Support the Right Organization

196  2018-04-03 by DowntownWrongdoer


Are you aware yet?

I am now aware of autism, thanks Autism Awareness Day!

It made me aware that exists again.

What happened to your flair?

It's still there

Hahahaha I saw this earlier for r/latestagecapitalism and it made a lot more sense 😂

Why is it everytime there's a good post, eventually a worse variation of it will get stickied? You people have no creativity

link me the better post and I'll sticky that one.. tbh I only stickied this terrible phonepost half-assed shit because it was rising quickly and I didn't want it at the top of the sub.

the first one was about cringeanarchy I guess? I can't find it now

I think it was wallstreetbets fkrst; at least thats where I saw it. But who cares? Like its a decent joke that applys to a bunch of subreddits.

the cool thing about this meme is i can sit around imagining it with each different sub i either use or dislike and chuckle to myself at the thought. im on the subway right now doing that while manspreading into like 3 seats and talking really quiet to myself

not a phonepost.

I don't understand is that the redesign or soemthing?? it looks like an app

I edited this picture.

sure and where did you find the drama template?



literally this

I love... Sonic and SEX!! 😎

Quick, someone redo this meme but out r/the_donald in it.

the cool thing about this meme is i can just sit around imagining it with each different sub i either use or dislike and chuckle to myself at the thought. im on the subway right now doing that while manspreading into like 3 seats and talking really quiet to myself

Please be patient, I post in /r/drama

Happy Autism awareness day, or as we here in r/drama call it, Monday.