Lonely spinsters of /r/dogfree REEEEalize that a manipulative, thieving mongrel still gets more love than they do

120  2018-04-03 by dootwiththesickness


lmao didnt realize that sub existed but of course it would. the name is just funny as fuck to me for some reason

Yup, I'm definitely a lonely spinster.

They went after dogs... dogs!

Can dogs make it past all 18 fantasy zones on Space Harrier?

I think not.

there doesn't seem to be anything here

Man.. that is some hard core salt over animals that they do not have to put up with the majority of the time, except for a limited social interaction a couple times a week at MOST and for brief periods.

Clearly you’ve never been subjected to an office dog.

No, I've never worked at a place that allows non-service animals to just roam around the office/building.

It’s delightful. They dig through your trash, press their wet noses against your crotch while you’re working, and pee on the carpet near your cubicle. And if you don’t like it, you’re the asshole. Truly a sublime experience.

You work at some pretty unprofessional places it seems, That has to suck; gotta eat though.

I tell myself that every time I have to give my boss a blowie.

Wonder if that is what yer nan says every time she shags behind the Tesco m8

Wot cheek. Me nan shags behind Asda.

Nah m8

And yet that's still better than putting up with your mental illnesses

How dare you. I’m as sane as my father, Napoleon Bonaparte.

Lucky. For some reason, divorced middle-aged women think everyone wants her shit beast to lap in their laps and slobber all over them.

Well, I worked in places that either did not suck or were tight with office rules.

I wish

My old workplace had an office dog that had rancid farts all the fucking time. I basically said that I was unable to do my job unless they got the dog out of there.

So who left? You or the dog?

The dog did. He didn't leave the office entirely, but they sent him back to the front office (I was a programmer in the back office).

The problem is that's not the case. Most people who have problems with dogs have problems with them and them constantly showing up all over society in inappropriate ways. Oh a neighbor's pibble gets out and acts aggressively with your kid? Well clearly it's your fault for having the audacity to let your kid play outside on a nice spring day. Oh you went to a park on your lunch hour to get some air? Fuck you, there's a bunch of dogs off their leashes that come up to you expecting to be fed because their owners thing leash laws are for chumps, let alone all the un-policed and rancid dog shit all over the place. Oh, you're at that point with your girlfriend where you're considering moving in? Nope, her yappy little shitter is more important than you are because he's such a cute sweet doggo boi cute justlikeus.

I could go on. Sometimes it's constant chronic shit, sometimes it's at these weird intersections where people put dogs before human beings. If this wasn't reddit, you people would realize that the entire dog culture is retarded and that people use them for cheap and easy emotional comfort things most of the time. Virtually no one on the dogfree sub has issues with actual service animals (not emotional therapy dog things) and dogs with jobs that are trained. Dogs shouldn't sleep in your bed, be on your furniture, or even eat in the same room at the same time as you are eating. Dogs begging isn't cute. Dogs barking when they're excited isn't cute. Dogs getting out and running around mauling kids isn't cute. Laying your infant's head infront of your dogs head for /r/awww karma isn't cute. Cut the shit out, you're not God damned children. Just stop.

This is like one of those neonazi posts that starts somewhat rational and then hits you with the hardcore racism in the last paragraph

Do you realize how insane you sound with that comparison.

Yo dog do you realize how insane you sound with you screed that you wrote?

I could go on. Sometimes it's constant chronic shit, sometimes it's at these weird intersections where people put Jews before human beings. If this wasn't reddit, you people would realize that the entire Jew culture is retarded and that people use them for cheap and easy emotional comfort things most of the time. Virtually no one on the Alt right sub has issues with actual service Jews (not emotional therapy Jewish things) and Jews with jobs that are trained. Jews shouldn't sleep in your bed, be on your furniture, or even eat in the same room at the same time as you are eating. Jews begging isn't cute. Jews barking when they're excited isn't cute. Jews getting out and running around mauling kids isn't cute. Jews jumping on people isn't cute. Laying your infant's head infront of your jews’s head for /r/awww karma isn't cute. Cut the shit out, you're not God damned children. Just stop.

