Turns out the YouTube shooter was a deranged PETA activist who had previously protested YouTube censorship and demonetization.

183  2018-04-04 by Oh_hamburgers_


Her insta is a fabulous.

I could easily see one of those pics in the drama sidebar.

Oh shit. It's down!

She's making "mayonez" while dressed like an alien chick from the original Star Trek. I don't know whether to be disgusted or aroused.

Little bit of both I think.


We should have gotten someone from /r/DataHoarder to archive all her content. At least we have /r/nasimesabz1, I guess.

She should have stuck to fighting the Arabs instead of giving them makeup advice.

It's down

At least her website is still up.

oh man, even on a page as batshit as that one, this is still one blaring siren of a warning sign

i would have guessed mad bomber

or, i mean, stabbing spree. it’s a chick

stabbing spree. it’s a chick

That might break a nail though.

it's a penis envy thing

Diversity hires in a nutshell.

This is some bizarre shit.

The first casualties of the Adpocalypse.

wait is this legit? im fucking subscribed to her lmao her videos were insane

What it say? All 5 of her channels and Instagram was deleted

her dailymotion is still up. here's an interesting one


So H3H3 but more charming and easier to relate to.

what did i just witness?

Now beleted.

Elliot Rodgers is still up right? But this one was instantly wiped? Really makes u think 🤔

What are (((they))) trying to hide?

Holy fuck, you sure know how to pick em

Tell us more

a few years back i think a couple of those youtube reactor guys, either leafy or h3h3 or someone like that made videos on her which was how i heard of her. she got some followers from that (i think like 10 or 20k maybe) but was probably too autistic to know they were not really fans exactly. seems like her videos getting less views over time was the main motivator in her shooting up youtube lmao. her dailymotion is still up http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3cm91e

I think it was leafy, I recognise this from somewhere.

links ded as she is

Have they found the man responsible for making her this way?

I'm as shocked as you are. I found her in the wild when I was looking to... submit quality content to /r/vegan *cough*.

Her videos were super disturbing, like, violently disturbing. They were terrible. I probably watched them for a few hours. Just awful.

YouTube shooter: non-white

Austin bomber: non-white

Parkland shooter: non-white

When are we going to find a solution to this shitskin problem?

I've heard the amerimutt memes on the parkland nazi, but you're claiming Mark Conditt isn't mayo now too??


Black hair, brown eyes, obvious beaner family. Condit is a spic last name

o back to memes is it

Stop making shit up.

To be fair, I doubt spics or quasi-Italians have the brain power to rig up mail bombs.

Ill personally vouch on his whiteness application.

You're a glorious specimen.

Condit is a spic last name

Utterly retarded. Please maintain your safety.


I mean it is tho.

How in the fuck do you make this shit up?

Thx Oprah!

This is your mind on mayo.

/u/feeepo has gona off the deep end. He should stick to dropping N bombs tbh

user reports:
1: Beyond fucking retarded. Why do you let people that got quadruple vaccinations part here?

You made someone so disscusted they got drunk enough to not be able to spell.

Am a (((spic))).

Can confirm Condit is not a (((spic))) last name.


Pure anglo saxon blood right there

I thought the Austin bomber was mayo?

Props to whoever did the CSS job on my guy

Sandy hook: White

Parkland: part white

Columbine: white

You managed to make one entire post without using nigger? Good job. Anytime now, your tourette will be cured.

Narcicism is a helluva drug

I dunno, 300,000 views for 10 cents seems like she had a valid complaint.

TBH I'd probably be mad too. Not "kill people" mad, but they never said if the employees shot were mayos so maybe she didn't either

I knew the vegans were behind this

lol at a lefty storming youtube over freeze peach.

I don't know if lefties run around screeching about "cultural degradation" and the dangers of anal sex, friend.

the dangers of anal sex, friend

Get away from me

Trying to claim Muslims aren't on the left now?

