"You Will Not Replace Us" movement takes a hit

7  2018-04-02 by newcomer_ts


You will not replace snappy.

No one could. But perhaps, with time, we can all heal and move forward.

fucking shitty music

you will not replace us

gets replaced

The state of wh*Te people

I wonder if we could work out some agreement to replace rural white Americans with people from other countries.

Spend some time in Brazil and your dream will feel that much closer

5 rural white males (Trump supporters) for like 2-3 Mexicans. The Mexicans will work harder and overall be far less annoying.

far less annoying

Yes. We need more Mexican-American "cholos" and gangs to culturally enrich our proud nation. No thanks buddy, you can keep your bad hombres.

Eh first generation immigrants from Mexico are usually pretty awesome. They work hard and are really nice. The problem is they spoil their's kids partially because they don't want them to suffer the same hardships they did and partially because they are confused about American culture. Then their kids turn out to be dumb cholos.

Meh. I’m not even american and I’ve only ever met one Mexican. I just wanted to be a part of something.😩

PIzzashill supporting that illegal immigrant slave labor.

Like, let's just replace all the people who disagree with us with slaves who won't. Democracy in action. Apparently it's easier to rig a broken system than to fix it.

Seriously, what he's describing doesn't sound too far off from the Transatlantic slave trade.

Maybe we work out a trade. 5 rural white males (Trump supporters) for like 2-3 Mexicans. The Mexicans will work harder and overall be far less annoying.

Yeah, rural mexico is a fucking paradise. Really Pizzafamalam it seems you need to see the world a bit more, and you'll come to understand what Saint Donny meant when he said "shithole countries".

I don't think it's a paradise. I'd just rather deal with them than delusional rural white people that are perpetually enraged over nothing.

But that's rural people everywhere.

Not really, no. It's true rural people tend to be the most vulnerable to demagogues and morons like Trump.

But if you take rural people from Mexico and bring them here, they'll see how good they have it here compared to where they were and won't be so enraged.

In the case of rural whites, they'll always be angry because they believe themselves to be entitled to everything.

They believe they're the economic drivers of our economy when they aren't.

They have a very inflated opinion of themselves.

But if you take rural people from Mexico and bring them here, they'll see how good they have it here compared to where they were and won't be so enraged.

But we saw that even refugees from Middle Eastern shitholes were perpetually enraged and even downright ungrateful, like when they didn't want to stay in Eastern europe but wanted to be in Germany or the UK. Some even were ungrateful enough to say that Scandinavia was too cold. It's part of the rural mentality, It's the shithole of the mind.

You know, maybe you have a point. Maybe the rurals really are just too far gone globally to be helped.

We should exterminate them all tbh

No. We just shouldn't give them disproportionate political power.

And then euthanize them when we can automate their labor.

No, nobody needs to be euthanized. They're products of their environment.

good guy /u/pizzashit

this user has deleted their account

what could have been

Its call fentanyl

Political power in a democracy is a function of how many children you have, which is something that third world Catholics excel at.

they'll see how good they have it here compared to where they were and won't be so enraged.

So the idea is to bribe them to be docile? What happens when their standards rise, wouldn't we have to swap them out again?

Maybe in a generation or two.

I'll take that as a yes. So what's the point of having to swap out the rural population every generation or two when there are dozens of other policy possibilities?

This one would really trigger them.

Ah yes, triggering the mayos is always a solid cause. I momentarily forgot which level of irony we were on.

Second gen tho

Oh boy, you need to check out Chiapas in Mexico.

Say what you want about rural Americans but at least they weren't so pissed off about NAFTA they tried to start a literal communist revolution.


This happened in the mid-90s, some 120 people died man.

Chiapas conflict

The Chiapas conflict (Spanish: Conflicto de Chiapas) refers to the 1994 Zapatista Uprising and its aftermath, and tensions between the indigenous peoples and subsistence farmers in the Mexican state of Chiapas in the 1990s and 1980s.

The Zapatista uprising started in January 1994, and lasted less than two weeks before the government pacified the area. Negotiations between the government and Zapatistas led to agreements being signed. But these agreements were not complied with in the following years and the peace process stagnated.

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But Mexicans in America don't have the same problems as Mexicans in Mexico.

5 rural white males (Trump supporters) for like 2-3 Mexicans.

While cretin Nazis are focusing on the admittedly retarded world view behind your joke, at least commit to a three-fifths compromise, Daddy.

So are they sending their best or not?

Are there many Doctors? Healers? Leaders? Engineers? Heroes? Athletes? Actors? Farmers? Factory workers? Web developers?

The plan is to reboot. From scratch, if you will.