At this point I think everyone is an NPC and Im the only PC and that I'm living in a computer simulation and Zuck can watch me do anything anywhere, because I live in Simulation #0xD3ADB33F
wut? my husband Loves the stuff granted he uses it for protein shakes because of the content, but he still likes it how are you gonna eat all that It takes me 2 weeks to eat 1 pint. a freezer full oh darling you poor dear?
7 JESUS FUCK even at my absolute unhealthiest I had 1 maybe 2 but this shit is just NO 7 pints honey that is REALLY unhealthy 1. either stop or 2. FOR FUCKS SAKE BUY HALO TOP.
I feel like shit trolls. That I let someone speak to me like that but also that I expect less of my boyfriend sometimes in terms of emotional labor than my female friends.
Eat your tasty ice cream, don't feel bad about it. I don't know how to help with your boyfriend. Eat the whole pint if you want, they're your calories.
Your validation means the world to me. I was doubting my sanity yesterday
I finally found it at one grocery store and bought 7 pints because I really just can have one small serving a day and it makes me eat healthier the rest of the day to know I have a treat to look forward to.
That's fucking retarded. If you eat ice cream every day you're just countering any progress you made "eating healthy", which is probably in this case adding spinach to her two daily footlong meatball and lard sauce subs for lunch. Why bother eating healthy if you're just going to fuck it all up at the end of the day? How about this: calorie restriction for two weeks, eat whole, healthy foods, and reward yourself with a cheat meal after two weeks because it stimulates your metabolism. Continue for the rest of your life and be able to find your vaginal canal when needed.
I think it's more pathetic that people look forward to eating at all, and that society has modeled our culture around it. There's absolutely nothing enjoyable about putting something in your mouth, chewing, and swallowing.
reward yourself with a cheat meal after two weeks because it stimulates your metabolism.
just fyi, there isn't really any empirical evidence that this is true. I'm not opposed to it because it can help some people psychologically but the speeding up your metabolism thing might be false.
In my opinion it doesn't matter because there is little chance a single cheat meal every two weeks (not like 4000+ calories but something reasonable) can interfere with someone's overall fat loss trajectory. And it is proven that a 20% increase in calories can cause a temporary increase in metabolism. So a single meal that increases one day's worth of calories by 20% means little risk of harm, probable metabolic benefit, and high psychological value. Unless you're Jeff Cavalier, it's likely that you can't eat nothing but nuts and broccoli for your entire life without eventually getting burned out.
Eh, depends what you do. technically all that matters is eating under maintenance. I've cut before while only eating garbage. One meal a day is my favorite cut method for this reason.
that's not true, very fat people usually die long before old age when their health problems become expensive.
The real loss is that all tax money invested in schooling, etc goes to waste because after you get too fat to hold a job and/or die an early death, you're no longer contributing to the economy.
She does have a stake in her health, but not because of socialized health care, very fat people usually die long before old age when their health problems become expensive.
The real loss is that all tax money she already paid that was invested in schooling, etc goes to waste because after you get too fat to hold a job and/or die an early death, you're no longer contributing to the economy or to a happy society where people pay it forward, rather than grabbing all the money and ice cream they can with their grubby hands before keeling over.
The medical community has gotten very good at keeping fatties alive way longer than their cholesterol-clogged arteries should be able to. Obesity-related illnesses are the fastest growing healthcare expense in most western nations.
I like them okay-ish but even then eating them is just I feel wrong eating them, despite the calorie count just looking at them makes me feel unhealthy.
I do this. When I see mayo women with ice cream I steal it and secretly replace it with skyr, it's an icelandic yogurt which is high in protein and low in fat.
It's weird cause it tastes fucking disgusting but if you sit your ass down with it and a spoon in front of the tv next thing you know you've gone through two of those siggis things.
Yea it's def not something that is great solo. I tried mixing some non sweetened protein powder into it. OMFG just terrible. If you don't add organic, raw, unfiltered, abuse free honey to it it's just vomit. Otherwise I love the macros.