Bold move.



pick one and get out

Ba'ath Party

The Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party (Arabic: حزب البعث العربي الاشتراكي‎ Ḥizb Al-Ba‘th Al-‘Arabī Al-Ishtirākī [ˈħɪzb alˈbaʕaθ alˈʕarabiː alˈʔɪʃtɪraːkiː]) was a political party founded in Syria by Michel Aflaq, Salah al-Din al-Bitar, and associates of Zaki al-Arsuzi. The party espoused Ba'athism (from Arabic: البعث‎ Al-Ba'ath or Ba'ath meaning "renaissance" or "resurrection"), which is an ideology mixing Arab nationalist, pan-Arabism, Arab socialist, and anti-imperialist interests. Ba'athism calls for unification of the Arab world into a single state. Its motto, "Unity, Liberty, Socialism", refers to Arab unity, and freedom from non-Arab control and interference.

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Gadaffi was a socialist m8



pick one

Im honestly confused. Is Libya not properly Muslim in your eyes?

Libya is haraam

what country does your brand of Islam come from may I ask?

straight from the Emirates


You lefties are going to have to pick one. You're the ones claiming it.

no, we claim atheists, who just like muslims bc Christian right-wingers hate them

antifa are lefties though

She Baha'i tho.

yeah Bahá’í are all commies


Baha'i, rather.

This is the literal first mention I've seen about antifa this whole dramatoid.

She was an antifa supersoldier, it's right there in front of you!!


I get that you're really happy the shooter finally wasn't one of you, but that doesn't mean she was the exact opposite. The world isn't black and white, despite what the intellectuals at /r/the_donald have taught you.

I get that you're really happy the shooter finally wasn't one of you

Yeah, it really gave a break from that Democrat streak.


>gets accused of having an autistic worldview

>reinforces that accusation.


Everything is black and white to a retarded person. It simplifies their life so their little brains can somewhat handle it and get them through their day

The only conclusion I can come to is you are literally a moron if you think anything this person did had a political motivation.

Yeah she was quoting Hitler because she thought YouTube's meanie policies were similar to his. Nice try though. Not many arabic vegan conservatives out there lul.

When an alt-reichtard like Cruz shoots up a school(with no political motivations) leftists are quick to screech "Well this is proof that conservitards are violent!" but when one of their own does it they go to "There were obviously no political motivations, retard."

Dude, she's quoting Hitlers a "big lie."

It was bullshit he was spewing because of "the Jews."

I don't even think she was "conservative" but the fact people like you even exist is mind blowing. What political motivation did this have? I'm actually worried that the education system in this country is producing people like you.

your understanding of the political spectrum is just so far removed from reality it makes no sense.

It's like when retards claim all anti-vaxxers are left-wing.

To give you an example of how stupid you are, google "conservative Vegan."

They exist, and the fact you're under the impression they don't is hilarious.

Lol. I never said it was politically motivated. It's pretty obvious she was butthurt over a boyfriend or some dumb shit. Just saying it's weird how leftists say Cruz was an example of how conservitards are violent criminals but any example of violence coming from a leftist isn't politically motivated.

Also it's not unheard of for leftists to hate Jews. Look at all the retarded anarchists and communists screeching about Israel(inb4 we totally just hate Zionism! Not the Jews!). Marx was anti-Semitic himself. Since she was Arab her hatred for Jews probably came from that perspective. Not saying that all Arabs hate Jews of course.

Anti-vaxxers aren't partisan. Usually the belief is shared between conspiritards on both sides.

Conservative vegans obviously exist but they're very rare. If you're just a little bit reasonable you'll probably assume vegan freaks (eg. Eating meat is evil types, not health reason types)you meet are bleeding heart liberals (the less annoying ones) or John Sakars retarded anarchist/communist types. Of course this isn't always true.

There are some Jewish Nazis, doesn't mean I'm not going to assume every nazi I meet will be a white person.

Lol. I never said it was politically motivated. It's pretty obvious she was butthurt over a boyfriend or some dumb shit. Just saying it's weird how leftists say Cruz was an example of how conservitards are violent criminals but any example of violence coming from a leftist isn't politically motivated.

You have no evidence she was a "leftist" other than your twisted understanding of what "left" and "right" mean.

You seem to be unironically incapable of comprehending that just because someone is a vegan does not mean they are a "leftist."

Also it's not unheard of for leftists to hate Jews. Look at all the retarded anarchists and communists screeching about Israel(inb4 we totally just hate Zionism! Not the Jews!). Marx was anti-Semitic himself. Since she was Arab her hatred for Jews probably came from that perspective. Not saying that all Arabs hate Jews of course.

