
12  2018-03-31 by You-Key-Oh-Me-She-Ma

Homophobia? never heard of it or witnessed it in any practical sense.

Heterophobia? it's very annoying and propagandists constantly practice it.

Interestingly enough, most homosexuals I have been acquainted with have an intense hatred for the type of person who uses the woefully overused "Phobia" argument.


Calling it now, propagandists will do their utmost to misrepresent the arguments presented in this brief comment, thereby proving my point.


I believe I have proved my point, if you are someone with the capacity for rational thought, look at how the clowns and propagandists heavily misrepresented my arguments, so let's explain.

First, let's not go down the idiotic semantical route of "Homophobia means irrational fear of homosexuals which doesn't exist", we have to all agree that it is a misnomer and we're all okay with that. No one "irrationally fears homosexuals"... the term is used as "Hatred of homosexuals", alright? good, we are agreed.

Second, I have been hanging out with homosexuals my entire life and one of my greatest mentors is a homosexual himself. Let me explain a bit using him as an example; This guy is a medical professional like me, except he's a specialist in prosthetics and EXTREMELY good at his job, I honestly could never see myself being anywhere near as good as him at any branch of medicine, so as you can see, I have great respect for him.

But the thing is, he's not "A gay guy" or "some homosexual"... that is reducing him to just "he likes to take it up the ass" and one of the most disrespectful things that I could possibly imagine. And do take note that he , and all the other guys like him that I associate with, wouldn't even engage with retards like the guys that responded to me, they'd tell them to go fuck themselves , that "You don't speak for us". Key aspect here is, these guys are never mistreated and never receive "hatred" because they're homosexuals, because it's not a big deal, and it's not really a part of who they are. I don't think of these guys as "Homosexuals" or "Gays", they're just guys, like me. This is the difference between SJWs and intelligent men.

My mentor for example, is a high end medical professional, bodybuilder (He looks 15 years younger than he actually is, it's insane), jokester (Holy motherless goat, this guy is seriously a clown, in the best way you have no idea) and just all around a cool guy. He doesn't put on a "I'M A GAY" show , he's just a regular guy who happens to like other guys.


It is my observation , throughout my entire life, where in almost every point in my life I associated with homosexuals ... mostly because I was always antisocial and so that put me next to people who were very charming and accepting, which basically means most homosexuals in the viscinity.

The guys that get "hatred for being homosexual" are invariably the guys that are "HOMOSEXUAL FIRST" and then nothing else. These guys are absolute clowns in the worst way and guess what, the guys I mentioned earlier, they would absolutely be the first to call these clownish guys out.... and far, FAR more aggressively than I would.

Nobody "hates" homosexuals, they are assholes that think they should get special treatment because they're homosexuals. Or let me specify because I know for a fact that propagandists will take that literally or out of context.

There are jackasses in the world, but it is an extreme minority that hates homosexual for being homosexual. It is almost always the case that they receive hatred for being hyper entitled , attention whoring jackasses.

But here's the real secret;

The propagandists that responded to me, they view homosexuals as inferior, I don't. I view them as guys like me, with the capacity to do what I can do, my equals and guys that don't need defending or to be a special "protected class", they recognize that that would be a tacit admission that they are inferior and they hate that, at least that what the guys I've always hung out with have immediately recognized.

Here's what any of them would say to this thread; I don't need you to treat me with kid gloves, fuck off with that shit. There's no "homophobia", there's just assholes and we all have to deal with them now and then



tl;dr if u straighto u get the gasso

Wow, looks like the /u/serialflamingo bridage is out in force.

You think about fags too much. Lay off the fag thoughts or everybody is gonna hate you too.

Breeders are the worst imo

Gay people are OK unless they are faggots.