
54  2018-04-04 by MemesVsPropoganda


There are no quotes. Deal with it.


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There are no quotes. Deal with it.


It’ll never replace Snapshotbill. RIP in peace, blessed sentient archival program.

Mods can you make it so that it posts random taytay pictures?

I don't want to be associated with this psycho. Yeah I like to laugh at retards (not the helmet kind), glorifying edge and death is dumb as hell.

Pussy bitch, you probably aren’t even Iranian

Thank God

You'd rather drink soy and pretend everything is ok?

No I'd rather drink whiskey and laugh at dumb people not go to r/watchpeopledie and whack off

i like to drink whiskey, and jack off to people dying, because i'm a man of refined taste and culture.

That sub has turned into shit since they almost got banned. You can't even make proper jokes anymore.


sounds boring as fuck

Well I'm retired and not a NEET, I can afford higher pursuits.


There are no quotes. Deal with it.


  1. This Post - archive.org*, archive.is

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/r/nasimesabz1 go subscribe

Well at least the robots have a new dead horse to beat after 4 years.

temptation is slavery not freedom

fucking based. is she the next kaczynski?

remember the 14 words

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

This is my safe space. I can actually ask the real questions.

Is this a dude? There's a few videos where she has a large chest (could he prosthetic as she had a prosthetic butt) but most where she had none and no cleavage or even a chest. She's got a huge adams apple.

i'd like to have pre marital sex with that girl.

Wife material is she single