Dogs shouldn't sleep in your bed

Why? I like cuddling.

be on your furniture

I've always just given my dog his own piece of furniture

or even eat in the same room at the same time as you are eating

what the fuck m8. What kind of hovel are you living in where you'd even notice a dog eating in the same room as you?

He' a petty dictator.

To be fair, pibble owners always tend to be completely retarded, so that’s something on a different level.

Yeah. I love all dogs. Except pits. They should be gassed.

Oh, you're at that point with your girlfriend where you're considering moving in? Nope, her yappy little shitter is more important than you are because he's such a cute sweet doggo boi cute justlikeus.

This one sounds oddly specific and personal. You doing alright, bud?

His girlfriend left because he killed the dog.

Lol, this is some good copy pasta. What a fucking shit fit over a dog.


Dear /u/EPMD_

What great civilization ending catastrophic event will occur with the proliferation of dog owners?

Will we run out of pats to give?

Will the evil Canin Capitalist Deep State finally take control and force you to be a poop picker upperer?

Please elaborate.

Just fucking watch, in a couple of decades these people will be advocating bestiality since they already have anthropomorphized (And even submitted to) these shit beasts.

oh boy /u/derpybro I have got some Redditors to tell you about

also "shit beast" is pretty funny ngl

You smell that, Randy? Those are shit beasts, coming to shit all over everything

You should introduce them to WhitneyWisconsin

"it's consent if the dog initiates"

But what if the dog and the girl are both drunk so neither can consent? Did they rape each other?

Depends on what the dog was wearing.

The reason it's not considered meaningful consent is due to the difference in mental state. Here whether it's rape depends on how drunk the girl was.

Wait, a brony being mad over people liking dogs? He's even projecting his bestiality on them.

Check it out, /u/Derpybro, /u/ninja_vs_pirate, /u/mariestellamaris, my dog gets presents and cake on his birthday. Also, his dinners are homecooked.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

More dog please

Aww happy birfday good doggo

user reports:
1: Good boy

Bront, pls

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

Cute puppy!

As long as you don't let the fucking thing walk around off a leash and go up to random people who clearly want nothing to do with your retarded dog, no one cares. If dogs were as out of the way as cats or pet birds, no one would give a shit, the problem is that a growing number of "dog people" treat them like children and shove them in everyone's face along with treating them like children by doing shit like unironically celebrating their birthdays. If you want the lovey feelings of parenthood, being a "pupper parent" isn't the same thing, it's a step above emotionally dependent children that drag around stuffed animals. It's sad.

How's like people liking dogs more than they like you

The people that prefer dog companionship over human interaction aren't the kinds of people I care about enough to value their opinions.

Well nobody wants to interact with you

I don't think you understand quite how massive a percentage of people would rather spend time with a golden retriever than with you.

Nah they prefer dogs companionship vs interaction with people like you, not all people. Most people don't enjoy being around embittered shit heads

Nobody really cares about your company though

You're just mad it's not acceptable to be a horsefucker me thinks. You can dislike dogs without sperging out and accusing people of bestiality you know.

We'll interacting with you is shit-tier human interaction so of course people are gonna pick the dog.

When was the last time you were happy?

Given how bitter you seem to be a noose around the neck can help out.

Ebin meme dude, telling people to kill themselves constantly, never seen that before. People want /r/dogfree shutdown but this shithole will get shut down long before.

he was talking about auto erotic asphyxiation no kinkshaming allowed here please 😤😤

nah i just want you to keep yourself safe that is all.

he just wants you leashed so you cant get in our faces its a reasonable request

"two years ago when I didn't break for that pittbull."

So bitter I gave you a 4.50 in untapped.

The look on her face when the dog clawed her nip was kind of amusing.

