just abusing snappy to archive some guy's posts, ignore

2  2018-04-04 by [deleted]



Snappy doesn't archive shit. Unless somebody clicks on the links snappy provides, nothing gets saved.

REEEEEE! I'll try to fix it.

Are you using /r/Thisisatest86 as /u/BussyShillBot's version of /r/SnapshillBotEx?

Nah I was just testing some stuff.

Yeah, I just noticed that nearly all of the archive links were unable to auto-archive. Fake snappy sucks.

I love you bro, but too many links my man, I am name isnt clicky McClickbait

I think I got Archive.org working and archive.is is sometimes working. I think this post had issues because I need to fix some rat limiting for the archive pages.

Oh holy shit that guy is amazing.

Here's the /r/drama thread about him.