At least someone in /r/Askreddit is trying to preserve /r/Drama's culture 🙏

9  2018-04-06 by ItsSugar



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mom0nga 83 points 1 day ago

The controversy is that not everybody with autism feels "afflicted" by it. Many people see their autism as an integral, positive part of their identity; as something they are instead of something they have. From that perspective, "curing" autism would be taking away who they are. That said, I've also seen some people with autism who wish they could be cured. It's complicated.

Can we stop pretending feelings are more relevant than facts?

Deaf people: there is something wrong with you.

Autistic people: You have a disorder.

Feminists: You're suffering from a psychosis.

How these people feel is not relevant.

Pizzashill, you’re one bad day away from going full on Nazishill

Been saying that for a while dude.

True things usually remain true.

wtf i thought you were a radical stalinist apologizer tankie Bernie Bern out

You need a good fuck.

Yeah, because the only way anyone could possibly disagree with you is if they "need a fuck."

I'll take primitive value systems for 20, Alex.

If you only knew how good it is...

You're tense. You rationalize everything, even comments like "You need a good fuck." You don't let yourself feel your emotions. There's more to life than trying to prove you're more autistic than some retard on reddit. That's not healthy. Give love a try.

How can he love someone else, even allow himself to be loved, if he doesn’t first love himself?

Sad af, man.

Did he stutter? Spread that bussy