I got suspended for 7 days for making this comment.

3  2018-04-03 by braaaph


"To learn who rules over you, simply find out 🍁🍁who🍁🍁 you are not allowed to criticize." - Albert Einstein probably.

this "dumb quote XD" - Name Of Person, probably meme is really fucking dumb and triggers me to no end.

"this "dumb quote XD" - Name Of Person, probably meme is really fucking dumb and triggers me to no end." - Adolf Hitler, probably.


i've never thought of it that way before...

deep...thinking...whoa.... hits blunt

Declarations of friendship and a medal of honor would have been a nice start.

Who's said fetish artist?

I mean, edgy and kinda dumb but hardly ban material

The rules have changed kiddo. Even ironic "kys" comments get you the ban hammer nowadays

Yeah, that’s the truth. My other account got a temp for a β€œkys”. Figured it was about time for a reset anyway tbh. PC culture run amok reeee I guess?

No. It's Reddit trying to appease the advertisers and appear more family friendly smh.

Look guys I'm a retard.

But enough about me, this post is shit OP.

Yeah this isn't /r/subredditcancer

Admins confirmed leaf apologists.


🎡 And another one gone and another one gone! Another tick get's his tock. 🎡

🎡 Hey! I'm gonna get u/ed_butteredtoast too, another tick tock you're gone..... 🎡

🎢 [Guitar Solo] 🎢

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


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