Hopefully it won't be too long before someone posting on that sub gets caught red-handed leaving poisoned treats around the neighborhood. Then the scumbag admins will be forced to shut that cuntsack of a sub down (they'll probably shut down the latest incel sub as well, just to make a day of it).

I mean while I'm not a fan of their vitriol, I certainly understand /r/childfree's sentiments, but how can you hate on dogs?

Probably cat people.

I have never seen someone use pupper or doggo IRL, but I have seen people use kitty.

you've never heard of lolspeak?

muslims, dogs are haram in Islam

lol, good catch.. however muslims are not the sorts to make a sub devoted to things they hate (atleast more menial than zeee jews/west/infidels).

the old blame it on the sand nigger trick eh?

That can't be true.


You're got to be fucking kidding me. Do they just hate fun? Limited sex, no dogs, no wanting.

Goats and teen bussy are a-okay though.

They bark, they smell, and they're needy as fuck. What's to like?

I know that you're probably a fuckin troll, but I don't give a fuck because this question is so stupid you've triggered the autism in me

What's to like?

How about 15 thousand fucking years of mutually beneficial coexistance you dumb fuck.

  • home protection

  • companionship

  • hunting assistance

Those still apply today, but additionally modern dog owners get to enjoy the benefits of

  • better heart health

  • improved life expectancy

  • reduced levels of stress / depression

  • improved allergy resistance & immune systems for our children

  • improved social life

You can tell I need that last one. Put that in your dog hating pipe and smoke it you fucking cretin.

Firstly, fuck you cunt. And I assume you have a dog, so fuck that piece of shit too. I take solace in the fact that you presumably will have to watch it die at some point.

Secondly, if you're the kind of person who's stupid and boring enough to gain "companionship" from an animal as retarded as the average dog, then you're also part of the problem and the human race would be better off without you.

Thirdly, if you need a dog for home protection, try moving out of whatever poverty-stricken hellhole you've chosen to live in. Or buy a security system or a gun like a normal, non-emotionally dependent faggot.

Hey you should kill yourself

I hope you get to watch your dog die too.

You should honestly kill yourself


I’m being completely serious. Your irrational hatred of dogs shows that you’re not a mentally stable person.

I just let my wiener dog lick the queso off my beard instead of wasting a paper towel. Checkmate, atheists.

Was your username inspired by doubledickdudes stories?

No, fuck that poser. I just like the way my name rolls off the tongue.

Huh, let's see

  • wanton ravings of a deranged idiot


  • thousands of years of humanity & canine mutualism

Sorry fucktard, you lose. When my dog dies, I will mourn her. And then I will get another one. Because dogs are fuckin great, and unlike your stupid ass who is too scared to love anything that might die my emotional state is perfectly healthy. I've lost pets before, and somehow I'm still well adjusted enough to scream obscenities over reddit.

Hey I appreciate all your comments defending dogs in this thread. If you ever need someone to tag-in for you in a pointless internet argument feel free to hit me up.

Hey if you ever need defense of your defense hit me up my paypal is open to payments.

Michael Vick did nothing wrong.

Yeah literally kill yourself famalamborghini before I get Chris Chan to dox your address and I slap your ass so hard it forms a blood clot and you anuerysm to death but it also strangely blocks flow to your dick and you cummy.

Take comfort that alley dogs will ravenously consume your dead body after you die from the emotional AIDS you are afflicted with.

You are one silly goose I'll tell you what

This what happens to entitled men who never get their dicks touched. They devolve into sacks of impulsive rage who lash out at anyone with any happiness in their lives. I hope you never have kids, you would probably beat the hell out of the poor things

home protection

Buy a gun and home alarm system.


If you need a dog for companionship, that's on you.

hunting assistance

Fair enough but 99% of dogs aren't hunting dogs or used for work in any way.

better heart health

improved life expectancy

reduced levels of stress / depression

Pseudo-scientific pop-mag bullshit.

improved allergy resistance & immune systems for our children

Yeah, because they track all kinds of shit into the house. The alternative is to make your kids go outside and play...

improved social life

Nigga, are you retarded?

