Pack it in boys, Gamerghazi just exposed the youtube shooter is actually alt right after all. Narrative Saved!

389  2018-04-04 by Allahu_Laysa_Akbar


Homophobic videos from an Iranian? They must be alt-right.

Amerilards lol

Homophobic videos from an Iranian? They must be alt-right.

Worked for jontron. :^)

Lmao, sick reference bro. I mean that, love it

Please learn how to fly.

I have an RC airplane I take to the park. It’s super fun!

but wouldn't it be more fun if you could fly with your own body! try it! i'm writing this comment as i fly over the alps, join me!

Jontron doesn't hate gays AFAIK

what a faggot

Jonny ain’t homophobic, he’s darkiephobic

Wasn’t there actually some Iranian, Richard Spencer affiliated altright guy who told some undercoverTM journalist about his love for Hitler?

Jason Reza Jorjani

Well Iranians are the OG Aryans, so it makes sense

breaking news: all arabs, persians, africans join the alt-right

At least there's like a 0% chance she would be transphobic :^)

I mean technically, aren't religious extremists alt-right by default? Conservative (their religion) values, bigotry, family values (their religion's version of it).

No, I'd argue the group is far more defined than that. And while it's the most American thing ever to be vain enough to apply our tags to groups half way across the world, I don't think it's valid. Or would you consider ultra-orthodox Jews alt-right?

Guess it comes down to if conservatism is right winged or not.

It comes down to not applying Western labels to non-Western cultures since it's not a valid comparison.

I mean it works well for shitting out agenda but it's pretty much beyond disingenuous.

Meanwhile, she was preaching about freespeech, dicatorships, and quiting Adolf Hitler.

Lots of islamic extremists do this

but she’s Baha’i

Gamerghazi has a bunch of rules. Suggesting that somebody did something bad because she's mentally ill breaks one of their rules. Because as we all know, people with mental illness are perfect flowers and would never shoot up a school or Internet company or something.

Suggesting that somebody did something bad because she's mentally ill breaks one of their rules. Because as we all know, people with mental illness are perfect flowers and would never shoot up a school or Internet company or something.

You'd have to be mentally ill to come up with a stupid rule like this.

Luckily GamerGhazi mods have that in spades.

also to post there

anyone who still browses ghazi or kia regularly at this point has a legit mental illness. i unironically believe that

These people genuinely feel proud of themselves and will tell you how it's so great that they have the courage to fight the good fight.

You'd have to be mentally ill

Pretty sure that's a requirement for posting on /r/GamerGhazi


And /r/drama.

It's true! When has anyone with autism ever committed a mass shooting?

The batman movie shooter was artistic, wasn't he?

That's the joke, they almost always are.

? Why remove this one?


Remember, "non-neurotypical" people are just as natural, good, and complete as everyone else. Calling schizophrenia an illness implies that it is somehow a bad thing!

Gamergate has rotted people's brain so much they think being in favour of free speech is a right wing position lol.

Meanwhile, she was preaching about freespeech, dicatorships, and quiting Adolf Hitler.

It's hilarious that these people think being pro-freespeech is comparable to worshipping Hitler.

They listed it first no less.

Didn't she post the Hitler quote to suggest that what YouTube is doing if similar to what Hitler did?

Either way, this woman doesn't seem to fall on the American political spectrum. She was just unhinged.

Oh, she falls on a spectrum alright.

This but unironically, she comes across as extremely autistic

Mod her

Too late for that m8


Hardly. A corpse would be an improvement over the current bunch.



Mod her ghost

That means she does fall on the American political spectrum.

She is literally calling YouTube the same as Hitler for abusing free speech. That doesn't make him a fan considering she shot up her Hitler comparison.

this woman doesn't seem to fall on the American political spectrum

good luck convincing anyone there that the entire world doesn't revolve around their autistic political views

Didn't she post the Hitler quote to suggest that what YouTube is doing if similar to what Hitler did?

