What types of alters do *you* have in your Internal World?

28  2018-04-05 by snallygaster


You want to read through all 238! I'm too lazy snallychan.

Nice try society

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


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Oh my god. Did they mean altar? That's going to kill me to read.

I think they mean alter your internal world?

bussy alter

i wish i had more animal parts in my internal world rn

So do these guys give themselves mental illness by purposefully destroying the functional programming of the human brain?

There are no quotes. Deal with it.


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It helps to have some babysitter parts when I'm dealing with you guys.

This Wiki is a collaboration of information regarding what is referred to as ‘Undetectable Mind Control’. This phenomenon goes by many names also, and maybe understood as something different for other people. Given the subjective nature of readers this website will either be a joke or the holy grail of truthful information.