Then I call my boyfriend after and I expect him to get angry that someone was so shitty to me but I got nothing in the way of validation from him. So we had a fight about that
Yeah, boyfriend should protect her. Fuck that feminist independence shit, right?
Cry harder. Also, that old fart will most likely die before getting near me lol. Oldfags need to know their place in this world. Someone needs to remind them.
One of the other fat guys at work bought some of that Halo Top garbage. It was so gross they gave me the one they hadn't opened for a second opinion. It was terrible. I couldn't eat a second spoonful. It was just bad. If you're going to be the sort of fatty that eats ice cream in bulk at least get some decent ice cream.
Well afaik there's no other ice cream besides Halo top that uses the same artificial sweeteners. The point of that brand is more to be low calorie than tasty.
Then I call my boyfriend after and I expect him to get angry that someone was so shitty to me but I got nothing in the way of validation from him. So we had a fight about that.
When people say rude things to me I just give them a silent death stare. 9 times out of 10 they get really really uncomfortable since you're staring at them angrily or without emotion (reads a angry most of the time, amirite?) and not talking. Bonus points for turning on a dime and being SUPER friendly with someone else like the cashier.
This is such a good tip!
What reality do these people live in, and how do I stream it on my TV?
And people wonder why some women are talked down to, paid less, or white knighted by cucks. They are mentally such fragile creatures. How can you respect someone that runs to the internet for comfort because they can't stand up for themselves.
FYI, even if this story is true and she is ONLY eating one serving a day, she still bought 28 days of nonstop constant ice cream.
Also she admits she has ED. There is close to zero chance she isn't going to demolish those 7 pints. It is like having a drug addict work in a pharmacy. There is only one result that will happen here.
Why are you emotionally abusive to your boyfriend who has to put up with you everyday? Why in the fuck are you fighting with him cause he wasn't angry.
Stop being a cunt before he leaves you and your next twox post is about how you're so depressed so you ate 7 pints of ice cream
Your validation means the world to me. I was doubting my sanity yesterday, thinking maybe there is something wrong with me when clearly this lady has the problem.
This has to be a troll. It so perfectly encapsulates how these loony manatees are almost on the cusp of self awareness, but then retreat to their crab bucket to get "validation" and reboot their delusions.
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-04-03
I'm not convinced at this point that anyone on TrollX is real.
1 k0lo0 2018-04-03
They're real and they're
spectaculargigantic1 Magehunter_Skassi 2018-04-03
There's tons of real TrollX posters, just not many.
1 hbnsckl 2018-04-03
1 ItsSugar 2018-04-03
G O T ^ E M
1 BasedRubby 2018-04-03
1 saddertadder 2018-04-03
At this point I think everyone is an NPC and Im the only PC and that I'm living in a computer simulation and Zuck can watch me do anything anywhere, because I live in Simulation #0xD3ADB33F
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-04-03
1 nmx179 2018-04-03
what about your life is interesting enough to make you believe you're a player character?
1 saddertadder 2018-04-03
This place is /r/drama, not /r/roastme or /r/bullyme
feels bad man...
1 Majestic_Sheepherder 2018-04-03
I know someone IRL who sounds like OP....Sadly.
1 aqouta 2018-04-03
It's like drug deals with 90% of the people there are government agents.
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2018-04-03
1 cheers_grills 2018-04-03
That's what happens when you eat more ice cream than normal people drink water.
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-04-03
You don't need water if you're eating a healthy amount of ice cream retard, ice is in the god damn name.
1 Re_LE_Vant_UN 2018-04-03
Wonder if it runs out because fatties buy 7 pints of it. 🤔
1 Michelanvalo 2018-04-03
Halo Top was very popular last year and our supermarkets often did run out of the good flavors.
Because of people like her hoarding it.
Now my freezer is full of halo top and I'm the one that has to eat it because my woman got sick of it.