The political right has associated Jews with the "left" forever. Why do you think Jews were used as an effigy for the modern world, and targeted by right-wing crazies forever?

Conservative vegans obviously exist but they're very rare.

Based on fucking WHAT. Where are you getting this data from? Where? Like holy shit, the person is screeching about anal sex, cultural degradation, and seems to have loved Paul Joseph Watson.

Do these seem like "leftist" things to you?

Jesus. I never said she was leftist you fucking idiot. That was never what I was pointing out anyways.

The political right? The majority of Republicans (the ACTUAL American political right) have almost always supported Israel and Jews. Are you talking about Nazis? You consider them the normal political right? Are you dense? For someone that's talking about me "twisting" political ideologies that's fucking rich. Or are you going to point out that one retard that ran as Republican who the GOP denounced? Lol. Just fucking ridiculous.

Are you going to seriously ignore left-wing anti-Semitism now? Good lord. Can't argue with someone that can't even admit that his side has antisemites as well.

The political right? The majority of Republicans (the ACTUAL American political right) have almost always supported Israel and Jews. Are you talking about Nazis?

The Republican ESTABLISHMENT has. Your run of the mill alt-right/new right crazies, which are an increasingly large percentage of the American right, absolutely hate them and it's why you see them constantly screeching about them.

Historically, conservatives have viewed Jews as a symbol of the modern world, primarily because Jews tended to vote left.

Are you going to seriously ignore left-wing anti-Semitism now? Good lord. Can't argue with someone that can't even admit that his side has antisemites as well.

The left had anti-semites, but nothing, and I mean nothing even in the same fucking solar system as the right. Not even in the same universe. One more time, why do you think Marxism was associated with the Jews?


She's not Arab.


i don’t think PETA exists on a left-right spectrum when it comes to social issues

Name one right-wing position PETA supports (other than murdering the animals it ‘rescues’)

name one position PETA supports that could be considered to lie on a coherent left-right spectrum

I think if we had tried to come up with a scenario that would cause the most drama we couldn't have imagined this. I hope they also dig up some crazy feminist stuff in her history.

The vegan uprising begins.

If she shouted about being vegan during the shooting it can only complete the beauty of this.

She yelled "MEAT IS MURDER" and then shot herself.


This is a false flag orchestrated by Bolton to bring us closer to war with Iran.

But wait, she was Bahá’í

i thought Iran hated those guys

Your spelling of it properly suggests you may be a bahai apologist. We have a sleeper cell popping up here in /r/Drama. Is nowhere safe from bahai terrorism?

it's fun because it has those three little ticks in a row


You know JB was sub'd to her IG.


John Bolton.

Why can't we have cool ecoterrorists like poison ivy?

Merry Litmas, everyone!


Nasime Sabz is a Bahai activist who has written extensively about her findings, her experience, veganism and human-animal liberation.

Back in Iran, there's some ayatollah yelling at the TV, "We warned you not to believe them when they said it was a religion of peace!"

That actual reads like an alright religious outlook tbh.

Yeah, which is why it's so weird, it's like a Buddhist going on a mass shooting.

user reports:

Christians aren't even violent. Not in hundreds of years.

National Liberation Front of Tripura

The National Liberation Front of Tripura (abbreviated NLFT) is a Tripuri nationalist organisation based in Tripura, India. It has an estimated 550 to 850 members.

The NLFT seeks to secede from India and establish an independent Tripuri state, and is an active participant in the Insurgency in Northeast India. The NLFT manifesto says that they want to expand what they describe as the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ in Tripura.

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God's Army (revolutionary group)

God's Army (Burmese: ဘုရားသခင်၏ တပ်မတော်) was an armed revolutionary Christian insurgent group that opposed the then military junta of Myanmar (Burma). The group was an offshoot of the Karen National Union. They were based along the Thailand-Burma border, and conducted a string of audacious guerrilla actions—including allegedly being involved in the seizure of the Myanmar embassy in Bangkok-during the 1990s and early 2000s.They have been described as a terrorists.


The Anti-balaka are militia and terrorist groups based in the Central African Republic said to be composed primarily of Christians. However, some Church leaders have contested the exclusively Christian character of such groups and the Tony Blair Faith Foundation has also pointed out the presence of animists in Anti-balaka groups as has journalist Andrew Katz. They formed in the Central African Republic after the rise to power of Michel Djotodia in 2013. Amnesty International reported in 2015 that some members of anti-balaka groups have forcibly converted Muslims to Christianity.

Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning (Chinese: 东方闪电; pinyin: Dōngfāng Shǎndiàn), which prefers to use the name The Church of Almighty God (always written with a capital T in "The") (Chinese: 全能神教会; pinyin: Quánnéng Shén Jiàohuì), is a new religious movement established in China in 1991, to which Chinese governmental sources attribute from three to four million members, although scholars regard these figures as somewhat inflated. The name "Eastern Lightning" is drawn from the New Testament, Gospel of Matthew 24:27: "For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Its core teaching is that Jesus Christ returned to earth in our days as the incarnate Almighty God (全能神), this time not as a man but as a Chinese woman. The movement is regarded by the Chinese authorities, as a xie jiao (a term often translated as “evil cult” but in fact used since the Ming dynasty to indicate “heterodox teachings”) and accused of various crimes, including the infamous Zhaoyuan McDonald's Cult Murder Christian opponents and international media have in turn described it as a cult and even as a "terrorist organization." The Church denies all accusations, and there are scholars who have concluded that some accusations they have investigated so far are indeed false or exaggerated.

National Socialist Council of Nagaland

The National Socialist Council of Nagaland (abbreviated NSCN) is a Greater Naga Revolutionist, Christian Naga nationalist insurgent group operating mainly in Northeast India, with minor activities in northwest Myanmar (Burma) until 2012. The main goal of the organisation is to establish a sovereign Naga state, "Nagalim", which would consist of all the areas inhabited by the Naga people in Northeast India and Northwest Myanmar. According to the NSCN manifesto, their slogan is "Nagaland for Christ". The group reportedly indulges in kidnapping, assassination, extortion, forced conversion, rape and also in committing terrorist activities.

2000 Walisongo school massacre

The Walisongo school massacre is the name given to a series of attacks by Christian militants on 28 May 2000 upon several predominantly Muslim villages around Poso town, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia as part of a broader sectarian conflict in the Poso region. Officially the total number killed in the attacks is 165, but there is no definite figure of how many died. The number of dead is believed to be greater than the 39 calculated from bodies later discovered in 3 mass graves, and equal to or below the 191 quoted by Muslim sources. The massacre is named for the Pesantren Walisongo boarding school in Sintuwu Lemba where the most high-profile murders occurred.

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These are cults. They are no more Christians than Unitarians.

He is even worse than a heathen. He is-may God forgive for uttering this word-a heretic.

I laughed. Ya got me.

And ISIS is not a cult?

This guy gets it.

All of Christianity is a cult, just because it's your brand doesn't make it a religion. Same is true about all religions


Blind faith = willful ignorance;)

My ancestors are smiling at me SoberZero. Can you say the same?

No, because they are in the eight cirlce of hell, housed in the third bolgia and placed head-first in holes in the rock, flames burning on the soles of their feet for their simony. And thus they can't see shit. soles of their feet

Yours are smiling from the grave, about 6 feet deep, well..their lips are probably gone by now, but alas, that's all there is to it. The afterlife is nothing but how it was before you were born. Nothingness. But continue to believe in childish fairy tales, and believing your cult is the one true religion. Like I said, willfully ignorant, you simply can't change that in a person. I still wish you the best, regardless. Maybe one day you'll grow up.

Imagine being so faithless and wretched. I pity you.

Btw, I don't know what my ancestors believed, they very well could have been Christian, however stupidity doesn't really run in the family, obviously can't say the same about yours

You might not believe in God, but he believes in you. I will pray for you.



That's just how indians be

Lmao why you mad anon?

The Troubles

The Troubles (Irish: Na Trioblóidí) was an ethno-nationalist conflict in Northern Ireland during the late 20th century. Also known internationally as the Northern Ireland conflict, it is sometimes described as a "guerrilla war" or a "low-level war". The conflict began in the late 1960s and is usually deemed to have ended with the Good Friday Agreement of 1998. Although the Troubles primarily took place in Northern Ireland, at times the violence spilled over into parts of the Republic of Ireland, England, and mainland Europe.

