Gender Critical discusses the YouTube shooting. many users claim that the shooter must have been transgender and not born a female, allegations of conspiracy by the media are made.

128  2018-04-04 by LookingAtGrows



Speaking of which, I think this person is almost certainly male. Take a look at the photos in this Daily Mail story, especially the one where he's holding a bunny. Looks like a male body, male neck, male face to me, and I'm a bit baffled that many don't seem to see it.

/u/Lil_z, do you really think your viewing of photos on the dailymail (nice choice of news source by the way) will allow you to scientifically determine a person's birth sex? Isn't judging a woman to be male because she has some what you deem "male features" just sexist and enforcing a female body ideal?

Isn't judging a woman to be male because she has some what you deem "male features" just sexist and enforcing a female body ideal?

It's good to know that even gendercritical feminists realize that women need to be physically attractive to shallow men in order to qualify as women.

(nice choice of news source by the way)

You're right, /pol/ is a better source.

the dailymail (nice choice of news source by the way)

You're right, /pol/ is a better source.

Siding with pol to totally own the libs trans

This appears to be her based on the TV picture shown: Here is the site, according to the youtube: OK, I saw these pics and was ... wondering. Alpha dude BF comes >wandering in, and says, "Who's that dude?" Noted the neck was >covered up, but even when it wasn't, he thinks it's a dude. Does anyone have Farsi translation skills?

/u/Wrong_Toy, why are you desperate to cast doubt on the shooter's sex? Your subreddit is particularly full of violent resentful females, so it should come as no surprise to you. And no one believes you that you have a boyfriend, let alone an "Alpha."

Maybe she does have a boyfriend but he has extremely poor eyesight. It would explain a lot.

Holy fuck, they do sound like the_donald!

Except right

I knew you would find your way to the thread. You don't really believe the shooter is trans do you?

Uhh nope. Women can be crazy maniacs too, it's just way less common. Because men and women are different. Because of biology.

And yet GC doesn't seem to think so.

Well some of them are pretty extreme lol. I'm a radical centrist feminist

Does that mean you only want to reduce the male population down to 20% instead of 10%?

I'm actually for sending men away until they're about 45 and they have their shit together.

The gays are okay with this too.

And who knows men better than gays

I feel like the main reasons for the difference in violence reported between men and women is due to women being much less physically capable of inflicting harm, leading to them choosing to attempt it less, and for attempts at violence to be less likely percieved as such.

Meh. Check the murder rates. Pretty hard to hide that one.

I guess I'm saying if women were equally as strong as men, they'd attempt violence at more equivalent rates.

And if frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their asses when they hop

I guess what I'm saying is that men arent more crazy than women

Hashtag not all but I think men actually are statistically a bit more crazy. But they also have way bigger dicks pn average too.

Idk I've seen some pretty girthy masculine clitorises

I thought the whole deal of TERFs was that women did not have dicks?

Why do only women send love letters to serial killers??

Because they want to larp as doing something dangerous without any actual danger because he's in jail for life

Did you learn English from the police academy movies?

except that since guns were invented, you don't need to be physically strong to inflict violence on anyone. so it's probably just due to the fact that crazy men are often violent, because of testosterone. crazy women are often less physically violence, because they don't have as much of that hormone which specifically makes animals large and violent.

If anything the fact that higher gun ownership correlates to higher level of violence, should show the idea that men are more violent due to having better means to inflict it is true.

Additionally I'm not saying that the woman can't fuck up a man with a knife, but that she'd be much worse at it then a man most likely, lessening her propensity to do it.

i can't make sense of what you just said. how do men have more access to guns than women, can't they walk into a store and buy guns, or steal their uncles assault rifles, just like a dude can?

also if a random psycho of any gender, swings a blade at any untrained person, they can fuck them up, it's not hard. it's biology and hormones making men more violent than women, it's ok to admit men and women are different.