1 crimsonchibolt 2018-04-03
wut? my husband Loves the stuff granted he uses it for protein shakes because of the content, but he still likes it how are you gonna eat all that It takes me 2 weeks to eat 1 pint. a freezer full oh darling you poor dear?
1 TheRootinTootinPutin 2018-04-03
Just eat the whole point in one sitting Christ it's not that hard; and it's only 320 calories
1 crimsonchibolt 2018-04-03
Eh I feel weird eating that much though even if its nothing I just don't feel right eating a whole pint.
1 crimsonchibolt 2018-04-03
7 JESUS FUCK even at my absolute unhealthiest I had 1 maybe 2 but this shit is just NO 7 pints honey that is REALLY unhealthy 1. either stop or 2. FOR FUCKS SAKE BUY HALO TOP.
1 SmurfPrivilege 2018-04-03
1 serialflamingo 2018-04-03
I wanna like hide some of the words and play "pro-ana" or "body positive".
1 GARBAGE_MACHINE 2018-04-03
Imagine seriously typing "emotional labor".
1 Mayor_of_tittycity 2018-04-03
I would prefer not to subsidize /u/shoooshoopbadoop's healthcare thank you very much.
1 Starship_Litterbaby 2018-04-03
That's fucking retarded. If you eat ice cream every day you're just countering any progress you made "eating healthy", which is probably in this case adding spinach to her two daily footlong meatball and lard sauce subs for lunch. Why bother eating healthy if you're just going to fuck it all up at the end of the day? How about this: calorie restriction for two weeks, eat whole, healthy foods, and reward yourself with a cheat meal after two weeks because it stimulates your metabolism. Continue for the rest of your life and be able to find your vaginal canal when needed.
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2018-04-03
It's also pretty fucking sad if the only thing you can look forward to eating all day is ice cream.
1 Starship_Litterbaby 2018-04-03
Well, since she can't find her clitoris or vaginal canal there's really nothing else to stimulate her synapses.
1 arko_podu 2018-04-03
I think it's more pathetic that people look forward to eating at all, and that society has modeled our culture around it. There's absolutely nothing enjoyable about putting something in your mouth, chewing, and swallowing.
1 rentqt 2018-04-03
What kind of sad life do you live that you don't enjoy any of your meals
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-04-03
1 arko_podu 2018-04-03
Food is inherently inefficient, which is why I prefer soylent.
1 somegurk 2018-04-03
You are utterly retarded, food is up their with sex and a good nights sleep as being one of the basic enjoyable things in our lives.
1 arko_podu 2018-04-03
To me eating is a chore.
1 somegurk 2018-04-03
But why? has it always been like that?
1 nmx179 2018-04-03
Mouths in general are disgusting and should be banned.
1 k0lo0 2018-04-03
just fyi, there isn't really any empirical evidence that this is true. I'm not opposed to it because it can help some people psychologically but the speeding up your metabolism thing might be false.
1 Starship_Litterbaby 2018-04-03
In my opinion it doesn't matter because there is little chance a single cheat meal every two weeks (not like 4000+ calories but something reasonable) can interfere with someone's overall fat loss trajectory. And it is proven that a 20% increase in calories can cause a temporary increase in metabolism. So a single meal that increases one day's worth of calories by 20% means little risk of harm, probable metabolic benefit, and high psychological value. Unless you're Jeff Cavalier, it's likely that you can't eat nothing but nuts and broccoli for your entire life without eventually getting burned out.
Thus I preach the cheat meal.
1 Did-the-math 2018-04-03
Imagine being so gay you actually need evidence to believe something.
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-04-03
Imagine being so hetero that you don't simultaneously believe and not believe all conceivable arguments presented to you.
1 RueysSoulDiegosFight 2018-04-03
Bby, I am Catholic. I don't need anything for a stale wafer. I like to stock up on them, because they run out quickly.
1 Wtfct 2018-04-03
I justify the cheat meal thing to myself cause fuck man I just love hot wings.
1 Did-the-math 2018-04-03
You fucking genius! I’m going to patent this before you do.
