BMI is a "man-made system hacked together by a couple of dudes who hated fat people" (I vowed not to post tranny drama for a while, so I swear it's a coincidence that this fatty is also a tranny)

5  2018-04-05 by IAintThatGuy


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what about that thing you promised

We're dealing with 50+yo people. They're in the process of creating a reddit account, right now they're reading up on it because apparently it's complicated.


I promised family tranny drama. If that doesn't pan out, I'll turn tranny and get my parents to post on /r/Drama.

tbh now I hope it doesn't pan out.

I'm quite curious to see what the people that failed so badly at parenting that they turned out a specimen like you are like

My parents are actually the most normal normies ever. I think I might have developmental issues though.


isn't the totality of civilization a man-made system hacked together?