 🤤😫😥

Oh my god ➕, I'm such a slut! 💃💦

Mommy 👩 sees 👀😲 us, and she's mad 😡😠😤

"I'm sorry 😓😔hun, the sex 🍑🍆💦 was bad!" 👎🔚

Mommy pulls out ⬆️ guns 🔫 akimbo 🔫👩🔫

Because she hates 😲😠 her little bimbo 👧

The Cummies 💦 are dripping ⬇️💧from my hole 🍑

I can't 🙅 stop working 😩😫💪 on Daddy's 👨 pole 💈😫

Mommy 👩 shoots 🔫, her shots all miss 😂

Daddy 👨 and I 👩 share a special ☄️ kiss 💋

One ☝️ round left 👈, Mommy 👩 takes the gun 🔫

She rests 💤 the barrel 🛢️ on her tongue 👅

"Goodbye 👋 world 🌍, and goodbye 👋 cheater! 👨

I hope you're happy ☺️😄 with your stupid 📖🚫 wife 👩 beater!" 👊

The gun 🔫 goes bang 💥, Mommy 👩 dies 💀☠️⚰️

But we 👨👧 don't 🚫 care, Daddy 👨 just sighs 🌬️😤

No 🚫 thoughts 💭 in her 👩 head 💆, no 🚫 blood 💉 in her heart ➡️♥️⬅️,

"That stupid 📖🚫 whore 💃 can't 🚫 tear us apart." 💖💕💓

Wtf is happening in this post

Trannies brigading. Expecting to find empathy in /r/drama (because their delusions aren't limited to gender issues).

Maybe you shouldn’t called them trannies.


Been calling them that for ages, first time they brigade that hard.

I can't honestly believe that. That word has been always forbbiden in trans communities and outside. I have been in trans communities for a while (outside of reddit too, my reddit acc isn't really old) and trust me, that word is not welcome.

I've been using it here for a long time. First time I get 544 comments. Also made it to the top ten "all time/controversial" posts of /r/drama.

Controversial doesn't neccessarily mean "good"

It's called /r/drama. Controversial should be the goal. But I'll agree the general quality of this thread is what you should expect from me by now.

I read the sidebar (i use Relay for Reddit, so the sidebar isn't visible by default). I guess you feel at home here... And indeed my arguments were futile, because arguments are not the point... or aren't they? Can you please clarify?

I enjoyed your arguments, if that helps.

Feel free to post that on /r/whoosh (a sub to show people missing jokes and humor)

Wearing a dress doesn't necessarily mean you're a "woman".

Oh nonononononono, i'm not gonna descend into that drama swamp again!

In this sub, yes it does. Read the sidebar.

hello newfriend

Well is it not also the first time you've specifically called out an active member of multiple transgender subreddits?

I called out specific users earliers, but those were the kinds of weirdos even the other trannies want to pretend they don't know or approve of. Like the dude who wanted to skin Anna Kendrick.

yeah see I dont think he deserved a post like this. maybe creepy anna kendrick guy did though.

The post was about a reddit user posting on every trans sub she could find to start drama with and off site platform.

no it was a trans guy looking for support in the 3 subs that he was already active in

"Support". AKA people to send harassment toward her mom.

I linked it somewhere else, but she had comments saying litteraly "here's how you can send my mom an email...".

Telling people how to send someone an email is very far from harassment. Did he give out any personal information or direct anyone to cause her harm? No? What exactly is the big fuss about if all he did was show people how stupid his mother is

What exactly is the big fuss about if all he did was show people how stupid his mother is

Wasn't that the logic behind most of /r/fatpeoplehate posts?

I never said I had anything against r/fatepeoplehate my guy

The drama here is that reddit usually forbids harassment, and trying to start shit with off platform sites. Guess who got suspended here? Not me.

See you still didn't explain how he harassed her

You can pretend not to get it, but the admins did.

why cant you explain it though? real simple for my feeble mentally ill mind

It rolls off the tongue better than "mentally ill"

and "faggot" rolls off the tongue much better than "Ecksbawks360"

Lol this is ur post, twat. trannies are just finishing what u couldn’t end because you can never deliver. That’s why you’re such a failure irl.

Give me a minute. I sent emails to the mom, I hope to get her into that mess ASAP.

I'd honestly love to see what she has to say. Please deliver

Wow I’ve officially shit on all the transphobes here. I think my job is done. Till next time 🦄

It's a kink for most of them. So not sure it'll deter anyone.

