Lauren Southern Baits Leftists by Pretending to be Trans. StopAdvertising Disgusted by TheDonald’s “Transphobic” Jokes About How Hot “He” Is

0  2018-04-02 by [deleted]



Imagine thinking /r/Drama is /r/SPS. End yourself, mayo.

/u/airforcefalco did you tell your mother about that incredible post of yours that BTFO'd all the shariablue bots? God bless you based MAGA pede.

What's it like to be an agenda posting retard all day everyday on reddit for your whole post history? Looks exhausting.

so Tomi Lahren transitioned into Lauren Southern? Am I understanding this correctly?

damn lauren southern is just too damn genius, how can we ever keep up with her intellectual trickery

side note, when is she going to give the viewers what we want and take Blair White's big tranny cock on video?

This, but unironically.

fun tip: if u jack off to trannies having sex with women no one can prove that the tranny is the part of the video you get off to

If you're an adult and worried about what people think about your porn choices, you should probably abstain from masturbation until your semen gauge fills up a few times and you level up enough to evolve.

mark zuckerberg keeps track of every porn video you watch and if it's weird or gay then he makes fun of you to all of your facebook friends

Imagine spending your holy day shitposting political garbage.

Even Allah (s.w.t) won't help him at this point.

Just so there's no confusion for the SPS crowd. Now that SPS has linked here. Brigading is an instant ban, and we are the final decision on whether you brigaded.

/u/sir__hippo were you at full mast while typing this?

No, but the clear message in negative votes from those who are Brigading does actually get me hard.

Look, I'll happily remove a platform of hatespeech for any reason I can. The admins actually seem to something about Brigading where they just let neonazi radicalization get a pass. So in some small way, they're actually helping us by not being able to resist not participating in the sub.

People who post in r/ShitXSays are the worst kind of whiny little bitches. OP pls consider doing is a favor and deleting your account