Ultrashitpost was suspended for advocating the genocide of rednecks of all people. F.

131  2018-04-04 by shitpost953


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Eat shit and die


Fucking Lmaooo

Jesus. /u/justcool393 look what you made this faggot do. Create some kind of retarded shit golem imitation of snappy.


He died as he lived, ultrashitposting.

A true patriot of drama.

Was this the argument in which he tried to bait me into saying absurd shit?

This is just way too much fun. I've got you all running scared as fuck. All for 10-20 minutes once a day scraping through your posts and firing off a few complaints to the admins.

You can be sure to thank /u/ed_butteredtoast for showing me how effective tattling to the admins is at getting people suspended.



He's swift as a wind commenting, then deleting those accounts. Not bad for an old geezer with mild dementia.

lol does he think he's some kind of rerarded supervillain now?

He sure does. Old age can be a bitch

Dude, get help. You're a middle-aged man who spends his day combing through people's posts on a meme website. Does that not strike you as strange at all?

middle aged

55 yo


Upper middle age, anyway.

Almost 60 is fucking old.

60 is the new 30. It's really not that old anymore if somebody keeps active and doesn't get hit with some disease.

>implying he doesn't have the beetus plus heart disease

Anyone that spends this much time obsessing over eds shenanigans probably already has heart disease.

Goddamn, Snally, we all knew you were fat and smelly, but you're also 60!?

And no, 60 is not the new 30. Hopefully 60 will become the cutoff age when we as a society intern the elderly and use their tender flesh for The Greater Good


60! = 8.32098711274139e+81

Clearly a sufficient replacement to Snappy.

I'm not 60, but '60 is the new 30' is a common saying because, with the increase in living standards, new technology, new research, etc. and a shift in culture, 60-year-olds can now live youthfully. The caveat is that as soon as somebody starts to resign themselves to being old once they hit middle age, they will degenerate. There's actually a good deal of research indicating this. That's one of the reasons why there's such a huge variety in terms of what 50+ year olds of any given age may be like in terms of cognitive faculties, level of energy, physical age, etc.

I refuse to believe that 1960 is the new 30 feet, ya crazy ole boomer.

He's actually 51, but yeah.

He told me he's 55 wtf لماؤ

When he mentioned his age in the reddit chat, I think he said was 51 years old. I could be remembering incorrectly, though.

Oh no! He gave you the Alzheimer's!


Who was this? Is did Ivanka buy a third modem?

No ageism pls

/u/buttermyself (deleted now RIP)

Noooooo, I liked him 😢

Im hunting pedopiles,, , god bless the Q!

Are you him??????? PM me now to verify

Pedopiles sound like small hemorrhoids.

I fucking loved him!! 😭😭😭

What are you doing?

Pinging the people against whom a manifesto has been issued by our retarded grandpa

I'm shook 🤤


This is trippy, cus I was just about to tag you on this.

Just watching out for my real ni🅱️️🅱️️as (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

You really should be reporting these comments to us as well as the admins so that we can remove them. If they aren't reported we don't know.


Of course he's not gonna do that. He's being a little bitch about his own situation where he got IP banned by the admjns for ban evasion and vote manipulation in his own subs lmaooo

lurk more smfh

Youre spending more than 20 minutes a day on this you old fossil.

no u

tIcK tOcK

Doing the Lord's work. Do not stop until every r/drama subscriber is banned. Thank you old man.

>banned from life


I can't tell if this is Ivanka or someone larping as him. Though I guess if you're 50+ years old and got nothing better to do, I can't be surprised.

Holy shit Ivanka this is some petty ass shit.

Fucking /r/drama has a super villain

Do you think he could be the next big unironic r/drama psycho?

Wait what did BoOC do? How did I miss that?

How fucking sad of an existence can you have to have Ed-fucking-ButteredToast as your arch nemesis

I would never fuck a ButteredToast ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

Holy shit. Try not to direct your autism at the more quality posters like UltraShitPost in the future, gramps.

He got suspended for that? Is it a permanent suspension? If so then /r/drama's userbase is going to drop like flies.

I feel as persecuted as Chris Dorner right now.

"Burn 'em down."

It's permanent, temporary ones are only visible to the user in question.

that's fucked up. And they listened to someone who's been chucked too!

/u/spez suspend me daddy

Im pretty sure i got suspended because it was my third suspension, but yeah, it's a bitch comment to get suspended for.

I'm pretty surprised that the admins took action. Didn't they say that our sub culture makes that sort of post okay, as long as it's not directed at anyone outside the sub or serious?

The reddit admin team is being inconsistent with prior rulings, news at 11.

That's some serious bullshit.

May he rise like the phoenix.

So, you admit to reporting him to the admins.

I don't report people on reddit. That's what women do.

Bruh, you’re basically a big ol’ girl.

No you just block them and proclaim to everyone that you've blocked them.

Is pizza Jewdank?

I've blocked literally 3 people in years on this website. The only people I've ever blocked have been so absurdly incompetent, so absurdly impossible to argue with it'd be like trying to argue with a mentally disabled ape of some sort.

These are people that I value so little I'd rather just block them than see their retarded drivel.

The 3rd one is a retard from this very subreddit everyone knows.

I didn't know you could block yourself.

aren't you the guy that tried to lie about where refugees came from even after being confronted with data?

You should try posting valid stats for once if you want to be believed. Fucking pathetic.

"These numbers from credible, actual sources that say I'm wrong aren't valid, but these stats I got from the daily stormer are."

Do you ever get sick of the smell of the stuff you pull out from your ass?


Just because you believe lies doesn't make me a nazi. You sound like an SJW right now. lol I mean not that you never don't sound like one but you are REALLY sounding like it today.