If more men own and know how to operate a firearm, I'd say they have more access.

but nothing physically prevents women from owning them or knowing how to use them, besides the fact that women often aren't psychos who enjoy owning shotguns and assault rifles.

also you changed your argument from "men are stronger so therefore commit more violence" to "men somehow have magically more access to firearms than women."

men WANT to have guns more than women, because their testosterone filled brains think its super cool to own weapons of death. at this point you're like the rest of reddit who has to pretend that women and men have no inherent mental or biological differences.

Have you ever owned or operated a firearm?

you're so bad at arguing it's painful. as if i personally prove your entire theory somehow. no, i don't, cause i'm not in america and literally no one owns firearms here, besides people who live in the bush and hunt shit.

besides, asking what one person does isn't going to disprove an average. there are chicks who like guns, there are chicks who beat the shit out of each other in steel cages. but on average, dudes are more violent than women.

if you disagree with that, just go ahead and type "gender is a construct" and get it over with.

I'm not saying that men arent more violent then women. I'm just saying that they have a much greater capacity than women to be violent.

well at first you said they are more violent cause they were stronger. then i said "but guns exist". then you said "men have more access to guns", but you didn't explain how. then you just said "men own guns more often than women" and i agreed, and pointed out that it's because men want to own guns more than women.

now you're just saying "capacity", but i'm not sure what that means, cause you're changed your argument 4 times already. basically i said "men like violence more than women cause they have hormones that induce aggression and violence running through their bodies."

do you disagree with that, yes or no?

I don't think I'm aware of any current information that relates testerone and increased levels of violence. I think due to socialization related to biological difference would explain a little

lol what. there are tons of animal studies where they inject them with testosterone and observe their behavior. it makes animals selfish, dominating, and more prone to use violence to punish any perceived slight. this isn't new information.

I think due to socialization related to biological difference would explain a little

"gender is a construct"

ok, now i know the flavour of your argument, i'm putting down my spoon.

Increasing testerone levels realtive to normal levels has been shown to increase aggression, but doesn't show that comparing varied baseline testerone of different magnitudes leads to increased aggression between subjects.

men have more testosterone than women, therefore, it's probably biology that explains why men have committed 99% of all violence throughout history.

unless you believe every single society on earth just happened to "socially condition" men to be more violent. you also can't explain why child murder is done by men at much higher rates, nothing stops women from killing or assaulting children.

men are more violent than women, it's probably not 100% to do with hormones, but it's probably a biological gender difference.

Every society probably conditioned men to be more violent since they have more testerone leading to greater muscleass, and a greater capacity for violence.

you do realize this is about the third time you've changed your argument right? are you just trolling? be real.

I think my main concern is just when people ask why men are more violent than women, they never discuss the simple fact that men are much more capable of inflicting harm on others than women, at an almost exponential rate.

but women could shoot up schools and blow up shit if they wanted , but they rarely want to, which points to something deeper and more psychological or biological. women could be serial killers too, some of them were, but it's like 3% of all serial killers.

if you honestly deny that men are more biologically prone to violence, you are viewing the world from your own personal bias.

School shootings and bombings are excessively rare anyways. And as previously stated men generally have higher familiarity with using these devices anyways.

I'm not saying Men arent more violent than women, I just don't think the difference is due to men being insane sadist, but rather that they are better at being violent, and therefore more likely to choose that route. If women had the same strength disparity over men that men have over them, I'd expect that due to having a higher capacity for violence, and a positive feedback loop of society trying to take advantage of this, they'd commit most of the violent acts.

yeah we've gone around in a circle man.

"men are stronger so do more violent"

"yah but gunz and bombz dummy"

"ya but men know how to use em moar"

"yeah but why? why???? could it be because men are more naturally attracted to violent weapons and hobbies??"

