Get banned by r/Movies for being a T_D poster. They fabricated a damn post, did they not realize you can see my comment history. I’m guessing they don’t care

0  2018-04-03 by Dropperneck


We don’t care. Go cry about it.

No reason to hate bro. So much hate on this site jfc 🤷🏿‍♂️

Facts that hurt your feefees aren't hate cumskin


Ruh roh I’m black


post a picture of your hand with a timestamp that says drama

It's not hate. It's only love. Namaste.




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r/loungers. Isn't that for dirtbag junkies that even bluelight doesn't want?

r/movies is for faggots anyways.

Hahaha how did you know that? Good points regardless

please come take our surveys.


We are getting rid of these invasive drug studies and we've moved onto PM sale's so we will be getting a lot of those junkies back. Traffic has really been down. - AJ

R u a daddy poster?

I love it when the daddy defense force think that just because we make fun of dumb sjws and circlebrokers than we're somehow their allies and that they can agendapost all they want on here.

Its discusting entertaining tbh

I’m just impressed y’all allow dissenting views/opinions tbh

unlike the_dumbfuck?

not upvoting lolcows when they knock on the door with free milk

Gas this man

We have a lot of uber sensitive HerTurn'ers in here. All they have now is the power of their up/down vote on reddit.


It must be surprising coming from your safe spaces, welcome to freedom comrade

Meh I usually post on 4chan tbh hun


Omg do u know Q?

Hahahhahaha that gave me a chuckle

still using halfchan after jewt sold you out

toppest of keks

Dang dramas got the heat 😂

Not being banned from the_dumbass

🚨MayoAlert 🚨 MayoAlert

How's it feel to be a true believer level cultist?


If you put on enough fentanyl patches or get a cut bundle you'll feel better. Promise.

Lol wut

Delete your account, based maga pede

t_d posters should be banned from all subreddits other than their sad little neckbeard echo chambers.

Lol cucks just can’t stand that they one place on the internet they can’t bash the leader of he free world imho

What does Merkel have to do with this??

almost like its your ... safe space

yeah go to voat of something, oh yeah, they bullied you off their website when y'all tried that and you ended up coming back here with your tails between your legs.

the leader of the free world imho

Lol. Don't suck our own governments propaganda titles to hard little dude.

Is it April Fools? Did we change or banners to SRC or something?

/r/subredditcancer is that way ↗️

People who post to /r/the_donald will be the first to get the rope when the mayocide happens

Lmao true

do you even know what the mayocide is?

and are you going to willingly partake in it when it happens?

are you only able to speak meme? can you speak english? lmao rofl cuck lol wtf?

Mate, it's a /pol/poster. Buzzwords and memespeak all day long lmao famalam lit fam like the Joos

Hahaha yalls are an interesting bunch. I’m just glad folks here aren’t upset.


There’s your problem. You think of the Internet, and real life, as comprising of clubs because you are a simpleton. You don’t realize how cringy it is to say things like “I’m just glad folks here...” like your LARPing some sort of gang lifestyle. That’s why T_D is so attractive to you. Not because they preached the ideals you now rationalize as your own after-the-fact, but they gave you a virtual place to belong. Like street gangs, makes you feel like you have some power in the world, but it’s on the Internet, so it’s really super faggy.

Lmao wut? I think you think too much son. Take a drink a water and hit the showers chief

Do you realise the irony of complaining about being banned for no reason from a sub when /r/the_donald will ban you for the pettiest of reason?

It’s a fan board for the president, and probably the only place of its kind on all the inter webs. I like that they deport shills. Those same folks are the ones that pre ban the_don users from they subs. Also the_dnald makes its rules very clear tbf.

Personally I prefer free speech, but everyone has their own ideas I suppose. 🤷🏿‍♂️



prebanning someone based on their choices

is the same as

banning someone for not following a substitute rules

got it.

Neck yourself

don't speak bugman srybb

Do you always have to be this much of a cuck?


That’s shit classic liberalism censorship tbh.

Trans trump iirc


the problem is everyone who ever posts on the donald is likely to have retarded opinions on basically everything, not just politics. when you spend that much time finding the genius in the actions of a guy who's brain is barely on life support your own mind starts to simulate dementia too. it's placebo or some shit like that, i know cause im a neuroscientist

that doesn't even sound like something you'd say. From this forum, I can tell that r/movies mods are probably fatties or autists.

Yeah I def didn’t make that comment. I was kind of annoyed that they didn’t make it something more believable. Like a ban for using a racial slur.

I can tell from the comment it wasn't you. lol What a bunch of tards. Movie tards are up there with flat earthers. They think it's real.

Yep, the struggle is real for t_d users imhe