Evergreen, the gift that keeps on giving

60  2018-03-31 by NSFW_Jeanne


/u/Squirrel_Psyops and /u/RubberCheeks, you two should stop playing footsie under the table, and go get to the pegging. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Shh, you wretched heathen.


I'll have you know that I was raised a good Southern Baptist Goy

In your defense, most older professors are perverts, regardless of their biological sex.

Donโ€™t make me take off my belt and get to whoppinโ€™ fools

Oh no, ๐Ÿ˜‰

Donโ€™t wink at me fool. Every time a fool winks at me a girl who doesnโ€™t like her feet touched by old men gets her wings.

I read "holistic medicine class" and immediately hit back. I'm not ready for this level of progressive college.

I mean a good chunk of that stuff puts a lot of stock in manipulating the feet in one way or another.

This is like signing up for a Feminism related class and then complaining about the victim complex.

Well I mean, if you're in a feminism class and you're not complaining, that's an automatic D-

If it makes you feel better the sub shits on her and yet somehow everyone's upvotes are in the positive.

You seem to be a little defensive about this subject.

I wasn't aware that being a college prof would mean I'd be in regular physical contact with cute young womens' feet. Maybe I should reconsider my career choice.

Given that it is Evergreen I would wonder how many of the feet would belong to attractive women. Not that it matters I guess if that is your thing.

Well it's definitely not good if they're attached to uggos. I'm not a burger so I'm not aware, does this college have a questionable reputation or something?

It was infamous awhile back for sjw demonstrations. It's a small college in a very rural area, with an extremely liberal bent to it, even for an US University.

The area isn't too rural. It's right outside Olympia which is the state capitol.

I was going to a link to a video but there are just so many... just google Evergreen College.

As seen on Futurama, it's the #1 hippie university in the USA, beating out even Reed College.

You win the internet.

Yea they are SJW as fuck and had a day where all minorities (staff and students) would leave campus for a day to "show their worth." Apparently they weren't satisfied with the results so they decided to make white people go off campus instead. A very liberal white professor didn't agree and they ran him and his wife off out of the campus.


There are many many articles on the subject.

cute young women

community college

Community is not representative of reality

Yeah community colleges are actually funny sometimes.

So like what they ask my cancer how he feels?


A lot of people think feet are the sexiest part of the body. Maybe they are right, maybe they are wrong. It really just depends on the person and what they like. Regardless, having your feet rubbed isn't necessarily a bad thing. It might make your feet happier. If you really want happy feet then you should have really good socks to cover them with. You can find a great selection of socks in all the latest styles and in all sizes at Socksoff. Save 50% off every day for every person in your family.

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You don't need a college degree to understand that socksoff has great designer socks for students, parents, and children of all ages. Socksoff.com

Your sock ads are the only thing keeping me alive.

I upped my sock posting game since this post to keep you alive.

You seem to be a little defensive about this subject.

I believe most people know this is the go-to bait response at this point.

You seem to be a little defensive about this subject.

Isn't evergreen the place where they shot a bio Prof or something!

You seem to be a little defensive about this subject.

So, I just got done taking a Holistic Medicine class

It's also important to keep in mind that this class consisted of many young impressionable women. There were around 5 guys in a class of 50.

Unicorn loafer theory in action people. Faith healing and women should not be considered as able as men.

If you where really a woman you'd understand how powerless we are to footrubs. It is the ultimate persuasion.

Foot fags should be gassed.

The faculty member spreads misinformation as well, gave advice that would damage the liver and plugged sketchy supplements in his lectures.


Seriously, fuck footfags. They have got to be one of the most - if not the most - obnoxiously faggoty degenerates that prowl every corner of the internet. There's something seriously fucked up with them that prevents them from keeping their fetish to themselves, like seriously, feet, what the fuck is wrong with you.

You see them everywhere, seeing them on porn comments is par for the course. You can't exactly call others degenerates when you're suffocating your meatrod to some fresh incest porn, but its when they spill out from these degenerate refuges of the net is when it becomes a problem.

No matter how simple, how benign a picture, or thread, or anything may be, sooner or later - its like a Godwins Law of degeneracy - a footfag will come wandering in and post like they always do. "show feet", "cute feet", "i want to cum inside your feet". No place is safe.

I personally believe that foot faggotry should be punishable by death, and I hope that all users at this fine establishment will agree with me and join me on my crusade to gas foot faggots.

It's not necessarily the feet per se but the fuck-me-pumps that are on them.

Why are foot fetishists always so fucking creepy

Maybe it's just that the ones we know about are the ones that are obvious about it.

A strIght laced woman I know had a prior boyfriend suck her toes once. As if by command, just bringing it up makes her wretch.



Beat u 2 it retard Ed

I didn't realize Dan Schneider was teaching college courses now

Found the guy who actually can remember what happened 72 hours ago, unlike me.