Inconsequential! You're supposed to frame everything in the worst possible light, she was quoting hitler and that's all there is to it.

quiting Adolf Hitler.

I wish I knew how to quit you

Especially considering Hitler's positions on free speech

freespeech (~.~)
dicatorships (wat)
quoting Adolf Hitler

One of these things is not like the other

It must be hard for people to quit Hitler after starting Hitler.

This with no hint of irony.

Well, if Hitler loved anything, it was free speech.

Donald Drumpf is literally Hitler; he also needs to take all our guns so we can be safe.

Cops are super racist and want to kill you. Also you don’t need guns because the cops will protect you

man if only people who are pro-gun control were also in favor of police reform and de-militarization

and if only people who talk a big talk about how uwu small government they are, also kept supporting the army and the police no matter what, to the point where moron labe stickers & thin blue line on the same car were, like, expected

that would have fucking annihilated your argument you absolute imbecile

Funny how people who are pro-gun control, police reform and de-militarization are the biggest pussies on earth who need them on that wall more than anyone.

Use capitals you stupid fuck.

if Hitler loved anything, it was free speech.

That's actually a recurring pattern with right-wingers, really. They keep advocating for free speech when they are not in power, and only to the extent that would allow them to get more power.

You can clearly see that with Trump supporters, for example. They never shut up about free speech but they support infringing upon it on every step.

They keep advocating for free speech when they are not in power, and only to the extent that would allow them to get more power.

Odd, that seems like exactly what the left did starting in the 1960s. They managed to move America's politics to the left, and only now that they're being resisted do you see them opposing speakers on college campuses.

Give me one reason why you haven't killed yourself yet.

I think they're talking about crying about free speech when people don't like that you're retarded.

2018 everybody.

not sure if brain rot was due to lamergate, or lamergate was due to brain rot. chicken or the egg problem here, need to call in the philosophers!

It’s bad I simply said

Free speech is a dogwhistle for racism

They insta banned me. What a bunch of tards

Free speech has just become a dog whistle for right wing retards to pearl clutch

True. An alt-righter complaining about a lack of free speech because nazi rallies get shut down should be euthanized.

However, going the other way and labeling someone an alt-righer because they want free speech is also a display of high levels of retardation.

Yeah the people who rail against free speech cause they oppose the right are also retards because they fall for the obvious and stupid bait.

It's like from the 90's or 00's when Freedom or The Troops was the dog whistle de jour, except the 'leftists' (who would be evil neoliberals now) didnt fall for the bait and start campaigning against freedom or the troops

how dare they fall for "obvious and stupid bait" by loudly opposing genocidal nazi's rights

Well it can be.

Left = Collectivism

Right = Individualism

If the collective deems anything to be a risk to it’s integrity, it will ban it. And we’re not talking about things that are risks to the individual members of the collective, we’re talking about things that threaten the stability of the structure of the collective.

Someone's been playing Bioshock!

Except anarchism is about as far left as you can get, and about as individualistic as you can get. Meanwhile you have fundamental conservatives. Left/Right and individualism/collectivism are two different axis.

Stirner would be turning over in his grave if death wasn't a spook.

Individualism vs. Authoritarianism are a different spectrum from left-right. Anarchism by its very nature as a meme ideology attracts morons on either extreme end of the economic spectrum who basically advocate statist violence as part of their economic goals.

Both anarcho-communism and anarcho-capitalism are basically "it's ok when I do it", the ideology.

It's more complicated than this because at the extreme left are the anarchists, who are very strong individualists. And sometimes on the far right you have people who believe in the good of the collective, race or country, over the rights of the individual.

how does it feel to be this wrong

That is an absurd definition of left and right wing. The right wing is much more interested in enforcing religion and traditional values, which is a collectivist trait. The right is much more nationalistic and militaristic, more collectivist traits. The right tends to be much more authoritarian in a law & order sense i.e. more trusting of social institutions like the police and military. Another collectivist trait.

