Members of /r/LateStageCapitalism accidentally invent Libertarianism

166  2018-04-04 by TheCodexx


TBH I think everyone would be a lot more supportive of taxes if the money actually helped local communities instead of being send to Israel to buy bombs to drop on Palestinian children

3k upvotes Horseshoe confirmed again

Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew – not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew.

Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew.

What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.

-Karl Marx, the maid rapist, 1843

Its a cultural tradition of europe dont be ignorant and debase their traditions to mere politics.

Karl was woke to the Jewish threat. Nothing wrong with that

(((Marx))) was just an Uncle Moshe

Whaaat? But I was told the jews invented communism.


If the jews hadnt invented the ideologies to persecute themselves they couldnt control the world. The third reich was a jewish psyop to push the "muh 6 goriliion" narrative.

This is true.

Their end goal was to live in a desert surrounded by camel fuckers who have an odd tendency for wanting them dead smh.

Seems like a good way to breed a race of invulnerable.super-jews though.

"Kwisatz Haderach" is literally a Hebrew word...

Lol, oh shit

"Goys are the mind killers"

Wasnt the cause of the flood worldly jews?

Marx was a Jew but Engels was a goy.

My grandmother was in fucking auschwitz and she still hates commies more than nazis

Tbh old Florida Jews are some of the most racist people I’ve ever met. Even my grandma has become racist since moving to Miami.

Makes sense, Miami is a cesspool

That comment unironically gave me a Muslim boner. Fuck Israel with a big fat non-kosher uncircumcised dildo

Alright Ahmed, settle down.

Your know all about settling shlomo, got about 6 million of you guys illegally settling just to the east of of our border

Can't hear you over my SUPREME SRAELI WEST BANK WALL.

you need billions of dollars worth of materials to build a 700 kilometer wall just to stop some measly home-made rockets. while Palestinians are basically have chants begging for a holy war when they're armed by nothing but rocks.

this is prime material for chad/virgin memes

nigga do you even see what you've linked, make-shift RPGs and ak-47s and a buncha kids holding flags and a list of suicide-bombings (the epitome of military might, being so helpless that your weapon of choice is your own life)

yeah totally parallels israel's billions of dollars worth of technologically advanced weaponry and their literal nuclear missile (inb4 israel has no nuclear weapons)

Tbh Israel should just nuke Palestine already and be done with it.

they're standing over palestine though...nuke themselves? yeah i agree

Nuke Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina tbh. and bethlahem.

Not before establishing a new slave trade though.

That's how colonialism worked for Christians and Mulsims in the past, right?

Of course Israel had nuclear warheads. Every civilized country have them. Maybe if you lokum eaters were less busy raping your daughters and praying Halah, you would maybe get yourself out of the stone age.

But to be honest, fission bombs are made from refined uranium ore; it just a fancy rock! So you see, Israel and Hamas-land are fighting on equal grounds, really.

أحمد ، اذهب لتفجير بعض الناس وتسجيل الخروج من الإنترنت

Why don't you try fighting them, Mahmoud? Oh, wait...OH NO NO NO

i knew it was a muh 6 day war before even opening it. never mind the fact that israel was the actually the one that pre-emptively attacked egypt (typical slimey jews) when a fuckton of our troops were already deployed over at yemen fighting in the yemen civil war.

total alpha move right there israel

never mind the fact that israel was actually the one that preemptively attacked egypt (typical slimey jews) when a fuckton of our troops were already deployed over at yemen fighting in the yemen civil war.

wah wah how DARE Israel attack us after we amass hundreds of thousands of soldiers on their borders

plus the egyptian army was tired and the sun was in their eyes

we didn't even fucking start it, did you read my comment? israel saw abdel nasser was a pan-arabist, noticed some shady shit over at the strait of tiran and played it slimely safe by attacking first.

and if by tired you mean a sizable percentage of them were already fighting another war then yeah....tired, never mind that historians cite this reason as a major factor that allowed israel to win the 6 day war

we didn't even fucking start it

wah wah how DARE Israel attack us after we amass hundreds of thousands of soldiers on their borders

yeah maybe try not to antagonize Israel if you're already fighting another war

or if you do, try to win a war in which you have twice the soldiers and surround the enemy on three fronts

try to unite your people

can't even unite your militaries against your greatest enemy

the only ones who did not unite were the saudis and co. from the gulf. who might as well be jews themselves at this moment. gamal abdel-nasser cursed the arab kings daily

Sounds like Arabs have a weak spirit, they will never win. ZIONISM NOW, ZIONISM FOREVER.


I'm convinced Arabs used up all their collective military prowess 1300 years ago.