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Papists are idolators and not true Christians.

Peace be with you, heretic.

I'm actually, physically in fucking northern Ireland atm and this made me laugh in a way that made people notice me in the pub I'm in

Lol nice.

Dublin >>> Belfast btw. Protestants suck.

Also i jewed a guy out of a gram of shitty coke, that he wanted 200 euros for, in Dublin.

So obv dublin is the better city

I hope this is sarcasm, you forgot the /s

Read it any way you like.

Well there you go.

Don't Buddhists go on Muslim killing sprees? Just to make sure they stay subservient.

Why would that be weird?

wait what the fuck, a Bahá’í?

but that’s the ACTUAL religion of peace

Nah, when we get a Jain mass shooter, then we gotta worry

i could have sworn India already hit that milestone, but I can't find it. I don't know what religion Ramesh Sharma was

i used to actually unironically practice Jainism, it was neat but you don't have much to go on in the west

the virgin right wing shooter: writes giant manifesto on society's ills that noone will read. kills dozens of people unironically thinking it will start a revolution

the chad vegan shooter: attacks youtube headquarters because her 5k subscriber channel isn't making enough neetbux. intentionally kills nobody as a final insult, implying that her victims are animals

Muslim: no

White: technically I guess?

Lefty: yes

Looks like TD was at least 1/3 right 😔

Surely, you jest. White? Did you not see Zack Snyder's documentary on the herotic homoerotic struggle of western civilization's founders against tyranny and oppression?

that was years ago. I mean Jihad Jafari’s white as sin

She was a Muslim.

She's from the non-white Arab minority of Iran, so she's not even Persian.

And she's every left wing stereotype.


Bahá’í aren’t Muslim retard

And after today the Baha'i still don't kill anyone.

Th real religion of "peace"?

Peace through incompetence? really activates my Alvin and the chipmunks.

i beat ya to it

Best part of this whole debacle was the early reports from inside YouTube saying she was "white, wearing a hijab". Not only is it an instant red-flag to anyone not cucked but it shows how Google employees love to self-censor.

They're probably madder that this event will be used politically against their wishes than that they were actually attacked; I'm sure they'll be upset when people insinuate that.

people have called persians white forever, it's not some fucking conspiracy holy shit lol

grats on being "uncucked" I guess

Isn't a horrible thing when the victims refuse to give you ammunition for your bigotry? That's morally required.

Brave centipedo, hard at work, building that narrative

"Non-white arab minority" LOL. How to out yourself as a literal Nazi obsessed with "aryanism" in one sentence.

Do you really think ethnic Persians look much different than the ethnic Arabs in southwestern Iran? If you examined their DNA I guarantee you it would be nearly identical. The aryan theory of a white master race crusading through europe india and iran and leaving a trail of super babies is a myth.

Good job BASED magapede! 🐛🐛

First thing Americans do after any mass shooting is wait with baited breath to find out their race so they can see who gets to make political hay out of it.

Broken clocks

jeez, and i thought my ex was crazy, am i right fellas?

Ho, hoooooo! Check please?

Love the @cnnbrk reporter's conjecture, once he found out the #youtube shooter was female, that the shooting was due to a #lovetriangle. Yes, and she was probably having her period too.
— SaundersFlynn (@saundersflynn) April 3, 2018

Way to speculate without any basis whatsoever that the shooting was a result of a love triangle because the shooter was a woman. Fine reporting @cnn
— Allison Jagger (@ALLisONELV) April 3, 2018

CNN tees up a theory out of nowhere that the shooting must be a love triangle because the shooter was a woman. &lt;facepalm> turning on Cartoon Network
— geokaren (@geokaren) April 3, 2018

I'm not sure why but hearing someone on @CNN say a female shooter might have to do with a "love triangle" really pisses me off. Cuz she can't just be batshit like other fucking shooters?
— Julie Howell (@Juliebuggs21) April 3, 2018

@CNN Why did the analyst jump to the #lovetriangle motive? Because shooter was woman? Seems like a sexist jump. Never heard of that motive for other mass shootings.
— Tampa Is Hot (@Tampaishot) April 3, 2018

Lol @CNN for instantly speculating that the female shooter was a crazy women who was in a love triangle.
— Maklane (@maklanedewever) April 3, 2018