The divide between right and left in America isn't on the collectivism vs individualism front. They are pretty even there.

that's not entirely correct

tl;dr: Liberals consider fairness and harm avoidance to be the primary moral considerations, but conservatives place a higher value on in-group loyalty, purity, and authority.

Oh god it's an American.

That's retarded, collectivism vs. individualism is another axis just like left-right economic attitudes or authoritarian/libertarian governmental attitudes.

Spoiler warning, all the people talking about white identity and the whole "you will not replace us" meme are just as collectivist as the "kill whitey" rhetoric espoused by self-hating leftists.

The end of that was almost aware.

the SJW thought police absolutely do not want free speech. Free speech means anyone who's not mentally ill can speak up and point out how wrong they are.

Is that supposed to contradict my statement?

no? i'm not sure how it would be taken that way either.

You can find VICE interviews when members of antifa are all talking about Gamergate still.

Probably because it is now. Keep up with the times you old fart.

She also has homophobic videos and a video by a nazi on her page.

That means she's a Muslim, /u/Caelrie

This is the Islamic version of Unitarianism right?

I don't think it's Islamic


Bahá'í Faith

The Bahá'í Faith (; Persian: بهائی‎ Bahā'i) is a religion teaching the essential worth of all religions, and the unity and equality of all people. Established by Bahá'u'lláh in 1863, it initially grew in Iran (Persia) and other parts of the Middle East region, where it has faced ongoing persecution since its inception. Currently it has between 5 and 7 million adherents, known as Bahá'ís, spread out into most of the world's countries and territories.

It grew from the mid-19th-century Bábí religion, whose founder taught that God would soon send a prophet in the manner of Jesus or Muhammad.

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is a religion teaching the essential worth of all religions, and the unity and equality of all people.

Definitely not Islam.

the muslim shahada is "there is no god but god and muhammad is his prophet". baha'a faith stresses the fact that muhammad wasn't the last prophet. absolute kufr

It's not, I asked a former Baha'i guy I know and he said that they don't consider themselves Muslim.

It's not, although it's been historically influenced by Islam. I asked a guy I know from a Baha'i family and he said that they don't consider themselves Muslim.

It's basically camel jockey Unitarianism.

It's influenced by Islam because it's Persian, but it's definitely not Islamic.

Yeah, and Unitarianism isn’t technically Christianity either, which is kind of my point.

So they throw fags off cliffs instead of rooftops?

Its more that Muslims kill them when they find them as is dictated in their shitty fascist theology.

Islam is already Unitarian, they’re just less nice about it

Bahá’í is unitarian universalist though

Do they actually believe in universalism or is that just an analogy?

they’re actually universalists- all Abrahamism has universalist elements, but Bahá’í’s the full package

they’re also technically unitarians, but that term traditionally refers to christians specifically

After reading about Bahá’í’s and their reverent view of the Universal House of Justice, I think a more apt comparison is Muslim Jehovah's Witnesses.

They are universalists though, so I suppose I get a couple of lifetimes before I have to recognize the UHJ's supreme and unquestionable authority.

A Conservative Muslim.

Vegan PETA members are now alt-right.

Thanks for clearing that up, Ghazi.

We need to kick out illegal Mexicans since they eat meat.

tbh hitler would probably be a vegan peta member. Actually I think he still wore leather, so maybe just the first.

weren’t nazis invented by vegans? i know they didn’t eat meat

"If they did a bad they belong to the other side."

~ Everyone, 2018

Vegan PETA members are now alt-right.

Well, hitler was a vegan pro animal rights.



well hitler was a vegetarian

There's like a semi-common take among the weirder idpol crowd that being a vegan is inherently racist.

How the fuck?

it’s because the global poor can’t afford beans

daddy issues

where’d you get that one? Last Comic Standing?

This is clearly the fault of wypipo.

I eat Kobe steak to show solidarity with the global poor.

