The century began in 2001. This is on the frontpage. This site filled with the dumbest pack of humans I've ever seen.

41  2018-04-03 by SonyXboxNintendo11


Teenagers. And actually they're very smart, thank you. We've asked them their position on constitutional amendments, and they've had very astute positions we may be putting into policy soon. Shameful we havent consulted them sooner.

Hoggboi has riled up a lot of oldfags on Reddit tbh. Bless his soul.

Ed, if you unironicly like that kid... I can appreciate his capacity to cause drama, but his hittable face, his juvenile sense of morality, the clear obsession with his 15 minutes.

There is just too much to hate. He is litteraly the word "douche" personified.

As long as he gives me a reason to bring popcorn to all the drama he causes, I couldn't care about his attitude. 🍿🍿

tbf, Cruz was the progenitor of all this drama. You should really be a huge fan of his. Hogg is just an opportunist.

yfw David Hogg is more than youll ever be. So sad, lol.

Hoggboi and the buzzcut girl have triggered conservatives in a way that few non-politicians can. Some right-wingers have literally damaged their careers over this shit. So I may not like these kids, but they are sooooo good for drama that I appreciate them anyway.

I've noticed the triggering he's caused from the right. /r/racistopinions whines about them daily

thats my issue the drama the sheer gossip so many hours wasted with the girls talking the hours my husband contemplates banning them from the house, and yet his face his actions sooooo fucking punchable.

I would pay to watch Hogg in a gladiatorial battle to the death.

Hogg is such a cuck it’s hard to appreciate him

That's what makes him a good drama rouser. As a radical centrist, you have to see through the cuckery and enjoy the delicious popcorn

Aren't you that guy who whining about being banned from TD for being a dumbass poster there? Lololol

Says the drama faggot lol

Hahaha us Loungers are just normies posing as trolls tbh

πŸ‘©πŸ’¬Cool Story BroπŸ’«



πŸ‘ πŸ‘ 

That's a nice Vanessa you have there :)

Stop wojak posting. You had the upper ground over someone because they're retarded and post on T_D and you throw it all away with a wojak that makes you look like the literal retard you are.

Oh no, it's the TheRedditPolice coming here to steal my memes!! 😱

memes are the only thing you're good for, don't ruin it

You're trying too hard. Let it breath bb.

The beard suits you 😘

If all of Reddit is filled with teenagers, aren't you the weird 30 something uncle that hangs out with them?

pedo confirmed

le sigh ughhhhh.. I think you meant HEBOPHILIA squints don't let me correct you ever again >Β·>

This is why I'm only on drama. At least here I can call you faggots and demand you kill yourselves.

Nah, I’m the 50 year old much more experienced and dangerous pedo. ;)

Because Reddit isn't filled with retards from all age categories and generations.

I wasn't even autistic enough to care about this back in 2000.

I've always asserted that it started in 2001, so don't look at me

The century started in 2000 you fucking dork

I can't tell if you're being serious but 2000 was the last year of the 20th century.

Yeah yeah yeah, and tomatoes are totally fruits

I think you misunderstood the joke?

No one cares, you fucking nerd.