Reddit user believes it's very christian to kill all the babies so they can all go to Heaven

24  2018-04-06 by SonyXboxNintendo11


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Anyone remember the name of that philosophy where its our obligation to kill all the kids to limit the amount of suffering in the world?

Trudeau should get a copy.

Closest thing I can think of is antinatalism which says that having children is morally and ethically wrong.

Thanks. I believe thats what I was looking for!

Negative utilitarianism: turning the mayocide into an ethical good and obligation to spare hundreds of millions from the fate of living as white people

A-fucking-men brother

Hot take!! cHristcucks protesting at abortion clinics are the reason some people should have their voting powers taken away. It's your right to be a retard but not that your autism should affect us.

Ed, "christcucks" aren't a thing. Followers of Christianity are called, "Christians."

You're too naive.

Spotted the christcuck

They can join the dinosaurs 🦖 that way!

All children should be thrown on the floor and stomped

inb4 Grandpa 🕒tick🕞tock🕦 reporting you to the admins


I'm convinced that's just your alts

I heard /u/PoorLilMarco got temp canned.


/u/awfulmemory, babies don't have souls until they're baptized so abortions are basically snaking a drain pipe

babies don't have souls until they're baptized

I'm not religious whatsoever so I'm not that well informed on the subject but is that an actual belief they hold?

I think some sects do believe this or did believe it at some point. Not gonna research it but I think Catholicism preaches something like this. Could be wrong but I won't admit it.

No. Life begins in the moment sperm and egg fuse together into a new organism, that's what they believe. What they used to believe was that babies had no sin but couldn't sin anyway, so they couldn't go to heaven.

They used to say babies went to purgatory but they changed that when they realized it was retarded. Unbaptized babies go to heaven now. Doesn't stop Catholics from trying to trick god by baptizing their babies tho

Damn I had no idea. So then we do it at baptism right?

Why not just baptize them in the womb? You might as well put that amniotic fluid to good use.

I bet you could get people to unironically do amniotic fluid baptisms.

Hm find your local Catholic priest and see if he's up for it lol

I actually think they would be the least likely.

Tuez les tous, Dieu reconnaîtra les siens.