Heroin addict and notorious internet grifter scams friend for one last time- friend posts instances of scamming and begging to the public.

80  2018-04-03 by snallygaster


There's people of color

Can we stop saying people of color FFS.

Yeah, it is 'colour'. Barbarians.

Stop making words overly spelly you tea drinking bastard!

Tip tip tally ho huzzah!


Shut up you French cucked brit

retard amerilard

All we have to do to end it is start calling non-whites "dirty pocs"

I figure we can just call them undesirables.

thats the song where justin timberlake beatboxes at the end right


I love the racism of low expectations so many libtards show by saying retarded shit like this. "Poor people of color, they are too stupid to get a job, we should coddle and give them handouts as they're too dumb to accomplish anything themselves"

I love the racism of people who put words in strawmen's mouths, assume all welfare goes to minorities, and have literally zero compassion for those less fortunate than themselves. Most welfare goes to red states who vote against their own self interests. Some people are just cruel and want to keep others down. I believe you are in the second category.

What are you even talking about? You're literally doing the whole strawman putting words in peoples mouths shit.

Do you think that the Red States receiving the majority of welfare don't have people of color or something ?

Black crackheads are way above mayo heroin addicts in the oppression hierarchy.

this but unironcally

Liberals: the real racists 🤔

Yeah, where the fuck did that come from...

The heroin user used to be tumblr famous, so she naturally made tumblr friends.

That makes sense. Didn't realize they were a tumblrina

She's not super social justicey but she's definitely adopted some of their language, mostly just when it benefits her. She's complain about how hard it is to be poor (self-imposed, she refuses to get a job and lives off of money she hustles + her wealthy father's support), disabled (her knee hurts sometimes), mentally ill (BPD naturally), and a sexual assault victim (she was grabassed at a concert once) and wax poetic about how privileged people just can't understand so people take pity on her and give her $$$.

A woman after my own heart.

oh my god why is every rich white girl like this though? very clearly doesn't have a physical disability or a mental illness or a history of abuse but will claim all three

It's the new default for an unattackable identity. Anyone who calls you out on any aspect of it is automatically on "the wrong side of history."

It's amazing how difficult you can make your life sound if you just sit there and wrack your brain for a few minutes.

Is this the same person that was part of this drama?

yeah lol

If it wasn't for black people, then it would be OK to give heroin addicts money.

Well that was cheery.

Who the hell would ever pay for that "art" without an attached sob story?

tbf, isn't the value of all art basically dictated by it's sentimental value.

Sure, but I could get some DeviantArt nerd to draw me a quality commission for like 15 bucks. This individual is charging $70 for some first grade stuff 🙄

Link, I need my fix of degenerate fan art and I'm willing to pay for it!

I won't be doing that emotional labor for you hun (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿) just find an artist you like and see if they do commissions 。◕‿‿◕。

The only one I like doesn't and I don't want to get genderfluid all over me by searching.

Renaissance art’s value was determined by what color paints were used. Colors like Purple and Royal Blue were more expensive to produce, thus artists would charge more for their work based on quantity of the more expensive paints included in each piece.

its ultramarine you fucking pleb and also the skill and style of the artist became a larger part of the price during the late renaissance as it became less fashionable to be glaringly blatant about having insane wealth

it's coral blue number 3 you asswipe

haha very funny asswipe its not even close to a coral and its not like an afghan merchant would know what fucking coral is anyway

Of course it doesn't look like regular fucking coral, that's why I specified coral blue number 3, you absolute mongoloid

The fact that it's drawing of a girl with a pill bottle should put up some red flags.

how brainwashed are you to actually repeat IRL "people of color need money"?

Fuck that's depressing. No idea if this person was a POS to start with or not but I've seen junk do this to formerly regular people.

Amen. Also though, I’ve seen people dive into addiction without getting unethical.

cos they're doctors and they write their own prescriptions

I love how r/drama cares more about when he said "people of color" than everything else

this is an anti-black pro-drug addiction subreddit

We are mostly just pro abortion. Not pro choice. Pro abortion.

Our radical centrism is fading...


Hahahah the 16th page got me

Is it really that hard to just suck a couple dicks for money like every other addict? Why do people have to get all gofundme with this shit.

Usually they start sucking dicks after they've exhausted their other options, unless they just like sucking dick. This particular girl's lucky in that she had a big tumblr following that she's been able to mooch off of for years.

that explains a lot, i was wondering how the fuck anyone would give anyone money just because they messaged them asking for it, but tumblr users seem to believe having a donate button on a social media site is a genuine income

I'm just saying, we all know where this is going, so why not save everyone time and energy and go right to the dicksucking?

Plus, you might actually keep some friends that way.

Bro is just trying to get well, y'all act like you've never met a junkie before

I think I know who this is, are their initials LS?

She should start a religion. 👌

That would take effort tho.

Yeah. You’re right. How about running for political office? Isn’t that more or less the same? 🤔

Also, I saw stuff on srd regarding furries. I have a feeling it was your fault?

How about running for political office? Isn’t that more or less the same?

That would be a sight to behold.

Also, I saw stuff on srd regarding furries. I have a feeling it was your fault?

Surprisingly I didn't even know it was happening until the day before.

Maybe you should run for politics? It would make the life of /u/poppingkream so much easier. To discredit you, of course ❤️

I don't have it in me.

in my defense I don't remember sending any of that because I was on crack instead of opiates.