Aspergussy spreads the word about terrorist organization Autism Sp$$ks

37  2018-04-06 by MarlaMaplesIsMyWaifu


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards


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I'm not sure what your point is? You're free to sleep with anyone you like. My post has nothing to do with your sexual life.

Oh contraire

/u/AdditionalHat we here at r/Drama want to assist you I fighting off the hordes of genocidal maniacs know at Autism Speaks. How can we help?

Erm, empathy is a good way to help. That thing you drama NTs lack ;)

But what about these eugenicist death squads searching house by house, room by room, trying to devoid this world of the Neurodivergent?

Perhaps, before empathy, you should start by learning simple reading comprehension. Like, age level 15 would be a good start. Like Jordan peterson says, truth is most important, so I recommend focusing on clearing the shit from your brain first, and only after that exercising your heart, cardiovascularily, so it might one day have a spark of empathy for someone in some appropriate situation.

Oh, it's also good to have empathy in order to experience true love in relationships. A bit of a selfish reason to develop empathy, but I know self-interest is the only way to make drama-NTs understand thingies.

What makes you think drama people art NTs? And by clearing my head, you mean for me to use a shotgun or something?

Reading comprehension will help you. If I mean a shotgun, why would I mention the next step after was to exercise your heart?

No, I don't think you're necessarily NTs, more skewed towards the personality disorder spectrum. I used NT as a shorthand for 'non-autistic' in this context. The fact that you picked up on my misuse of words shows you have potential in developing your reading comprehension, if you really want to.

Please don't mention the unclean one by name

You mean your twisted knickers? Oh soz!!


Lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo BREATHES ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Rule Number Thirteen: Take deep breaths, at least when your brain is dealing with threatening new information.

Wait did you just call the people here neurotypical

a person with literal Aspergers telling other people they lack empathy. simply amazing

Yeah, NT-narc, coz we got more empathy than you. As proven by your antics here, cuntos muchos ;)

Here's an easy-lit version to educate yourself, cuntos muchos:


Like fat acceptance but for autists?

This is why Allah (s.w.t) won't talk to us anymore 😔


Being fat is generally unhealthy and changeable, being autistic is generally healthy and unchangeable.

God, I wouldn't trade places with you, I love my logical thinking ability, sad NT-Narc loser ;)

generally healthy

It's detrimental to mental health. For instance I know / have known aspie guys who are depressed because they feel it prevents them from seeking out and forming relationships with others, especially romantic ones with women.


If it is then prevention should be the priority. But you said that even if it was changeable you wouldn't do it. My point is that trying to legitimize a development disorder like that, trying to normalize it and being against possible prevention is indeed similar to fat acceptance which is also trying to promote an unhealthy lifestyle.

God, I wouldn't trade places with you, I love my logical thinking ability

Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night :) Though personally I've never known someone with Asperger's / autism who genuinely seemed happy with it and wouldn't actually prefer to be normal instead.

Well, I've dated lots of aspie guys, and NT guys. Getting married to an aspie guy. The most successful people I personally know are aspies, they just don't come out about it. So your view skews towards the "negative" ones because you have no idea about the autism of more successful, happy, contented, married people.


God fucking damn it

neurodiversity crowd

I'm calling the police.

how do i delete the internet

plz do


I'm getting a strange Stockholm syndrome vibe from those comments.

The OP post in r/JordanPeterson.

/u/AdditionalHat so far what have you learned from the meme professor?

That you've got issues.

We all already knew that. What else ya got?

That you, just like a mid-level lobster, lack a spine. And that you will eat your brain and grow a new one when you lose out to Autie geniuses too many times. (Consider growing a neurodivergent brain next)

Hmm. You've really laid down some serious accusations here, and how is that supposed to make me feel?

I'm going have to ponder this for a while with my clearly inferior normal brain to even begin to grasp the philosophical and metaphysical ramifications of your wise words.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Don't worry. I'm sure you can do it if you really want!

did he teach you about the kek lore?

Yes. I know it's Blasphemy. I am sorry my Lord Toast that I abandoned you. I promise I won't do it again.

Lol so random XD

Thank you for your forgiveness.

It's kind of like a bunch of homicidal Nazis setting up a fund-raising scam and calling it "Judaism Speaks."

Godwin is dead and we have killed him

The 'tards on the 'tard board came up with a 'tarded analogy. What else is new?

Nuffin like a NT 'tard who lacks all possibility for genius and originality, and then tries to take their self-dissatisfaction out on a neurominority. I get your anger, if I was you I'd be angry too hun.

Would you be angrier if you were retarded or if you were jewish?

I'm both so I guess I'm equally angry... at whom tho? You discriminatory losers. Oh just kidding lolx

That’s good

don’t embarrass us

u do it to urself (and that's why it really hurts)

I thought we kicked spergs out of the tribe to go die in the desert.

