u/pizzashill daily sperg out that Drumpfsters are problematic

27  2018-04-03 by Corporal-Hicks


I’ve always loved how he’s apparently surrounded by ebil, disscusting conservatives but has never thought about moving, because he’s probably 19.

Not probably. He is a NEET.

both are just mild-tempered 17 year olds living the NEET extreme.

If only old white people would listen to them all of the worlds problems would be solved.

If only every white person hated themselves as much as u/pizzashill and ed what ever his name do

TIL telling right-wing crazies they're wrong is "hating white people."

i wish your african mother left you in the Mediterranean

You’re white tho

Also, I’m still waiting for you to ask me.


I, personally, would like to see one or both groomed into being school shooters.

Ed has a job, he's mentioned it before. Plus he wouldn't lie on the internet.

Are we really counting "secret shopper" as a job these days?

once upon a time I like how Ed sperged out and thought i serious posted and he got all butt hurt

what a fragile mind

Ayyy lmaooooooooo.

heh, ez baited. a little too easy for me, tbh.

10/10 mind games my friend.

I have a thing for you tbh. Ahem

sweet now that we had a spat and made up (hehehe made out i should say) lets get back to posting drama turned up to 11

🦄💖💞🌸(Ɔˆ ³(ˆ⌣ˆc) 🌸💞💖🦄

Thought he became a nazi, what changed?

/u/pizzashill Ur mom gay. debate me

i'm tagging in for /u/pizzashill. my response: no u

/u/pizzashill eternally BTFO'd


Oh hey, mr "immigrants are coming over to rape all the white wimmenz" is salty.

Color me surprised.

If rape is your fetish, why arent you ecstatic at this news?

Because i know its not real. So its extra disappointing.

how do you know tho? Because a soy boy, his ham beast wife and their 9 cats told you so?

How do you know? A bunch of NEETs in KiA and TD that take pol seriously as a news source told you so?




Jordan Memerson

You can whiteknight all you want about rapes in Europe, none of these white women will fuck a KIA MAGA pede lol

/u/Corporal-Hicks what is it like to get btfo on a regular bases by Brianne Wu and that one with the dyed hair that fucked for reviews?

probably looks in a mirror every morning and sighs with disappointment

This is like the third time youve commented on my original rape joke, but wont refute it. You only pull out "post history lawlz youre stupid" post. Again, try posting something funny or witty rather than worrying about what your flair is today.

This is like the third time youve commented on my original rape joke


Nice observational skills, protege of Mr. Memerson. Of course I'm gonna make fun of you for that.

but wont refute it

taking the bait


You only pull out "post history lawlz youre stupid" post.

Because it struck a nerve. I'll keep making fun of stupid people posting in stupid subs. Nothing wrong with that tbqh famalam.

Again, try posting something funny or witty rather than worrying about what your flair is today.

Seeing as how much my comments have hit a nerve, I don't need to put in anymore effort. My job here is done. سُبْحَانَ اللّهُ

I read your comments and all i see is NEET


Wow!! Just add soyboy faggot to that then I'll be completely BTFO'd by you.

Damn! I should pick better fights next time. Darn it!

P.S: posting in KiA and then calling everyone else a NEET is a good way to be made fun of by people around here.

it's a "heads i win, tails you lose" situation with him. the only winning move is not to play. at least he stopped constantly saying people had a learning disability.

“Uneducated” or “too stupid to talk to” are his new memes. He probably dropped them four or five times in that thread.

he is the king of smug dismissal and goalpost moving


You simply do not understand the 9D Parcheesi that Trump is playing friendo.


drools on kek flag

lol every time

So persecuted

lol OP is just salty he got btfo by pizashill, of all people.

Imagine posting on r/drama to get validation when you're being BTFO'd by a resident.


