/r/gendercritical refuses to believe a woman can commit a crime, accuses Youtube shooter of being a secret trans trying to make women look bad

33  2018-04-04 by cabforpitt


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/u/BritishOvation why are you so obsessed with what she has in her pants? Is it about some sort of an agenda?

I'm not obsessed. It's just that if (and it's a speculative if as there appears to be no corroborative evidence at the moment) this person is trans that the crime is correctly recorded as being perpetrated by a male.

And that will help you masturbate better at night how exactly?

You are a disgusting excuse for a human being.

Get help, we here at /r/drama care about you :|

What's it like being the feminist version of a Nazi?

"TERF" is much snappier

if it turns out she is really a woman what you are going to do? stop going to a sub that believes men are evil and women are pure? how will you cope?

Oh, yeah. It doesn't matter that a shooting happened somewhere. Who gives a fuck about the people injured?

No, clearly the only thing that matters is how you can use this tragedy for your own agenda.


They were youtube employees tbh.

u/ChewMyMeatForYou why use the word natal at all, if talking about a tranny just call them a male


Holy shit, I thought you were being hyperbolic and such a feat would be too insane for even GC.....but nope, proven wrong there....just fucking hell...

Some of those people are complete idiots but there were voices of reason. Gotta be fair.

She probably just snapped because of all the emotional labor she had to bear. Toxic men are to blame once again!


> I'll go out on a limb and say I'm sure this is not a natal woman. Women don't do this. And this person completely looks like a man of you ask me.

> Funny, when I heard the shooter was a woman I immediately put my money on the shooter being trans.

> It's not a 'conspiracy theory' that the media now regularly falsely reports male crimes as having been committed by females. Women aren't wrong for suspecting that whenever we hear that a 'woman' has committed a type of crime that is almost always committed by men, that the media might be lying about the perpetrator's sex. Because they do, all the time.

I fail to see how my title doesn't reflect these comments accurately.

And I agree, but you also have these comments:

I think she was an Iranian natal woman

I know that it's important not to label women with men's crimes to keep sight of the real issue, which is male violence. I really get it.

But the way a lot of comments here jumped straight to "must be a tran!!!" reflects pretty badly, I feel. Yes, 97% of shooters are men, but that's not 100%. This can be a woman shooter and that fact still remains. We can own the crimes that women commit.

Also, how many people went to the website and are scrutinizing and inspecting the photos... What if she is a woman?? Like, what does that tell all the non-especially-feminine women?

Not trans that I am aware of. We have some common friends on Facebook who are Iranian, they all knew she was pretty crazy, but no one ever expected her to buy a gun and shoot people. Most of their reaction is that this is a prime example of how easy access to firearms is dangerous.

There's no real proof that she was transgendered other than that picture posted by wrapunzel, and I've read elsewhere that it could refer to a change in nationality rather than a sex change.

I just think she was a woman with issues.

Funny, when I heard the shooter was a woman I immediately put my money on the shooter being trans.


Edit2: Did some kiwifarms sleuthing and it looks like Nasim was a natal woman.

Conspiracy theories don't help our cause.

If the shooter was trans—and there's nothing to support that supposition at this point—it will hit the news sooner or later. In the meantime, let's remember that natal women can also be awful people who do awful things.

Males who identify as female make up .4% of the population.

50% of the population is female. I know men make up the majority of violent offenders, but 3% of mass shooters are still women. It's more likely that the shooter is a woman than a man who identifies as a woman.

Women can be violent. I think we get into problems of stereotyping if we start assuming women who don't act like normal women must actually be men who identify as women.

So yes your comment has a point if you only look at the comments you took, but that's definitely not a consensus, a lot of GCers disagree, me included

> I'll go out on a limb and say I'm sure this is not a natal woman. Women don't do this. And this person completely looks like a man of you ask me.

Oh my

Tbh I thought it was a guy at first too. Dunno why the eyes so obsessed with it tho. It's not like this is the first woman to ever shoot someone