
2  2018-04-02 by high_brow_tranny


Usually agendaposters put in more effort than this.


He's low effort. Mostly emojis and hot air

No that’s ur mom. Shes low effort and hot air. That’s why all ur arguments sound vapid like pussy farts.


Bland as always little sperm, bland as always....

blandy dandy

Not your personal army, this isn't 4chan you pedophile NEET

Eat shit. Ur the pedophile projecting out of your litterbaby abduction vehicle 👾



No one likes u pussy

Hey do u have an img file for someone looking pathetic? U should def make it ur prof pic.

Bahah ur scared of a twitchy robot monkey. Cute.

someone needs to start an ISIS that accepts trannies so they can get all the trans people here who want to be soldiers and use them against America

Medically they are able bodied. Mentally they are not stable. Anyone with gender dysphoria has a deep rooted hatred for themselves and in part others of their original gender.

This is all pretend knowledge ur spouting. How do u now what it’s like to b a tranny if ur not one. Stupid fuck 😽

Lmao. Bait.

Delete this

Delete what

user reports:
1: Offsite brigading is a global rule violation fam

The fuck this even mean, /u/Starship_Litterbaby? It’s an image with no link. Are we being brigades by the AMA and APA?

Their name should b cry baby bitch

I think she was born too soon. Something didn’t grow right.

So I'm curious and I gotta ask why are so many of you trannies so deeply misogynistic? If my time spent browsing Craigslist personal ads taught me anything its that most trannies think the definition of femininity is some sort of servile slave master relationship straight out of a John Norman novel with petticoats and schoolgirl outfits thrown in to the mix.

Lol idk and idc what u do on Craigslist. Ur literally the answer to ur own question. Ur the misogynist sissy, don’t conflate urself to trans women. Prostitutes on Craigslist are a different thing. But my argument there is that there are all kinds of prostitutes...cis, trans, straight, bi, whichever. They just either squandered their hand or got a shitty one so now they’re using their final resource to survive.

Who's talking about sex workers here. Those ads are easy to spot. I'm talking about all of those "Wearing panties come use me like the girly slut that I am" or "Please daddy dress me and teach me to be your girl" ads that make up the majority of mtf casual encounters posts. A quick google search shows that this phenomenon is not just restricted to Craigslist you trannies seem to be all over the interwebs with fantasies of forced feminization making you into to the woman you were really meant to be. And it always seems to turn out that the woman you were meant to be was a submissive girl slut who also performs domestic chores. It's almost as if you think the ideal woman is a cross between June Cleaver and Linda Lovelace.

Dude I have no idea what any of ur fucking references are. Please stop. How are u 98 years old and still writing fucking useless essays about what u do on Craigslist for randos on Reddit?

I'm just saying that maybe some of you guys should take a good long look inside of yourselves and acknowledge the deep seated misogyny and extreme BDSM fetish that seems too so to speak dominate within the Mtf trans community. Literally as I am typing this legions of overweight, middle-aged, divorced men are desperately looking for a new place to post pics of themselves in garters and hose seeking some random stranger to turn them into the gurl they were always meant to be. There is no way you will ever convince me that you are so naive that you have no idea this is going on. In fact my research so far seems to suggest otherwise. The number of liked sissy hypno video's on pornhub tells me that this line of thinking is fairly prevalent in trans circles.

Lmao. ur just conflating ur personal fetishes with the trans community.

No u

Lol ur basically a tranny. Welcome, egg.

First of all, I only pretend to be a girl on the internet ironically

No one cares

The link was in the title/flair fam. It was an obvious "here's something for you to go downvote" post. You're either not very observant or being a retard on purpose.

Pretty sure the Mad Max controversy is over.

So you got BTFO and aren't sure what to do next. I know! Try to salvage things with a whiny reply, that'll show em!

Look here Litterbaby you’re only two weeks old. I know life is tough as an infant orphan but you can’t take it out on me or /u/high_brow_tranny. Does this look like some kind of shitposting thread to you?

It’s not removed. Reddit is just having a seizure today.

You’re so fucking lame. I wish I could smack the shit out of your right cheek every 25 seconds. Im prob Guna make a deal with Beelzebub for the privilege later. See u in ur dreams 🤗


You’re weak. I smell it. 😋😛👹

You’re the retard. It’s just some mod calling me out for click baiting ur dumbass. I succeeded tho, I think u look quite cunty atm. It’s amusing....anyway turn yourself in already pedophile.

Your post got removed and now u buttblasted

Well we’re still talking on the thread so I’m pretty sure someone skull blasted u.

Ur in my inbox, I'm in your head. A fair trade if you ask me

Ur nowhere lol.

I refuse to look at ur collection of pedophilia paraphernalia.

Ur Guna die alone. We’re all chuckling behind your back. Not even the deprived fucks on r/drama will take u in. I guess you’re just one of the many souls that will be devoured by the abyss without a trace giggles

Mental illness is a hell of a mental illness.


Trannies are so fucking boring anymore.

you never made sense. I told them to give u away but nooooooo.

I thought trannies were a fad, like beanie babies or planking. Are people actually still doing the whole tranny thing unironically in 2018?

It’s a shame that you found this subreddit. I was literally a bit intimidated at first but there are so many cucks like u all over the place.

U taint the cold hearted reputation of this sub. Go away and take ur fucking brain dead jokes with u.

You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments. You're just boring.

Ur talking about dolls, planking and ‘unironically’. There was never an argument. Ur irrelevant. Period. Case closed 😹

It’s prob best that u block me anyway.

I can still hear you. You're a very rude young man.

I didn’t, no.

Get your shit together faggot.

Even ur cheap shots are weak.

That wasn't a cheap shot, it was good life advice.

You realize that was pasta right. Iirc that was even a fucking snappy quote. Lol


"You're now one of 3 people I've blocked on Reddit. I don't even mind people sperging out at me, but what I do mind is just the complete lack of real arguments. You're just boring." was a fucking snappy quote at one point you pea brained drag queen.

Lmao no it’s not. It’s nearly as stupid as u. Maybe thats y it resonated with u so much.

sorry can't go out on patrol gotta dilate my vagina is healing

Kay Mayb after.

Being deployed is not like that job at Target your mom wishes you had gotten.

Lmao nice burn

No U