I love you couldn't even make it past the third point before your complaints falling apart.

Pseudo-scientific pop-mag bullshit

Ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first. Harvard med school is nothing more than "pseudo-scientific pop-mag bullshit".

Suck it, ivy fags.

All those are good reasons to own a dog, but it doesn't explain why people want to own pugs or Bulldogs or any other purebred barely living inbred abomination who barely survives a day without falling apart in some new and spectacular way like it was a dog bought from aliexpress.

improved life expectancy

reduced levels of stress / depression

I don't know, I adopted a dog for exactly one weekend, and after it tried attacking me multiple times, and pissed/shit all over my house, my stress levels certainly weren't reduced.

Setting them on fire usually doesn't encourage friendship.

Well, it did help with the biting.

I just want you to know that whatever happened you in your past that made you this way, that I'm sorry, and I forgive you.

my dog is the only thing that stops me from killing myself every day, how can you be so cruel?

They bark

Not if you train them

they smell

Not if you bathe them

and they're needy as fuck.

You mean like kids?

What's to like?

They're better then people

Dogs smell bad, bark, eat their own shit, slobber on you, they're a lot like men but without the ability to reach things on the top shelf.

God you always know how to get me rock hard

right on, man

Because they're gross

There are many reasons. There are also simply venting a lot of the time with owners and ceryain dog behavior like childfree people have anout shitty parents and screaming children. It's just a different target. It's fine, imo.

It's exact opposite. Childfree is retarded, dogfree isn't. Children eventually become functioning adults and you get to see that. Dogs are like mentally handicapped children in that the limit of their development hits you right around the time that their health starts to wane, the only difference is that nobody asks to have mentally handicapped children and even then at least mentally handicapped children are human beings.

You want a fluffy pet that won't serve a purpose? Get a cat, it'll last longer, you don't have to bath them, and you can train them to shit in a box on their own time so you don't have to literally handle their shit directly with a little plastic baggy.

They're both fine. They both have rants, criticsms of owners/parents, behavior, societal pressures, etc. The difference is the target. You don't like dogs, which is fine, but r/childfree is fine too.

Childfree is unnatural. The only criticisms are of shitty parents. The comparisons are ridiculous and I wish there wasn't such an overlap between the two.

Half the discussion on /r/dogfree is how the comparison between parenthood and dog ownership is retarded while the other half are just angry /r/childfree people that also don't like dogs since /r/childfree seems to, as a whole, do the whole pupper parent bullshit.

Literally the only "sane 'argument for the child hatred on childfree is the cost and high investment necessary in today's society but assuming you have the means, what else are you going to do? Sure there's a lot of things you can do with that $150k per child over 18 years you're saving by not having a child, so what? You'll rent a bigger house? Buy a slightly better car? Spend it on material things or otherwise? Save it for a lonely retirement where you're guaranteed to die alone or die with an SO who will then die alone after you?

Childfree is unnatural.


The only criticisms are of shitty parents. The comparisons are ridiculous and I wish there wasn't such an overlap between the two.

From my time over there those aren't close to the only criticisms. Also, there are comparisons, not because what each sub says is directly the same, but both subs a lot of the time have the same types of threads directed at the specific target. Btw, I'm a dogfree user too. I don't think it's a bad thing that the two subs mirror each other! Just from my time on both I have experienced many similiarites. That's just how I see it. I have never understood how people can be so vehemently against childfree like that, tbh.

Literally the only "sane 'argument for the child hatred on childfree is the cost and high investment necessary in today's society

There are quite a few threads on that sub that isn't simply "child hate" and are very in-depth discussions about how things can improve.


You have the biological inclination to reproduce (or should have on principle).

People don't let their kids shit in public parks, they don't let their kids go up and jump on people, etc. Children may be gross for a few years and annoying for a few more but they change with the right parenting and unlike dogs, it's heavily in the parenting.