Facts don't care about your feelings, libtard. Think of a better response the next time you get utterly DESTROYED by LOGIC.

Stop sucking on pizza's balls.






Dude give it up. You are wrong. The masses are always wrong. Get over it.

You understand that you're an uneducated moron, right?

What's more likely here. you're an idiot being scammed, or the entire world is rigged against you?

I would ask you if you understand you are a stupid motherfucker but the answer is obviously that you don't. I probably have more degrees than you dickshit. Not that it matters. Degrees are not a symbol of intelligence.

You know you unironically repeat misinformation I know for a fact you've read on the daily stormer, right?



You know how to spot a moron? Wait for them to declare anything "mainstream" automatically incorrect.

The reason this type of propaganda is so effective is because it lets stupid people (that's you) feel like you have some inside track to the truth, while at the same time convincing you all credible information is just not credible.

This leads to you seeking information from "alternate sources" which are almost always literal fake news.

It's brilliant, really.


It's ok, I don't hate you. Like other people over the years you've been had.

You've been bamboozled, you've been scammed, someone has gotten over on you.

And like those people, you'll never admit it, not even to yourself.

Your smugness and lack of self awareness tells me you would make a good SRDine.

What is it I said that's factually incorrect. Let's try this.

Is is it true that the first thing demagogues do is go after the media?

It’s gotta be the Dunning Kruger. I wouldn’t waste my time, unless you’re having fun, then have at it...It’s sort of entertaining, but only in the way someone yelling at a wall, or trying to teach it algebra or something could be entertaining.

But also commendable. You’ve got more verve and wherewithal than me.

Demagogues are the first to talk in absolutes like you.

Stop crying about being a misinformed little shit and start being a better citizen dude.

Can you stop replying now you fucking retard? I lost a few IQ points reading this comment thread because of you.

Imagine coming to drama to gain IQ points.

lol triggered

Low effort and wrong.

loooool so fucking triggered

boring and gay


Using your alts for vote manipulation again are we?

I though you got canned for minor sexualization. Didn't knew you used socks lol

You are a massive beta. You make fun of gramps for his antics but really, compared to you, he's a minnow.

So you lied when you said I was the 4th? How do you even live with yourself, you bastard.


Woah I don't even remember this one.

Must have been one of my "12 benadryl mythic argus progression" nights.

The 3rd one is a retard from this very subreddit everyone knows.


I'm pretty sure it's /u/Thot_Crusher.

IIRC, it was /u/cuckslovetrump

It was, and it was because he wouldn't read the book "Shattered"

That was the book about the Clinton 2016 campaign, right?

Yeah. Written by Clinton biographers too

Stop trying to argue with literally everybody numbnuts. Go smoke some weed or some shit before you have a stroke.

Well, maybe that's why you're so dumb, the weed.

Dang that’s amicable pizzahill. Most lefties snitch like it their job for virtue points. Look at against hate subreddits, they report anyone to the right of Mao for being white nationalist racist homophobes.


See, we don't need any history to know that you're really boring.

Ya lol sweet post history scooter

There's no shame in asking a big strong man like me for help.

This is the work of our oldfag retard /u/IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu

Or someone equally lacking in dignity and self respect.

/u/nunast? Hmmmmm (⌐▀͡ ̯ʖ▀)

Weird, what sort of retardation got them suspended?

Easy with the redpills...

tried to bait me into saying absurd shit

You have to be baited into saying absurd shit? I thought it was just a simple waiting game.

Friendly reminder that things you don't like are not the same as "things that are not true."

Either you didn't realize my previous comment was not bait, or I was right about it just being a waiting game.

No, I just know who you are and have seen the stupid shit you say. I know enough about you to know you're a wild ape with nothing of value to say.

you're a wild ape

I'm actually a very civilized ape, thank you very much.

with nothing of value to say

We at least have that in common.

still, you’re a kia tard

At least we know what kind of a tard I am. Some of you putter around here drooling and mouth breathing and we have no idea why you're the way you are.

Damn, for that thing with /u/pizzashill? Admins really are getting strict

kill all rednecks /u/spez

Pretty weak F


By now, getting banned for snapping at /u/pizzashil Is a rookie mistake.

The dude is unhinged even for a teenager...

Does it count as genocide if they’re subhuman?

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


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Ultra went full CTH

Fake news, he was actually suspended for insulting Taytay.

This but unironically. It's seems like Allah (s.w.t) does take up with blasphemers! سُبْحَانَ اللّهُ

How long before mayocided is a bannable offense? Have we already crossed that line?

All hail the all-new, no-shitposting, all-seriousposting Reddit I guess


Aww. I kinda liked him.

How is his comment differ from the mayocide thing we support here?

Mayocide isn't necessarily violent, and when people ree about "white genocide", they're usually talking about mayos being replaced by non-mayos through things like miscegenation and low fertility rates rather than the deliberate killing of mayos. On the other hand, when people talk about exterminating and euthanizing a population, it usually connotes violence.

Fuck he was like my favorite poster here.

I hope he will ride eternal to Valhalla with his mouth shiny and chrome.

smh whitey always tryna keep the brown fascist down

This is why we need mayocide

A true hero of r/drama



For those about to rock we salute you.👏

I'm thinking /r/drama attracted the attention of some very hysterical redditors, because everything gets reported to the admins now (and they suspend people for it). I just got back from a 3 day one myself.

How the hell do you know what i got banned for, but i get zero reply from the admins?

Am genius

also am spez

also am spez

I 100% believe that the /r/Drama mods are the admins using alts to let out pent up anger.

I think we should unironically give fentanyl to all rural white teenagers so nature may take it's course