"ummmm are better at violent because stronger, and umm society tells them to be violent, cause stronger"

anyway i disagree, i believe men are just more mentally and biologically and hormonally prone to violence than women. this reminds me of when people argue that women's sex drives are just as high as mens, and when i point out how that's dumb because of how that's clearly observable to be false, people start talking about "yah but that's only cuz slut shaming and stuff". well then how do they know women's sex drives are just as high, if you can't observe that in reality? same thing to you, how do you know it's only because of society telling men to be more violent, when all reality tells us, is that men are more violent. you're assuming that women are just as violent as men but just lack the capacity, there is no evidence for it.

men are all violent savages, and women are all prudes with no sex drive, now get over it !!!

You don't think men generally have higher technical or mechanical ability which leads them to having greater access to such things?

can you prove somehow that men have some part of their brain that governs mechanical and technical stuff, at a larger size than women, or are you just making shit up again?

because i think women could do mechanical jobs just as fine as men really, i don't see why not. i just think men are more violent because they are.

also we are talking about guns and bombs here, not fixing a car, you don't have to be a mechanic to use a gun, for fuck sake.

No, but they'd be socialised to be more likely to learn prerequisite skills.

guns and bombs don't require mechanical or engineering skills. another failed argument, try again. most men who went on killing sprees were fucking spergs who were in school, they weren't mechanics.

shit logic.

They don't? You about to build a Privately owned nuke?

the fuck are you talking about now?

Whether or not mechanical and technical expertise are required to build bombs and operate firearms.

yeah because when i read about most school shooters, most of them were genius engineers, and not just austistic school kids, good point.

you need an engineering degree to point an assault rifle at school kids and pull the trigger, therefore, only men go on killing sprees, because only men are good at building stuff out of lego.

if you aren't trolling, you're literally retarded. please tell me this has just been a long con to get me aggravated at how nonsensical your arguments are, please.

You don't think men are socialised to have higher rates of gun ownership? Have you ever even seen a gun or set off small explosives for fun?

so you aren't arguing mechanical skills anymore, now you've changed to "men are socialized to own guns". as you do every time i point out a gigantic hole in your arguments, you've changed the argument.

no, i believe men like guns because men like violence. i don't buy into the feminist meme that "gender is a construct" and boys only like violent themed things because their parents tell them too.

i liked violent shit growing up because it was fucking cool, literally no one said "YOU ARE A BOY, YOU HAVE TO LIKE CARTOONS WHERE PEOPLE BEAT EACHOTHER UP AND SHOOT EACHOTHER, AND ACTION MOVIES, AND GUNS, AND NINJA MARTIAL ARTS MOVIES". and yeah, i like guns, and explosives, that shit is fun, but no one told me to find it fun, i'm a man and thus a violent savage by nature.

if there is a man who isn't a violent savage by nature, he just has low testosterone.

So you project your own sadistic desires onto other people?

you project your own soy boy mentality onto other men and assume society has brainwashed them to like violent things and activities? have you had your hormone levels checked?

lol, you're the soyboy who believes people own guns because they want to sadistically murder people, and thinks they should be banned. Europeans Boys are the definition of soyboy. I bet you've never even thrown a punch.

did i say guns should be banned? i mean, i know you're slow, but try to not make up stuff out of thin air when arguing, or to constantly change your point.

i also said that men own guns cause men like violent stuff, most of them don't want to go on killing sprees, obviously.

also i'm not european.

I bet you've never even thrown a punch.

too late to start acting macho now, mr "gender is a construct". i'm sorry your parents didn't socialize you to be a proper masculine man, i suggest going and watching all of arnie's 80s and 90s action movies, in order to receive proper masculine socialization.

lol man, what's next, you gonna send me dick pics to prove you're hung or something stupid? You getting awfully worked up trying to prove all men are are brutal savages, and that your urges to kill aren't somehow abnormal. I feel like suggesting maybe you should seek out professionals to help manage your condition.

well i have an urge to kill you, but only because you're one of the most stupid people i've ever talked to in my life.