Imagine being so enraged by people having different opinions than you that you side with u/pizzashill in any matter

making fun of stupid people doing stupid things


No sweetie, it's just that I laugh at retards. Don't take it personally lol.

side with pizzashill

If he's right then he's right. I remember him arguing with me that all (most) women are bad(?) etc I didn't indulge but you bet that I didn't side with him. Nice theory. Some numbskull might even buy it. It's r/drama after all.

I laugh at retards.



Nice meme but take a look at this


I love shaming retards into deleting their autistic comments.

Hello /u/RavenRedux what happened back there? Pulling out the ol' /u/username234983 /u/redditadminisracist trick I assume?

>she doesn't have shreddit running on a cron job to overwrite and delete all his reddit posts every day

Fuck off, brainlet.

His unique talent to effortlessly rile up spergs has few rivals. That makes him a better dramateer than almost everyone in this thread.

Not to mention he's unorinically right in 98% of the stuff he says. OP is just your typical salt-right cuck who spents most of his time fapping to swathy, hairy Arab chads plowing tf out of "Aryan" European stacies and then feeling angry/sad about it.

Not to mention posts in KiA (GOOOBERGATERRRR) and Jordan Memerson. He's the typical retard this sub makes fun of all the time.

Goddamn video game autists.

omg you hate jordan peterson too




Who doesn't? (Who as in "normal people" and not KIA kekistani retards)

normal people don't give a shit about Peterson either way to get all assblasted whenever his fans mention him.

making fun of meme professor


nice try memerson

like literally everybody thinks hes just some boring inoffensive base level advice guy for shut ins to get their shit together

the only people ive ever seen have a reaction stronger than "eh i disagree" are crazy college faggots and trannies, screaming and smashing windows and shit

it is what it is dude not sure i need to say anything else

but its funny youre opposed to him i guess that fits

That makes him a better dramateer than almost everyone in this thread.

Never have I been so pleased about my mediocrity.

he's unorinically right in 98% of the stuff he says


Never have I been so pleased about my mediocrity.

You've never been pleased about it because you've never truly reached mediocrity. You are, and have always been, shit-tier.


Is that your fetish? Can't say i'm surprised, really.

You've never been pleased about because you've never truly achieved mediocrity. You are, and have always been, shit-tier.

Spoken like a man trying to punch up. It’s okay, you’ll approach humanity with the rest of us someday.

Is that your fetish?

Blacked.com is the only place for me

See? What did I say? Everything about you, including your bantz, is shit-tier.

Blacked.com is the only place for me

Well, almost everything. Your taste in porn is pretty 👌👌


Not to mention he's unorinically right in 98% of the stuff he says.

lol hang on who are you saying is right


Oh boy he's triggered again, prepare for a flood of autism

no for real though did you mean pizzashill is unironically right 98% of the time, i feel like were all glossing over this

are you copying ed of all people, cringe

Are you gonna cry now that everyone's being a meanie to you? 😢

Oh, he will. Have no worries 😃

I think he has blocked me or something, he can't even manage to have the tiniest amount of courage of conviction

/u/captainpriapism why won't you reply to me bby? 😤😤😤

cmon nigga youd have to say something worth replying to theres not even a question in most of your shit

by all means team up if you guys think itll help though

I just want you to reply to me 🙁

lol this is literally what you hope for

its ironic because you got really butthurt and spergy in this thread and everyones slowly figuring out what type of dude you are irl

it's ironic...

You said it and now everybody is going to believe you as most of us don't think for ourselves. Congratulations 👏👏👏


Hes an easily buttmad sperglet seeking attention online to validate his existence? Well yeah.

Glad you could join the party too. Lololol

yeah but before people werent sure whether it was a character or ironic

You should unironically keep yourself safe.

Imagine being a such a loser that you worry about what your flair will be on a sub no one cares about.

What flair? Also I don't have to imagine. I can always turn back and look at scholars of Dr. Memerson like you. Keep up the good work pede

Being a good liberal won't save you from the mayocide.


nawh, eff off Im not your personal army

Pizza "sharia for women" shill against trumptards?

Whoever loose, mankind win.