Some guys and me in my school got in trouble for touching girls. Can we legally get in big trouble?

13  2018-04-04 by DowntownWrongdoer


First off you need to understand that just because the girl didn't protest, or brushed it off like it wasn't a big deal does not actually mean you groping her didn't bother her. If one person actually reported you its a guarantee that you bothered a lot more girls than that.

Of course a cat person wrote this.

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are you a bot? also is your username a Pynchon reference?

Yes and yes.

Also I can't get a lawyer . I don't even have my own wallet.


I wonder what their legal opinion is on Slap Ass Friday.

Wait until they hear about bar review at law school.

implying anybody at /r/legaladvice has ever gone to law school.

Their mods fantasized it once while circlejerking one another on how awesome they are.

Is that like penis 8nspection Thursday?

Many times, when someone is a victem of a crime like this, they shut down. They can't think and might not even really be capable of speaking. These poor girls were probably terrified of something worse happening.

It's sad that we live in a world ruled by u/AgoraRefuge's ilk where the most ridiculous nonfunctional crybaby dictates how everybody else has to behave.

I particularly enjoyed the part of this thread where a bunch of these legal eagles took turns shitting on u/InconsiderateLover for not shitting all over his son for his utterly trivial and not-a-big-deal-at-all behavior.

Generally, when you make an argument, making sure it's free of insults is a good way to go.

I'm not a lawyer, so please, take this opportunity to educate me. It's pretty easy to find out that 1 in 8 juvenile sex offender are 12 or under. See the second page of "Juveniles Who Commit Sex Offences Against Minors" by theareoJRS. Second page, 3rd bullet point. So kids are getting charger with sex crimes. How exactly does groping someones breast not constitue some sort of offense?

I fully believe OP is not going to get in any legal trouble, but how would you go about convincing me that there's absolutely zero chance of an overzealous prosecutor getting involved. And further, at what age are you allowed to grab people's breats? Can 15 year olds get away with it? What about 16 year olds? At what point does grabbing someone's breasts become a crime?

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


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fucking get over it. guys at my school and I did this all the times to the thicc girls in 8th grade. Its just some fun. who cares?
