Do negroids have an average IQ of 80? Or are Mayos just jealous of the BBC? Find out over at r/gunfights.

25  2018-04-02 by SlarSlar


gun owners actually have an average iq of 80

So true. Did you know only 12% of Americans are gun owners, but they make up 52% of murderers?

They truly are a menace to civilized society.

Pretty sure those percentages refer to black criminals, not gun owners.

Shut it racist

72% of non gun owners have had an sexual experience with the same sex. That’s something I read on r/politics

bit of a misleading stat if you aren't going to even mention what percent of that includes times where they said "no homo" after

this is a misleading stat, it includes times when they said no homo afterwards

It was murder

People keep saying it was intentional. I think you're just seriously underestimating how retarded most people are.

Agree, but she is too retarded to not be in jail for life

Yeah you point a gun at someone's head and pull the trigger? Sorry it's murder no matter how stupid you are. Immediate sterilization, if they have children, sterilize those too.

Doesn't the dude ask the chick where she's from? As in, I don't even know you and you are waving a gun around.

I think it's a cleverly set up murder.

Thats pretty clever taking facebook living a murder.

I've heard people say "where u from" as a way of saying "what the fuck are you doing that is fucking stupid are you an alien retard baby?" Not that often, but I've heard it.

she had no trigger discipline and started waving it around after he tried to get her to lower it, i would bet she's getting a murder charge

That was clearly a suicide.

On one hand, obviously the nigger "female" is guilty and should be punished, on the other hand, it shot another nigger whos life is equally as worthless.

This but ironically

Nice to see you feeeps. Thought you kept yourself safe in Austin

Hopefully not for long

Atta boy feeepo. Keep dropping dem N bombs.

It is useful for when you aren't clever enough to think of something controversial yourself.

People who unironically believe The Bell Curve have an average IQ of 80 and should be gassed immediately

Imagine being so brainwashed by academia that you don't believe it

We wuz kangz n shiet

Wow, nice meme.

Ironically, he stole it.

Typical Yakub.

The poor, illiterate trailer trash in that "argument" can't even fucking read: the guy isn't even fucking dead. How can you have a murder charge without a death? Fucking retards.