The only other argument for /r/childfree is if an individual or couple makes that decision based on their circumstance or their own genetics/health in which case then I'd agree but that's not what /r/childfree is. Just look at all the top posts, all talking about the expense, not wanting to give up material things, not wanting to ruin their sex lives, or alternatively taking a (admittedly well deserved) jab at shitty parents that do things like take children to places that aren't age appropriate.

Did you downvote me? Just trying to have a civil discussion.

You have the biological inclination to reproduce (or should have on principle).

Oh, that's what you were talking about. Fine, but I still don't want kids.

People don't let their kids shit in public parks, they don't let their kids go up and jump on people, etc. Children may be gross for a few years and annoying for a few more but they change with the right parenting and unlike dogs, it's heavily in the parenting.

Very true. However, remember that I said both subs have the same or at least similar types of threads. Criticising dumb shit dogs/kids do, the parents/owners, societal pressures, dumb posts online, threads about how dumb they are, etc. Now, I'm not comparing kids to dogs as in the context of them being the same target, but the posts are in a similar vein as each other overall from my point of view.

As for all those top posts, that's the shit that comes along with having that many subs. Search for a topic you want to look at discussions for and you will find a lot of shit.

How many dogs have carried out a mass shooting?

Checkmate dog haters.

Late reply, but...

You have the biological inclination to reproduce (or should have on principle).

Oh, that's what you were talking about. Fine, but I still don't want kids.

People don't let their kids shit in public parks, they don't let their kids go up and jump on people, etc. Children may be gross for a few years and annoying for a few more but they change with the right parenting and unlike dogs, it's heavily in the parenting.

Very true. However, remember that I said both subs have the same or at least similar types of threads. Criticising dumb shit dogs/kids do, the parents/owners, societal pressures, dumb posts online, threads about how dumb they are, etc. Now, I'm not comparing kids to dogs as in the context of them being the same target or that they mature the same, but the posts are in a similar vein as each other overall from my point of view. That's what I'm trying to say. I never said they're directly the same. One post on either sub being more valid (your points on the sub are debatable, but I won't get into that) doesn't make it any different from the point I'm coming from.

As for all those top posts, that's the shit that comes along with having that many subs. Search for a topic you want to look at discussions for and you will find a lot of shit.

Here's my response. It's late, but if you're interested, it's here I guess.

You have the biological inclination to reproduce (or should have on principle).

Oh, that's what you were talking about. Fine, but I still don't want kids.

People don't let their kids shit in public parks, they don't let their kids go up and jump on people, etc. Children may be gross for a few years and annoying for a few more but they change with the right parenting and unlike dogs, it's heavily in the parenting.

Very true. However, remember that I said both subs have the same or at least similar types of threads. Criticising dumb shit dogs/kids do, the parents/owners, societal pressures, dumb posts online, threads about how dumb they are, etc. Now, I'm not comparing kids to dogs as in the context of them being the same target or that they mature the same, but the posts are in a similar vein as each other overall from my point of view. That's what I'm trying to say. I never said they're directly the same. One post on either sub being more valid (your points on the sub are debatable, but I won't get into that) doesn't make it any different from the point I'm coming from.

As for all those top posts, that's the shit that comes along with having that many subs. Search for a topic you want to look at discussions for and you will find a lot of shit.

Dogfree hasn't murdered anyone yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Childfree didn't either.

Just a totally fucked up individual who planned his toddler's death in a car.

Having children ruins your life, having dogs make your life better. No one has a dog by accident.

Just because you turned out to be abolutely useless and fucked over your parents life doesnt mean that all children will.

I spend all day lurking on /r/drama, in what universe is that useless

Every one.










You see anon, women aren't designed to be providers, they are built to grab attention and hold it. Have you noticed how women hate other women the most? That's because of that chance of attention leaking away from them. Dogs aren't providers, but protecting they do and get all attention from their masters for being a good boy/girl, which irks spinsters who aren't getting the entitled attention. Ergo.