1 aqouta 2018-04-03
Eh, depends what you do. technically all that matters is eating under maintenance. I've cut before while only eating garbage. One meal a day is my favorite cut method for this reason.
1 narftalk 2018-04-03
Socialized healthcare means she has a financial stake in your health. You need to move to burgerland if you want the freedom to be a fatty.
1 CulturalYogurt 2018-04-03
that's not true, very fat people usually die long before old age when their health problems become expensive.
The real loss is that all tax money invested in schooling, etc goes to waste because after you get too fat to hold a job and/or die an early death, you're no longer contributing to the economy.
1 CulturalYogurt 2018-04-03
She does have a stake in her health, but not because of socialized health care, very fat people usually die long before old age when their health problems become expensive.
The real loss is that all tax money she already paid that was invested in schooling, etc goes to waste because after you get too fat to hold a job and/or die an early death, you're no longer contributing to the economy or to a happy society where people pay it forward, rather than grabbing all the money and ice cream they can with their grubby hands before keeling over.
1 -absolutego- 2018-04-03
The medical community has gotten very good at keeping fatties alive way longer than their cholesterol-clogged arteries should be able to. Obesity-related illnesses are the fastest growing healthcare expense in most western nations.
1 TaylorSwiftOfRdrama 2018-04-03
How much you wanna bet this whole thing is a big marketing post from the makers of Halo Top?
1 snallygaster 2018-04-03
I unironically went out and bought Halo Top after reading this, ngl
1 Delkseypoo 2018-04-03
How good is it? I like ice cream.
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2018-04-03
The one I tried just tasted like peanut butter.
1 crimsonchibolt 2018-04-03
I like them okay-ish but even then eating them is just I feel wrong eating them, despite the calorie count just looking at them makes me feel unhealthy.
1 crudehumourisdivine 2018-04-03
it tastes good but the low-cal is basically just because it has so much air in it. weighs like half as much as a ben & jerry pint
1 aqouta 2018-04-03
Shit tier bluebell? But yeah, smells like an ad.
1 serialflamingo 2018-04-03
1 ChaddingTater 2018-04-03
Tbf she could be giving herself an ice cream enema
1 comebepc 2018-04-03
Sounds hot
1 UniversityDaniel 2018-04-03
Sounds cold
1 crimsonchibolt 2018-04-03
honestly it sounds boring and trust me I have done some very stupid enemas out of boredom and a need to see if I found a new kink.
1 k0lo0 2018-04-03
I do this. When I see mayo women with ice cream I steal it and secretly replace it with skyr, it's an icelandic yogurt which is high in protein and low in fat.
1 Majestic_Sheepherder 2018-04-03
I fucking love skyr. I add some organic, raw, unfiltered, abuse free honey with a few non child labor picked nuts and go to town on it.
1 CulturalYogurt 2018-04-03
It's weird cause it tastes fucking disgusting but if you sit your ass down with it and a spoon in front of the tv next thing you know you've gone through two of those siggis things.
1 Majestic_Sheepherder 2018-04-03
Yea it's def not something that is great solo. I tried mixing some non sweetened protein powder into it. OMFG just terrible. If you don't add organic, raw, unfiltered, abuse free honey to it it's just vomit. Otherwise I love the macros.
1 k0lo0 2018-04-03
I like it with some fruit. Goes well with grapes and bananas especially.
1 Eternal_Mr_Bones 2018-04-03
The imports don't taste anything like the Icelandic shit tho.
Well at least in the US, I think the EU has better brands.
1 ChaddingTater 2018-04-03
1 Death_Trolley 2018-04-03
Yeah, boyfriend should protect her. Fuck that feminist independence shit, right?
1 k0lo0 2018-04-03
He low-key wants her to lay off the ice cream as well ...
1 Wtfct 2018-04-03
This fatty is emotionally abusive.