You are not so smart.


Eat your swastika out, bitch.

Who's the dude who sounds like Kermit the frog, and why should I care?

You shouldn't. The link wasn't for u.

Inspired by the incredible support that you in this community have given me on a recent very personal matter, I thought I'd initiate an honest conversation about this matter and say what I really think - as usual, I am very open to feedback and constructive criticism, as I am aware my views would certainly be shocking IRL and perhaps even here.

I consider /r/drama a terrorist organisation that is all the more horrific for being legitimised in our society instead of being forced onto hiding like most terrorist organisations. Just because it's currently legal, doesn't mean it's not terrorism. Their specific mission is to eradicate Normism - to learn to genetically test for Normism so that Normies can be aborted and stopped being a burden to their Autist-dominated society, and to "cure Normism" which is a complete misnomer because the only way to cure Normism is to actually kill Normies or at least to kill their personality/humanity/whatever-makes-a-person-themselves which could be argued to be no improvement from death. The death of your unique personality = the death of *you, non?

I find it disturbing that whenever I google anything related to Normism it's 'Normism Sp**ks' that is omnipresent. Like this Nazi tyranny telling us that we should not exist, that we're wrong, and that we're a burden to society and the people we love.

Don't even get me started on Normie Mums who buy into all of this toxic crap and have braggy blogs about how they're such Martyrs sacrificing themselves to their inferior, devil-possessed children that they nevertheless love. No, you do not love your child, Normie Mum, not as long as you consider that their Normism is a cancer that has stolen your 'real child' from you - your Real Austist child that you feel your child "should" be.

That's not love, that's just textbook Narcissism. Not seeing your child as an individual but as an object that should exist in a certain fashion just because you feel it would suit you so much better.

Normism Sp$$ks, and the Autist tyranny it represents, is the cancer they should work to eradicate. Anyone with half a brain and some understanding of Normism should be able to grasp the fact that Normism in itself if not a problem no more than being stuck in any kind of Autist personality is a problem. (One of my worst nightmares is having to go through an operation to make me permanently Autistic; I would find it every bit as disturbing as having to go through a forced sex change operation against my will.) The vast majority of our problems come from external Autist pressures of living in a Autist-dominated society. And, by God, do many of them just love to dominate.

I find it hard to deal with the knowledge of this evil ideology that seeks to undermine our basic human rights and the idea of our worth as humans. So I turn to you, for comments, for anything really. After all, it's good to speak up, right? That's certainly what they do. They speak against us in our name.

inshallah brozer

Haha, whenever I think humans can't get stupider...

I consider /r/drama a terrorist organization

This but unironically

/u/AdditionalHat girls can't have assburgers, since it is caused by an overdose of testosterone and toxic masculinity. Please stop appropriating mental illness and educate yourself.

What if they're trannies?





Okay. You lack an ass because you lack testosterone. Try the Kim-K trick maybe?

Nothing wrong with a lil bit of eugenics

I am tempted to agree if it got rid of sociopaths like you hunny.

That's actually really ableist. I'm offended

Sociopaths like you don't have emotions. You're not offended, you're just BSing, like you s-paths do ;P

no u

not talkin 2u

This neurodiversity meme needs to end

No it doesn't. SourceL The majority of Autistics.

Top tip: many NTs also struggle with self-loathing. Being NT would not protect you from self-loathing. Ergo, go and get some counselling and whatnot. Take your head out off your own ass and look around, the world isn't just about you.

You're a nutcase. Autism is a terrible disorder and causes immense suffering.

Well, considering that this makes you a self-proclaimed nutcase with a terrible mental disorder, it's not exactly advocating for taking your views into account.

Your attitudes cause immense suffering. Primarily to yourself and the people close to you, but also to Autistic children etc. You should be ashamed of yourself.

self-proclaimed nutcase


You're rambling isn't making sense.

You have just described yourself having a terrible mental disorder, so why should anyone trust what comes out of your broken brain. I'm autistic and a high achiever, like many autistics I know, so speak for yourself, not for us.

I am sorry you hate yourself and I truly hope you can find the help you need. Antidepressants can work very well for many autistics.

You seem unable to separate mental disability in general from intellectual impairment. You're saying more shut that doesn't make sense.

You can say that living as you is an awful experience, for you.

You cannot say that living with autism is, in general, any more of an awful experience than living with neurotypicality. Firstly, you cannot know what it's like to be NT, and secondly you could never be NT because your brain is wired differently, so to be NT you would need to stop, effectively, being you

Thirdly, plenty of us Autistics live contented lives just as much as NTs.

So you are plain wrong in generalising your personal experience to 'all autistics' or even 'most autistics'. You've fixated on your autism as the source of your problems.