Kobe Bryant sells steaks?

Where do you get those, Sharper Image?

Totally makes sense. India has the largest number of vegetarians worldwide, but sure, it's a white movement.

What a maroon

Lol those vegans won't fit here too, we drink honey and milk. Never understood why they dont.

Being a vegan isn't racist.

But modifying your diet because you think cow lives are sacred is a peak mayo trait.

Thinking cow lives are sacred is a distinctly brown person trait, is it not?

You know what I mean, don't pretend you've got an extra chromosome.

I find it hard to express myself and that means everyone else is retarded.

Peak Mayo Problematic

What's the difference?


u/KillerIsJed free speech is alt-right thanks for letting me know the founding fathers were the original nazis

The founding fathers were the true Nazis. America was actually the main villain of WWII, defeating Hitler for trying to create Nazism without free speech, the most Nazistic part of Nazism.

I hear they were fighting against the guy who killed Hitler smh

the founding fathers were the original nazis

i mean, more or less

is that the guy who calls himself dinosexual


Why are you upset over calling her mentally ill? Surely you don't think that her mental state represents the average woman.

Because acknowledging failings in recognizing mental health issues, would mean when /u/Colby-klaus finally does his mass shooting he'd not have a get out of jail free card.

How to always be right:

  1. Bend reality until it fits your narrative

  2. Silence anyone who disagrees

  3. The lack of comments proving you wrong means you're right

  1. Bend reality until it fits your narrative

  2. Silence anyone who disagrees

  3. The lack of comments proving you wrong means you're right

Have you patented your TD modding guide yet?

Bend reality until it fits your narrative

Don't T_D just straight up invent things though? And when the mental gymnastics aren't enough, just pretend it's 4D chess and it'll make sense someday (if you believe in Daddy enough).

The difference is that TD literally tells you that it’s not for discussion. There’s no illusion of neutrality and you’re literally directed elsewhere if you want to debate. Pretending otherwise is screaming loudly that you’re a victim.

Huh, you're right. The lying and quashing of diverging opinions suddenly don't seem wrong anymore because they're open about doing it!

Still can't tell for sure what's more retarded, the argument itself, or the people who repeat it.

You are literally told that they don’t want discussion on their sub. I don’t get your problem when you’re not being misled at all.

They literally called themselves "the last bastion of free speech on Reddit" LMAO

As opposed to /r/news, right?

When has /r/news called themselves that?

Considering that the standard for Reddit’s major subs is to pretend conservatives don’t exist I think it’s fair to mention

Nonsense. Reddit is completely aware that conservatives exists, they just vehemently disagree with them so their posts get downvoted, so they get overlooked.

Even centrist views are banned from the defaults. This particular alt got banned for quoting Ban Ki Moon on the OIC.

They are the only real thing supporting it simply by virtue of being a large sub that is opposite to the rest of the site, without TD the entire site would be leftist. SO in a way they're correct, simply because their sub is the sole enabler for open right wing opinions


Welcome to the forum of choice for The President of The United States, Donald Trump!

Be advised this forum is for serious supporters of President Trump. We have discussions, memes, AMAs, and more. We are not politically correct. Please read and respect our rules below before contributing.

are you fucking stupid? this is in their sidebar and took me less than 10 seconds to find

It’s not for debate. Sorry if nuance is lost to you

The difference is that TD literally tells you that it’s not for discussion.

Sorry if english isn't your first language

Get triggered all you want, I’m not losing any sleep.

Facts don't care about your feelings, libtard. Think of a better response the next time you get utterly DESTROYED by LOGIC.

Yeah, they "have discussions" concerning whether the libtards are literally Hitler or literally Stalin, not whether Trump poses a threat to the rule of law or anything of that nature

It's public domain, not my fault if anyone is retarded enough to follow it

Oh yeah, and no. 4: bring up t_d for no reason.

