Self professed meth addicted whore with STDs with a history of being a meanie on Reddit discovers that people living in glass trailer parks shouldn't throw stones.

13  2018-04-04 by IAintThatGuy


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/u/missy-amphetamine can you share some anecdotes about being a drug user and a parent?

/u/missi-amphetamine can you share some anecdotes about being a drug user and a parent?

I wonder if she's taught her kids how to serve her up a nice hit yet

Those quotes from r/gendercynical are hilariously dickheaded, it's amazing how hostile believers can be to people who question the teachings of the church of the high holy trans

in general r/gendercritical and r/gendercynical deserve each other.

/u/Missi-Amphetamine which STD do you have and how much do you charge for a fuck?

Also, you should buy a gun and learn how to use it before some giant crazy tranny decides to track you down.

Also, you should buy a gun and learn how to use it before some giant crazy tranny decides to track you down.

She's a methhead. She probably has guns all over the place, and a dozen buried in her yard.

Hopefully, because we all know real women stand no chance against man muscles in a dress.

Dunno. Fat woman on meth might surprise you. We totally have to organize that fight.