I may be home schooled, but I'm smart enough to see the evidence for the Jewish agenda in the MSM, Hollywood, government, etc...

0  2018-04-05 by lets_move_to_voat

Don't believe me? Just type in the name of any famous or powerful person at JewishAncestryGenerator.com


Type yourself into non-existence please.

Apparently you're related to Iglasio Sanchezberg, the great Mexican Jew!

Delete your account

That really wouldn't be in the spirit of r/drama

No it would be. Believe me! 👐☝️️

Do that thing where it looks like you're tweaking little air nipples, i find that very persuasive

i said delete your account

But your results just came in... You are related to Jim "Ed Boy" Shlemstein. A good Jew, but he was always hanging around with this bubkes little macher

I see through the lies of the Jew-di.

There is no good and evil. Only Power and goyim too weak to seek it