<--------number of people who want /u/Gallowboob to self-terminate

412  2018-04-01 by TaylorSwiftOfRdrama


Anyone got any info bout boob and that weak ARG the mod Iraniangenius was doing in one of their subs? There was some butthurt post in one of the threads about that business card, and iraniangenius was using a mod sticky to promote his side project in that thread. Noon stepped in and got pounced and now it's all been deleted.

It's there at 10.2k. Now the welshing begins.

You do realize what day it is?

Yeah it's Easter. Pretty sure the guy is Jewish though. I don't think he celebrates it.

user reports:

1: i only believe in karma

We've been visited by the boobfairy... truly an Easter miracle.

Lmao what a coward. Posting this on April Fools so he can back out of it if necessary.

its pretty obvious the whole thing is an april fools joke, so its not like there was ever any possibility of him actually an hero'ing it

Damn, I forgot what day it was and was happy that he seemed to be making some sort of progress.

theres no hope for anyone who unironically calls themselves an "online influencer"

The fact that he does influence a lot of Reddit actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it.

He's got a beard too, he's MANLY.


Literally no hope.

He's farming karma from it, too. Self-posts count now.

He didn't just post that on his userpage, he did it on roastme too plus who knows where else.

u/Gallowboob trying to do an uninspired "I'm still Here" ripoff sounds par for the course.

It was neither funny nor original when Joaquin Pheonix did it so it's the perfect "prank" for Gallowboob to rehash.

april fools oof

This is one of the lamest things I've ever seen. He now says he's staying because Trump wants him to go.

He now says he's staying because Trump wants him to go.

well no one ever accused /u/gallowboob of being original

Fake tweet. Seems like he's been planning this "joke" for a while. His post has 13k+ upvotes now. I wonder when he will delete it. lol It's bound to make him butthurt even if he's "joking."

Fake tweet.

no shit sherlock

feel special?

You guys do realize it’s April fools, right?

No dipshit we don't.

Yes I do, and as usual /u/gallowboob is being HILARIOUS.

Also 14yo

He's just jewing people out of their Karma, again.

And he pussied out. no surprise

It’s April fools day you idiot.

Do you like Gallowboob?

Couldn’t care less about who posts my content.

I'm all up in his boy pussy hoping he doesn't get me banned.


10k imaginary internet points gets you a bottle opener on the reddit store right?

Is it any surprise that u/awkwardtheturtle mods Gallowblobs page? Flies....

If those two vanished this site would improve dramatically.

Sadly there are others but those two would be a good start. Queue Turtles epic comeback of "no u."

His life is Reddit. He'd hero himself if this site shut down.

F whoever you were

Lol, so he found a way to whore the hate for karma after all.

Why the fuck do I always forget it is April Fool's? What a shit day, who thought up this shit? Tell yer nan I dun want any prank gussy m8

I had no idea who this guy was before today...after all I've read and seen , this guy is an absolute cunt! Everyone was right when they said he was a karmawhore.

If only he'd delete himself IRL


He bragged about working with unilad. Why would you brag about that

Explain how does a user make himself into a subreddit? It’s like twitter on reddit

There are two ways, you make r/yourusername, and second is the new profile shit. it even has some kind of a backwards compatible thingy so if you go to r/u_yourusername it takes you to the profile. It's very facebook-like and is actually an improvement for people who want to use reddit as edgy facebook or something.

I’m a simple man. I see gallowboob being told to kill himself, I upvote.

What's that thing on the thumbnail?