12 2018-04-02 by shitpost953
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-04-02
That was quick
1 shitpost953 2018-04-02
lol 1 minute
It was a good minute thou
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2018-04-02
this but ironically
This but unironically
this but with more meta
1 uniqueguy263 2018-04-02
I mean this is /r/drama, you'd have to be insane to expect not to be betrayed. Btw my circleoftrust password is Iamgod pls don't betray
1 Matues49 2018-04-02
Looks like there's a Judas in that midst.
It was prolly /u/The_Rachel lolol
1 japsock 2018-04-02
explain i fucking hate leddit shit
1 saddertadder 2018-04-02
HAHAHA an upboat good sir! Dont forget, the narwhal bacons at midnight XD so random!
T. Redditor since 2010.
1 Wordshark 2018-04-02
1 telandrias 2018-04-02
Very depressing it was better back then. Wasn't enough content so people meandered around subreddits instead of subscribing to one and screeching anyone who disagrees out of it. Now there's thousands of subs just like /r/atheism was in the day
I remember when I as an "ask redditor" the sub had like less than 100,000 subscribers. now it has 19 million (probably half bots lol)
staggering how reddit grew
1 hoseja 2018-04-02
I still miss bozarking tho.
1 Coats_Unbuttoned 2018-04-02
Yeah, never been happier to be ootl tbh
1 westofthetracks 2018-04-02
1 Aimless_Drifter 2018-04-02
what the fucking fucking fuck is that
1 Majestic_Sheepherder 2018-04-02
You are supposed to not betray people who give out their pass. Like mine: AromaticWestIncrease
1 serialflamingo 2018-04-02
Then it turns out everyone does?
We are truly living in Black Mirror times.
apparently the place has been set to private so no one can betray me now. :(
1 LightUmbra 2018-04-02
pass is: AromaticWestIncrease
Come betray me.
1 SageKnows 2018-04-02
How do I join the cool kids club?
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-04-02
what is this faggotry
the admins broke the site
1 The-idiots114 2018-04-02
Can I join
1 XhotwheelsloverX 2018-04-02
Oopsie whoopsie, we need to do some bug squashing. Your circle will still be intact when we come back very shortly.
Needs more :3's tbh.
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-04-02
That was quick
1 shitpost953 2018-04-02
lol 1 minute
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-04-02
It was a good minute thou
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2018-04-02
this but ironically
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-04-02
This but unironically
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2018-04-02
this but with more meta
1 uniqueguy263 2018-04-02
I mean this is /r/drama, you'd have to be insane to expect not to be betrayed. Btw my circleoftrust password is Iamgod pls don't betray
1 Matues49 2018-04-02
Looks like there's a Judas in that midst.
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2018-04-02
It was prolly /u/The_Rachel lolol
1 japsock 2018-04-02
explain i fucking hate leddit shit
1 saddertadder 2018-04-02
HAHAHA an upboat good sir! Dont forget, the narwhal bacons at midnight XD so random!
T. Redditor since 2010.
1 Ed__ButteredToast 2018-04-02
1 Wordshark 2018-04-02
1 telandrias 2018-04-02
Very depressing it was better back then. Wasn't enough content so people meandered around subreddits instead of subscribing to one and screeching anyone who disagrees out of it. Now there's thousands of subs just like /r/atheism was in the day
1 saddertadder 2018-04-02
I remember when I as an "ask redditor" the sub had like less than 100,000 subscribers. now it has 19 million (probably half bots lol)
staggering how reddit grew
1 hoseja 2018-04-02
I still miss bozarking tho.
1 Coats_Unbuttoned 2018-04-02
Yeah, never been happier to be ootl tbh
1 westofthetracks 2018-04-02
1 Aimless_Drifter 2018-04-02
what the fucking fucking fuck is that
1 Majestic_Sheepherder 2018-04-02
You are supposed to not betray people who give out their pass. Like mine: AromaticWestIncrease
1 serialflamingo 2018-04-02
Then it turns out everyone does?
We are truly living in Black Mirror times.
1 Majestic_Sheepherder 2018-04-02
apparently the place has been set to private so no one can betray me now. :(
1 Majestic_Sheepherder 2018-04-02
1 LightUmbra 2018-04-02
1 Majestic_Sheepherder 2018-04-02
1 Majestic_Sheepherder 2018-04-02
pass is: AromaticWestIncrease
Come betray me.
1 SageKnows 2018-04-02
How do I join the cool kids club?
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-04-02
what is this faggotry
1 shitpost953 2018-04-02
the admins broke the site
1 shitpost953 2018-04-02
1 The-idiots114 2018-04-02
Can I join
1 XhotwheelsloverX 2018-04-02
Needs more :3's tbh.
1 shitpost953 2018-04-02