ChapoTrapHouse does some mental gymnastics calling MLK jr, whom was a republican, a ‘socialist’

23  2018-04-05 by Dropperneck


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whom was a republican

Add the “m” to sound smarter. Oldest trick in the book.



Apostrophes are known to the state of California to cause cancer in large quantities.

"Him was a republican." -> Retarded

"Whom was a republican." -> Sophisticated

whom was a republican


You aren’t a actually this retarded are you?


Exactly, that sub is pure cringe with zero ironic posts

don't you post in the_donald

No user history hunting or grandstanding please.

Lol jk. Fuck this guy.

MLK jr wasn’t a Republican, though.

sssh bby it alt-right

He was a conservative, and almost certainly a republican. Dixiecrats were strict segregationists iirc

There must be a better distribution of wealth, and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.

classic republican rhetoric

the drugs have made you retarded


please explain the context where advocating a better distribution of wealth than capitalism would be an american conservative value

I think there needs to be a better distribution of wealth, and I’m a capitalist/despise evil ass socialism.

so you're a capitalist who disagrees with the results of capitalism

and you think democratic socialism is a conservative tradition

you seem awfully confused. put away the pills and get a job

Quit getting butt hurt and head back to r/politics with your shareblue style propaganda bro

thinking democratic socialism isn't conservative is shareblue propaganda?

I love when the OP is a retard

You might not like it but this is what peak radical centrism looks like.

I think non-whites should not be considered human and I'm a democrat.

Now that’s edgy!

Democratic socialism is just state capitalism though, not socialism.

fascinating take

/u/JebusGobson please read this

That's not even a 'take', that's just not knowing what certain words mean

Or how adjectives work actually

For some reason I read it as social democracy.

Democratic socialism is fantasy.

literally no one cares


Democratic socialism isn't real socialism

When is Socialism not State Capitalism?

Do you think Maoist China was state capitalist?

Democratic socialism is very left on the American non-edgy political spectrum, and may have cost Bernie the nomination

FTFY. Literally no one cares about how state capitalism is more right wing than Stalin or whatever. I don't even entirely disagree with democratic socialism, but it's very left wing

He never publicly endorsed either party, nor any candidate for president. He was openly critical of both parties’ record on civil rights. He did, however, publicly urge people not to vote for Goldwater (and personally voted for Kennedy in ‘60, according to his autobiography).

Your wishful thinking aside, no.

He was openly critical of both parties’ record on civil rights.


Radical centrism is the best centrism.

MLK was probably a Nazi or something since he criticized both sides of the political spectrum

“I imagine you already know that I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic… [Capitalism] started out with a noble and high motive… but like most human systems it fell victim to the very thing it was revolting against. So today capitalism has out-lived its usefulness.” – Letter to Coretta Scott, July 18, 1952

“Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.” – Speech to the Negro American Labor Council, 1961.

“The evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and evils of racism.” –Speech to SCLC Board, March 30, 1967.

“[W]e are saying that something is wrong … with capitalism…. There must be better distribution of wealth and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.” – Speech to his staff, 1966.

You are a fucking retard

if you think that's bad, look at how short his attention span is

I think If ‘democratic socialist’ was used in the title it would have been much more honest is all I’m saying buddy

all I’m saying buddy

MLK jr, whom was a republican

I am much more socialistic in my economic theory than capitalistic

What did he mean by this?

Something something both sides arbitrarily changed stances for the lulz.

That show burn notice was terrible FYI. Corny as hell 🤦🏿‍♂️

Mods plz ban

MLK wasn't a republican or a socialist.

No he was a radical centrist

me too!

I think he was a socialist.

Based off quotes and speeches I've seen he'd probably be a social democrat rather than a socialist.

He said he was a democratic socialist. Given how many of those became social democrats, it's not too far fetched to think he would become one (like Sanders).

Fill me in, what the fuck is the difference between a social democrat and a democratic socialist? It seems like leftist political factions are more subdivided than metal subgenres.

How many degrees of hostility to markets you have. Leftwingers are way less hostile than many decades ago for many reasons. They may be distrustful but they want to work within the system mostly.


There must be a better distribution of wealth, and maybe America must move toward a democratic socialism.

classic republican rhetoric

the drugs have made you retarded

extremely religious with PhD of theology

didn’t like gay people, traps, or boipussy

Southern minister who preached nonviolence and fidelity to God

had an open relationship and was NOT just fucking the women at his rallies behind his wife’s back

/u/WNEW One of these things are not like the others

You read what you wanna read

user reports:
1: *whomst

Cancer tier meme


user reports:
1: *whomst

Only an autistic retarded /r/the_daddy D0tards like OP would call MLK Jr a Repugnican.

Mayocide needs to commence ASAP.


well theyre certainly literally retarded at least

The shills are coming out the woodwork. Wow

Everyone who disagrees with me is a shill!

posts in chapotraphouse

not a shill

Pick one hot rod

Why would a left wing shill post in a left wing subreddit if a shill's goal is to influence people towards their political goal? wouldn't they post in right wing subreddits and try to convince people to change their mind instead?

You expect too much thinking for a druggy.

> expecting a daddy defense force member to exercise critical thought


No one was calling you Hitler dude.

You wish you had nazi's sense of fashion brave centipedo.

is op the oxytard from earlier

Whenever I see JFK assassination conspiracy theories, it reassures me that maybe humanity isn't getting dumber. Maybe we've been this fucking retarded all along.

OP, is the "MLK was a Republican" thing some attempt at trolling? Like you're trying to get a reaction out of people by sounding as stupid as CTH users?

All I’m saying is he sure as shit wasn’t a socialist like the alt left subs article I linked was proclaiming.

He was

Socialist =/= social democracy

Not even close

You called him a fucking Republican. You're retarded.

he's not a Republican, dumbass

*whom sure as shit wasn't a socialist


That’s not even the right context dumbass

that's not even the right whom*, dumbass


Go down vote some more lol. So much low energy

Whom should I downvote tho?

You tell me hun

It took less than two hours for /u/Dropperneck to go from

He was a conservative, and almost certainly a republican. Dixiecrats were strict segregationists iirc


I think there needs to be a better distribution of wealth, and I’m a capitalist/despise evil ass socialism.


The shills are coming out the woodwork. Wow

what a fucking moron L O L

His oxy wore off. Cut the man some slack.

OP you accidentally linked to /r/conspiracy.

are people upvoting this for the drama from OP's delusional title? LOL

OP: ackthully mlk was a conversative"!!!!!

user: no op, you are indeed stupid


From what I understand MLK wasn't a socialist but he flirted with it and many of the white people who marched with him were socialists.

He was smart enough to not go full left, he know the CIA was on his ass if he came out as a Marxist it would basically be a another death sentence for him

Yep you’re right. You remember what Malcom X said about the white liberal, he literally died the next day.

We have a new lolcow everybody