Everyone despises indians, even (especially) other asians

25  2018-04-05 by IAintThatGuy


Mayocide Ayy Lmao


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u/hund-kex bro I've literally seen peasants taking their children's pants off so they can take a shit in public

woah why the fuck were you looking at children's pants being taken off you pedophile.

I saw the dude, his mum, and a pile of shite after they left

and you are that pile of shite, because that's all there was after they left. otherwise how else would you exist and be there simultaneously

In b4 indians aren't asain

then what are they?

Poo, Himachal Pradesh

Poo, or Pooh, also known as Spuwa (altitude 2,662 metres or 8,736 ft), is a small town in Kinnaur district, Himachal Pradesh, India. The approximate population given within a 7 km radius of the town is 1,192.

Poo is 58 km from Powari village along National Highway 22. It is known for its natural environment, green fields, apricot orchards, vineyards and almond trees.

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words have different meanings in different countries and languages, more at 11

well since you shitskins insist on speaking crumpetnigger language, POO is pretty appropriate.

you're boring.

you're right, I bored into ur sister.

Tbh using Asia to name a race is the dumbest thing ever. I'm "asian" but I look nothing like an east Asian or an Indian or a yemeni, all of which are also "asian"

Are Russians Asians too? Are jews Asians too? Saudis Asian too? Are Finns Asian too?

woah bro you just translate that from cave people, or did you just reply twice to his comment? either way you're name is Sum Ting Wong

you're name

it's "your," shlomo bergstein

if you use quote arrows, you don't have to use quotes, mr.alt

fucking ESLs

if you use quote arrows, you don't have to use quotes, mr.alt

fucking ESLs if you use quote arrows, you don't have to use quotes, mr.alt

fucking ESLs if you use quote arrows, you don't have to use quotes, mr.alt

fucking ESLs if you use quote arrows, you don't have to use quotes, mr.alt

fucking ESLs if you use quote arrows, you don't have to use quotes, mr.alt

fucking ESLs if you use quote arrows, you don't have to use quotes, mr.alt

fucking ESLs if you use quote arrows, you don't have to use quotes, mr.alt

fucking ESLs if you use quote arrows, you don't have to use quotes, mr.alt

fucking ESLs if you use quote arrows, you don't have to use quotes, mr.alt

fucking ESLs if you use quote arrows, you don't have to use quotes, mr.alt

fucking ESLs

"ching ching chong me speak English well"

I can't believe so can piss you off that much that you quote my post multiple times, you're literally shaking because of how cool I am

lol I'm not mad, in fact I'm having so much fun with your kikery that it's a comedy shit-show. keep making fun of us, it provides us with some entertainment in calculus XIII class so that we can laugh at you and don't have to be doing boring maths problems all the time.

lel seems you're triggered

lel not really. having too much fun spamming you from my tablet. helps take my mind off boring calculus.

sounds to me like you're triggered my child

did daddy sexpat take your mattress away?

u sound the triggeredest lol. of course he did, moved it into ur room because he heard you needed a new one so that he can diddle you at night. btw my cum stains and ur mom's pussy juice are still on it after she gave me the best blowjob ever so have fun with it!

this is what a child thinks is an insult lol

knit yourself the people's sweater

they are "Asian" according to crumpet niggers and kikes lol

going by your post history it seems that you desperately eant an indian bull in your life.

/u/supergauntlet are you available?

cracker and currynigger too small. I want a meal, not a snack. No smelly nigger or sandnigger either

Are Russians Asians too?

Ethnic groups from the Eastern part of Russia do have Asian features.

Asians too? Saudis Asian too?

Arab/Middle Eastern.

What a dumb group of comments. Especially this...

South Asians are also Caucasian

Lol in what world?

It's a retarded zinger but it's technically correct...

lolololololol ching chong ching you all look the same

loloolol oy vey you kikes all look the same

yeah but we aren't mayos


that's what you are bro

I can't not talk down to you when you're 5 feet tall

Pick one:

  • I can talk down to you when you're on the floor.
  • I can talk down to your daughters when they're on their knees.

sorry Wang I bow to no one

Now go scurry back home to your rice hut

That was not one of the choices. Try again, pink baldy.

sorry Wang, but you're choices are only for third worlders like you

go back to the rice fields, or you can make my railroad for me, buddy

Sorry, no can do. Busy making maglev railroads in Asia already.

