Daddy recognizes r/drama users!

85  2018-04-02 by celocanth13


I have Autism and don't appreciate this pathetic attempt to gain Autistic votes.


It's funny because the Autism day has been a thing since 2007

He isn't saying he invented it lol

So proclaims the spokesperson of the Autistic community.

Trump already has the autistic vote, why does he need to pander now?

He's just recognizing their contribution to the Meme War

If he really cared, he'd appoint Pepe to Secretary of Veteran Affairs instead of his personal doctor

His personal doctor kept him 1 lb shy of obesity, so Trump's got to give him a sweet gig. I think Pepe would be well suited for HUD since Ben Carson is wholly unqualified and probably asleep at his desk like 90% of the time.

Ben Carson is my favorite person in Trumps administration. He pisses everyone off.

Well he's still missing at least one in you.

Trying to convert more Bernie supporters probably.

Don’t forget about the non-reluctant Hillary supporters

You're confusing autism with retardation. It's easy to do, but there are subtle differences.

ur mom is easy to do


I bet you were impressed when someone here made that kid from StarTrek sperg out.


More base pandering, pathetic

Next he'll legalize incest.

If the President does it, it's not a crime.

To be fair. His daughter is fucking on fire.

I mean millions spent on plastic surgery can do wonders!

Doubt it was millions. She was still doable before. Probably a few hundred k.

heh bucko this is /r/drama we are supposed to blow things out of proportion, even rough estimates on surgeries.

who cares lol this is already the 11th annual autistic day. It’s not like this is some achievement

Lol y’all took this daddy line from Milo

can't wait for trump to make himself king, kill most of his kids, die of whatever disease is in his brain right now and leave the throne to barron. every day will be autism awareness day and social skills will be made illegal, allowing me to flourish at last