It is objectively a disability. Human are social creatures. Sensory overload is not good.

You're projecting an awful lot. You keep saying new stuff you pull out of your arse.

It's a disability largely because the world is dominated by NTs. But the scientific and cultural advancements come largely from the NDs. And we had a valuable place even before that - see the new hunter-gatherer studies on Autism.

You need to define your words more carefully. Yes, humans are social creatures. NTs generally need to be surrounded by people the majority of the time, whereas we have the gift of being able to focus on our independent interests on our own most of the time. NTs are generally "better" at social relationships because the majority of people are NTs - like attracts like -; and also, because NTs wanna spend their life socialising day in day out.

So, it seems to me you imply you feel dissatisfied with your social life and you blame it on autism. I recommend you read Ian Ford's book 'a field guide to earthlings' as it's a great manual to understand social interaction, that of NTs as well as that of Auties.

Sensory overload is the dark side of 'sensory sensitivity' - and sensory sensitivity enables us to access deeper emotions in life, art, phenomena, people, than the more thick-skinned NTs.

Everything's a trade-off in life. It's just immaturity to believe that you're specifically disadvantaged because of your autism. There are great gifts and possibilities that come with our condition. The NT-dominated-environment normally sucks in helping us unleash our gifts, but it certainly can be done.

And intimate social relations are totally possible for us, 100%. I have less friends than NTs but the friends I have, I can be myself with, and communicate honestly instead of partaking in social games such as status-seeking or pretending to empathise simply out of wanting to appear a certain way. Many aspies live happy lives like this. But you need to focus on getting yourself better first, because it's very off-putting for people if you're constantly self-pitying yourself and being The Victim of Autism.

All I see in your reply is a giant wall of autism

+1 for Freudian theory on projection

Jordan Peterson would think you're an idiot

He doesn't, and...

+2 for Freudian theory on projection

Your comments have demonstrated that you are delusional. Seek help

Hahahahahahahaha, how many points do you want?

+3 for Freudian theory on projection

Autism is not the reason you're alone. The reason you're alone because you're a self-centred, self-pitying whiner, possibly of the incel type. When I was suicidally depressed, I wasn't trolling online, I was getting help and looking after myself. I think your character might be toxic beyond repair. But that's got no relation to your Autism...

Autism is just your convenient excuse for acting like a cunt.

Another random wall of text that makes no sense

+1 for denial.

TL;DR Your life doesn't suck because of Autism - your life sucks because of you. You're a repulsive asshole, and I am not surprised that nobody wants to be your friend.

Make up more unsubstantiated bullshit please

Sorry but I'm gonna socialise with friends now :)

I know I'm your only social contact at the moment and I would certainly contemplate hanging out with you if you didn't come across as such a self-centered bigot.

I am sure you were loveable as a baby, though.

Why do you like daddy Peterson?

You cannot say that living with autism is, in general, any more of an awful experience than living with neurotypicality.

No, but living with autists is.

What autists do you live with, then? I live with my autie spouse and my autie kid, my parents and most of my extended family are on the spectrum too. I love living with my family. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Ever heard that common truism "when you've met one person with autism, you've met one person with autism"?

Is it just me or has today been a bountiful source of drama

Why is every post the length of a novel in that thread?

ass burgers + gussy= nasty

Fucking lmao. Of course the autism subreddit is full of, well, hysterical autism kek.

I love their dithering about people aborting downies bc they apparently believe people should be forced to give birth to retarded babies who will have a variety of health problems and likely need lifelong care. Because the sperg apparently met a downie once and thinks theyre just the bee's knees lmao.

Well this is just sad

u are lol cunt

There are people who would argue that "terrorist" is the wrong word, but fuck 'em. It's an organization of people who preach eugenics and claim to "speak" FOR the people they are trying to exterminate. It's kind of like a bunch of homicidal Nazis setting up a fund-raising scam and calling it "Judaism Speaks."

So she wants Autism Speaks to lead the women's march and be praised by "progressive politicians"? Wrong example to choose.

I think you missed the point. No-one of us wants Autism Speaks to lead anything; they have no autistic representation and they're not speaking for any of us, as a general rule.

... Like I said bad example you chose.

1st, the credit for inventing "Judaism speaks" goes to another aspiegirl. I simply commented that it was a brilliant metaphor (which it is).

2nd, You are still unable to explain WTH you even mean. Ahh, I think I get it. You mean that because this fictional organisation is called Judaism Speaks, then I'd want them "to lead the women's march and be praised by prog politicians" because I'm against Nazis?

I think you missed the whole point of the excellent metaphor. Better read it again. "It's an organization of people who preach eugenics and claim to "speak" FOR the people they are trying to exterminate. It's kind of like a bunch of homicidal Nazis setting up a fund-raising scam and calling it "Judaism Speaks.""