soyboys btfo

94  2018-04-05 by grungebot5000


About like 30 to 45 minutes ago I beat the fuck outta my dick so goddamn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb and my dick has also went totally numb to the point where it feels fucking weird when I take a piss.


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friendship ended with snappy

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Good. Every time I see a Trumptard suffer from their bad choices I cheer.

They'll still vote the other way because they want to stick it those smug liberals hahaha. This is American politics in a nutshell. Electing tv show hosts just because you wanted to piss someone off.







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Do you know of any better way to piss liberals off

Invest money wisely?

If you invest the amount of money I do it’s wise to never foreclose how or how much you are investing.

Stop being backwards moralizing wastes of oxygen who's communities subsist on federal welfare and meth. We hate that.

The best revenge is living well.

But then how will they know

You share a lot of pictures of your beautiful house/family/mental health evaluations and they’ll feel bad when they’re trying to find dirt on you.

Can't wait to do it again.


They're still going to blame it on Obama, doe.

Do you spend your entire life crying?

Nah used to work the coal mines. Was happy then. Our GOD-FEARING president will get me my JOB back and it'll be SAYONARA to crying

But you're not considering the value of trolling the libtards epic style

Is that really a bad thing?

Clearly their family has been producing soybeans for a long time. They'll just have to downsize.

They probably can sell it cheaper to the hipsters. You know, like how we can go straight to ranches and buy milk. Have the hipsters degrade themselves and buy their soy milk from the soybean farmers.

These people grow your food and make the soy you need to keep being a niggerfaggot.


triggered much, snowflake?

Tbh they grow my food's food.

All this for ritz crackers

On those farms, there's more illegal aliens who voted Democrat than farm owners who voted Republican by a scale of 50 to 1.

The only net effect is all those farm workers will now have to go home and say goodbye to $10 a day.

Therefore, Trump reducing illegal immigration.

Win. Again!

illegal aliens who voted


voter cards now!

illegal aliens who voted

Beep beep beep

Daddy said it one time so it must be true

All the farm workers leave

Nobody to harvest beans

Farmers suffer, economy slumps

At least all those dirty immigrants left

Or, more likely, they might be forced to pay a living wage to harvesters and the price of soy products goes up a little bit as a result.

Our dear local retard was celebrating farmers getting fucked over because it means some farmworkers will be out of a job (never mind that these farms probably aren't using very many laborers). How are the farmers supposed to hire a bunch of people at a higher wage when their crop prices and exports drop due to the tariffs?

Wishful thinking and magic.

this but unironically


There are countless miles of soybean farms around my city. I promise you that there are virtually no farm workers for beans. They're not planted, watered, or harvested by hand.

Even during harvest, it's just a couple of guys on giant harvesters and a couple of tractor-trailer drivers who drive the trucks the harvesters dump the beans into

Do you see a field full of illegals picking beans here?


i mean, it is in their name

they gotta be SOMEwhere

That shot where the red tractor is driving all recklessly at 20 mph and gets stuck in the ditch but then gets out is riveting.

The right was the real soy boys the whole time!

step son

He was btfo before thump.

LOL. Posting Washington Post and mocking the soyboys.

shrewd observation


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I was just in chapotraphouse and News, it’s def soyboy BTFO. They are all freaking out about the soy levels

The salt from the left is literally creating a new ocean. #Libtanica.

you know these guys probably aren’t left, right? they’re yokels

I was commenting on the fact that it's a wapo article.

Finally someone is sticking it to those smug fucking liberal rural farmers

Normally I have to shitpost on Farmers Only to do that.

Daddy doubled down with the tariffs today shit is going to get real

Hillary completely insulted middle and working class America. Would you vote for the politician that called you racist idiots? Or the guy that said he would fight for you?

Hillary completely insulted middle and working class America.

Her one redeeming quality

Well I know how to read and don't have a massive inferiority complex so I voted for the policies that would fuck me over the least.

you know not electing a grade A retard as your presidential candidate in the first place was also an option, but that'd be expecting too much

I tried my best to keep people from voting for a retard. But they kept saying "voting third party is a waste of a vote"

bruh at least elect rubio or the zodiac killer or some other run of the mill republifag for the nominee ,trumptards weren't forced to vote for daddy ,they wanted to vote for him

Middle and working class americans are retarded special snowflakes

Don't talk so bad about yourself

How dare you call me American

Them bean farmers got a right-ol civil war a-brewin, sure as shootin.