Which hole do trannies shit out of?

Your mouth

You Take My Breath Away

Is that some kind of encrypted death threat?

It is funny that trannies shit out of their facsimile of a vagina. And also disgusting.

It’s funny that bigots shit out of their facsimile brains. And also disturbing.

I am bigoted against penises. And trannies have penises.

You’re bigoted against individuality, of which you have none, since you lost it to fear. No one wants to fuck with ur twisted little man soul. Trans people aren’t interested in u associating with their genitalia anyway. So why don’t u do everyone (including yourself) a favor and focus on ur own life. Little bitch.

You’re bigoted against individuality

No, just penis-people pretending to be women.

Lmao oh so it’s the penis-people that u don’t like 👻

penis-people pretending to be women.

What if it’s a woman pretending to be a penis-people or even a penis-people pretending to be a leftist degenerate?

Ur semantics don’t meant shit. Ur a bigot. Trannies are real and u must adapt or be crushed under the revolutionary wave of change. Case closed, loser. Go back to sleep, u know ur not doing anything with ur life anyway lol.

What if it’s a woman pretending to be a penis-people

That's just a waste of good pussy.

Fact dodging wimp

We will evolve better defenses, we will get even more strict moms and even more rude internet posts. The tranny menace will crumble under these countermeasures.

You’re bigoted against individuality

"Notice meeee guyssss!!"

Lol ur the attention depraved pussy fart. No one asked for ur opinion here just like no one give a fuck about ur opinion irl.

No one asked for ur opinion here

participation based social medium

Trannies are mentally ill people that are trying to make everyone else into gay nerds.

⭐️ heres your gold star for most creative attempt at insult

mentally ill?


All you do is harras trans people online. Your life must be really sad. I hope you can better yourself someday. For now maybe just stick to r/gender critical. This isn't drama. It's just you being hateful.

They banned me. Just because I tried to discuss self defense.

For once I agree with r/gendercritical. Every second post/comment you're spouting some hateful stuff.

no u.

He's my personal hero tbh.

no u..

How is any of this not dramatic?

moderator reports:

PoorLilMarco: Seems pretty harsh but idk

user reports:

40: It's targeted harassment at someone else

6: Threatening, harassing, or inciting violence

3: site-wide rules

2: It's rude, vulgar or offensive

2: It's rude, vulgar or offensive at someone else

1: This reveals private information about someone

1: Reveals personal information

1: Harassing another user

1: This is spam

1: surplus autism

1: Personal and confidential information

1: spreading a randoms image takes this a bit far don't ya think?

1: Transphobia

1: Harassment

1: It's targeted harassment at me

40: It's targeted harassment at someone else

I love how those trannies lack self awareness. They were sucking each other's dicks so hard about sending mean emails to the mom, but now linking to someone's reddit account on reddit is going too far!

I don't like you

I always intend to do things in the shittiest way possible. In a way I failed.

To be fair, a user was suspended for posting something much milder about GallowBoob, but that's probably because it's GallowBoob.

God forbid we mock someone that doxxes people for the sole purpose of targeting harassment at the doxxed person.

/u/gallowboob is a gigantic faggot

/u/gallowboob is a gigantic faggot

seems pretty harsh but idk. ouch.

So that's how many were brigading.

Jesus, what happened in here? Did this thread get brigaded?

Just asking for clarifications, do you hate beautiful mtf ladyboys as much as you hate butch ftm dykes?

No. Traps ain't gay.

I feel like I need to decrypt this but it's just 4 words

I'm sorry, but how gis THIS bit of mayo faggotry get blown up?

This is so poorly written. Its hard to follow, and i still don't know whats going on.

I cant tell if this post is serious

Hey dude it's not okay to call trans people "trannies" as an insult. Just post the "drama" and go, I don't get why you added slurs and shit.

Lol, fag

This made my day

why did you edit the fact that he got a 3 day suspension in like 9 hours after the fact

Kys lol

Kill yourself nigger

Fucking nazis lol

we out here 🤑🤑

927 comments and 31 upvotes

What the fuck

It was me, puta. Remember me? I’m the tranny that slaughtered hundred of u transphobic bigots on this thread. Including your weak and not really that funny ass. Where’s my badge for catapulting u into r/drama stardom when I skull fucked ur way of life?

I <3 ur edit#5. Im the tranny who shit on u 🦄🤗💩