IF by military prowess you mean sneak attack the two strong empire at the time and culturally appropriate them only to collapse into barbarism the instant the population was 51% Muslim, then yes.

Crazy how nature do dat.

اقتل الكفار. الله أكبر

/u/dboss77 This is actually why I report all of my income rather than try to hide it. If it's going to a good cause, like getting squatters out if property that isn't theirs, it's a win win.

All taxes are theft. Try to collect for the local school board and I'll be forced to recreationally nuke you for violating the NAP.

Vapes smirking

imagine not being a neocon in 2018

SJW: "OMG the Nazis are coming to kill the Jews in America!"

Also SJW: "Can we stop being nice to Israel?"

r/LateStageCapitalism; the watermelon of r/BadEconomics

We should have a law in America that the people representing us have to represent us before we have to pay their taxes.

This is the stupidest fucking thing I have ever read.

just use your representation scale to tell if they represent the people enough.

I'd like to see what that law would look like. Like actual legal text

No taxation without representation you little bitch

I hope you automated this with PRAW or something and not artisanally handcrafting these backups

I would hope so too.

I just put out a bot to do it. Hopefully it should work. Can you make /u/bussyshillbot an approve poster so it doesn't get rate limited?


Rest in Piss Snapshill. Not a day too soon.

I think the biggest flaw of that sub is an assumption that people do good things out of the goodness of their heart.

While we all know they do it only when all else failed.

I am just here to make sure people know that they call "stupid" a slur.

H*ckin' gosh darnit, don't want any swearing on my communist server

Intelligence is a social construct.

The meaning of "bros" must have changed a lot if it's now describing the highschool nerds who skipped prom to code.

It's just feminist slang for "bad". Same with any word related to "male".

Basically when the nerds got rich, feminists started hating like mad.

I can't wait until the tech bros she's talking about become blackpilled and realize that the roasties they're with are just after their money. Maybe then they'll stop going after dumb shit like gender studies degrees and whining about the gender imbalance in STEM after they start going into STEM fields themselves.

This stupid bitch was too dumb to even read the fucking article. She just wanted to whine like every other woman.

At least she admitted her mistake. I wouldn't expect her to learn from it though

Remember reading 1984 and the Party is constantly changing words to confuse and mentally disarm the population?

Literally intersectional theory.

u/dboss77 you woke to the jq

Yeah that’s why we will need re-education centers after the revolution. The scary commies are going to brainwash people into not being a bunch of imperialist chauvinist warmongering psychopaths. The horror.

Yeah that’s why we will need re-education centers before the revolution. The scary cappies are going to brainwash people into not being a bunch of dictatorial repressive dogmatic psychopaths. The horror.

/u/dboss77 Why are you anti-Semitic?

you say that, yet i still know people who think we aren't bombing middle eastern countries enough and would rather we double our military spending than work on anything on the home front.

Who? I've never met a single person talk like that

Even before 9/11, I remember kids who were most likely parroting their parents saying we should "just glass the entire load of 'em" as I was in elementary at the time. Little me was so stunned by just such an outward sign of hatred.

Again, IDK where all these 'hateful' people come from, but I've never met a single person say anything like that

saying we should "just glass the entire load of 'em" as I was in elementary at the time. Little me was so stunned by just such an outward sign of hatred.

Again, IDK where all these 'hateful' people come from, but I've never met a single person say anything like that

Im guessing you dont live in america.

To be fair, glassing then would’ve been extremely cost effective.

This is what they unironically believe

Several trillion for Iraq war vs 1 billion for nukes. In strict costs of both of these one is clearly cheaper

In hilarious moron cartoon land one of those options is clearly cheaper, lol.

Take a look at /u/dboss77 profile, he's a great troll.

Why does lsc act like the only capitalist country is the US

You know why

Awwwwww how cute! These people actually think the Government would do a better handling their money even though the third world (regions like Latin America) have countless examples of how this isn't the case. And then some guy saying "ohhh governments are inefficient but that's totally fine you guys!!!!".

did a child write this?

what did he mean by this?

A classic returns. Aged like fine wine.

On whether or not people should invest in their community to improve it:

I think it's wrong – because it allows those with more resources to create better communities, while those who have less can't.

In other words: Improving your quality of life is wrong, because what it accidentally becomes better than someone else’s?! No, everyone must suffer equally - which might sound bad, until you realize that that’s equality, and equality is good!

Natalie Shure is a proven retard, this is the dumb bitch who didn't understand why there needs to be a mandate for insurance markets to work.

That's not libertarianism.

Libertarians would still call that communism, because they're retards.

There's left-libertarians out there. They're anarchists.

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


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What's hilarious is the person they're quoting retracting her tweet because it was inaccurate.