Me: Men are stronger than Women

You: mEn arE aLl InSanE SADistic MurdERERs

me: men are more prone to violence than women

you: gender is a construct, you need therapy because you like guns

also, i literally never said "all men are violent psychos". remember when i told you to not make up stuff in order to argue? you aren't doing very well champ. try taking the slower lane in life, you won't be able to keep up with people of at least average intelligence.

Me: I sometimes enjoy going out shooting with friends

You: I wish I had a gun to kill you with

yes, i'd like to murder you. but i think it's a natural male feeling to want to murder people you don't like. but most men restrain it through discipline, and the psychos don't do that, and just beat up people, or snap and fill their high school with lead.

but you'd be lying if you said you never wanted to murder someone really bad, like i want to do to you right now.

Oh bb I'll put one into the cylinder and give her a spin, then cock it and stuck it up under my chin for you. Should I pull the trigger?

only if i can butt fuck you and feel your bussy clench as life leaves your body. there is literally no greater ecstasy.

Wait, who would be feeling the greater ecstasy, me or you?


Also explains why men are far more likely to change the world for the better. Crazy, that.

Yeah true

Ah, look at you, believing that there was a shooter at all.

If this is a sincere comment I unironically stop interacting with you Normie. Bye, I guess.

What? I'm confused lol

Do you think I'm loco? Ey essay?

I think that sub which is famous for threads like "It's our best interest to abort or leave baby boys" is insane, because they sound like incels.

You personally, no. Also I'm overreacting a bit.

I don't hate men you mong. I thought we were friends

Well friends have arguments. This is one of those.

Well you were pretty quick to want to get rid of me for a simple jokey comment so maybe this is really something else coming out here. But that's just my armchair psychology

I was using a hyperbole, let a man reee sometimes, woman.

Didn't feel like it but I'm glad we're cool

Sorry if I insulted you in any way😭💅😞

Not at all.

Jesus fucking christ you're so pathetic and I love it. Imagine actually being upset because some username you recognize disagreed with you. TERFs (& you especially) just need to die already.

You created a new account just to say that? 😕

My biggest fan

It's this sort of male on female bullying that /r/drama needs to crack down on

My face when you engage a TERF in a slap fight.🤨

I don't hate men

why not? men are almost as bad as wypipo.

I dunno they kind of suck but they smell really good sometimes and they can reach things on the top shelf and fix my car and such

can reach things on the top shelf

manlets btfo

I like short guys too. They don't benefit from patriarchy as much

I like short guys too.


/u/annoysthegoys you got a shot buddy!

I prefer shiksas tbh. Last thing I need in my is more guilt trips from jewesses.

You need to get yourself an Irish woman. I'd pair you up with my sister but I consumed her in the womb 😪

Some men are even cumskins

I don't hate men


I thought we were friends

imagine being so fucking pathetic that you try to make friends on reddit ahahahahaha


Wassup cuntie_girl. How's life.

Yes? Is this a genuine question? you post in fucking /r/drama. do you

Yeah, I already admit to being maladjusted.

The underlying lesson of "both sides" is not to shut oneself out of the world, but rather to embrace its craziness.

Do you want someone to talk to? Pls don't talk to me!! 😂✋️🚫

Ok and no,I was only pretending to be retarded.

Atta boy!! 😉

I saw a post where the general consensus was to not let your daughter go to sleepover in a house that has any males, and it's like, those poor kids are gonna miss out on so much, and it'll affect their friendships for sure.

Gender critical tards are not right about a single thing they say.

Look, I’m all #TeamPizza now, but come the fuck on. Men clearly have cuties and need to be gassed.

I thought women weren't allowed to speak here?

/u/normie_girl pick a number between 1 and 10

How about 14/88?

Damn you are just committed to defening the crazys in GC.

I could stop at any time

Pls don't. GC drama is perfect because it's so diverse in its petty autism and the users actually have the ovaries to waddle over here when pinged.