I don't hate dogs; I hate dog owners who treat their dogs like spoiled children.

People who require the affection and admiration of animals are usually unimpressive humans who don't receive much of those things from members of their own species.

They're ugly, disgusting, and there's a ridiculously annoying community surrounding them.

To be clear, I don't actually dislike dogs all that much. I get why people have them, and I'm fine with having them around me. Just explaining why I dislike them.

What the fuck is wrong with people in that subreddit? Are they actually that mental that they sit around hating dogs all day??

I literally can't think of anything more useless.

It's so weird, they talk like there's some kind of mandatory dog quota that everyone has to keep lmao. Just don't get a dot if you don't like them you fucks.

Eventually every sub explicitly against something turns to hate because the people who care more about the subject are the ones who are filled with the most vitriol. The people who make up the majority of dogfree or childfree, are probably indifferent to other peoples choices. But the selfish people who want everyone to see their hate take over.

You're not wrong. I'm a user there and even a lot of the time I'm like "fucling relax you awful cunt", you know lol

Most users have fears of dogs/past experiences with them like being bit. It is a good safe place for rants abour dogs from people with trouble with them. This post is fucking stupid and is an example of what happens when r/dogfree becomes too much of a circlejerk.

Most /r/dogfree users need to man the fuck up then.


Gas the pugs, breed war now!

Dogfree is a weird sub

It's like a crazier version of childfree, if that is somehow possible.

I enjoy it as I have had a lifelomg,fear of dogs and it feels nice to know that I am not alone in not being overly fond of them.

You are a worthless human being and should feel bad.

dogs should be treated like slaves imo

They literally jumped to thinking dog owners naturally like having sex with dogs. People in dogfree must really be desperate for affection if they assume that about other people.

r/dogfree, you have made a mortal enemy out of me and I will fight you with every ounce of vile and venom that runs through my veins!!!

Users of that sub can also be found giving out raisins to trick or treaters for Halloween.

2744 readers

More like 2744 in a mass grave you fucking fags.

this is an old repost, and people had the same reactions back then like a year ago.

reddit just replays it's autistic history on a loop, like some kind of alternate nightmare dimension.

With the proliferation of dogs, we need owners to clamp down harder on training and behavior management and putting dogs in their place in the societal hierarchy. Instead it's going in the opposite direction and it's absolute madness.

The only solution to a bad dog is another, good dog! Keep your government hands off my pooch!

holy shit lol these people are among the most bitter retards ever.

I can understand the "a dog eating your food is not cute" but creating a subreddit to hate on dogs? Whats next /r/bussyfree?

Hating humans is just common sense, but hating puppers is just edgy bullshit.

They need a hecking nap.

user reports:
1: a lot of triggered people over here I see... thought you were the cool guys of reddit? oh dear

It's all just for banter and playing up the drama. Nobody actually gives a shit about borderline retarded animals.

Lol. Who walks into special ed thinking everyone is really cool?

I advocate for the complete and total extermination of r/dogfree

Maybe it's just being acclimatized to the weird things about the Internet, but I feel like people who fuck dogs are less pathetic than /r/dogfree users

TBH, the gif shows some really bad behaviour by the dog. Undisciplined dogs are fucking annoying and frustrating to deal with.

I’d smack that fucker before it touched even a tiny smidge of my food.

You can tell /u/illmaulyourmuttback is really tough from this comment. And his name. And his flair.

I'm a big boi. I made the username when I was angry, I know, I might seem like a bit of a keyboard warrior but that's why. But seriously though, if any Dog tries to get me, it's getting a smack.

Babies represent growing up. Losing freedom and responsibility. Dogs are an extension of that. Especially if you're a living fuck-up who can't train a dog properly.

dogfree-ers? Are basically afraid to grow up and have responsibility. they see something that makes other people happy in terms of a positive relationship, when done correctly, and it rustles their jimmies so much they made a sub out of it.

Only in a world this fucked up would such things exist.