In a thread on /r/askwoman where mayos complain about what they are being downvoted for pointing out people's shit breaks their echo chamber and gets you downvoted.

3  2018-04-03 by SageKnows


Wow your title

Shit, cant edit it now. How do I even English

This drama is shit and your title gave me a stroke.

u/nevertruly, are you deluded enough to believe that response was actually derailing, or do you just not care who knows how full of shit you are?

I got banned from that sub, LMAO. Honestly, if you knew how much they ban people if it's not in sync with their echo chamber threads. It's crazy. y post was that almost all the people on that thread lie, I read through their posts, all of them full of shit

Reality is oppressive to women, made-up nonsensical bullshit is liberation

PS believe women!

/u/nevertruly Sorry for breaking your echo chamber girls :(

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


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