By the way, how's your own railroad project going? Oh wait, never mind.

triggered much?


not liek you

rofl of course not liek me, because you are the triggeredest of them all

seems to me you reply every time, this is my job

It's called talking shit.

not talking about you babe

Yup. Not talking about me either.

yes i am

no you're not

says who? mr Wong and Wang?

says Mr. pink baldy himself.

[–]IqtaKadabra [score hidden] 8 minutes ago not talking about you babe

I never said that

OK sure.

glad to see we agree

now go drink your sugary bullshit and rice

You pinks just jealous cuz you get diabetes as soon as you touch sugar.

aren't chinese literally always fat after 30

sorry wang, but I'm still better

you have that confused with pink piggies like you. LOL DIABEEEEEETUS

sorry wong

but you guys are always fat because you eat each other

and you pink piggies are the fattest. keep eating your cousins - those bigmacs and fried chikinz. sorry not sorry.

hahahaha sure thing buddy.

all look like danny devito, rhea perlman, mark zuckerberg, amy siskind, amy schumer, etc. LOL with those hook noses and those rat faces


Very self hating!

I can't tell if people are starting to write more like Donald Trump or if that's always been the case and Trump just made this style popular.

I think it's because the fob who wrote that and Donald Trump have equivalent English speaking skills.

It's weird because Asians in general are self-hating.

u/god-fist u/Hund-kex u/The_Red_Dragon88 Posting about Asian pride in a white language lmao. At least Indian's have an excuse to use English. You on the other hand are disconnected from the motherland and so alienated that you are posting on a Western board in a Western language about your Eastern pride.

Your pride is shallow and detached from real Asian pride which is nationalistic and has rich history and traditions rather than your Pan-Asian delusion.

I come to this kike site to catch up on recent news and to shitpost. It is quite entertaining seeing your fragile reactions.

Calling your retarded shit retarded is not fragile you retard

he's just mad he's 5'3 and lives in a tent

I should go to China and fuck everything that moves in some village, create an army of Pinoys

An army of Hapas!

no because hapas can be quiet and hot

Pinoys are loud, brash, and responsible for the nutshack

who would you rather see an entire village of?

Those blue Avatar people are my favorite!

yeah I sure as hell want to see blue skinned cat aliens

Me too.

And by "see," I mean fuck.

fuck everything that moves

including all the men and little boys and yaks and donkeys. wow you sure have your priorities set

of course it's not fragile, it's just plain retarded you retard

Ching chang pwong chin -_-

oink oink oink oink

why poo-in-loo pajeet curry niggers use language of their masters? why not use hindi or urdu instead? why you kikes not speak arabic instead of oppressor crumpet nigger language?

because not everyone in subcontinent can speak or understand hindi or urdu.

طيب خلينا نسولف بالعربي

derka derka derka derka mohammedjihad

stop talking bout your relatives like that

Fuck Pakistan

Our Reddit chat name.

triggered pajeets be triggered

Someone needs to start a troll account, post there for a few weeks/months with shit that'll get upvoted, become popular, then tell everyone you're Russian.

u/red_dragon88 already did that, kike. and it didn't faze them one bit. try again.

Calling people kike here is a big tell that you are ~16 years old and learned that from a friend in your highschool today at lunch.

he translated it from his stupid caveman language

I can replace Chinese people easily, there's a billion of them

lel I actually learned it from AP us history during urmom's 3rd period, but close enough. now go back to making my burrito, sanchez, it's almost lunchtime.

Are you Grandpa tick tock

nah just a loser shut in

I'll take grandpa over Wong any day, at least grandpa was American

no but im still waiting for my burrito, pedro. extra beans and hold the onions. hurry the fuck up. might have to call INS on your smelly lettuce-picking ass so that you can't get your food stamps anymore.

no u

i can't comprehend how retarded you have to be to think that india has had no influence on east and southeast asia... especially southeast asia.