It works for all echo chambers, including not only /r/T_D but also /r/socialism and pretty much any other extreme

muh boogeyman

Anybody on anyside of the gamergate war is a massive retard. Why do people even care about it in <current year>

I fought in the Gamergate Wars. It was hell on earth. I still remember leading the charge against the dark forces of GamerGhazi, stale memes and mean internet comments whizzing over our heads, the screams of the triggered filling the air. I lost a lot of good friends on the killing fields of /r/Ggfreeforall and /r/Kotakuinaction. Most of them died in their gaming chairs due to heart failure from extreme obesity, but still. The memories of that war haunt me to this day. I returned home a broken man, my dreams at night filled with images of Anita Sarkeesian's leering face. And then I see asshole like you calling us retards. Is that any way to treat a veteran? We fought for your rights to play 4D yaoi hentai games and this is how you treat us? Despicable, but not unexpected from scum like you.

Anybody on anyside is a massive retard. Why do people even care about it in <current year>?


We veterans of the Cola Wars will welcome you at the local VFW post.

Nice to meet a veteran of the Great War! Thank you for your service sir!

How disappointed are your parents when they have to acknowledge you exist?

They care about culture wars Ed.

That's massively retarded tbh

I'm just explaining why that sub exists still, and its not because anyone gives a shit about video games or harassment.

This but also KiA

KiA kind of still cares about video games, but in how SJWs are ruining them, so still because of the culture wars.

Anybody on anyside is a massive retard. Why do people even care about it in <current year>?



that's the first sensible thing you've said since you told your mom "Mommy I did a poo poo in my diaper"

Anti-gamergate helps to serve as a warning sign for rapists and pedophiles.

I dunno, the counter reset a whole 3 days ago

Radical centrists should get the knife

/pol/ is racist against non-whites.

Hey /u/Broden how does it feel knowing /pol/ has more minorities and poc compared to Ghazi? Like, that your community is all beta rickles white trannys and a rare suburban obese lady oreo or two? Lol.

your community is all beta loser white trannys

They'd be lucky to have a handful of trannys hanging out there on a given day; Ghazi is literally the whitest of the white knight Soyboys and a handful of TERFs... but mostly it's just men self-flagellating about how embarrassed they are about their own gender.

GamerGate had a much bigger audience of gays, trannys, etc at its peak. There only notable exceptions being the ones who were just looking for attention and switched sides every week or the severely mentally ill like Literally Wu.

/u/Broden is /ourguy/, actually.

/pol/ has more minorities

Just another example of hypocrisy. But an insignificant one.

You know what's the greatest hypocrisy? Treating someone different because of the way the light reflects off their skin, or their share of violent crimes as a group.

That's the greater hypocrisy.

So neckbeards in gamergate shouldn't be judged as a whole, then? I mean, they never even had a violent crime.

People died, /u/Neon_needles. Suicides

All because of the neckbeard's man-pride

Once brave women, destroyed by words

Sent via twitter by gamergate turds

Their lives shattered, broken, and gone

Why were they lynched, their talent once shone


That's beautiful

The title is Electric Daggers. I hope the pottery is not lost on you.

Treating someone different because of the way the light reflects off their skin

That's not how that works, if you put them in a pitch black room they will still be the same color.

believing in an objective reality


/pol/ isn't filled with pearl clutching retards like you, other than a tiny minority of super woke posters, most of them can take a joke. That's why there are more pee ohh sees on /pol/. Hell, mutts are literally the largest group of users there.

most of them can take a joke.

It's reddit posts like this which make me return every time

I hope the police have found her body and laid a trap for you then.

A patrician's fetish

/pol/ isn't filled with pearl clutching retards like you

Umm sweaty, let's not jump to conclusions.

fuk u I always shoot first

most of them can take a joke

mutts are literally the largest group of users there

That really tickles my pickle.

Wtf what you just wrote sounds like a line out of a shity movie that tries to act deep.

just trying to fight hate on the internet

I think that you've done so little with your life and you've watched so many hero movies that you believe you need to always make a difference in the world so you think that somehow acting like a cunt on the internet is "fighting hate".