As you wish

/r/conspiracy tier speculation, plus stormfront tier rants (if you sub in "blacks")

/r/conspiracy is slowly learning to hide their crazy bullshit like claiming how being gay obviously means you are likely a pedophile.

To be fair, they also believe that eating pizza means you are a likely pedophile.

/r/conspiracy is so anti mainstream its looped back around to boomers and their various moral panics

they’re really biting down on that horseshoe

They take all of our sayings and memes. They even ducking steal reeeeeee. That’s lame, the left can’t meme or have an original thought.

That speculation though that’s some good stuff tbf

They are the only feminists with what approaches a sense of humour and irony though. Shit, I'm on the TERF side. Ah well, feminine cocks are gay anyway.

The moment I heard the suspect was female, I turned to my sister and said "The reactions to this are going to be two-fold. Half of people are going to use this as counter-proof to deny male violence, the other half are going to attribute her lack of fatalities to her incompetence as a woman".

Lo and behold, men are so predictable.

/u/MossWolf if men are so predictable, why can't Women Mass shooters kill more Men than Male Mass shooters?

Hahahahahahah feminists rekt

You'll see my comment in YouTube feminist rekt compilations forever, right next to the greatest minds of GamerGate's.

GG will never die


No you see, that was staged propaganda on the part of the liberal democrats who want to disarm america so they can overthrow the government. As was every other mass shooting involving a non-brown perpetrator. Since this shooter is a wimminz, it's real, and the answer is obviously to keep guns from those hysteric wumzumz, while arming men to protect themselves from them.

Notice how /u/MossWolf makes this comment making fun of Sandy Hook truthers and other right wing conspiracy theorists while posting in a thread full of her fellow GCers who are investing a conspiracy that the shooter was a trans woman so they don't have to admit that natural born females can be violent.

Horseshoe theory has never been truer than in 2018

What about horsecum theory?

Natural born females can be violent, they just have less hand eye coodination than men and transwomen.

It's nothing to feel bad about.

The fact alone that the primary focus of this shooting has been the gender of the perpetrator is proof positive of ubiquitous gynocentrism in society - more importantly, it is undeniable proof that this society views women as morally superior to men. That is the article of faith upon which the entire feminist house of cards is built - which is why feminists always become extremely defensive and touchy when confronted with any evidence of female immorality.

This but ironically.

This with bussy.

ubiquitous gynocentrism in society - more importantly, it is undeniable proof that this society views women as morally superior to men

The gender focus of the media probably has to do with the fact that it's rare, and therefore more people will read articles about the shooting. The news is motivated by maximizing views

All shootings are rare

Female shooters are rare - women behaving badly is not rare.

/u/FeminamRadicalis I think it's a bit hateful for you to call Nasim a tranny just because she has a few features that you say are "male". She is full 100% woman. I think you guys should own it. 2018, equality in all things, including mass shootings 🤷 ♀

Nah, /u/FeminamRadicalis is 100% correct; anytime you see a """woman"""" with muscles, or short hair, or wearing overalls, you can safely assume """she""" is a tranny, and treat them like the oppressive, violent human filth they are.

This but unironically.

/u/FeminamRadicalis is actually correct I read a medical article about male jaw lines causing gender dysphoria years back.


Nasim is a hero, she killed a dude, what can you say for yourself?

Yeah at the risk of srs posting, it seems shitty to dedicate the sub to advancing women, but the second an actual biological woman does something they don't like, they question her womanhood.

Right now, first wave fem are neo nazi, second wave want women to be oppressed and third wave can only attack other third wave feminist.

They popped my banned cherry for pointing this very same sentiment out...oh well, at least I still have r/toomanychomosomes to annoy.

I'm an unironic TERF and all but this entire train of thought from them is both incredibly retarded and pretty sexist.

there are SUPPOSEDLY some childhood pictures floating around and the shooter is in a dress, which is supposed to prove that they're a woman. if these are in fact true, there's no way that there isn't an intersex condition going on. that is a body on testosterone, without question.

