Apparently criticizing anime makes you Hitler. Weebs were a mistake.

23  2018-04-04 by ThroneofTime


You know who liked to tell people what they could or couldnt like? Hitler.

You know who liked to tell people what they could or couldnt like? Hitler.


Also MillenniumKing:

Genocide is Love, Genocide is Life.

just ping the poor bastard, we aren't the SRD

u/millenniumking you okay there, buddy?

Naruto ist ein Gateway-Anime der schlimmsten Art. Es ist eine schlechte Serie, eine Ansammlung von Geschichten und Charakterzügen, die von keinem Aspekt sehr gut gemacht werden, aber die versuchen, ihre Schwächen zu kompensieren, indem sie exzessive Versandfaggöttik und DUNKELHEIT hinzufügen. Der normale Anon kann das als Scheiße sehen und mag es genießen, hassen oder gleichgültig sein, aber gleichzeitig erkennen, dass die Serie selbst, ungeachtet ihrer Meinung, einfach schlecht ist.

Genau diese Aspekte, die versuchen, die Scheiße ihres Kerns zu verwischen, machen sie zu einem Nährboden für Aspie, unsoziale Minderjährige und Schwuchteln, die sich sowohl online als auch in der realen Welt mit jeder Art von Faggotts beschäftigen. Die superstarken Charaktere, die alle ihr Bestes geben, um cool auszusehen, die Jutsus, eigenartige, farbenfrohe Kleidung, die ganze Ninja-Faggotik und alles über die Naruto-Welt treiben ihre eskapistischen Phantasien, während die Mitleid-Charakter-Hintergründe, die Rache und die gesamte Predigt von Die Serie macht es genau passend für die mary-sueish Triebe Ihres durchschnittlichen Preteen und sein Gefühl der ungerechtfertigten Selbst-Wichtigkeit gegenüber der Welt. Genau die Art von Scheiße, die kleine Kiddies und minderjährige und zurückgebliebene diese Scheiße richtig verdammte.

Naruto ist im Grunde DIE Serie, um die am meisten gehasste Anime-Fanbasis zu gewinnen, die man / a / kennt, weshalb es, unabhängig von individuellen Meinungen, die Verantwortung jedes Anon ist, die Show und alle, die es mögen, zu kontrollieren und sicherzustellen dass keine Naruto-Fäden die neuen Freunde ermutigen, hier ihre Gesichter zu zeigen.

-u/millenniumking IRL

I too have watched anime for over 25 years, and was a fansubber in the pre-digital days. /u/millenniumking is completely correct. But me, I steer clear of any and all japtoon boards on Reddit because they are full of severe retardation. I tried out /r/gundam for a while, and people there actually defend V Gundam.

Weebs are now elitist cancer who watch garbage, complain about it, then resume watching it. I've seen like 1 anime and after watching it i checked out reddit for old episode discussions and etc, but all I saw was faggots talking about who was "best girl" and how cute girl characters were in that episode. Fuck /r/anime.

also anything that ain't kirby using 3D models is usually shite

there's a 3d kirby anime?

People who don’t like animu are literally worse than Hitler!

Weebs are not people.

Or you could just not give a fuck about all that shit and just watch and enjoy anime on your own and not worry about all that unnecessary social bullshit people like Digibro like to push into the medium.

Ive been watching anime for over 25 years. Well before any magical internet existed where you could tell people how much you hate a franchise all the damn time. Back when it was just you and a series and you watched it then maybe talked to your brother or sister about it but that was really it. And you tended to enjoy stuff more because there wasnt so much preconceived opinions of others forced onto you that skewed your perception. You just find a show you think looks cool, and watch it, and usually have fun. ezpz.

These days so many people want to try to "shape the anime industry" or at least "shape peoples opinions to match yours and turn them into sheeple". Who cares. I dont care what other people think about an anime i have or havent seen, i only care about what i think, as i am me and thats my primary concern, my own entertainment. The internet has given people the opportunity to "share thier voice" which is fine and dandy, but most people just use it as a soap box and lets be honest, people standing on boxes on the street shouting at people are rarely the sanest of people.

Just watch anime for yourself and enjoy it or not, on your own, but dont let people try to tell you 100 diff reasons why your not allowed to like something. You know who liked to tell people what they could or couldnt like? Hitler.

I'm not sure if Digibrony or his militant haters are more obnoxious.

Both deserve the noose tbh.

Smooth seas don't make good sailors. Anime as genre is probably the most insular self licking ice cream cone of entertainment: The demographics who make anime are largely the people who consume it.

Japanese animation has seriously stagnated appealing to the same lonely 14-30 yr old male demographic and if you don't believe me watch how many anime is about some loner in highschool getting a magical girlfriend or having a hot childhood friend.

Shit like that just doesn't happen so go figure who is writing this and who is the audience.

95% of anime is garbage, 4% is mediocre at best, and only 1% is good. And even that 1% is ruined by fans anyways.

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


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