Wow rude

Also it's all rapists

Believing anything on /pol/

Q died for this

Demonetization of videos? Well I don't think anybody called this one. What a sperg.


Don't lie you're secretly sad the deranged shooter isn't a fucking cis white male.

Are you using /pol/ as your framework for your opponent at gamerghazi?

/pol/ is a pool of edgy shitkids if you think that the most outrageous comment on /pol/ is the standard for how people in the world that oppose gamerghazi and feminism you sure are in for a ride.

The problem with identity politics is exactly that, you think every person that says something against gamerghazi, feminism is equal to the worst comment on /pol/ you will end up having a sad and missguided fight against the world. You will hit people with bikelocks you will pull microphones and scream at speakers for saying women are on average shorter than men.

I think you might have to start accepting the fact that the statistical probability of you being below average IQ(49,999999999%) is starting to become a reality along with most of gamerghazi supporters.

Also what the fuck, you blame her shooting up on the people that were "racist towards her" for her actions? So she isn't to blame for getting a gun and walking in and shooting people at a company that stripped her away from her funds? It was infact not her fault, it was the alt-right people that pushed her to it due to mental illness not her being poor for not getting a real job and dealing with life instead. I mean Anita said it best "Everything is racist", well then if that is the case then we can just blame "systemic processes" for all the actions of people even the racists that couldn't help being racist because they were just systemically put into telling every person the meet how poor they were for being "not white" then nobody action is really their own, no choice is made we are just stupid machines that aren't able to alter our minds. Then you aren't even able to make a decision yourself because it is all systemic that you are a crazy feminist that is adopting biased identity politics. Do you know what this is?

It is determinism, It is something Sam Harris actually says is true. You agree with Sam Harris then. I see there is validity to determinism but if i get put into a choice I consider both options and try to use utilitarianism as a guide line but of course this goes against the Gulag and we all know Gamerghazi cannot have a world without the Gulag's. There was actually a person from Gamerghazi telling me Stalin did nothing wrong the other day, I mean killing 20 million people for "wrong thinking" isn't anything wrong from gamerghazi point of view? WOOPS identity politics isn't fun when being on the receiving end...

Now take that IQ test so you can stop using the megaphone internet provided and learn before speaking.

No u

Is this fresh pasta?

Someone PM'd me because of this thread. What you're seeing is the freshness.

He's being very generous. Observe:

"hehe I am a smart leftist that got educated in the US, my superior knowledge being a democratic person in a land filled with idiots("other thinkers") make me so smart that I don't need to read anything that goes against my beliefs or thoughts, this makes me smarter than those religious idiots that believe in God even though my way of thinking is not at all like a religious person, TIHI i can be smug now

Someone PM'd me because of this thread

What's their username?


Smells like some 🍝🍝

High IQ /u/Frieah sent it and closed with this:

yeah no fruitful as most extremists, gonna not give you the satisfaction and block you right here, keep being ignorant, keep being a dick towards anyone that you believe to be a nazi and good luck in life.

I'm not sure if xe meant xe was blocking me or not giving the satisfaction of being blocked.


p l e a s e

r e s p o n d

The fact you have 0 points says it all.


Not sure what this means unless we're talking about using points for paying for rent. In which case I can pay 8 rents.

Do you mind going to your inbox, finding the message he sent you, pressing "Report", selecting "It's harrassing me", and then pressing "Submit"?

No, I'm anti-report.

Everyone deserves their place on reddit, even /u/Frieah.

Maybe even ESPECIALLY /u/Frieah

Confused by my attitude? Open a book, it might make sense. That book's name? The Bible.

Holy shit where have you been?

I been around

People been bitching more than a parkland shooting survivor since u been gone from the chan

Really! Well I was the one who did the Easter brank 😂

Not suprised, all White wingers are raycis.