1 KnotAFurfag 2018-04-03
Put down the spoon, fatty.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-03
This is why you shit all over old fags everywhere. I mean they are gonna die soon, might as well have fun with them while we're here lol
1 JTBebe2 2018-04-03
Why would you shit over this old lady? We need more old ladies like this willing to bully the fat people of the world.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-03
Old fags need to know their place in this world. Irrespective of being skinny or a fatty.
1 Delkseypoo 2018-04-03
I hope an oldster strangles you to death famalam
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-03
Cry harder. Also, that old fart will most likely die before getting near me lol. Oldfags need to know their place in this world. Someone needs to remind them.
1 jubbergun 2018-04-03
One of the other fat guys at work bought some of that Halo Top garbage. It was so gross they gave me the one they hadn't opened for a second opinion. It was terrible. I couldn't eat a second spoonful. It was just bad. If you're going to be the sort of fatty that eats ice cream in bulk at least get some decent ice cream.
1 TaylorSwiftOfRdrama 2018-04-03
Well afaik there's no other ice cream besides Halo top that uses the same artificial sweeteners. The point of that brand is more to be low calorie than tasty.
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-04-03
Sounds like the methadone of frozen dairy desserts.
1 Did-the-math 2018-04-03
And that old ladies name? Albert Einstein!
1 sooth_ 2018-04-03
this story is so true that while reading it, the old lady physically manifested next to me and gave me healthy eating tips
1 ItsSugar 2018-04-03
1 Majestic_Sheepherder 2018-04-03
I ate too much easter chocolate for dessert tonight. I feel like I should go sub to Trollx now....
1 Not_for_consumption 2018-04-03
That's just weird. Why the beef with the minimum wage checkout girl: * Cashier says she likes halo top * Cashier rolls eyes * Fatshaming?
1 keepittropical 2018-04-03
Lol leafs just getting halo top in their stores. Enlightened brand is way better than Halo Top anyway.
1 Bodysnatcher 2018-04-03
What reality do these people live in, and how do I stream it on my TV?
1 Re_LE_Vant_UN 2018-04-03
And people wonder why some women are talked down to, paid less, or white knighted by cucks. They are mentally such fragile creatures. How can you respect someone that runs to the internet for comfort because they can't stand up for themselves.
1 CirqueDuFuder 2018-04-03
FYI, even if this story is true and she is ONLY eating one serving a day, she still bought 28 days of nonstop constant ice cream.
Also she admits she has ED. There is close to zero chance she isn't going to demolish those 7 pints. It is like having a drug addict work in a pharmacy. There is only one result that will happen here.
1 strathmeyer 2018-04-03
Anyone keeping a list of TrollX 'rules'?
1 voicelesshoodwinker 2018-04-03
Oh come on, just check the account and see it's a troll you dumb, self-centered twats.
1 XovNielkArze 2018-04-03
Halo Top sucks
1 holditsteady 2018-04-03
This feels like someones creative writing practice
1 apoptosiscel 2018-04-03
/u/shoooshoopbadoop Is that the most intensive activity that you've participated in recently?
1 comebepc 2018-04-03
Walking to the fridge
1 Wtfct 2018-04-03
Why are you emotionally abusive to your boyfriend who has to put up with you everyday? Why in the fuck are you fighting with him cause he wasn't angry.
Stop being a cunt before he leaves you and your next twox post is about how you're so depressed so you ate 7 pints of ice cream
1 AndrewCrimzen 2018-04-03
buying 7 pints of ice cream at a time
sees nothing wrong with doing this as her justification is 'it runs out so fast'
1 ason 2018-04-03
This has to be a troll. It so perfectly encapsulates how these loony manatees are almost on the cusp of self awareness, but then retreat to their crab bucket to get "validation" and reboot their delusions.
1 BussyShillBot 2018-04-03
There are no quotes. Deal with it.
(I am a bot.) Contact)
1 CactusVybes 2018-04-03
I feel bad that OP wanted her bf to stand up for her. Like sorry he didn't key into your over reaction and ride into the save the day lol.