/u/pandathrowaway, how do you know "without question" that you're viewing a body on testosterone?

It seems like a man, just the way this person is dancing, it seems like a male body. Maybe I'm wrong. But it just doesn't seem like a woman. The neck and the apparently massive hands??

/u/justforthys, what on Earth is a "male dance."

TERFs are trash but you're coming off as a little too unironically mad ITT

That's just my male pattern aggression, actually.

Nasim isn't around to defend herself anymore so it's up to us to white knight for her.

I have also already seen people saying shit like "well of course no one died if it was a woman shooter" and other ridiculously misogynistic statements

ME! It was me! Hell I even said it to my wife and she agreed!

It's funny because it's true. They say it's ridiculous, well, why did no one die?

my daughter came up with it all on her own btw

like father, like daughter i guess

I see you are raising her well

[Internalised misogyny intensifies]

This is going to turn into a battle of the assholes, men’s rights groups and terfs will yell nonsense at each other for days :).

Anyway, I think being trans provides a heightened sense of gender presentation and indicators. I’ve spent such a large part of my life analyzing myself and figuring out what exactly makes people see me certain ways and how to counter it, and in turn what those counter actions look like. That’s a cis woman, even with FFS, there are physical features that are at least very unlikely for trans women.


Yes, believe it or not sometimes women have violent impulses. What implications to your women only utopia does this have, i wonder.

The moment I heard the suspect was female, I turned to my sister and said "The reactions to this are going to be two-fold. Half of people are going to use this as counter-proof to deny male violence, the other half are going to attribute her lack of fatalities to her incompetence as a woman".

/u/MossWolf that just means you came to the exact same conclusion as men, you're just in denial about it

Women are scared of guns and shitty shots, news at 11.

I'm just glad to see a woman taking time away from raping school kids to do something different with their degenerate lives.

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


  1. This Post -*,,

(I am a bot.) Contact)

I fucking hate when any male violence/ domestic violence issue gets brought up on reddit every single man writes an entire novel on how a woman physically/emotionally abused them in such great detail its like. I would never doubt an abuse victim but it almost feels like when they describe it its gratifying for them? Like "Fuck you women you are abusive way more abusive than men are here is a bs statistic btw and a graphic account of my situation." So weird. I am too uncomfortable to even think about/write about the abusive situations I have been in bc of men. And they really have so much hate for women and the duluth model

I just wanted to say that given how many male mass shooters there have been recently, I was really proud to see that a woman has finally taken up arms and appeared in the headlines in a role that is designated male by our society. I hope I can one day live in a country where half of all mass shooters are women, but I realize these changes take time, especially given how much of a boy’s club mass shootings can be. We need more brave young women like Nasim Aghdam to take a stand to shatter that glass ceiling with their lead, and show other girls elsewhere that you really can do anything the boys can do.

Thanks, Nasim - you’re an inspiration to young girls everywhere.

At long last, /r/GenderCritical meets /v/Transvestigation!

The crossover we’ve all restlessly clamored for.

the internet was a mistake in lots of ways. how else would retard shut ins like these fat crazy women on gender critical, actually form any kind of group and circle jerk their own autism till it's set in stone?

at some point in history, these people would just stay inside their house, babbling to their cats and drinking their own urine, instead of forming online social groups with other human beings and actually managing to string their insanity into thoughts and ideas, which then influenced other people and grew into a group that shares them.

and actually managing to string their insanity into thoughts and ideas

looks like you're having a little difficulty with this as well tbh

not really.

maybe english is your second language?

i read it a few times before posting, nothing i said seems weird or jiberish, maybe you can't read?

idk, but fuck off.

gets brought up on reddit every single man writes an entire novel on how a woman physically/emotionally abused them in such great detail its like. I would never doubt an abuse victim but it almost feels like when they describe it its gratifying for them?

It's gratifying for abuse victims to describe their abuse to sympathetic people? Really makes you think.