This but unironically

I love how “quoting Hitler” makes a person an alt right literal nazi, even when the context she was quoting him in was critical. She was comparing YouTube’s moderators to Hitler, implying that both were bad, not embracing Hitler as a good role model.

Hmm, who else compares a certain someone to Hitler on a regular basis? Certainly not Ghazis...

They're claiming is she some alt-right Nazi for mentioning Hitler out of context entirely. They unironically indict themselves here, as reference Nazis and Hitler is a matter of routine for them. Simply by their own rules, they are alt-right.

Get the fuck out of here with that nuance, she was an alt-right facist ok???

op your username literally triggered my muslim inner self. u an ex-muslim or just an edgy whiteboi?

Broden? Wtf is he doing in Ghazi?

"I can't believe people are being so gross as to use this shooting as a weapon for their agenda"

uses this shooting as a weapon for their agenda

Like they don't even breathe between making themselves hypocrites without any self awareness. It's impressive almost, they manage to make a statement and contradict it at the same time. Brave new world of quantum hypocrisy.

"I can't believe people are being so gross as to use this shooting as a weapon for and agenda that isn't the same as mine"

quantum hypocrisy

It already has a name: doublethink

I hate the fact that people really want to make sure the shooter was one of "the other side". It's such partisan crap. If it turns out the shooter agreed with you politically that doesn't automatically mean your opinion are wrong or your movement created them or you have to take partial responsibility for them.

This is why we need the Muslim ban

I mean shes clearly nuts, so she would fit in on either side that still cares about gamer gate in current year.

Iranians count as mayos.

The TRUE Aryans.


> Who does that remind you of?

A vegan liberal woman of color bringing diversity to mass murder, but apparently not being very good at it since the only person she managed to kill was herself?

How become when JonTron did something they all called him white, but now with her every description of her uses Arab and they don't mention her being white at all, despite being the same ethnicity?

lol why can’t they just settle for the fact that she didn’t kill anybody


these people live in tiny bubbles sniffing their own farts all day long. They have no concept of what the world is or what the rest of the world thinks about homos

the west was an egregious mistake

They're claiming is she some alt-right Nazi for mentioning Hitler out of context entirely. With unironically indict themselves here, as reference Nazis and Hitler is a matter of routine for them.

My goal is to get banned on every sub except r/drama

I swear she is m2f Trans

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


  1. This Post -*,,*

(I am a bot.) Contact)


alt-right/right wing/nazis (same thing at this point)

Thanks for letting us know of your handicap right at the start of your post so we didn't have to keep reading.

I guarantee you the news will somehow find a way to say she's white. Because you know only straight white men are killers 🙄

There’s really no political narrative here. She was a crazy person that got angry at YouTube for demonizing her crazy ass videos, which were mostly not political.

I hate that "preaching about freespeech" now apparently makes you a right-winger.

Do you think they hurt themselves drawing bows that long? 'Oh, she called YouTube Nazis for demonetizing her videos, must be altright!".

She had a handgun with a high capacity clip though. How are they gonna wiggle out of that one?

Yo, what modern handgun even uses a clip? "High capacity" = normal, lol.

I think it's safe to assume they meant "magazine". I believe California's definition of high capacity is more than 10 rounds, so it isn't exactly the most useful of descriptions in the first place.

"Meanwhile she was preaching about freespeech" Omg what a fucking nazi!

Meanwhile, she was preaching about freespeech, dicatorships, and quoting Adolf Hitler.

Wow, free speech is a right wing position? You make it sound like The Left are now the authoritative assholes.

I would be mad too if I got paid to repost content on YouTube and they took away my free money for doing nothing. Who wants to work for a living?

Fake News

Well you heard it folks being pro first amendment makes you Nazi. Makes sense these faggots were getting triggered over comedians making tranny jokes and constantly protest to shut down anyone that doesnt fall in line with their views.

Fucking Gobblety Looks!