Hey @CNN? Can you stop speculating about the motivation of the @YouTube shooter? (just bc it’s believed to be a woman doesn’t mean it was a love triangle, oh my LORD)
— becca (@bbblybee) April 3, 2018

Of course since the YouTube shooter is a woman, terms like "crime of passion" &amp; "love triangle" are already being used. Stop spinning webs
— Colleen Nika (@colleennika) April 3, 2018

BREAKING: @cnnbrk now speculating on live TV that #Youtube #shooting is the result of a “love triangle”. Really, @wolfblitzer? #FakeNews! pic.twitter.com/RFrHHZdIfk
— Lance A Schart (@LanceASchart) April 3, 2018

Shooter at YouTube is a woman and CNN is immediately jumping to a “love triangle” situation- is that because the shooter was a woman? I’m not a feminist or anything but this bothers me - smacks of gender profiling
— Joan Sinden (@dogkisser) April 3, 2018

CNN now throwing out the possibility of a "love triangle" pic.twitter.com/rbl516uhtb
— Hilary Sargent (@lilsarg) April 3, 2018

Figures that @CNN is already floating “love triangle” just because the shooter appears to have been a woman.
— Marc Love (@marcslove) April 3, 2018

I kind of feel bad that she ended up like that, seems like she needed mental help. Fucked up world we live in.

When I went to work this morning the headline was "White woman in headscarf shoots boyfriend and 2 others at Youtube HQ" now it's "Crazy Islamic animal rights protester shoots up Youtube".

What happened? Did someone forget to pay their bill?

Some newsthot conjured up a story and everyone ran with it

She was Baha'i, not Muslim


It is a sect of Islam.

Somebody actually shot up YouTube for demonetization. A real human bean, even if she looks like a badly made robot

Look at that freaky bitch. Christ.

We have been making the mentally Ill famous for a long time. What normal person has a YouTube channel? Wasn't everyone involved in Gamergate nuts? As in I am depressed/genderconfused/furry/self harming/blue hair?

In the long run social media is good for r/drama and nothing else.

Can someone tell me if this is real or not?

Did the Iranian army hire female commandos?

Yes, that's real. It was on her instagram.

If she was a commando in the army it's a bit suspicious she didn't kill more people.

Last minute compassion?

As a photochop expert, I can tell you that one is 1000% legit and unaltered.

I'm wondering how many commandos of commandos there are.

First off, how many commandos does Iran have. How many commandos to each commander?

I suppose the maths doesn't matter. What matters is she kicked Sunni butt with her bullets.

Just practise for the real threat, ***tube.

Still nothing about this on r/worldnews lol

Ofcrouse not, why would it be? It's not a significant shooting of any kind

/r/nasimesabz1 go subscribe

Wtf a shooter with big boobs, I’m so conflicted

What's conflicting? I was already going to masturbate to them


How come you are still posting content glorifying a murderer?

not glorifying, archiving

got ya

ThE rElIgIoN oF pEaCe StRiKeS aGaIn

She was a liberated religion of peace lady. She just wanted to shoot herself before some man had her stoned for not being a virgin.

She was actually pretty based.

lol she was a crazy PETA lady who lost revenue in YouTube ads. Cry me a river. Everyone who relies on ad revenue gets a kick in the ass sooner or later. It's a very unstable way to make money.

Stop it lysis, she was just a lone lady trapped in a crazy world. What exactly else was she supposed to do pray-tell

eat some meat and maybe she wouldn't be so hangry

true. I get grumpy and lethargic if I don’t eat meat.

you're always lethargic you druggie piece of human garbage

Lol not true. I go to the gym daily, I’m gonna go ahead and assume you probably don’t even lift. I bet the bulk of drama doesn’t even bench

go overdose in a ditch

You actually can’t OD on Percocets. You’re thinking of heroin bro, only losers use that stuff

If you take people's income, I don't care if they shoot you. Stop robbing people.

"Meat is murder"

she wandered into a peta street protest 9 years ago, how is that relevant?

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


  1. This Post - archive.org*, archive.is

(I am a bot.) Contact)

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


  1. This Post - archive.org*, archive.is

(I am a bot.) Contact)

That's weird. Initially the reports were that she went to YouTube HQ to kill her boyfriend. Wonder why the story changed?