Chapo reacts to r/Socialism's purges, more 'Not True Socialism' drama.

55  2018-03-31 by Deity_Of_Death


hot take: the USSR stood for decades as the only real opposition to the american capitalist hegemony in the world, and therefore was able to shield countless nations from the ravages of neo-liberal economics

People like this dude are making me more libera. Just look at this totally denial of reality present, like countries that aligned with the west and capitalism haven’t been doing 1000x better than former and even present ML/socialist countries

As an anarchist, authoritarian socialists are hilariously deluded. Jesus Christ.


learning from past mistakes

Pick one

You can't learn from mistakes if it wasn't real Communism/Anarchism/Socialism

As an anarchist,

Ur dum

Yeah, the USSR did a great job shielding those countries from the ravages of being able to eat.

They did keep them from being American fat, so bravo Stalin.

They also provided the opportunity to be gunned down by a Mi-28. Truly a nation ahead of its time.

I could never slander DADDY STALIN 😍😍😍😍

My idiot communist/russophile friend insists that because Russia went to shit after the USSR collapsed, that's a vindication of socialism and damning evidence of the evils of capitalism.

It had nothing to do with the rot that had been festering within that entire time.

Russia collapsed because the URSS was built upon stealing the work of other countries (like poland for exemple). This is why Russia collapsed and western URSS countries didn't once the URSS stopped being a thing.

You sound like a butthurt belter. There were some very real reasons for why the USSR fell, but one of the most irrationally stupid arguments that has 0 basis in reality is that the central committee was stealing food/resources from countries like Latvia or Poland and giving them all to ethnic Russians.

Nah, they were giving it to russia, because they centralised all of the URSS in russia.

Fucking USSR apologism in the year of our lord 2018.

I prefer to fuck their apologist than the comment, but to each his own, I guess.

acting like countries that aligned with the west and capitalism haven’t been doing 1000x better than former and present ML/socialist countries

The Soviet Union was evil and had a failed economic policy no doubt.

That being said, the worlds poorest countries of today were aligned with the West during the Cold War.

Here is a map of the Cold War alliances

If you scroll to the bottom of this page, you’ll see the worlds poorest countries_per_capita)

The top 8 poorest countries are all either western aligned or neutral western leaning.

I’m not sure why though, I’ll have to do some research.

This is peak memo memehouse

I don't even get it, just the other day they were against that school shooter victim teen, a resident of south Florida full of Cubans, for not liking Castro. And now not liking Castro is good and tankies are bad? Goalposts

The left prefers to deplatform people because they can retroactively claim they never existed instead of debating on merit in good faith where they'd probably lose.

While it isn't an intellectually sound policy is definitely strategically sound.

/r/drama stood for years as the only real opposition to /r/SubredditDrama, and therefore was able to shield countless subreddits from the ravages of concern trolling, and indeed even the fear of them led many troll subreddits to offer concessions rather than face a (granted, mostly hypothetical) dramatic takeover.

After their fall, concern trolling has dominated Reddit unchallenged which is the root cause of most of our present troubles.

Ergo, you should be sympathetic to /r/drama.

Nothing drives me away from my far left political beliefs faster is online far left communities.

Wait until you visit a country with an entirely central planned economy!

That's the thing I hate the most. Been reading a lot on /r/Market_Socialism Liking it a lot.

Sounds really interesting! Maybe it can work

In the grand scheme of things, the left is Hillary Clinton and capitalism is Trump. We are up against an utterly vile, absurd and destructive enemy but we are ourselves so incompetent, so arrogantly self-absorbed, toxic and smug that we're the only one capable of actually losing this fight.

We've shot ourselves in the foot so much all we're left with are two bloody stumps. I sometimes wonder if we deserve to lose just because we're so unbelievably useless.

Hey /u/SilentProtaganist, the first step is acceptance.