Just because I care about you

27  2018-04-03 by ConfusedBoomer


Can't unring that bell ha ha ha ha ha

How dare you ruin our lives with your lady-bits.

all this data is just about women right? why should I care if I make some woman's future worse if I just want to fuck and dump? and if you're trying to show this to female readers you are on the wrong sub and probably website as a whole

Ah the bible!!

“•Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.

~ Exodus 20:21

conserving 2000 yr old autism

Hey Ed, please read Infancy Gospel of Thomas, it's based in an alternative universe, but as I found out - it's a great tool for drama.

That's great advice tbh.

Pretty tame for the Old Testament, tbf

The bible has bad stuff in it!!

who here are you trying to convince to abstain? none of us are women, and i bet the graph of male happiness increases with more sex. if it doesn't, that's still irrelevant cause most of this sub is incels and gays (not me though i fuck all the time, 100% females, not even into traps)

I love these /pol/ infographics

i could get a life but all the femoids are whores and sluts anyway just looking for their beta bucks after being some chad’s plate so instead ill just stay on r9k and complain about roasties

t. average robot

Thank god, I born in the correct time period.

Keep yourself and your inability to distinguish between description and prescription safe.

Thots on suicide watch